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Journal: Pharmaceuticals, 2023
Volume: 16
Number: 1408

Article: Methyleugenol Has an Antidepressant Effect in a Neuroendocrine Model: In Silico and In Vivo Evidence
Authors: by Mayara Cecile Nascimento Oliveira, Ikla Lima Cavalcante, Alana Natalícia de Araújo, Aline Matilde Ferreira dos Santos, Renata Priscila Barros de Menezes, Chonny Herrera-Acevedo, Natália Ferreira de Sousa, Jailane de Souza Aquino, José Maria Barbosa-Filho, Ricardo Dias de Castro, Reinaldo Nóbrega Almeida, Luciana Scotti, Marcus Tullius Scotti and Mirian Graciela Da Silva Stiebbe Salvadori

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