Cigarette Smoking and Electronic Cigarettes Use: A Meta-Analysis
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Literature Search Strategy
2.2. Eligibility Criteria and Data Extraction
2.3. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Overview of Included Studies
3.2. Meta-Analysis of Association between Current Smoking and Current E-Cigarettes Use
3.3. Meta-Analysis of Association between Cigarette Smoking and Ever E-Cigarettes Use
3.4. Publication Bias
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Citation | The Definition of E-Cigarettes Use Status | The Definition of Cigarette Smoking Status |
Anand V, et al. 2015 [38] | The life time use: have ever tried an e-cigarette. Current use (Occasional use: at least one use occasion during the past month. Regular use: at least 10 use occasions during the past month. Daily use) | 1. The life time use: have ever tried a cigarette. 2. Current use (Occasional use: at least one use occasion during the past month. Regular use: at least 10 use occasions during the past month Daily use) |
Babineau K, et al. 2015 [39] | Ever Users (those who had tried e-cigarettes) | 1. Ever smoker: those who have tried smoking once or twice or have quit. 2. Current smoker: those who smoke at least once a month |
Barnett TE, et al. 2015 [26] | Ever user: “have you ever tried, even once” (yes). Current user: “during the past 30 days, have you used an e-cigarette” | 1. “Ever cigarette use” was determined using the following question: Have you ever tried cigarette smoking, even one or two puffs? If the respondents answered yes they were categorized as an “ever cigarette user.” 2. “Current cigarette use” was determined using the following question: During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke cigarettes? If the respondents answered 1 or more, they were categorized as a “current cigarette user.” |
Camenga DR, et al. 2014 [27] | Past-30 day use of ENDS was measured by the response to the question “In the PAST 30 DAYS, have you used any of the following tobacco products?” by selecting the option “E-cigarettes (An electronic cigarette that is filled with liquid nicotine)”. | Current smokers: In the PAST 30 DAYS, have you used tobacco? “Yes” |
Cho JH, et al. 2011 [40] | “Have you ever smoked an e-cigarette, even one or two puffs?” If they answered in the affirmative, they were classified as having had the experience of e-cigarette use. | Cigarette smoking experience: Have you ever smoked an e-cigarette, even one or two puffs?” If they answered in the affirmative, they were classified as having had the experience of e-cigarette use. |
Choi K, et al. 2013 [16] | We asked those who were aware of e-cigarettes whether they had ever used e-cigarettes (yes). | 1. Former smoker: those who smoked 100 or over cigarettes but had not smoked in the past 30 days. 2. Current smoker: those who smoked 100 or over cigarettes and had smoked in the past 30 days. |
Czoli CD, et al. 2014 [41] | e-cigarette “ever-users” had tried an e-cigarette, but had not smoked one in the last 30 days; and “current users” of e-cigarettes had tried an e-cigarette and had smoked one in the last 30 days. | 1. Former smokers: who had smoked 100 cigarettes in their lifetime but had not smoked in the last 30 days. 2. Current smokers were defined as those who had smoked 100 cigarettes in their lifetime and had smoked in the last 30 days; |
Dockrell M, et al. 2013 [36] | Ever use: I have tried e-cigarettes in the past 12 months but do not currently smoke them; I have tried e-cigarettes longer than 12 months ago but do not currently smoke them Current use: I currently smoke e-cigarettes. | Ex-smoker: I used to smoke but I have given up now. Occasional smoker: I smoke but I don”t smoke every day; Daily smoker: I smoke every day. |
Hanewinkel R, et al. 2015 [42] | Lifetime use of e-cigarettes was assessed by asking “Have you ever used an electronic cigarette?” (yes). | Ever smoked a conventional cigarette: Students having smoked at least a few puffs were considered as ever-smokers |
Hughes K, et al. 2015 [43] | The question on e-cigarette access asked students “have you ever tried or purchased e-cigarettes”. | 1. Ex-smokers were identified through the option “I used to smoke but have given up” 2. Those smoking less than 5 a day were categorized as light regular smokers and those smoking at higher levels as heavy regular smokers. |
King BA, et al. 2015 [28] | Ever Use: ever use of e-cigarettes was assessed using the question, “Have you ever tried any of the following products, even just one time”? Respondents who selected “electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes” were considered to be ever e-cigarette users. Current Use: current use of e-cigarettes was assessed by the question, “In the past 30 days, which of the following products have you used at least once”? Respondents who selected “electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes” were considered to be current e-cigarette users. | 1. Former smokers were respondents who smoked 100 or over cigarettes in their lifetime and reported smoking “not at all” at the time of survey. Current smokers were defined as respondents who smoked 100 or over cigarettes in their lifetime and reported smoking “everyday” or “some days” at the time of survey. |
Kinnunen JM, et al., 2014 [15] | “Have you ever tried electronic cigarettes?” (yes) | Experimenters (tried but did not smoke daily), and daily smokers (reported daily smoking and smoked >50 cigarettes in lifetime). |
Martínez-Sánchez JM, et al. 2014 [44] | “Have you ever used e-cigarettes?” The answers to this question were: “yes, currently”; “yes, in the past”; “I have only experimented with e-cigarettes” | 1. Former smokers as participant who did not smoke cigarettes at the moment of the survey but had smoked cigarettes in the past. 2. Current smokers as participants who smoked cigarettes either daily (at least one cigarette/day) or occasionally (less than one cigarette/day) at the moment of the survey. |
Moore G, et al. 2015 [24] | In CHETS Wales 2, children were asked if they had ever used an e-cigarette, with response options of: “no”; “yes, once”; or “yes more than once”. In HBSC Wales, young people were asked if they had ever used an e-cigarette, with response options of: “I have never used or tried e-cigarettes”; “I have used e-cigarettes on a few occasions (1–5 times)”; or “I regularly use e-cigarettes (at least once a month)”. | Lifetime smoking was measured in CHETS Wales 2 by asking children whether they ever smoked tobacco, with response options of “yes” or “no”. In the HBSC Wales survey, respondents were asked “On how many days (if any) have you smoked cigarettes?”, with seven response options: “Never”; “1–2 days”; “3–5 days”; “6–9 days”; “10–19 days”; “20–29 days”; “30 days or more”. Respondents who report “never” smoking cigarettes are compared to the other response options to assess lifetime prevalence. In both surveys, current smoking was assessed by asking “How often do you smoke tobacco at present?” with response options of “every day”, “at least once a week, but not every day”, “less than once a week”, and “I do not smoke”. |
Ramo DE, et al. 2015 [25] | Participants in all three studies were asked the same question: “In the past month, have you used any tobacco products other than cigarettes?” and given ten answer choices, including “e-cigarette/electronic cigarettes” and “other”; any “other” answers that included electronic cigarettes were recoded as such. | Daily smoker: smoked every day |
Regan AK, et al. 2013 [11] | “Have you ever tried any of the following products, even just one time, including e-cigarette. “In the past 30 days, which of the following products have you used at least once”, including e-cigarette. | 1. Former smokers had smoked 100 or over cigarettes in their lifetime but currently do not smoke at all. 2. Current smokers were defined as adults who reported smoking 100 or over cigarettes in their lifetime and currently smoke everyday or some days. |
Saddleson ML, et al. 2015 [45] | E-cigarette ever use assessed by “ Have you ever tried or experimented with an e-cigarette, even one or two puffs? ” Those who responded “yes” were classified as ever users. Current use included use one or more days in the previous 30 days. | 1. Former smokers (smoked≥100 cigarettes in lifetime, and have smoked 0 out of the past 30 days); 2. Experimenters (have ever tried a cigarette, have smoked < 100 cigarettes in lifetime, and have smoked 0 of the past 30 days); 3. Current smokers (have smoked at least 1 day out of the past 30). For the multivariable analyses, smoking status was collapsed into three categories (never smokers, experimenters and ever [current and former smokers]), due to few former smokers in our sample (n = 17). |
Surís JC, et al. 2015 [46] | Experimenter: only once, user: several time or regularly | A current smoker was defined as smoking at least weekly. |
Sutfin EL, et al. 2013 [47] | Ever e-cigarette users were characterized as those who responded yes. Current e-cigarette users were a subset of ever users who reported smoking an e-cigarette in the past month. | 1. Former smoker or experimenter (smoked a whole cigarette in lifetime, but not in the past 30 days); 2. Current nondaily (smoked on between 1 and 29 of the past 30 days); 3. Current daily smoker (smoked on all of the past 30 days) |
White J, et al. 2015 [48] | “Have you ever tried electronic cigarettes?” Those who answered “yes” were classified as “e-cigarette ever-users.” | 1. Ex-smokers had smoked a cigarette but no longer smoked; 2. Infrequent smokers smoked less often than once a month; 3. Current smokers were those who reported smoking at least once a month or more often. |
Lee S, et al. 2014 [49] | E-cigarette use questions were: “Have you ever used e-cigarettes?” (yes) and “Have you used e-cigarettes in the past 30 days?” (yes). | 1. Former smoker was defined as a respondent who had ever smoked one puff, but had not smoked in the past 30 days. Current smoker: at least one day smoked, even one puff, in the past 30 days. |
McMillen RC, et al. 2014 [50] | Ever use; “Have you tried Electronic Cigarettes or E-cigarettes, even just one time?” Current use: Respondents who reported every day or some days. | Respondents were asked, “Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?” Respondents who reported that they had were then asked, “Do you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?” Respondents who reported that they have smoked at least 100 cigarettes and now smoke every day or some days were categorized as current smokers, while those who reported not at all were categorized as former smokers. |
Li J, et al. 2015 [51] | Ever use: “Have you ever tried an electronic cigarette?” (yes) Current use: monthly use | Former smoker: Have you ever tried a cigarette (yes); current smoker: at least monthly use |
Gallus S, et al. 2014 [52] | Ever smoker: have heard and have tried e-cigarettes. | Ever smokers (current and ex-smokers) were participants who had smoked 100 or more cigarettes in their lifetime. 1. Ex-smokers were participants who had quit smoking since at least 1 year; 2. Current smokers were individuals continuing smoking or having stopped since less than 1 year. |
Hamilton HA, et al. 2014 [53] | “Have you ever smoked at least one puff from an electronic cigarette?” (yes) | (a)“never had a cigarette, not even one puff, in my life”; (b) “smoked from a few puffs to a whole cigarette in my life”; (c) “only 2–3 cigarettes in my life”; (d) “more than 3, but fewer than 100 cigarettes in my life”; (e) “100 or more cigarettes in my life, but none in the last month”; (f) “100 or more cigarettes in my life and some during the last month, but not every day”; and (g) “100 or more cigarettes in my life and at least 1 cigarette every day during the last month.” For purposes of this analysis, a dichotomous measure was constructed by combining Categories 2 through 7 to reflect ever smoked at least a puff of a cigarette (coded 1) versus never smoked (coded 0). |
Vardavas CI, et al. 2014 [29] | Ever use of an e-cigarette was self-reported and was assessed with the question “Have you ever tried (electronic cigarettes)?” Responses of “regularly”, “occasionally”, or “tried it once or twice” were categorized as having ever tried an e-cigarette. | Smokers: self-reported of current smoke status and chose the option of current smoker. |
Citation | Data Source | Location | Sample Size | Study Type | Smoking Status Classification | Variables Adjusted |
Anand V, et al. 2015 [38] | Survey at school of military paramedical personnel | France | 200 students and instructors aged 18 years or over | Cross-sectional | Tobacco current use (yes or no) | Gender and age |
Babineau K, et al. 2015 [39] | Survey at secondary schools | Ireland | 821 young people aged 16–17 years | Cross-sectional | Current tobacco user (yes or no) | Gender, school-level, socioeconomic status, birth region |
Barnett TE, et al. 2015 [26] | 2013 Florida Youth Tobacco Survey (FYTS) | Florida | 6440 middle and 6175 high school students | Cross-sectional | Ever used cigarettes (yes or no); Currently use cigarettes (yes or no) | Gender, race, grade level, other tobacco use |
Camenga DR, et al. 2014 [27] | Survey at two suburban high schools, 2010–2011 | Connecticut & New York | Wave 1–1719 Wave 2–1702 Wave 3–1345, students in grades 9–12 | Cross-sectional | Non-smoker; Current smokers | Study wave, school region, grade, race, gender |
Cho JH, et al. 2011 [40] | 2008 Health Promotion Fund Project | Korea | 4341 students | Cross-sectional | Cigarette smoking experience (never or ever) | Gender, level of school, cigarette smoking family, propensity to be easily affected by friends, school life |
Choi K, et al. 2013 [16] | Minnesota Adolescent Community Cohort | Minnesota | 2624 adults aged 20–28 years | Cross-sectional from a cohort study | Never established smoker; Former smoker; Current smoker | Age, gender, race, education, peer smoking, perceptions of electronic cigarettes |
Czoli CD, et al. 2014 [41] | Survey at an online panel of Canadians | Canada | 1188 youth and young adults aged 16–30 years | Cross-sectional | Non-smoker; Former smoker; Current smokers | Age, gender, race, education |
Dockrell M, et al. 2013 [36] | Population surveys in 2010 & 2012 | Great Britain | 2010–12,597 (2297 smokers); 2012–12,432 (2093 smokers) | Cross-sectional | Ex-smoker; Occasional smoker; Daily smoker | Age, gender, social grade |
Hanewinkel R, et al. 2015 [42] | Survey at 45 public secondary schools | Germany | 2693 adolescents aged 11–15 years | Cross-sectional from a cohort study | Ever smoked a conventional cigarette (yes or no) | Gender, age, sensation seeking, migration background, family affluence, friend, sibling, parents smoking, at a gymnasium, experimental condition |
Hughes K, et al. 2015 [43] | 5th iteration of the Trading Standards North West Alcohol and Tobacco Survey | North West England | 16,193 school students aged 14–17 years | Cross-sectional | Never smoked; Tried but didn't like it; Ex-smoker; Smoke when drinking; Regular light smoker; Regular heavy smoker | Gender, age, deprivation parent/guardian smokes drinking status |
King BA, et al. 2015 [28] | 2010–2013 HealthStyles Survey | USA | 2010–2505 2011–4050 2012–4170 2013–4033 Age: over 18 years | Cross-sectional | Never smoker; Former smoker; Current smoker | Gender, age, race, education, household income, region |
Kinnunen JM, et al., 2014 [15] | Adolescent Health and Lifestyle Survey | Finland | 3535 adolescents aged 12–18 years | Cross-sectional | Never; Experimenter; Daily smoker | Age, gender, substance (snus / waterpipe) use, parents” smoking, seen e-cigarettes ads, statement ‘smoking is for loser”, school level, school performance, family structure, father and mother”s work situation. |
Martínez-Sánchez JM, et al. 2014 [44] | Determinants of Cotinine phase 3 project (dCOT3) | Barcelona | 736 adults aged 16 years or over | Cross-sectional from a cohort study | Never smoker; Former smoker; Current smoker | Gender, age, educational level |
Moore G, et al. 2015 [24] | Child Exposure to Tobacco Smoke (CHETS) survey (‘Wales 2”); Welsh Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) Survey (‘HBSC Wales”) | Wales | 10,656 students aged 10–16 years | Cross-sectional | CHETS Wales 2: Ever smoked cigarettes (yes or no) Current tobacco use (yes or no) HBSC Wales: Ever smoked cigarettes (yes or no) ; Frequency of current tobacco use: I do not smoke; Less than once a week; At least once a week (but not every day); Every day | None |
Ramo DE, et al. 2015 [25] | Online survey | USA | 2661 adults aged 18–25 years | Cross-sectional | Daily smoker (yes or no) | None |
Regan AK, et al. 2013 [11] | ConsumerStyles survey 2010 | USA | 10,328 adults aged 18 years or over | Cross-sectional | Never smoker; Former smoker; Current smoker | None |
Saddleson ML, et al. 2015 [45] | Internet survey | Upstate New York | 1437 college students aged 18–23 years | Cross-sectional | Never-smoker; Experimenter; Ever smoker | Gender, race, age, institution, school ability, other substance use, such as marijuana, alcohol, and belief that e-cigarettes are less harmful than tobacco cigarettes |
Surís JC, et al. 2015 [46] | ado @ study | Switzerland | 621 youths with mean age of 16.2 years | Cross-sectional from a longitudinal study | Current smoker (yes or no) | Mean age, gender, academic situation, substance use (alcohol, cannabis) and substance use (alcohol, cannabis) at baseline aged 14 |
Sutfin EL, et al. 2013 [47] | Web-based survey at 8 North Carolina universities | North Carolina | 4444 students with the average age of 20.5 years | Cross-sectional | Never smoked; Former smoker; Current nondaily smoker; Current daily smoker | Age, gender, race, greek off/on campus residence, sensation seeking, other substance use (hookah, binge drinking, marijuana, illegal drug), e-cigarette harm perception |
White J, et al. 2015 [48] | Youth Insights Survey (YIS) 2014 | New Zealand | 2919 students aged 14–15 years | Cross-sectional | Nonsusceptible never-smoker; Susceptible never-smoker; Ex-smoker; Infrequent smoker; Current smoker | Gender, race, school decile status, weekly income, parental smoking status, close friends smoking status, past month use of other tobacco products, marijuana, ever binge drinker. |
Lee S, et al. 2014 [49] | 2011 Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey | Korea | 75,643 students aged 13–18 years | Cross-sectional | Never smoker; Former smoker; Current smoker | Gender, location, grade, weekly allowance, attempted to quit, smoking prevention program |
McMillen RC, et al. 2014 [50] | Computer-assisted telephone survey 2013 | USA | 3245 adults aged 18 years or over | Cross-sectional | Never-smokers; Former smokers; Nondaily smokers; Daily smokers | Region, race, age, gender, education |
Li J, et al. 2015 [51] | 2014 Health and Lifestyles Survey (HLS) | New Zealand | 2594 adults aged 15 years or over | Cross-sectional | Never smokers; Ex-smokers; Current smokers | Gender, ethnicity, age, neighbourhood deprivation |
Gallus S, et al. 2014 [52] | An Italy national survey on smoking | Italy | 3000 individuals aged 15 years or over | Cross-sectional | Never smokers; Ex-smokers; Current smokers | Gender, age, level of education, and geographic area. |
Hamilton HA, et al. 2014 [53] | 2013 Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey Canada (OSDUHS) | Canada | 2892 students aged 19 or younger | Cross-sectional | Tobacco use, lifetime (yes or no) | Gender, grade, race, urbanicity |
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Wang, M.; Wang, J.-W.; Cao, S.-S.; Wang, H.-Q.; Hu, R.-Y. Cigarette Smoking and Electronic Cigarettes Use: A Meta-Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, 120.
Wang M, Wang J-W, Cao S-S, Wang H-Q, Hu R-Y. Cigarette Smoking and Electronic Cigarettes Use: A Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2016; 13(1):120.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Meng, Jian-Wei Wang, Shuang-Shuang Cao, Hui-Qin Wang, and Ru-Ying Hu. 2016. "Cigarette Smoking and Electronic Cigarettes Use: A Meta-Analysis" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13, no. 1: 120.
APA StyleWang, M., Wang, J.-W., Cao, S.-S., Wang, H.-Q., & Hu, R.-Y. (2016). Cigarette Smoking and Electronic Cigarettes Use: A Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(1), 120.