Frequency Comb-Based Ground-Penetrating Bioradar: System Implementation and Signal Processing
:1. Introduction
2. Basics
2.1. Bioradar Measuring Principle
2.2. Frequency Comb CW Radar
- Requirement 1:
- Requirement 2:
2.3. Ground-Penetrating Bioradar
3. System Description: SDR-Based Bioradar
4. Signal Processing
4.1. Pre-Processing: Radar Frequency Domain to Spatial Domain
4.2. FFT: Time Domain to Breathing Frequency Domain
4.3. Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT): Time–Frequency Analysis
5. Experiment with Two Persons
6. Field Measurement
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. GNU Radio Flow Graph
Appendix B. Field Measurement Plots
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Parameter | Symbol | Value |
sampling frequency | MHz | |
number of tones in the frequency comb | M | 32 |
number of samples in waveform | L | 4096 |
bandwidth | MHz | |
start frequency | MHz | |
stop frequency | MHz |
Parameter | Symbol | Value |
sampling frequency | MHz | |
LO-frequency of the receiver | GHz | |
LO-frequency of the transmitter | GHz | |
transmitting waveform | see Equation (5) and Table 1 | |
number of samples per receiving frame | L | 4096 |
number of frames | N | 20k |
frame rate | 225 Hz | |
measurement duration | about 86 s |
Nr. | Scenario | Life Detected | ||||
1 | (a) | Hz | Hz | dB | yes | |
2 | (a) | Hz | Hz | dB | yes | |
3 | (b) | Hz | Hz | dB | yes | |
4 | (b) | Hz | Hz | dB | no | |
5 | (c) | Hz | Hz | dB | yes | |
6 | (c) | Hz | Hz | dB | yes | |
7 | (d) | Hz | Hz | dB | no | |
8 | (d) | Hz | Hz | dB | no |
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Shi, D.; Gidion, G.; Aftab, T.; Reindl, L.M.; Rupitsch, S.J. Frequency Comb-Based Ground-Penetrating Bioradar: System Implementation and Signal Processing. Sensors 2023, 23, 1335.
Shi D, Gidion G, Aftab T, Reindl LM, Rupitsch SJ. Frequency Comb-Based Ground-Penetrating Bioradar: System Implementation and Signal Processing. Sensors. 2023; 23(3):1335.
Chicago/Turabian StyleShi, Di, Gunnar Gidion, Taimur Aftab, Leonhard M. Reindl, and Stefan J. Rupitsch. 2023. "Frequency Comb-Based Ground-Penetrating Bioradar: System Implementation and Signal Processing" Sensors 23, no. 3: 1335.
APA StyleShi, D., Gidion, G., Aftab, T., Reindl, L. M., & Rupitsch, S. J. (2023). Frequency Comb-Based Ground-Penetrating Bioradar: System Implementation and Signal Processing. Sensors, 23(3), 1335.