The Dynamics of Changes and Spatial Differences in the Synthetic Indicator for Evaluating Environmental Performance in Poland: Current State
:1. Introduction
- Water and wastewater management and water conservation.
- Waste management and protection of the Earth’s surface.
- Air pollution and climate control.
- Nature conservation and promotion of pro-environmental behaviors.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Methods
- 2003 (base year—before Poland joined the European Union)
- 2004–2006 (first financial framework)
- 2007–2013 (second financial framework)
- 2014–2017 (third financial framework—present situation).
- The values of the analysed parameters (indicators) were standardised by zeroed unitarization, i.e., by converting destimulants into stimulants. This approach was adopted to ensure the comparability of the analyzed indicators. The following formulas were used [26]:zik—standardized value of the kth parameter (indicator) for the ith object (county),xik—real value of the kth parameter (indicator) for the ith object (county).
- The coordinates of the positive ideal solution (A+) and the negative ideal solution (A−) were determined with the use of the following formulas:The ideal solutions take on the following form in zeroed unitarization:K—number of parameters (indicators).
- The Euclidean distance between the evaluated objects (counties), PIS z+ and NIS z− was calculated with the use of the below formulas:N—number of objects (counties).
- The synthetic indicator (Si) for indirect criteria and the main criterion was calculated as follows [25]:
- The evaluated objects (counties) were arranged in a linear sequence, and the main criterion was divided into four typological classes based on the arithmetic mean and standard deviation of the synthetic indicator [23,26]:
- –class I–high value of the analysed parameter,
- –class II–moderately high value of the analysed parameter,
- –class III–moderately low value of the analysed parameter,
- –class IV–low value of the analysed parameter.
where:Si—value of the synthetic indicator calculated for the main criterion with the TOPSIS method,—arithmetic mean of the synthetic indicator Si,—standard deviation of the synthetic indicator Si.
3. Results
3.1. Indirect Criterion—Water and Wastewater Management, and Water Conservation
3.2. Indirect Criterion—Waste Management and Protection of The Earth’s Surface
3.3. Indirect Criterion—Air Polution and Climate Control
3.4. Indirect Criterion—Nature Conservation and Promotion of Pro-Environmental Behaviours
3.5. Main criterion—Synthetic Indicator for Evaluating Environmental Performance (SIEEP)
4. Discussion
4.1. Water and Wastewater Management and Water Conservation
4.2. Waste Management and The Protection of The Earth’s Surface
4.3. Air Pollution and Climate Control
4.4. Nature Conservation and Promotion of Pro-Environmental Behaviours
4.5. Synthetic Indicator for Evaluating Environmental Performance (SIEEP)
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Indicator | Average Values for Poland | |||
Base Year | 1st Financial Framework | 2nd Financial Framework | 3rd Financial Framework | ||
2003 | 2004–2006 | 2007–2013 | 2014–2017 | ||
1 | Density of water supply networks, km∙km−2—S | 119.47 | 127.28 | 143.26 | 151.10 |
2 | Density of sewer networks, km∙km−2—S | 60.85 | 69.53 | 96.15 | 107.66 |
3 | Municipal spending per capita on wastewater management and water conservation (PLN) *—S | 44.61 | 53.23 | 63.26 | 38.73 |
4 | Size of wastewater treatment plants (PE)—S | 1.00 | 1.03 | 1.12 | 1.23 |
5 | Treated municipal wastewater per 100 km2 (dam3)—S | 1659.26 | 1614.13 | 1563.48 | 1519.29 |
6 | Treated industrial wastewater per 100 km2 (dam3)—S | 801.49 | 769.60 | 787.43 | 714.44 |
7 | Throughput of wastewater treatment plants with enhanced removal of biogenic impurities per capita (m3∙day−1)—S | 0.12 | 0.13 | 0.15 | 0.16 |
8 | Withdrawal of underground water in the industrial sector relative to total water consumption in industry (%)—D | 74.21 | 77.73 | 77.54 | 73.39 |
9 | BOD5 load of wastewater evacuated to water bodies or land per 100 km2—D | 3833.42 | 3635.80 | 3748.12 | 3184.41 |
10 | COD load of wastewater evacuated to water bodies or land per 100 km2—D | 23,492.61 | 24,186.74 | 25,318.03 | 26,329.66 |
USD 1 * EUR 1 * | PLN 3.8889 PLN 4.3978 | PLN 3.3304 PLN 4.1515 | PLN 2.9556 PLN 4.0177 | PLN 3.6615 PLN 4.2473 |
No. | Indicator | Average Values for Poland | |||
Base Year | 1st Financial Framework | 2nd Financial Framework | 3rd Financial Framework | ||
2003 | 2004–2006 | 2007–2013 | 2014–2017 | ||
1 | Municipal spending per capita on waste management (PLN) *—S | 4.19 | 5.24 | 11.31 | 79.85 |
2 | Municipal spending per capita on waste collection (PLN) *—S | 12.40 | 12.95 | 16.19 | 15.17 |
3 | Annual waste production (excluding municipal waste) in ‘000 mg per 100 km2—D | 129.18 | 129.87 | 117.90 | 110.67 |
4 | Landfilled waste in ‘000 mg per 100 km2 (landfills, disposal sites for mining waste, such as spoil tips and sediment ponds)—D | 1936.06 | 1774.15 | 1632.06 | 1548.42 |
5 | Waste recycling rate (excluding municipal waste) (%)—S | 69.19 | 73.19 | 79.27 | 16.82 |
6 | Non-reclaimed landfills in ha per 100 km2—D | 11.61 | 11.08 | 9.47 | 8.62 |
USD 1 * EUR 1 * | PLN 3.8889 PLN 4.3978 | PLN 3.3304 PLN 4.1515 | PLN 2.9556 PLN 4.0177 | PLN 3.6615 PLN 4.2473 |
No. | Indicator | Average Values for Poland | |||
Base Year | 1st Financial Framework | 2nd Financial Framework | 3rd Financial Framework | ||
2003 | 2004–2006 | 2007–2013 | 2014–2017 | ||
1 | Municipal spending on air pollution and climate control per 10,000 population (PLN) *—S | 3242.34 | 10152.80 | 15171.74 | 77651.17 |
2 | Density of the gas grid, km∙km−2—S | 81.92 | 85.37 | 94.11 | 100.92 |
3 | Reduction in particulate and gaseous pollution (mg∙year−1)—S | 654.61 | 944.88 | 122.95 | 314.73 |
4 | Particulate emissions from hazardous industrial plants per 1 km2 (mg∙year−1)—D | 1.77 | 1.43 | 0.76 | 0.48 |
5 | Gaseous emissions from hazardous industrial plants per 1 km2 (mg∙year−1)—D | 2561.26 | 2625.02 | 2544.65 | 2433.37 |
USD 1 * EUR 1 * | PLN 3.8889 PLN 4.3978 | PLN 3.3304 PLN 4.1515 | PLN 2.9556 PLN 4.0177 | PLN 3.6615 PLN 4.2473 |
No. | Indicator | Average Values for Poland | |||
Base Year | 1st Financial Framework | 2nd Financial Framework | 3rd Financial Framework | ||
2003 | 2004–2006 | 2007–2013 | 2014–2017 | ||
1 | Per capita consumption of mains water in m3—D | 35.62 | 34.60 | 34.00 | 33.23 |
2 | Per capita consumption of natural gas in m3—D | 469.22 | 349.20 | 254.96 | 233.86 |
3 | Proportion of forests (private and municipal) in total area (%)—S | 4.89 | 4.98 | 5.25 | 5.48 |
4 | Municipal spending per capita on public green areas (PLN) *—S | 5.03 | 5.89 | 9.78 | 12.37 |
5 | Percentage of total population connected to a public sewer system (%)—S | 52.34 | 54.95 | 60.30 | 66.48 |
6 | Proportion of protected areas in total area (%)—S | 28.62 | 28.13 | 28.04 | 28.25 |
USD 1 * EUR 1 * | PLN 3.8889 PLN 4.3978 | PLN 3.3304 PLN 4.1515 | PLN 2.9556 PLN 4.0177 | PLN 3.6615 PLN 4.2473 |
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Share and Cite
Senetra, A.; Pawlewicz, K.; Pawlewicz, A. The Dynamics of Changes and Spatial Differences in the Synthetic Indicator for Evaluating Environmental Performance in Poland: Current State. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 4490.
Senetra A, Pawlewicz K, Pawlewicz A. The Dynamics of Changes and Spatial Differences in the Synthetic Indicator for Evaluating Environmental Performance in Poland: Current State. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019; 16(22):4490.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSenetra, Adam, Katarzyna Pawlewicz, and Adam Pawlewicz. 2019. "The Dynamics of Changes and Spatial Differences in the Synthetic Indicator for Evaluating Environmental Performance in Poland: Current State" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16, no. 22: 4490.
APA StyleSenetra, A., Pawlewicz, K., & Pawlewicz, A. (2019). The Dynamics of Changes and Spatial Differences in the Synthetic Indicator for Evaluating Environmental Performance in Poland: Current State. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(22), 4490.