1. Introduction
One of the main goals of building energy simulation (BES) is to characterize the response of the building system to both internal and external dynamic boundary conditions. However, meaningful transient profiles are often difficult to identify and adopt as inputs. Indeed, both occupants’ behavior, on the internal side, and weather solicitation, on the external one, are intrinsically stochastic in nature [
2]. Consequently, provided that BES goal is not to replicate reality but to allow for understanding how a building system works, it is of fundamental importance to specify representative boundary conditions. Their typical time-discretization is hourly but, in some cases, also shorter intervals are adopted.
As regard the weather input, the search for reference series to use is particularly complex, as shown in the literature [
3]. First, the external input is multi-dimensional and weather data are collections of several weather or climatic variables recorded in meteorological stations. In particular, air temperature and humidity and solar irradiance are the quantities necessary to run simulations. Moreover, solar irradiance, which is clearly different on the various external surfaces of the building envelope, is generally expressed as global horizontal irradiance and then elaborated by means of solar models to distinguish horizontal beam and diffuse components and to project their values on the envelope surfaces, whatever their slope and azimuth. When available, diffuse horizontal irradiance and direct normal irradiance are adopted instead of the global horizontal one. Nevertheless, the number of meteorological stations in which both are actually recorded is small compared to the total ones [
4]. To these three primary variables, the wind vector is commonly added, expressed as wind velocity and main wind direction. However, the representativeness of wind conditions recorded in the closest meteorological station with respect to the building site can be very low, depending on its actual local characteristics [
5], and, compared to the primary variables, wind can play a minor role on the energy performance for some building typologies and climates [
6]. As a whole, alternatives are possible and the number of weather variables can change, depending on the specific methodology.
Even if some authors recommend the adoption of multi-year weather input for BES [
7], at the current state of the art, reference years are generally preferred [
9]. After an initial period in which the reference year was defined as an actual year of data belonging to the multi-year series (e.g., [
10]), the technical and scientific literature agreed with the need of developing reference years as artificial years to improve their representativeness [
11]. Lund [
13] and Lund and Eidorff [
14] clarified that the typical or reference year should be composed by true sequences of weather recordings, with true frequencies and true correlations. This means that the artificial year has to be prepared starting from actual weather recordings, selecting the most typical ones without altering the cross-correlations among weather variables, which are described, for example, in [
15]. The series are processed on a monthly basis, making the reference year simply a collection of twelve reference months for a given locality [
16]. Nevertheless, ensuring a good representativeness of three or four weather variables at the same time is not easy task, especially when the historical series are short and climate affected by high variability [
17]. For this reason, proper statistical techniques are adopted, such as Kolmogorov–Smirnov (e.g., as done by Festa and Ratto [
18]) and Finkelstein–Schafer non-parametric tests (e.g., as done by Hall et al. [
16]). The latter, in particular, has become popular in the framework of the development of reference years, both in the literature [
19] and in technical standards (e.g., EN ISO 15927-4 [
20]). However, those tests can be performed for one weather variable at a time and are not addressed to identify the best candidates but to isolate those months remarkably different from the long-term average trends (e.g., see the “Danish method” by Andersen et al. [
21] and Lund and Eidorff [
14]). This implies that synthesis of the different statistical outcome is required but the approaches commonly adopted do not take into account of statistical significance and are, to some extent, subjective [
22] and aimed to maximize the representativeness for specific climate conditions or use of the reference weather data [
23]. As a result, several alternative methods are present in the literature. At the moment, the most popular ones are those implemented for the development of TMY2 [
24] and TMY3 [
25] and those described in the technical standard EN ISO 15927-4:2005 [
20], which are often applied with slight modifications in the different countries, as in the current Italian standard UNI 10349-1:2016 [
The alternative methods can lead to different results and, in particular, to different levels of accuracy with respect of the multi-year series [
28]. This can impact in different ways on the BES outcome, as discussed by several contributions in the literature. For example, Huang [
29], Skeiker [
30] and Chiesa and Grosso [
31] analyzed the impact on energy performance for space conditioning, Garcia and Torres [
32] and Realpe et al. [
33] focused on PV systems, while Bilbao et al. [
34] and Sorrentino et al. [
35] discussed both. In a previous work, Pernigotto et al. [
17] checked the representativeness of EN ISO 15927-4 reference years for north Italy climates in terms of effect on the building energy labeling of 48 reference buildings. In a further development [
27], the annual energy needs for space heating and cooling of the same set were simulated considering different reference years built starting from the same multi-year series. Again, different levels of representativeness were detected, with different performances from climate to climate, which pushed Pernigotto et al. to propose new approaches in order to ensure a better result independently of the specific climatic conditions. The impact of the type of reference year on BES, nevertheless, is far from being comprehensively assessed.
After the publication of the European Directive 2010/31/EU [
36] and the European Commission Delegated Regulation 244/2012 [
37], we have been witnessed at an increasing number of research works coupling BES simulations with optimization to identify cost-optimal equivalent levels of achievable energy efficiency during building economic lifecycle, the most convenient energy efficiency measures or to define subsidization strategies for energy refurbishment (e.g., [
39]). In many contributions, refurbishment involves more objectives, such as building economic and energy performances, and is driven by optimization algorithms, among which the family of genetic algorithms is currently the most popular [
40]. Multi-objective optimization outcome can be affected by several factors, such as the adopted technique [
42], the characteristics of BES models and, in particular, the used inputs. Focusing on this latter aspect, as a further development of a previous contribution [
43], this work discusses the extent to which the different methods for the development of reference years can affect cost-optimal energy refurbishment for north Italy residential building stock. As optimization objectives, building economic performance and primary energy for space heating have been considered.
3. Results
3.1. Comparison of Reference Years
A preliminary comparison has been performed between the six reference years developed for Trento and for Monza, as shown in
Figure 2 for monthly averages of dry bulb temperature, water vapor partial pressure and daily global horizontal solar irradiation calculated for the RYs and the multi-year series.
Focusing on the heating season (
Table 2), it can be found that the choice of different months can bring differences in terms of Heating Degree-Days calculated with respect to a base temperature of 18 °C,
HDD18, and in daily average global solar irradiation on horizontal surface during the heating season,
In Trento, the maximum HDD18 is 2610 K·d and is obtained with RY1, i.e., the EN ISO 15927-4 reference year, while the minimum, around 11% lower, is 2330 K·d and is found with RY2, i.e., the reference year according to Wilcox and Marion’s method. However, minimum and maximum daily average horizontal global solar irradiations are found for different reference years, specifically for RY3 and RY4, i.e., Pissimanins et al., and minimum Finkelstein–Schafer reference years, with a deviation of about 6%.
In Monza, instead, the maximum value of HDD18 is, with RY3 (Pissimanis et al.) and the minimum one with RY5 (Best rank I), around 13% lower. As regards average daily solar irradiation, the extreme values are found for the same reference years: the coldest year, RY3, also has the lowest Hsol, and the warmest one, RY5, the largest Hsol. In this climate, the deviation is larger and equal to 10%.
3.2. Energy and Economic Performances of the Existing Buildings
Before discussing the outcome of the several optimizations performed, the initial conditions have been analyzed. As can be seen in
Table 3 and
Table 4, energy and economic performances of buildings can change if simulated considering different reference years.
In both localities, the largest differences are met in intermediate flats and energy and economic performances for the east-oriented cases are less sensitive to the reference year. In Trento (
Table 3), the deviations range from 4% to 8% with respect to the average values for east-oriented cases and from 7% to 14% for the south-oriented ones. In Monza (
Table 4), the deviations are slightly larger and range from 9% to 13% for east-oriented cases and from 11% to 17% for the south-oriented ones. The spread of the results is coherent with what observed in previous works [
27]. For Trento, the minimum primary energy demand and net present value are registered with RY
2, coherently with the
HDD18 in
Table 2, but the maximum ones are found most frequently with RY
3, which has the minimum
Hsol, except for east-oriented penthouses and semi-detached houses, for which RY
1, the reference year with maximum
HDD18, maximizes the values of
EPh and
NPV. On the contrary, in Monza, the minimum values are registered with RY
5 and the maximum ones with RY
3, for all configurations, coherently with
HDD18 and
Hsol values in
Table 2.
3.3. Pareto Fronts: Shapes and EEMs
After the discussion of the initial conditions for the existing building configurations in
Section 3.2, the shape of the Pareto fronts and the number and type of EEMs is analyzed.
As regards the number of identified solutions belonging to the fronts, it can vary significantly according to the reference year used as input. For the cases with east-oriented windows in Trento, the number of identified solutions in the fronts ranges from 10 to 15, 14 to 29 and 14 to 23, respectively, for intermediate flats, penthouses and semi-detached houses. Considering the buildings with south-oriented windows in the same locality, the fronts include from 13 to 24, 43 to 53 and 15 to 33. In Monza, we can observe similar differences: from 11 to 19, 13 to 27 and 13 to 25 for east-oriented intermediate flats, penthouses and semi-detached houses, and from 17 to 29, 18 to 47 and 9 to 32 for south-oriented buildings.
3.3.1. Shapes of the Pareto Fronts
Figure 3 and
Figure 4 show the Pareto fronts for Trento and Monza, respectively. The fronts are composed by two groups of points, which correspond to the adoption of mechanical ventilation systems, on the top of
EPh-NPV charts, and to the choice of natural ventilation, on the bottom.
The fronts’ relative positions in the charts are shifted according to the deviations in the initial solutions. In Trento, minimum
EPh and
NPV are achieved with RY
2 and the maximum are registered either with RY
3 (south-oriented buildings) or RY
1 (east-oriented buildings), coherently with what observed in
Section 3.2. In Monza, the differences are less marked and, for solutions with natural ventilation, they are even negligible. The minimum
EPh and
NPV are found with RY
5, coherently with the analysis of the existing buildings’ performance, and the maximum ones for RY
3 and RY
Furthermore, some fronts are not only shifted but also intersected: for example, south-oriented penthouses in Trento have the worst economic performances with RY5 and RY6 if mechanical ventilation is installed but, in the case of natural ventilation, this result is observed with RY3.
3.3.2. EEMs in the Pareto Fronts
The different EEMs belonging to the fronts have been studied analyzing modal values and standard deviations of the thicknesses of insulation layers applied to the opaque components and the distribution functions of windows, boilers and ventilation.
The modal values and the standard deviations of insulation thicknesses have been calculated for each case and climate. In Trento, the modal values vary of maximum 2 cm, except for vertical walls’ insulation in south-oriented intermediate flats, whose difference is up to 7 cm. Excluding this case, standard deviations are generally close or within 1 cm. In Monza, the largest deviations of modal values are equal to 3 cm and the standard deviations are slightly larger than 1 cm. As a whole, the impact of the RY choice on the proposed insulation thicknesses of EEMs included in the fronts is modest, with only one configuration in Trento with remarkable differences depending on the RY.
Figure 5 and
Figure 6 depict, as examples, the results for Trento. For east-oriented intermediate flats, double glazings with high
SHGC, DH, and both kinds of triple glazings, TH and TL, are selected while only DH and TH are found in the fronts of the other east-oriented configurations. There are differences considering the various RYs for east-oriented configurations: for example, for intermediate flats, DH is not included in the fronts if optimization is run adopting RY
3, and, for semi-detached houses, either DH or TH are the most frequent EEMs in the front, respectively with RY
5 and RY
1. The deviations in the shares of DH and TH are around 40% for both building configurations. Analyzing the south-oriented cases in Trento (
Figure 6), similar trends are seen for windows’ substitutions, even if with different shares. The maximum deviation in frequency is only slightly larger than 20%, with the exception of semi-detached houses, where it increases to 44% and, for optimization with RY
5, TH does not belong to the front. As regards the boiler, the existing standard system is recommended to be kept only for some solutions in intermediate flats (both orientations) and penthouses (only south-oriented configurations) while more efficient alternatives are proposed for the other types of buildings. Deviations can be detected for east-oriented semi-detached houses, with modulating boilers present in the front only if RY
1, RY
2 and RY
4 are adopted. Changes of share between 30% and 35% are detected for modulating and condensing boilers in east-oriented penthouses and semi-detached houses. On the contrary, for south-oriented configurations, share deviations are slightly larger than 20%, except for the penthouses for which they are around 35%. Considering ventilation, mechanical solutions are more frequently found in penthouses and semi-detached houses but the impact of the weather data is more limited. As a whole, as far as the solutions in the Pareto fronts are considered, east-oriented penthouses and south-oriented intermediate flats are the most robust configurations to the choice of reference years for the climate of Trento.
The Pareto fronts for Monza are generally less sensitive to the weather input definition but the global trends of selected EEMs are similar to Trento. Regarding windows’ substitution, maximum share deviations are larger than 20% only for south-oriented intermediate flats and east-oriented penthouses and semi-detached houses. Considering the boiler, in east-oriented configurations, the maximum share deviation is always lower than 20%, except for penthouses with 24% share deviation for modulating and condensing boilers. In south-oriented configurations, share changes are lower than 20% for intermediate flats, between 14% and 29% for penthouses and up to 49% for semi-detached houses. As concerns ventilation, the only share deviations larger than 20%, i.e., equal to 46% and 25%, are for east-oriented semi-detached houses and south-oriented penthouses, respectively. For both orientations, in Monza, intermediate flats are the configurations with the EEMs included in the Pareto fronts more robust to the reference year input.
3.4. Economic and Energy Optimal Solutions
This last analysis focuses on two specific points belonging to the fronts, i.e., the one maximizing the cost objective (cost optimum) and the one maximizing the energy one (energy optimum). After an evaluation of which EEMs are selected for those points, their economic and energy performances are discussed.
3.4.1. EEMs for Economic and Energy Optima
Table 5 and
Table 6 report, as examples, the EEMs optima for the different building configurations in Trento. Considering the cost optima, the impact of RY on the insulation thicknesses is limited to 2 cm in many configurations, except for example for the south-oriented intermediate flat, for which 14 cm are recommended for the vertical walls’ insulation with RY
4 and 18 cm with RY
5 and RY
6. All RYs lead to the same results for south-oriented buildings in terms of window, boiler and ventilation preferences. For those east-oriented, instead, the recommendations are different: for example, RY
3 leads to the selection of TH glazings for intermediate flats while DH are preferred in all other cases, RY
1 and RY
2 lead to the recommendation of a modulating boiler (instead of a condensing one), respectively for the penthouse and the semi-detached house. Considering energy optima, the variability of insulation thicknesses is very limited (i.e., 1 cm) for the east-oriented configurations and, in particular, null for the intermediate flat, while for the south-oriented configurations we can detect both large sensitivity (e.g., up to 5 cm difference for walls’ insulation of the intermediate flat, 4 cm of difference for floor’s insulation for semi-detached houses) and null sensitivity (i.e., for the penthouse). Penthouses have the same results, independently of RY, in terms of window, boiler and ventilation preferences. For intermediate flats, windows and boiler selections are affected by RYs while for south-oriented semi-detached houses, this is true only for the windows.
In Monza, EEMs follow trends similar to those observed for Trento. As concerns the cost-optima, however, the deviations among the outcome of the different optimizations are more limited. Indeed, the choice of reference year always affects the insulation thicknesses in terms of 2 cm and only for some configurations, such as penthouses and semi-detached houses. In particular, with RY5 and RY6, proposed thicknesses are generally different from those obtained with the other reference years. Furthermore, the EEMs regarding windows, boiler and ventilation are affected only for the type of boiler in the east-oriented penthouse and south-oriented semi-detached houses, for which modulating boiler is preferred to the condensing one when, respectively, RY5 and RY6 are adopted. Considering the energy optima, besides the choice of the optimal insulation thickness, TH, condensing boiler and mechanical ventilation system are always recommended, except for the south-oriented intermediate flat, for which TL glazings are proposed, as in Trento. The reference year has no impact on the ventilation system and affects slightly window and boiler selection: for example, for east-oriented semi-detached houses, RY3 leads to a selection of DH, for east-oriented intermediate flats the output with the same reference year includes no substitution of the boiler and, similarly, for south-oriented penthouses the output with RY2 includes the adoption of a modulating boiler instead of a condensing one.
As observed, the impact of reference years on the selected EEMs in cost and energy optima are slightly different for the two localities, with Trento presenting a larger sensitivity. Besides the insulation thickness, which is particularly affected in Trento in south-oriented intermediate flats, proposed windows and boiler can be influenced by the reference weather file while the type of ventilation is not.
3.4.2. Performances of Economic and Energy Optima
Considering the differences in the best
EPh in Trento, as shown in
Figure 3, all reference years lead to
EPh lower than 1 kWh·m
−1 for all intermediate flats, between 12 and 16 kWh·m
−1 and 1 and 2 kWh·m
−1, respectively for east- and south-oriented penthouses, and between 23 and 30 kWh·m
−1 and 8 and 14 kWh·m
−1, respectively, for east and south oriented semi-detached houses. In Monza, as in
Figure 4, the reference years lead to
EPh lower than 1 kWh·m
−1 for all intermediate flats, between 10 and 15 kWh·m
−1 and 2 and 5 kWh·m
−1 for penthouses, respectively east- and south-oriented, and between 24 and 31 kWh·m
−1 and between 11 and 18 kWh·m
−1 for semi-detached houses, respectively east- and south-oriented.
Regarding NPV, in Trento we have between 18,000 and 21,000 EUR and 13,000 and 16,000 EUR, respectively, for east- and south-oriented intermediate flats, between 28,000 and 31,000 EUR and 22,000 and 25,000 EUR, respectively, for east- and south-oriented penthouses, and between 37,000 and 40,000 EUR and 30,000 and 34,000 EUR, respectively, for east- and south-oriented semi-detached houses. In Monza, the deviations are more limited: around 19,000 and around 15,000 EUR for intermediate flats, between 28,000 and 30,000 EUR and around 24,000 EUR for penthouses, and around 37,000 EUR and between 32,000 and 34,000 EUR for semi-detached houses, for east- and south-oriented configurations, respectively.
In both climates, the absolute deviations for the optima are similar or lower than those for the existing buildings’ performances, even if their relative impact is much larger. For example, for south-oriented semi-detached houses in Trento, the variability of EPh is more than 75% between the energy performances simulated with RY2 and RY3. Similarly, for the same configurations, economic performances can change of more than 13%.
4. Discussion and Conclusions
In this work, the impact of the weather data on the outcome of multi-objective optimization has been analyzed in the context of building energy refurbishment. The study focused on two north Italy climates, i.e., Trento and Monza, respectively, with an Alpine and a continental temperate climate, for which different reference years were developed starting from the multi-year weather data series. The methodologies for the reference year definition were chosen according to the current state of the art and technical standards. In particular, the work considered as references the European standard EN ISO 15927-4:2005, the Wilcox-Marion method for TMY3 generation, two approaches frequently found in the literature, i.e., the Pissimanis et al., and the minimum Finkelstein–Schafer methods, and two approaches proposed by Pernigotto et al. in previous works, i.e., Best rank I and II methods. The six reference years were used as input for TRNSYS simulations of the primary energy uses for space heating for six building typologies, with features representative of the existing Italian residential stock built before the first energy efficiency laws during the 70 s. Four main energy efficiency measures were designed with respect to opaque envelope insulation, windows replacement, boiler substitution and adoption of a mechanical ventilation system. The NSGA-II genetic algorithm was implemented to optimize the mix of measures for each building configuration and reference year, in order to minimize both net present value of the refurbishment investment and the primary energy for space heating.
The following findings can be drawn:
Analyzing the developed reference years, different values of Heating Degree-Days and daily average global solar irradiation on horizontal surface during the heating season can be observed. For the first one, the largest deviations are 11% and 13%, while, for the latter, they are 6% and 10%, respectively, for Trento and Monza.
The deviations in the weather data impact differently on the energy and economic performances of the existing buildings: indeed, while for east-oriented configurations, the difference ranges are between 4% and 8% and between 9% and 13%, respectively in Trento and in Monza, for the south-oriented ones, they are shifted towards larger values (i.e., from 7% to 14% and from 11% to 17%). This suggests various sensitivities to the climatic solicitation and a role of the building’s features on the propagation of the uncertainty from weather data. In particular, the largest differences are met for the performances of the existing intermediate flats.
Analyzing the Pareto fronts obtained through genetic algorithm multi-objective optimization, it is possible to see that they are not simply shifted according to the performance deviations of the considered existing buildings but also intersected. This is related to types of ventilation system, either natural or mechanical one, which lead to different shapes of Pareto fronts according to the selected reference year. Looking at the alternative solutions belonging to the Pareto fronts, it can be observed that their number varies significantly, and, in some cases, variations are also equal to 100%.
Studying the energy efficiency measures of the solutions belonging to the Pareto fronts, it is possible to conclude that, in most of configurations, the impact of the reference years on the recommended insulation thicknesses for the envelope opaque components is modest and generally lower than 2 or 3 cm, respectively, for Trento and Monza modal values. An exception is found for the insulation of vertical walls in south-oriented intermediate flats in Trento, ranging from 13 to 20 cm of polystyrene. The impact is more relevant considering the other efficiency measures. Indeed, the shares of occurrence of specific alternatives of windows, boilers and ventilation systems, change with the reference years and, for some configurations and weather data, they are not even included among the solutions belonging to the Pareto front. Considering these three energy efficiency measures, in Trento, east-oriented penthouses and south-oriented intermediate flats are the most robust configurations while, in Monza, this is true for intermediate flats, independently of the orientation.
Focusing on the solutions in the Pareto fronts maximizing either economic or energy objectives, it can be seen that the impact of reference years on the selected energy efficiency measures are slightly different for the two localities, with Trento presenting a larger sensitivity despite of the lower variability of performances of the existing building configurations. Besides the insulation thickness in Trento, which is particularly affected in south-oriented intermediate flats as mentioned above, proposed windows and boiler can be influenced as well while this does not occur for the type of ventilation system. The absolute deviations in terms of primary energy for space heating and net present value for the optima are similar or lower than those for the existing buildings’ performances for both localities, even if their relative impact is larger. The largest deviations are within 4000 EUR for the net present values and 7 kWh·m−2·a−1 for the space heating energy uses.
In conclusion, it was observed that the procedure adopted for the definition of reference years for building energy simulations affects the outcome of cost-optimal energy refurbishment. In particular, some solutions can be excluded from the Pareto fronts and different mix of energy efficiency measures can be proposed. Different levels of energy and economic efficiency can be estimated for the refurbishment investment, introducing an uncertainty which can be significant if the target is the renovation of the existing building into a nearly zero energy building. Consequently, reference years should be carefully selected or developed considering their actual representativeness, especially when cost-optimal energy refurbishment is adopted by policy makers to define new requirements or energy goals for the building stock. In particular, the reference years with the largest representativeness with respect to the multi-year series should be primarily identified for each locality and used as input for cost-optimal energy refurbishment.
Finally, in this research, only two objectives were studied, and focus was put on those Italian climates characterized by larger heating demand. Uncertainty may increase by adding more goals, e.g., thermal comfort, and including more energy uses in primary energy calculation, e.g., those for space cooling and lighting, as is expected in further developments involving some Mediterranean locations.