Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Intervention in Primary Care That Addresses Patients with Diabetes Mellitus with Two or More Unhealthy Habits, Such as Diet, Physical Activity or Smoking: Multicenter Randomized Cluster Trial (EIRA Study)
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Design
2.2. Study Area
2.3. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
2.4. Intervention (EIRA Study)
2.5. Usual Health Care (the PHCC Control Group)
2.6. Measures and Data Collection
2.7. Sample Size
2.8. Randomization
2.9. Recruitment
2.10. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
4.1. Strengths and Limitations
4.2. Implications for Research and Practice
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Ethical Approval
% | Percentage |
ABI | Ankle-Brachial Index |
APP | Mobile application |
BMI | Body Mass Index |
CAVI | Heart-Ankle Vascular Index |
CG | Control Group |
C-HDL | High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol |
CI | Confidence Interval |
C-LDLCONSORT | Low-Density Lipoprotein CholesterolConsolidated Standards of Reporting Trials |
COPD | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease |
CT | Total Cholesterol |
CVD | Cerebrovascular Disease |
DBP | Diastolic Blood Pressure |
DM | Diabetes Mellitus |
DQI | Diet Quality |
DQI-I | International Diet Quality Index |
GAD-7 | Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 |
HbA1c | Glycosylated hemoglobin |
HTA | Arterial Hypertension |
IG | Intervention Group |
IPAQ | International Physical Activity Questionnaire |
IQR | Interquartile Range |
ITT | Intention To Treat |
med. | Median |
MEDAS | Mediterranean Diet Adherence Questionnaire |
n | Absolute value |
VAS | Visual Analogue Scale |
OR | Odds Ratio |
P | Statistical significance |
PC | Primary Care |
PHCCs | Primary Health Care Centers |
RCT | Randomized Clinical Trial |
RedIAPP | Research Network in Preventive and Health Promotion Activities |
SBP | Systolic blood pressure |
SMS | Text messages |
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Variables | Control (n = 356) | Intervention (n = 338) | p | ||
n | med. (IQR)/% (95% CI) * | n | med. (IQR)/% (95% CI) *) | ||
Age | 356 | 60.00 (54.00–66.00) | 338 | 60.00 (54.00–67.00) | 0.901 |
Gender* | 356 | 338 | 1.000 | ||
Male | 222 | 62.36 (57.24–67.28) | 210 | 62.13 (56.87–67.18) | |
Female | 134 | 37.64 (32.72–42.76) | 128 | 37.87 (32.82–43.13) | |
Civil status* | 354 | 335 | 0.296 | ||
Single | 48 | 13.56 (10.29–17.42) | 31 | 9.25 (6.50–12.71) | |
Married/Live with a partner | 244 | 68.93 (63.97–73.58) | 238 | 71.04 (66.02–75.71) | |
Separated and/or divorced | 36 | 10.17 (7.35–13.64) | 43 | 12.84 (9.58–16.73) | |
Widow/Widower | 25 | 7.06 (4.74–10.08) | 23 | 6.87 (4.52–9.95) | |
Other | 1 | 0.28 (0.03–1.31) | 0 | 0.00 (0.00–0.00) | |
Country born in* | 355 | 335 | 0.420 | ||
Spain | 326 | 91.83 (88.64–94.34) | 318 | 94.93 (92.18–96.90) | |
Rest of Europe | 8 | 2.25 (1.07–4.21) | 5 | 1.49 (0.57–3.24) | |
America | 17 | 4.79 (2.92–7.39) | 9 | 2.69 (1.34–4.85) | |
Asia | 0 | 0.00 (0.00–0.00) | 0 | 0.00 (0.00–0.00) | |
Africa | 4 | 1.13 (0.38–2.66) | 3 | 0.90 (0.25–2.37) | |
Spanish Autonomous Community* | 356 | 338 | 0.000 | ||
Andalusia | 52 | 14.61 (11.23–18.56) | 48 | 14.20 (10.79–18.22) | |
Aragón | 29 | 8.15 (5.64–11.33) | 56 | 16.57 (12.90–20.81) | |
Balearics | 79 | 22.19 (18.11–26.72) | 72 | 21.30 (17.19–25.90) | |
Castilla y León | 33 | 9.27 (6.59–12.61) | 49 | 14.50 (11.05–18.55) | |
Catalonia | 49 | 13.76 (10.48–17.63) | 43 | 12.72 (9.49–16.59) | |
Galicia | 59 | 16.57 (12.99–20.70) | 46 | 13.61 (10.27–17.57) | |
Basque Country | 55 | 15.45 (11.98–19.48) | 24 | 7.10 (4.71–10.21) | |
Level of education* | 353 | 335 | 0.882 | ||
Higher Education | 42 | 11.90 (8.83–15.58) | 39 | 11.64 (8.54–15.40) | |
Secondary Education | 123 | 34.84 (30.01–39.92) | 118 | 35.22 (30.25–40.45) | |
Primary Education | 157 | 44.48 (39.35–49.69) | 154 | 45.97 (40.69–51.32) | |
No studies | 31 | 8.78 (6.16–12.07) | 24 | 7.16 (4.77–10.30) | |
Occupation* | 355 | 335 | 0.746 | ||
Student | 0 | 0.00 (0.00–0.00) | 1 | 0.30 (0.03–1.39) | |
Employee | 91 | 25.63 (21.30–30.36) | 83 | 24.78 (20.38–29.60) | |
Self-employed | 37 | 10.42 (7.57–13.92) | 34 | 10.15 (7.26–13.72) | |
Leave from work >3 months | 8 | 2.25 (1.07–4.21) | 11 | 3.28 (1.76–5.61) | |
Unemployed and paid | 24 | 6.76 (4.49–9.73) | 14 | 4.18 (2.41–6.73) | |
Unemployed not paid | 14 | 3.94 (2.28–6.35) | 14 | 4.18 (2.41–6.73) | |
Household tasks | 37 | 10.42 (7.57–13.92) | 41 | 12.24 (9.06–16.07) | |
Permanent disability | 17 | 4.79 (2.92–7.39) | 12 | 3.58 (1.97–5.99) | |
Retired | 127 | 35.77 (30.92–40.86) | 125 | 37.31 (32.26–42.58) | |
Glycemic control | |||||
HbA1c (%) | 279 | 6.80 (6.30–7.90) | 253 | 6.90 (6.40–7.70) | 0.884 |
Regular/good control (HbA1c <8%) (Yes) * | 215 | 77.06 (71.87–81.70) | 205 | 81.03 (75.86–85.49) | 0.322 |
Mediterranean diet | |||||
Adhering to Mediterranean diet (MEDAS) | 354 | 7.00 (5.00–8.00) | 338 | 7.00 (5.00–8.00) | 0.828 |
Good adherence (MEDAS ≥9) (Yes) * | 73 | 20.62 (16.66–25.06) | 55 | 16.27 (12.63–20.49) | 0.238 |
Diet quality (DQI-I) | 354 | 38.00 (36.00–41.00) | 335 | 38.00 (36.00–40.00) | 0.576 |
Physical activity | |||||
Little physical activity (IPAQ) | 353 | 328 | 0.818 | ||
Moderate/Intensive * | 168 | 47.59 (42.42–52.80) | 153 | 46.65 (41.30–52.05) | |
Low (<600 MET.min/week) * | 185 | 52.41 (47.20–57.58) | 175 | 53.35 (47.95–58.70) | |
Sedentary lifestyle (≥6 h/week sat down) (Yes) * | 111 | 42.05 (36.20–48.06) | 98 | 38.13 (32.35–44.18) | 0.373 |
Smoking habit | |||||
≥1 cigarette/day (Yes) * | 145 | 40.73 (35.72–45.89) | 127 | 37.57 (32.53–42.83) | 0.437 |
Quality of life | |||||
VAS (EuroQol-5D5L) | 348 | 70.00 (50.00–80.00) | 335 | 70.00 (50.00–80.00) | 0.676 |
Variables | Control (n = 356) | Intervention (n = 338) | ||
n | med. (IQR)/% (95% CI) * | n | med. (IQR)/% (95% CI) * | |
Glycemic control | ||||
HbA1c (%) | 188 | 6.80 (6.30–7.70) | 169 | 6.70 (6.20–7.40) |
Regular/good control (HbA1c <8%) (Yes) * | 153 | 81.38 (75.36–86.45) | 152 | 89.94 (84.73–93.80) |
Mediterranean diet | ||||
Adhering to Mediterranean diet (MEDAS) | 268 | 8.00 (6.00–9.00) | 262 | 8.00 (7.00–9.00) |
Good adherence (MEDAS ≥9) (Yes) * | 88 | 32.84 (27.42–38.62) | 106 | 40.46 (34.65–46.48) |
Diet quality (DQI-I) | 259 | 39.00 (37.00–41.00) | 246 | 39.00 (37.00–41.00) |
Physical activity | ||||
Little physical activity (IPAQ) | 256 | 250 | ||
Moderate/Intensive * | 138 | 52.08 (46.07–58.04) | 137 | 52.29 (46.24–58.29) |
Low (<600 MET.min/week) * | 127 | 47.92 (41.96–53.93) | 175 | 47.71 (46.71–53.76) |
Sedentary lifestyle (≥6 h/week sat down) (Yes) * | 149 | 43.57 (38.38–48.86) | 138 | 42.86 (37.54–48.31) |
Smoking habit | ||||
≥1 cigarette/day (Yes) * | 103 | 38.85 (32.89–44.51) | 85 | 32.57 (27.10–38.42) |
Quality of life | ||||
VAS (EuroQol-5D5L) | 261 | 70.00 (60.00–80.00) | 260 | 70.00 (60.00–80.00) |
Variables | Adjusted Mean Difference | OR | 95% CI | p | |
HbA1c (%) | −0.09 | −0.29–0.10 | 0.327 | NS | |
Regular/good glycemia control (Yes) | 0.57 | 0.25–1.31 | 0.170 | NS | |
Diet quality (DQI-I) | 0.25 | −0.32–0.82 | 0.392 | NS | |
Adhering to Mediterranean diet (MEDAS) | 0.45 | 0.01–0.89 | 0.043 | * | |
Good adherence to Mediterranean diet (Yes) | 1.62 | 1.03–2.54 | 0.036 | * | |
Moderate/intensive physical activity (Yes) | 1.09 | 0.64–1.86 | 0.740 | NS | |
Sedentary lifestyle (No) | 0.97 | 0.55–1.73 | 0.922 | NS | |
Smoke ≥1 cigarette/day (No) | 0.61 | 0.54–1.06 | 0.079 | NS | |
VAS (EuroQol-5D5L) | −1.26 | −4.98–2.45 | 0.504 | NS |
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Represas-Carrera, F.; Couso-Viana, S.; Méndez-López, F.; Masluk, B.; Magallón-Botaya, R.; Recio-Rodríguez, J.I.; Pombo, H.; Leiva-Rus, A.; Gil-Girbau, M.; Motrico, E.; et al. Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Intervention in Primary Care That Addresses Patients with Diabetes Mellitus with Two or More Unhealthy Habits, Such as Diet, Physical Activity or Smoking: Multicenter Randomized Cluster Trial (EIRA Study). Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 5788. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18115788
Represas-Carrera F, Couso-Viana S, Méndez-López F, Masluk B, Magallón-Botaya R, Recio-Rodríguez JI, Pombo H, Leiva-Rus A, Gil-Girbau M, Motrico E, et al. Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Intervention in Primary Care That Addresses Patients with Diabetes Mellitus with Two or More Unhealthy Habits, Such as Diet, Physical Activity or Smoking: Multicenter Randomized Cluster Trial (EIRA Study). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(11):5788. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18115788
Chicago/Turabian StyleRepresas-Carrera, Francisco, Sabela Couso-Viana, Fátima Méndez-López, Bárbara Masluk, Rosa Magallón-Botaya, Jose I. Recio-Rodríguez, Haizea Pombo, Alfonso Leiva-Rus, Montserrat Gil-Girbau, Emma Motrico, and et al. 2021. "Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Intervention in Primary Care That Addresses Patients with Diabetes Mellitus with Two or More Unhealthy Habits, Such as Diet, Physical Activity or Smoking: Multicenter Randomized Cluster Trial (EIRA Study)" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 11: 5788. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18115788
APA StyleRepresas-Carrera, F., Couso-Viana, S., Méndez-López, F., Masluk, B., Magallón-Botaya, R., Recio-Rodríguez, J. I., Pombo, H., Leiva-Rus, A., Gil-Girbau, M., Motrico, E., Martí-Lluch, R., Gude, F., & Clavería, A. (2021). Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Intervention in Primary Care That Addresses Patients with Diabetes Mellitus with Two or More Unhealthy Habits, Such as Diet, Physical Activity or Smoking: Multicenter Randomized Cluster Trial (EIRA Study). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(11), 5788. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18115788