The Effects of Locus of Control, Agents of Socialization and Sport Socialization Situations on the Sports Participation of Women in Taiwan
:1. Introduction
2. Research Hypotheses
2.1. The Relationship between Locus of Control and Sports Participation
2.2. The Relationship between Agents of Socialization and Sports Participation
2.3. The Relationship between Sport Socialization Situations and Sports Participation
3. Methods
4. Measurements
4.1. Locus of Control Scale
4.2. Agents of Socialization Scale
4.3. Sport Socialization Situations Scale
4.4. Level of Exercise Participation
4.5. Data Analysis
5. Results
5.1. Descriptive Statistics
5.2. The Structural Model and Hypothesis Testing
6. Discussion
7. Recommendations
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
If I set a reasonable goal, I am likely to achieve it with hard work and commitment. |
The things that happen in peoples’ lives are of their own doing. |
Using good interpersonal skills can help get people to like me. |
How I treat people determines how they treat me. |
Appendix B
Construct | Item |
Family | The members of my family always encouraged me to participate in sports activities. |
I always received compliment on doing exercises from my family members. | |
My family members were always very supportive of my sport activities. | |
My family and I always participate in sports together. | |
Friend | Friends always encouraged me to participate in sports. |
Friends and I always participate in sports together. | |
Associations with friends in sports made me feel good. | |
Community | There are enough sports fields for me to do sports nearby my place. |
There are many sports-related events nearby my place. | |
I enjoyed doing sports with my neighbors. | |
Mass media | Ads related to sports on media always increased my desire for sports participation. |
Seeing famous athletes on media always increased my desire for sports participation. | |
I am very interested in sports-related news. | |
I acquired sports skills through media. |
Appendix C
Very safe |
Very comfortable |
Easy to approach |
Great exercise atmosphere |
Appendix D
Frequency: On average, how many times you do exercise in a week? 1: None 2: 1–2 times 3: 3–4 times 4: 5–6 times 5: more than 7 times |
Intensity: On average, how did you feel after workout? Not tired at all 2. Not tired 3. Somewhat tired 4. Tired 5. Very tired. |
Duration: On average, how many minutes did you exercise each time? 1: less than 30 min 2. 31–60 min 3. 61–90 min 4. 91–120 min 5. More than 121 min. |
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Variables | Groups | N | % | Variables | Groups | N | % |
Education Level | Elementary school | 5 | 1.2 | Marital status | Married | 289 | 71.9 |
Junior high school | 9 | 2.2 | Unmarried | 113 | 28.1 | ||
Senior high school | 57 | 14.2 | Monthly income (USD) | No income | 15 | 3.7 | |
Junior college | 75 | 18.7 | Between $1 and $650 | 25 | 6.2 | ||
College | 185 | 46.0 | Between $650 and $1300 | 184 | 45.8 | ||
Graduate school | 71 | 17.7 | Between $1300 and $2600 | 166 | 41.3 | ||
Age | Between 20 and 30 years old | 77 | 19.2 | Exceeded $2600 | 12 | 3.0 | |
Between 31 and 40 years old | 139 | 34.6 | Number of children | No children | 131 | 32.6 | |
Between 41 and 50 years old | 130 | 32.3 | One | 62 | 15.4 | ||
Between 51 and 60 years old | 44 | 10.9 | Two | 141 | 35.1 | ||
Exceeded 61 years old | 12 | 3.0 | Three or more than three | 68 | 16.9 | ||
Full time job | Yes | 374 | 93.0 | Participate in sport clubs | Yes | 84 | 20.9 |
No | 28 | 7.0 | No | 318 | 79.1 | ||
Participation in school sports teams in past years of study | Yes | 90 | 22.4 | ||||
No | 312 | 77.6 |
Variables | Mean | Standard Deviation | Score Range |
LC | 4.11 | 0.57 | 1–5 |
FA | 3.8 | 0.65 | 1–5 |
FR | 3.53 | 0.66 | 1–5 |
COM | 3.04 | 0.78 | 1–5 |
MM | 3.07 | 0.69 | 1–5 |
SSS | 3.79 | 0.65 | 1–5 |
SP | 9.63 | 4.76 | 2–50 |
Hypothesis | Path | Path Coefficient | p-Value |
H1 | LC → SP | 0.19 (β1) | <0.05 * |
H2 | FA → SP | 0.10 (β2) | <0.05 * |
H3 | FR → SP | 0.29 (β3) | <0.05 * |
H4 | COM → SP | 0.04 (β4) | >0.05 |
H5 | MM → SP | 0.05 (β5) | >0.05 |
H6 | SSS → SP | 0.34 (β6) | <0.05 * |
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Share and Cite
Huang, H.-C.; Liu, L.-W.; Chang, C.-M.; Hsieh, H.-H.; Lu, H.-C. The Effects of Locus of Control, Agents of Socialization and Sport Socialization Situations on the Sports Participation of Women in Taiwan. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1841.
Huang H-C, Liu L-W, Chang C-M, Hsieh H-H, Lu H-C. The Effects of Locus of Control, Agents of Socialization and Sport Socialization Situations on the Sports Participation of Women in Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019; 16(10):1841.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHuang, Hsiu-Chin, Li-Wei Liu, Chia-Ming Chang, Huey-Hong Hsieh, and Hsin-Chi Lu. 2019. "The Effects of Locus of Control, Agents of Socialization and Sport Socialization Situations on the Sports Participation of Women in Taiwan" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16, no. 10: 1841.
APA StyleHuang, H.-C., Liu, L.-W., Chang, C.-M., Hsieh, H.-H., & Lu, H.-C. (2019). The Effects of Locus of Control, Agents of Socialization and Sport Socialization Situations on the Sports Participation of Women in Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(10), 1841.