A Crossed Pure Agraphia by Graphemic Buffer Impairment following Right Orbito-Frontal Glioma Resection
:1. Introduction
2. Case Report
2.1. History, Neuro-Imaging and Surgical Treatment
2.2. Neuropsychological Evaluation: Pre-Operative and Post-Operative Neuropsychological Assessments
3. Discussion
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Written Transcription of Dictated Words Test during the Assessments in March, May, and October 2014 (Errors in Italic Letter Format)
Words Length | Written Transcription (Errors in Parentheses) | ||
March 2014 | 3 to 6 letters | 3 letters | bol |
4 letters | gelé, rôti | ||
5 letters | fruit, radis, album | ||
6 letters | volcan, canari, abbaye | ||
7 to 9 letters | 7 letters | cratère, progrès, rivière, sportif | |
8 letters | éruption | ||
9 letters | transport, marmelade, chirurgie (chirugie), accordéon (acordéon, accordéon), cavalcade (calvalque, calvalde), spectacle (septacle, secpta, sceptacle) | ||
10 to 13 letters | 10 letters | pharmacien, stratagème (scartagène, stratagéne) | |
11 letters | sarcastique, caricatural (cariccatural) | ||
12 letters | distribution, bibliothèque, encombrement, intelligence, construction (constrution, construction), perspicacité (pertiscasité) | ||
13 letters | fréquentation, chevaleresque (chevallerestec) | ||
May 2014 | 3 to 6 letters | 3 letters | bol |
4 letters | gelé, soif | ||
5 letters | force, fruit, melon, oncle, radis, soupe | ||
6 letters | garçon, gâteau, jasmin, pirate, volcan | ||
7 to 9 letters | 7 letters | cratère, cravate, liberté, lorsque, poltron, progrès, rivière, sportif, vermeil, théâtre (théârtre) | |
8 letters | acrobate (ocrobate), carnaval, éruption, servante, tabouret | ||
9 letters | accordéon, attention, cascadeur, clocheton, carnivore, fermeture, clandestin, platitude, transport, servitude chirurgie (chrirugie, chirurgie), physicien (phisitien, physitien), marmelade (marnelade) | ||
10 to 13 letters | 10 letters | exactement, pharmacien, stratagème, volontaire, psalmodier (salmodier, salemdier, phasmodier, slasmodier), borborygme (borborigleme), conscience (conthience, conscience) | |
11 letters | flagornerie, particulier, caricatural (caritatural) | ||
12 letters | encombrement, intelligence (intelitgence, intellit), perspicacité (perpiscasité, perpisas, perspicati, perspicacité) | ||
13 letters | chevaleresque, transcription, fréquentation (ferquentation, fréquentation), introspection (introstecp, introstecsion, introspection) | ||
October 2014 | 3 to 6 letters | 3 letters | bol |
4 letters | gelé, soif | ||
5 letters | force, fruit, laver, melon, oncle, radis, soupe | ||
6 letters | farine, garçon, gâteau, gloire, stable, tulipe, valise | ||
7 to 9 letters | 7 letters | abricot, adjoint, crapaud, surpris, théâtre, verglas, drapeau, ergoter, exploit, glouton, hospice, liberté, marteau, piscine, poltron, progrès, rivière, silence, cratère (grati, gratère, cratère), sportif (sorptif) | |
8 letters | acrobate, alchimie, bordeaux, carnaval, englouti, escargot, myrtille, tabouret, perplexe, sabotier, sclérose, scabreux (scabru, scar, scabreux), scrupule (scurpugle, scurpule, scrupule), espiègle (espièsgle, espiègle), mélomane (mélomgne, mélomagne, mélomane) | ||
9 letters | antiquité, spirituel, splendide, sulfatage, vermifuge, astrolabe, attention, chirurgie, dictateur, infirmier, monarchie, obscurité, marmelade, servitude, astigmate (asthismate, astitmate, asticmate), cavalcade (calvaque, cavalcade), grotesque (grodesque, grosdesque, grostesque), organisme (orgamisne, orgamisme, organisme), physicien (physite, physitien), spectacle (septacle, sepctacle, secptacle), turpitude (turtitude, turpitude) | ||
10 to 13 letters | 10 letters | aspirateur, difficulté, distribuer, indulgence, pharmacien, particulier, proportion, jardinage, stratagème, conscience (constience, consthience), scarlatine (scarlatigne), strapontin sprapontin, strapontin) | |
11 letters | caricatural, chirurgical, circonscrit, description | ||
12 letters | déflagration, fermentation, intelligence, préservation, soustraction, circonscrire (circonscrice, circoncrire, circonscrire), circonstance (circontanse, circonstance), encombrement (ecombrement, encombrement), exceptionnel (expletionnel, exthionnel, exexthionnel), introduction (introdution, intrduction), perspicacité (perpicascité, perspicacité) | ||
13 letters | accordéoniste, agglomération, chevaleresque, fréquentation, spectaculaire (sepctaculaire, secptaculaire), transcription (transgrition, transcrition, transcriction) |
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Test | June 2012 Pre-Operative Evaluation | October 2012 Post-Operative Evaluation | March 2014 Post-Operative Evaluation | May 2014 Post-Operative Evaluation |
RECF | 47/50 (NP) | 46.5/50 (NP) | 46.5/50 (NP) | 46.5/50 (NP) |
RECF digit span | 1.5/2 (NP) | 1.5/2 (NP) | 2/2 (NP) | 1.5/2 (NP) |
WAIS-III digit span | 7/19 (NP) | 9/19 (NP) | 9/19 (NP) | |
DO80 | 79/80 (NP) | 80/80 (NP) | 79/80 (NP) | 79/80 (NP) |
FAST | 18/18 (NP) | 17/18 (NP) | 15/18 (NP) | 17/18 (NP) |
WCST categories | 6 (NP) | 6 (NP) | 6 (NP) | |
WCST errors (%) | 40% (NP) | 0% (NP) | 14.28% (NP) | |
Stroop test (RS–PS) | 0.08 (NP) | 9.29 (NP) | 4.85 (NP) | |
Category fluency | 15 (NP) | 18 (NP) | 17 (NP) | |
Letter fluency | 11 (NP) | 14 (NP) | 7 (NP) | |
WAIS-III block design | 11/19 (NP) | 12/19 (NP) | 9/19 (NP) | 8/19 (NP) |
ROCF copy type | IV (NP) | IV (NP) | IV (NP) | |
ROCF copy time | 169 (NP) | 146 (NP) | 163 (NP) | |
ROCF copy total score | 36 (NP) | 33 (NP) | 29 | |
ROCF recall type | II (NP) | IV (NP) | ||
ROCF recall total score | 18 (NP) | 17 (NP) |
BDAE Subtests | Score | BDAE Subtests | Score |
Spontaneous oral expression | Aphasic transformations of oral language | ||
| 7/7 |
| 0 |
| 0 | ||
Repetition |
| 0 | |
| 10/10 | ||
| 8/8 | Written language comprehension | |
| 8/8 |
| 10/10 |
| 8/8 | ||
Denomination |
| 8/8 | |
| 30/30 |
| 10/10 |
| 105/105 |
| 10/10 |
| 30/30 | ||
Writing | |||
Reading aloud |
| 3/3 | |
| 30/30 |
| 36/36 |
| 10/10 |
| 8/8 |
Stimulus Length | March 2014 | May 2014 | October 2014 | |||
Word Errors | Non-Word Errors | Word Errors | Non-word Errors | Word Errors | Non-Word Errors | |
3–6 letters | 0/9 (0%) | 0/1 (0%) | 0/14 (0%) | 0/1 (0%) | 0/17 (0%) | 0/4 (0%) |
7–9 letters | 4/11 (36.36%) | 2/2 (100%) | 7/29 (24.13%) | 3/3 (100%) | 13/54 (24.07%) | 2/4 (50%) |
10–13 letters | 5/12 (41.66%) | 8/17 (47.05%) | 11/33 (33.33%) |
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Share and Cite
Arroyo-Anlló, E.M.; Pluchon, C.; Bouyer, C.; Baudiffier, V.; Stal, V.; Du Boisgueheneuc, F.; Wager, M.; Gil, R. A Crossed Pure Agraphia by Graphemic Buffer Impairment following Right Orbito-Frontal Glioma Resection. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 1346. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20021346
Arroyo-Anlló EM, Pluchon C, Bouyer C, Baudiffier V, Stal V, Du Boisgueheneuc F, Wager M, Gil R. A Crossed Pure Agraphia by Graphemic Buffer Impairment following Right Orbito-Frontal Glioma Resection. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023; 20(2):1346. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20021346
Chicago/Turabian StyleArroyo-Anlló, Eva M., Claudette Pluchon, Coline Bouyer, Vanessa Baudiffier, Veronique Stal, Foucaud Du Boisgueheneuc, Michel Wager, and Roger Gil. 2023. "A Crossed Pure Agraphia by Graphemic Buffer Impairment following Right Orbito-Frontal Glioma Resection" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20, no. 2: 1346. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20021346
APA StyleArroyo-Anlló, E. M., Pluchon, C., Bouyer, C., Baudiffier, V., Stal, V., Du Boisgueheneuc, F., Wager, M., & Gil, R. (2023). A Crossed Pure Agraphia by Graphemic Buffer Impairment following Right Orbito-Frontal Glioma Resection. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 1346. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20021346