State Parameter-Based Yield Strength Model for Integration in Finite Element User-Material Routines
:1. Introduction
2. The Model
2.1. Athermal Stress Contribution
2.2. Thermal Stress Contributions
2.2.1. Solid Solution Hardening
2.2.2. Cross-Core Diffusion Hardening
2.2.3. Precipitation Hardening
2.3. Precipitation Kinetics Model
2.4. State-Dependent Variables
3. Experimental
3.1. Material and Heat Treatment
3.2. Mechanical Testing
3.3. Electron Microscopy
4. Simulation
5. Results and Discussion
5.1. Hardness Tests
5.2. Precipitation Evolution
5.3. Deformation Tests
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Name | ||
Mg concentration within the fcc Al matrix | x | |
Si concentration within the fcc Al matrix | x | |
Current vacancy concentration | x | |
Number density of precipitates N | x | |
Radius of precipitates r | x | |
Dislocation density | x |
Alloy | Al | Si | Mg | Cu | Fe | Mn | Cr | Ti | Zn | V |
AA6082 | bal. | 1.22 | 0.861 | 0.083 | 0.254 | 0.640 | 0.184 | 0.026 | 0.021 | 0.0105 |
Symbol | Name | Unit | Value | Equation | Source |
Stoichiometry: Mg5Si6 ) | - | 5/11 | (17), (19) | [49] | |
Stoichiometry: Mg5Si6 ) | - | 6/11 | (18), (19) | [49] | |
Normalized driving force calibration parameter | −950 | (20) | This work | ||
Normalized driving force calibration parameter | - | −3.35 | (20) | This work | |
Number of available nucleation sites | (22) | (MatCalc) | |||
Specific interfacial energy | 0.09 | (23), (24), (30) | This work | ||
Pre-exponential factor for diffusion | (27) | This work | |||
Activation energy for diffusion | 119,000 | (27) | This work | ||
LSW coarsening factor | - | 1 | (30) | This work | |
h | - | 5 | (32) | This work |
Symbol | Name | Unit | Value | Equation | Source |
M | Taylor factor | - | 3.06 | (2), (3), (13), (16) | [50] |
Burger’s vector | m | (2), (3), (5), (9), (13), (16) | [24] | ||
G | Shear modulus | MPa | 29,438.4–15.052 T | (2), (3), (5), (9), (13), (16) | [23] |
α | Strengthening coefficient | - | 0.34 | (3), (5) | [12,51,52] |
Initial dislocation density | 1011 | (4) | (MatCalc) | ||
Speed of sound | m/s | 5100 | (4), (5) | [23] | |
Constant | 1/s | c·b | (4) | [23] | |
Basic stress | MPa | 120 | (4), (5) | This work | |
Low temperature activation energy | J | (4) | This work | ||
High temperature activation energy | kJ/mol | 130 | (5) | This work | |
Strain rate exponent | - | 0.5 | (5) | This work | |
Power law exponent | - | 3 | (5) | This work | |
Low and high temperature coupling coefficient | - | 2 | (6) | This work | |
Solid solution coupling exponent | - | (7) | (MatCalc) | ||
Poisson’s ratio | - | 0.347 | (9) | [53] | |
Misfit-strain for Mg | - | 0.0123 | (9) | [54] | |
Misfit-strain for Si | - | 0.0074 | (9) | [54] | |
Average binding energy difference | J | (10), (12) | [31] | ||
constant | - | 0.00063 | (10), (12) | [31] | |
Attempt frequency | (11) | [55] | |||
Activation enthalpy for transitions from tension to compression | J | (11) | [31] | ||
Precipitation strengthening coefficient for the Orowan mechanism | - | 5 | (13) | This work | |
Precipitation strengthening coefficient for the coherency effect | - | 1 | (16) | This work | |
Volumetric misfit | - | 0.05 | (16) | This work | |
Low temperature activation energy for strain hardening rate θ | kJ/mol | 700 | [8] | This work | |
High temperature activation energy for strain hardening rate θ | kJ/mol | 75 | [8] | This work | |
J | [8] | This work | |||
kJ/mol | 110 | [8] | This work | ||
Flow stress correction factor for low strains | - | 35 | [13] | This work | |
Flow stress correction factor for low strains | - | 0.625 | [13] | This work | |
Flow stress correction exponent for low strains | - | 2.5 | [13] | This work |
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Viernstein, B.; Wojcik, T.; Kozeschnik, E. State Parameter-Based Yield Strength Model for Integration in Finite Element User-Material Routines. Metals 2022, 12, 1207.
Viernstein B, Wojcik T, Kozeschnik E. State Parameter-Based Yield Strength Model for Integration in Finite Element User-Material Routines. Metals. 2022; 12(7):1207.
Chicago/Turabian StyleViernstein, Bernhard, Tomasz Wojcik, and Ernst Kozeschnik. 2022. "State Parameter-Based Yield Strength Model for Integration in Finite Element User-Material Routines" Metals 12, no. 7: 1207.
APA StyleViernstein, B., Wojcik, T., & Kozeschnik, E. (2022). State Parameter-Based Yield Strength Model for Integration in Finite Element User-Material Routines. Metals, 12(7), 1207.