A Systematic Review on Commercially Available Integrated Systems for Forensic DNA Analysis
:1. Introduction
- An allelic drop-out is a failure to determine an allele within a sample. This occurs when one or both allelic copies are not amplified during PCR.
- PCR inhibitors are chemical or physical obstacles that block amplification and, as such, ultimately fail the PCR reaction.
- Rapid DNA systems are fully integrated platforms that can generate STR profiles from (reference) samples within two hours [32].
2. Literature Search
2.1. Search Strategy
2.2. Search Results
3. Rapid DNA Systems
3.1. ParaDNA
3.2. RapidHIT
3.2.1. RapidHIT 200
3.2.2. RapidHit ID
3.3. ANDE
3.3.1. ANDE 4C
3.3.2. ANDE 6C
3.4. Other Systems
4. Discussion
4.1. Performance
4.2. Direct Comparison
4.3. Portability, Time-to-Result, and Throughput
4.4. Sensitivity
4.5. Costs
4.6. Practical Challenges
4.7. Jurisdiction and Legislation
4.8. Indicative Testing
5. Conclusions
- Ease-of-use: although the rapid DNA systems themselves can be operated by minimally trained people, the interpretation of the DNA profiles gives a higher success rate when this is done by an expert (i.e., modified rapid DNA), especially for the RapidHIT.
- Use of disposable cartridges for single use: All (modified) rapid DNA systems make use of sample cartridges that are single-use cartridges.
- Time-to-result: although it is not (yet) possible to generate a DNA profile within the targeted 60 min, obtaining a DNA profile in ~90 min is possible.
- Portability: With a weight of at least 29 kg and the present dimensions, current rapid DNA systems are not really ‘briefcase’ sized systems. When loaded into a bus or van, such systems become mobile but not portable.
- An enclosed system (no operator manipulation possible to avoid contamination): All rapid DNA systems fulfill this requirement.
- Robustness: The rapid DNA systems are robust in terms of being transportable. They can withstand, e.g., shocks while being transported from one location to another in a car or van.
- Possibility to analyze a variety of forensic samples: The RapidHIT works well with buccal swab samples, but for other types of samples, the success rate drops. While the ANDE performs somewhat better with real case samples, reference samples (i.e., buccal swabs) are the preferred sample type.
- Performance (sensitivity and selectivity): Even though the selectivity of the rapid DNA systems is not widely reported, no incidents were mentioned. Their sensitivity, on the other hand, is still substantially lower than conventional laboratory methods. It has to be mentioned that a trade-off exists between sensitivity and speed: in general, a higher analysis speed negatively influences the sensitivity that can be obtained with a system.
- Costs: About €200 per cartridge run makes the use of rapid DNA systems quite costly, especially with the low throughput/amount of sample per cartridge taken into account.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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ParaDNA | RapidHIT 200 | RapidHIT ID | ANDE 6C | |
Manufacturer | LGC Forensics | IntegenX (Thermo Fisher Scientific) | ANDE | |
Weight | 6 kg | 81.5 kg | 29 kg | 54 kg |
Dimensions (L× W × H) | 39 × 29 × 19 cm3 | 73 × 71 × 48 cm3 | 135 × 122 × 69 cm3 | 75 × 45 × 60 cm3 |
# STRs | 6 loci | GlobalFiler Express: 24 loci AmpFLSTR NGM SElect Express: 17 loci | A-chip: 27 loci I-chip: 27 loci | |
Sampling | ParaDNA sample collector | GlobalFiler Express: Swab (Puritan Cotton Swab) AmpFLSTR NGM SElect Express: Swab (Whatman OmniSwab) | A-Chip: (Buccal) Swab I-Chip: Swab | |
Technology | HyBeacons | CE | CE | |
Time-to-result | 75 min | <2 h | 90 (−110) min | A-chip: 94 min I-chip: 106 min |
# Samples | 4 | Up to 5 * | 1 | A-chip: 5 I-chip: 4 |
Sensitivity | Not enough data | 50–200 ng | 40–80 ng | 250 ng-2 µg |
Notes | Discontinued | Replaced by the RapidHIT ID | ||
Only indicative |
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Bruijns, B.; Knotter, J.; Tiggelaar, R. A Systematic Review on Commercially Available Integrated Systems for Forensic DNA Analysis. Sensors 2023, 23, 1075. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23031075
Bruijns B, Knotter J, Tiggelaar R. A Systematic Review on Commercially Available Integrated Systems for Forensic DNA Analysis. Sensors. 2023; 23(3):1075. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23031075
Chicago/Turabian StyleBruijns, Brigitte, Jaap Knotter, and Roald Tiggelaar. 2023. "A Systematic Review on Commercially Available Integrated Systems for Forensic DNA Analysis" Sensors 23, no. 3: 1075. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23031075
APA StyleBruijns, B., Knotter, J., & Tiggelaar, R. (2023). A Systematic Review on Commercially Available Integrated Systems for Forensic DNA Analysis. Sensors, 23(3), 1075. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23031075