1. Introduction
A triathlon is a competitive sporting event that combines swimming, cycling, and running. Competition distances vary in different triathlon formats [
1]. The biggest difference between triathlons and other sporting events is that triathletes spend more time training than other athletes. Each of the three disciplines requires separate extensive training. Consequently, these athletes may be under greater stress physically, psychologically, and socially [
2]. Triathlon training must be tailored to an individual’s needs and condition. Training periodization and a daily schedule are crucial [
2]. Training periodization is a means of helping athletes reach their physical and result goals and involves the scheduling of long, moderate, and short training cycles and sessions [
3]. Periodization can help triathletes achieve peak levels of regulation and maximum performance during the most important event of the year. Athletes and their coaches should thus pay attention to the type of physical training adaptation required and use the necessary training or skills to achieve a particular adaptive response to physical training [
Triathlons are organized worldwide and year-round and comprise both events for elite athletes and leisure competitions. Long duration training that is too intense, combined with insufficient recovery time, can reverse the many positive physiological adjustments associated with training adaptation, resulting in overtraining [
5]. Training intensity affects an athlete’s body and psychology to certain levels, and appropriate overtraining can induce athletic performance enhancement. However, an excessive training intensity combined with other stress factors may result in overtraining syndrome (OTS) [
6]. Researchers widely believe that endurance athletes are at higher risk of OTS due to the prolonged and massive physical and psychological stress they are under due to, for example, training and competing [
7]. Clinical diagnosis of OTS is made when athletes exhibit fatigue, mood changes, sleep deprivation, declining athletic performance, and increasing frequency of injury and pain [
7]. However, very few studies have investigated the physical and mental stress on triathletes resulting from training and competing.
School sports events are sports competitions primarily for university athletes and include triathlons. From the perspective of specialized sports training, the literature indicates that sufficient research has been conducted into different training period levels, athletic performance, and physical and psychological stress. For example, studies have compared professional elite athletes [
9] and investigated sex differences in athletic performance [
10], athletic performance in specific disciplines [
10], and changes in physiological traits throughout a season [
13]. Student athletes, especially elite athletes, need to deal with frequent training and high training intensity and volume in their periodic training schedule. However, they must also spend considerable time and energy maintaining their academic performance [
14]. Due to the diverse and massive training intensity for triathlons in particular, we believe that the external and internal loadings on student athletes are not smaller than the physical and mental stress experienced by professional athletes in any other competitive sport. According to surveys, collegiate athletes often experience problems with sleep, emotions, and fatigue [
17]. Although numerous factors can affect the overall performance of triathletes, research into the effect of specific training factors on burnout among triathletes is currently lacking [
18]. Crucially, the extreme pressure exerted by a heavy learning workload and intense athletic training at this stage can disrupt student athletes’ normal physiological and psychological development. Comprehensive assessments of triathletes’ mood, sleep, internal and external loadings, fatigue, and athletic performance for different disciplines and training cycles are relatively lacking. Therefore, in the field of sports medicine, more research into the influence of the type of training periodization on students who engage in long and intensive training is necessary.
We hypothesized that the perceived learning effort, mental stress status, and sleep quality would be negative impacted by the increasing training intensity across different periodic training periods in these elite collegiate triathletes. This study evaluated the differences in training conditions, sleep quality, emotional status, and academic pressure among collegiate triathletes with different training cycles. The possible factors affecting these variables were investigated. The evaluation results are used to explore the physical and psychological changes in collegiate triathletes. Multiple questionnaires through periodic survey were used to assess the physical and mental state of student triathletes across different training periods, as well as provide a comprehensive assessment of their academic stress. Therefore, the findings provide coaches and supervisors in sports sciences with reference data when scheduling training for collegiate triathletes and can assist student athletes to avoid injuries due to intense training and overtraining for competitions.
4. Discussion
The major finding of this study was that the total number of hours that the collegiate triathletes spent in training sessions—which comprised running, swimming, cycling, weight training, and brick training—gradually increased initially. The total training amount then gradually decreased after reaching a peak 1 month before a competition. Furthermore, more training hours were spent in swimming and cycling than in the other training types. The academic stress index, which was assessed by multiplying study stress and study hours, exhibited that these athletes experienced both greater academic and sports training intensity one-month before national competition events (final term exam period). The ESS and personal fatigue scale results revealed no significant differences between training months during the investigation period. The PSQI results showed no significant difference in the total score for each month (each month’s score was less than 5 points), nor any significant difference for the PSQI scale subindexes, namely, subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, habitual sleep efficiency, total sleep hours, sleep disorders, sleep medication use, and daytime dysfunction. The POMS scale results revealed that the total emotional score did not differ significantly between the monitored months. However, the individual POMS scores indicated that the tension index was higher during competition months than other training months. The depression index was highest 1 month before a competition and significantly higher than that in the competition period. The fatigue index was highest 1 month before a competition and, at this time point, it was significantly higher than that 2 weeks before the competition period. No significant differences were discovered in the other POMS assessment indexes—vigor, self-esteem, and anger. Despite the extensive amount of training that the participants underwent during the group training 1 month before a competition, the personal fatigue index scores were not significantly higher during this time.
Triathlon training plans involve running, swimming, cycling, and weight training. In keeping with the basic concepts of the three triathlon stages, the training for each discipline was incorporated into the following annual competition periods: off season, preseason, and competition season [
4]. Researchers have demonstrated that in nonelite triathletes, training for 8–10 h total per week (5–6 h cycling and 3–4 h running per week) resulted in the lowest likelihood of injury [
18]. Furthermore, during the off season, triathletes focus on mental and physical rest and emphasize resistance training to improve their athletic performance and prevent injury through improving muscle strength [
2]. To improve aerobic endurance, training plans must be designed to strengthen the respiratory, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal system functions, such as through physical strength training to improve athletic performance in specific disciplines [
4]. The average periodic training hours for the collegiate triathletes participating in this study were 4–6.5 h of swimming, 3–7 h of cycling, and 2–4 h of running, which are largely equivalent to the hours recommended. The training schedule also included weight training each month, the average duration of which was 1.5 h. One study demonstrated that the triathletes’ training period and daily schedule are also critical [
2]. As competition season approaches, training periods begin with high-volume, low-intensity training and progresses to low-volume, high-intensity training [
4]. The present study discovered that the number of brick training hours increased with the approach of national level competitions. The number of hours for other types of training also increased but peaked 1 month before the competition before decreasing. This demonstrated that the training schedules for collegiate triathletes conform to periodic training patterns. However, in terms of athletic intensity, the physical activity measurements performed in this study did not indicate any significant differences between periods. As the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) and session RPE (sRPE) were not measured, this study was unable to fully understand training intensity. Future studies should use RPE and sRPE to analyze differences in intensity between training periods in greater detail.
Training intensity monitoring is necessary for understanding an individual’s response to training stimuli and assessing the levels of fatigue during different periods. The present study discovered that training intensity and training tension were significantly greater during intensive training periods and were significantly positively correlated with the total fatigue score. This indicated that subjective fatigue surveys are a sensitive tool and can be used to perceive changes in training intensity [
5]. The Checklist Individual Strength subjective fatigue scale was used in this study and revealed a lack of significant differences in personal fatigue between each training month during the study period. Although the athletes had periodic training schedules, the study results demonstrated that changes to the training volume each month did not significantly influence the fatigue felt by the athletes. According to our results, periodic training schedules do not create significant changes in collegiate triathletes’ subjective fatigue. Another possible explanation is that triathletes undergo massive amounts of training in each training period; these athletes are thus fatigued for long periods of time and do not receive sufficient relief from fatigue.
Previous evidence has revealed that the athletes’ sleep time and quality dropped after their training intensity increased (+30%), demonstrating an inverse correlation between training intensity and sleep time and quality [
25]. Athletes are often unable to obtain sufficient sleep due to training, competing, competition scheduling, travel, stress, and other training intensities and times or due to overtraining. Many other factors may also lead to insufficient sleep in overtrained athletes [
26]. For example, academic pressure or work burdens and even psychological pressure can negatively affect athletes’ energy [
17]. The PSQI assessments of triathletes’ sleep during this study revealed that the total scores were lower than 4 points and the assessments for each period were not significantly different. The subindexes—sleep quality, sleep latency, habitual sleep efficiency, total sleep time, sleep disorders, sleep medication use, and daytime dysfunction—did not exhibit significant differences, demonstrating that collegiate triathletes commonly experienced good and long sleep. Furthermore, we discovered that the athletes trained the most but had the lowest sleep quality index scores at 1 month before a competition, indicating that the collegiate triathletes had higher sleep quality when they were training more. However, this is inconsistent with studies reporting that an increase in training intensity leads to lower sleep quality and total amount of sleep [
26]. We noted that 1 month before a competition was during the winter holiday break, when the athletes’ academic pressure was relatively low; consequently, the athletes were better able to fully recover (including sleep) from high-intensity training during this period. The present results also revealed that the competition season and training schedule for student athletes may need to be planned with comprehensive consideration of their school semester schedules to ensure they have time to rest and recover while balancing academic and training demands.
Interestingly, during the months with the greatest training volume, only the POMS scale depression and fatigue scores increased. The personal fatigue scale scores did not increase. This was possible due to the collegiate athletes’ peak training period coinciding with the winter holiday break—when the athletes could obtain sufficient rest. Therefore, the high POMS fatigue score may have been the result of the athlete’s mental state, which could have been affected by psychological factors such as the athlete’s own self-demands and their coach’s demands. Athlete’s fatigue may thus originate from psychological pressure while training rather than from increased physical activity. Training hours were consistent with the durations suggested in the literature, and the few differences may have been because the literature suggestions were for nonelite athletes. The study participants were collegiate elite athletes, and no severe sports injuries or mental stress were discovered during this study. This indicates that the training volume and stress from the coaches did not affect the athletes. This also substantiates the argument of Slivka et al. that by limiting the stress on athletes from sources unrelated to training, athletes can withstand very high training volume and intensity without developing OTS [
POMS questionnaire and PSQI scale scores (measuring, e.g., sleep disorders and sleep latency) are considered early indicators of training maladaptation [
26]. Studies have found that loss of sleep may have negative effects on subjective well-being measurements, including measurements of fatigue, mood, and confusion. Furthermore, competition stress and anxiety can negatively affect sleep quality and duration, and sleep loss can damage mood and increase stress and anxiety [
26]. One study reported that athletes with lower self-assessed sleep quality have higher levels of emotional confusion, leading to a higher risk of failure. Each point increase in confusion level was discovered to lead to 19.7% lower sleep quality [
27]. Hausswirth et al. assessed the POMS score and VO
2max of 40 triathletes and continually monitored the participants using Actiwatch. Nine triathletes were diagnosed with functional overtraining with reduced functionality and high perceived fatigue [
28]. A significant time–group interaction was also discovered between sleep duration, sleep efficiency, and inactive periods [
28]. Romyn et al. also argued that greater tension and anxiety lead to lower sleep quality ratings [
29]. Based on the studies above [
26], the POMS and PSQI questionnaires can be used to evaluate early indicators of training maladaptation. However, observing only the changes in the total scores of these two questionnaires may neglect the detailed mental changes in these college triathletes. Likewise, our results revealed no significant differences in the total POMS and PSQI scores of athletes across training periods (
Figure 4 and
Figure 6). Importantly, we found that these athletes showed a significant increase in POMS stress levels during the competition period, yet there were no significant differences in their sleep quality PSQI scores among periods. Our obtained result seems to exhibit certain diversities from the above studies [
29], and we speculate that these collegiate triathletes might have better attitude when controlling their life pattern, thereby exhibiting greater capacity to cope with mental stress of training or competition by obtaining better sleep quality.
Most studies have used the ESS, Competition Stressor Scale, Checklist for Sleep Hygiene, and PSQI scale to assess sleep and stress in athletes [
30]. Mah et al. reported on inappropriate sleep times among collegiate athletes due to insufficient sleep hours and low sleep quality, and these athletes were often discovered to exhibit visible daytime sleepiness [
15]. Reasons given in the literature for daytime sleepiness and poor sleep quality include high-intensity training, extra working time, overuse of electronic devices, skipping breakfast, sports injuries, overtraining, anxiety prior to sleep, and other problems that cause anxiety, pain, and sleep disorders [
30]. However, it has to be noted that the ESS results in the present investigation revealed no significant differences between training months. The individual assessments revealed that although most of the athlete participants did not experience daytime sleepiness, some athletes had an average ESS score of 16–18 points, indicating that they experienced higher rates of daytime sleepiness. One study suggested that the training schedule prepared by sports team coaches can be personalized by being flexibly adjusted to the athlete’s needs and that practical guidance and suggestions given to athletes should lessen their perceived fatigue [
17]. Based on the present findings, we suggest that collegiate triathlon coaches conduct individual interviews with athletes with higher sleepiness scores, change their training start time, or provide appropriate sleep-related health education to help these athletes reduce their daytime sleepiness.
Changes in athletes’ mental state or mood while training for super-endurance competitions can lead to changes in their performance [
31]. Triathletes are considered a group at risk of developing a series of adverse health results due to high training intensity and long training times [
18]. Additionally, mood is directly correlated with training amount and intensity [
31]. Comotto et al. used sRPE and the POMS scale to monitor a group of teenage elite triathletes (age: 18 ± 1 years) who were given the same external training intensity during training camp. The POMS scores revealed that the athletes’ fatigue increased by 45% and vigor decreased by 24%, and the energy index for all training camp athletes decreased [
32]. The POMS scores in a 6-month study on 32 triathletes (18 athletes, 15 members in the sedentary control group, all aged 24–61 years) discovered that vigor score decreased and anger and fatigue scores were high during peak training months [
31]. Unlike prior studies that included participants with a wide age range, this study focused on collegiate triathletes and used the POMS scale to assess changes in their mood during 4 months of periodic training (this period included general physical preparations and national level competition stages). The results from the present study revealed that the fatigue scores among the collegiate triathletes were significantly higher when the training was most extensive; however, their anger scores were not significantly higher and their vigor scores were not significantly lower. Comparing the present findings with those of a previous study [
31], we surmise that emotional stress was not significantly higher when training intensity was higher because of the similarities in age, periodic training schedule, and competition preparations among the collegiate triathletes. Furthermore, school sports teams have peer support, professional coach supervision, and team goals; these attributes could have helped to alleviate the stress caused by intensive training.
This study discovered that although the amount that collegiate triathletes trained differed depending on the particular training period, the differences did not significantly affect the athletes’ sleep quality or emotional response. This further substantiates the earlier statement that precompetition preparations that coincide with the winter holiday break allowed athletes to have sufficient rest despite an increase in training volume and greater depression, fatigue, and tension during the competition periods. These results show that collegiate triathletes have healthy emotion and sleep management and also that the reduction in academic pressure during the precompetition period may explain the athletes’ favorable sleep quality and mood. Although this study discovered no significant differences between training periods in the overall averages for sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, and emotional stress, some athletes did have significantly higher scores than other athletes in these portions of the questionnaire. These athletes may have had insufficient rest or recovery due to personal factors. Therefore, coaches should provide individualized guidance and recommendations to athletes whose scores indicate poor sleep quality or high stress or refer them to appropriate mental, nutritional, or sleep consultants.
4.1. Study Limitation
One of the primary limitations of the present study is that the participants were limited to national, college-level elite triathletes; therefore, all participants were trained and competed on the same college triathlon team. In this regard, we made every effort in the study design to eliminate potential confounding factors, including standardized dietary instruction by the team coach and the conducted supervised triathlon-specific training program. Despite our efforts to control the study design quality, we still could not completely rule out the possibility of a Type II error due to the relatively small sample size. However, the primary population in this study was collegiate Division I elite triathletes (all of them were ranked Top 10 in the nation in their competition category), which is a specific category and a very limited number of participants could be recruited. On the other hand, although both male and female athletes were included in this study; we did not further analyze the differences between males and females due to the small sample size. Therefore, future studies investigating gender differences in this issue are warranted.
4.2. Perspectives in Practical Application
The results of this study provide crucial information for triathlon training. (1) Questionnaire surveys (e.g., POMS and PSQI scales) have reliability and can reflect athletes’ physical and psychological status. Coaches should ask their athletes to regularly complete short personal surveys. (2) Triathlons are competitions for individuals, and different athletes have different physical and psychological statuses during training. Coaches must provide individualized instructions or adjustments based on the problems experienced by the particular athlete. (3) Coaches should consider student athletes’ academic stress state and training quality to individually adjust the training intensity and periodic program to achieve greater sports performance.