Designing an Indoor Radon Risk Exposure Indicator (IRREI): An Evaluation Tool for Risk Management and Communication in the IoT Age
:1. Introduction
2. Radon Risk Management—A Historical Perspective
2.1. Framework
2.2. From 1958 to 1993—The Dosimetric Approach
2.3. From 1993 to 2007—The Epidemiological Approach
2.4. Since 2007—The Integrated Approach
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Radon Exposure and Effective Dose
3.2. Knowledge Assessment Survey on the Topic and on the Perception of the Risk Level
3.3. Radon Risk Management Framework Definition
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. IRREI—Indoor Radon Risk Exposure Indicator
4.1.1. Definitions and Concepts
- Excess Relative Risk (ERR): an epidemiological risk measure that quantifies how much the level of risk among persons with a given level of exposure exceeds the risk of non-exposed persons;
- Relative Risk (RR): represents the ratio of the probability of a disease occurring in the exposed group versus a non-exposed group [112]. ERR and RR are related through the equation:
4.1.2. Definition of Measurement Intervals
- Real-Time (RT): represents the period that comprises the last hour. This metric is of great importance for Radon Risk Management since it can be used for making decisions that may include specific mitigation actions, such as triggering manual or mechanical ventilation mechanisms.
- Very Short-Term (VST): represents the occupied period that comprises the last 24-h;
- Short-Term (LT): represents the occupied period that comprises the last week;
- Long-Term (LT): represents the occupied period that comprises, at least the last 3 months;
4.1.3. Indoor Annual Effective Dose (IAED)
4.1.4. Definition of IRREI
- Green (IRREI = 1): represents an IAED less than or equal to 1 mSv/year, i.e., the dose limit defined in [69] for Public Exposure;
- Yellow (IRREI = 2): represents an IAED higher than 1 mSv/year and lower than 5 mSv/year, and reflects the dose limit recommended for Public Exposure in special situations, i.e., a higher value can be allowed in a single year if the average over 5 years does not exceed 1 mSv per year;
- Orange (IRREI = 3): represents an IAED between 5 mSv/year and 20 mSv/year, the limit imposed for Occupational Exposure;
- Red (IRREI = 4): represents an IAED above 20 mSv/year, i.e., above both Public and Occupational Exposure Limits.
4.1.5. IoT-Oriented Methodology for Radon Risk Management
4.2. Survey Results
4.2.1. Characterization of the Population and the Sample
4.2.2. Results Obtained in Step 1 of the Survey
4.2.3. Results Obtained in Step 2 of the Survey
4.2.4. Results Obtained in Step 3 of the Survey
4.2.5. Communication of Risk Levels
5. Conclusions
- (1)
- To quantify the risk of exposure to a certain hazard and to straightforwardly explain that it is mandatory, in a preliminary stage, to assess people’s awareness of the problem by implementing a specific survey.
- (2)
- The implemented survey was designed to assess awareness towards Radon risk exposure, and it was divided into three complementary stages: firstly, it evaluated the common knowledge about Radon risk exposure, secondly, it assessed the depth of knowledge on the topic and its consequences concerning human health, and thirdly it evaluated the understanding on how different risk level can be communicated and, mainly, on the correlation between Radon risk and growing exposure levels.
- (3)
- The IRREI—Indoor Radon Risk Exposure Indicator is a simple and effective indicator for effective indoor Radon risk exposure communication. The IRREI is based on a 4-level scale—green (IRREI = 1), yellow (IRREI = 2), orange (IRREI = 3), and red (IRREI = 4)—computed upon prior knowledge of building occupancy along with knowledge of Radon activity during specific measurement intervals and mapped to an annual reference, i.e., the Indoor Annual Effective Dose.
- (4)
- Based on IRREI calculation, an analytical methodology for continuous Radon risk management divided into three main domains: (1) risk mitigation; (2) risk assessment, and (3) risk communication was conceived. The proposed methodology was designed for the IoT age, where IoT devices continuously collect real-time Radon time-series data that are then aggregated based on the timestamped Specific Occupation Period (SOP), defined by the building manager, for a specific room or compartment.
- (5)
- Based on survey results, it can be concluded that a tool for communicating the Radon exposure risk is more effective when it is implemented in an intuitive use tool, i.e., developed according to the green-yellow–orange-red color code, indicating levels of, respectively, very low risk, low risk, moderate risk, and high risk.
- (6)
- The graphical representation of IRREI is a disruptive milestone regarding the transmission of Radon risk information in a clear, understandable way and, mainly, minimizing the alarmism caused by an unknown situation.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Eliminatory Question | |||
Have you heard of Radon? | Yes | No | |
Go to the next section | Survey ends | ||
Introduction | |||
The present study aims to analyze the knowledge about the existence and effects of Radon, mainly in closed spaces, through the evaluation of the concepts disseminated and transmitted essentially by the media, and the current state of perception of them by the potentially exposed populations. | |||
I. Assessment of knowledge on the topic | |||
Of the following statements, please indicate which one is true: | |||
Radon is a chemical product that appears in the atmosphere as a result of industrial processes and is, therefore, a common pollutant. Radon is a chemical element, which is found naturally in soils, water, and rocks, as a result of the radioactive decay of other chemical elements. Radon is the result of scientific experiments and the industrial use of nuclear energy. Radon is a natural product that can be used for energy production and has industrial applications. | |||
Go to the next section | |||
II. Evaluation of knowledge about the health effects of Radon gas | |||
Of the following statements, please indicate which one is true: | |||
Radon gas is considered to be the main cause responsible for the development of lung cancers, right after tobacco. Radon gas is an essential raw material for performing radiographs and radiotherapy treatments in hospitals. Radon gas is an essential element in many medical treatments. The occurrence of Radon gas in confined spaces has the direct consequence of the occurrence of several types of cancer problems and other diseases. | |||
Go to the next section | |||
III. Assessment of the perception of the degree of exposure | |||
From the following statements, please indicate which one represents the highest degree of exposure to Radon gas: | |||
Be exposed to an average annual concentration of 1200 Bq·m−3 for a daily period of 2 h. Be exposed to an average annual concentration of 100 Bq·m−3 for a daily period of 24 h. Be exposed to an average annual concentration of 600 Bq·m−3 for a daily period of 4 h. Another answer (Go to next question) | |||
Go to the next section | |||
If you answered “Another answer”, what would it be? | |||
Go to the next section | |||
IV. Assessment of the perception of the degree of risk and the traditional conditions of communication | |||
From the following images, indicate which one corresponds to the level of greatest risk for those who are exposed to the conditions indicated by the black dot: | |||
| |||
Note: Red—High risk; Yellow—Medium risk; Green—Low risk | |||
(a) | (b) | (c) | Another answer (Go to next question) |
If you answered “Another answer”, what would it be? | |||
Go to the next section | |||
V. Assessment of the perception of the existence of mitigation measures | |||
From the following images, indicate which mitigation measure is capable of reducing the concentration of Radon inside a home or workplace: | |||
There are no possible mitigation measures, as the radiation crosses any protective barrier. Air circulation, through the aeration of spaces, can reduce the concentration of Radon. The reduction of the Radon concentration is only possible with the use of radiation capture equipment. The use of special cladding plates is necessary, as the radiation passes through most of the building materials that are normally used. | |||
Go to the next section | |||
Analysis of the population participating in the survey: | |||
Ages | <20; 21–30; 31–40; 41–50; 51–60; 61–70; >71 | ||
Qualifications | Basic education; 12th year; higher education attendance; graduation; master’s degree; doctorate | ||
Place of residence | |||
Gender | Male; Female | ||
Finish the survey and submit |
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Share and Cite
Lopes, S.I.; Nunes, L.J.R.; Curado, A. Designing an Indoor Radon Risk Exposure Indicator (IRREI): An Evaluation Tool for Risk Management and Communication in the IoT Age. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7907.
Lopes SI, Nunes LJR, Curado A. Designing an Indoor Radon Risk Exposure Indicator (IRREI): An Evaluation Tool for Risk Management and Communication in the IoT Age. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(15):7907.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLopes, Sérgio Ivan, Leonel J. R. Nunes, and António Curado. 2021. "Designing an Indoor Radon Risk Exposure Indicator (IRREI): An Evaluation Tool for Risk Management and Communication in the IoT Age" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 15: 7907.
APA StyleLopes, S. I., Nunes, L. J. R., & Curado, A. (2021). Designing an Indoor Radon Risk Exposure Indicator (IRREI): An Evaluation Tool for Risk Management and Communication in the IoT Age. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15), 7907.