Application of H? Robust Control on a Scaled Offshore Oil and Gas De-Oiling Facility
:1. Introduction
2. De-Oiling Process Model
2.1. Model Development
2.2. Model Validation
3. Synthesis of the Robust Control Solution
3.1. Numerical Solvability
3.1.1. Assumption 1
3.1.2. Assumption 2
3.1.3. Assumption 3
3.1.4. Assumption 4
3.2. H Controller Synthesis
- H with ;
- J with ; and
- .
3.3. The Designed H Controller
4. Benchmark PID Control Solution
5. Performance Analysis via Simulation
5.1. Description of the Testing Scenarios
5.1.1. Scenario ①
5.1.2. Scenario ②
5.1.3. Scenario ③
5.2. Simulation Results
6. Scaled Pilot Plant Implementation
6.1. Scaled Pilot Plant Experiment Description
6.2. Results of Experiments Performed on the Scaled Pilot Plant
6.2.1. Experiment Results for Scenario ④
6.2.2. Experiment Results for Scenario ⑤
6.2.3. Experiment Results for Scenario ⑥
6.2.4. Experiment Results for Scenario ⑦
6.3. Transmission of Fluctuations in
7. Discussion
7.1. Simulation Results
7.2. Experimental Results
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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A | B | C |
Platform | l | PDR | ||
Offshore | ||||
Pilot Plant | ||||
Simulation |
Scenario Name | Value & Time | Description |
① | l = [150 mm–170 mm] @ t = 3000 s | Step in l reference |
② | PDR = [2–4] @ t = 4000 s | Step in PDR reference |
③ | = 0.104 rad/s @ t = 5000 s | Sinusoidal disturbance input |
Scenario Name | Value&Time | Description | Figure |
④ | l = [130 mm–150 mm] @ t = 1500 s | Step in l reference | Figure 8 |
⑤ | PDR = [2–2.4] @ t = 1800 s | Step in PDR reference | Figure 8 |
⑥ | = 0.104 rad/s = 0.6 L/s @ t = 2000 s | Sinusoidal input | Figure 8 |
⑦ | PDR = 2 | Severe scenario | Figure 9 |
Parameter | Value | Unit | Alarm |
PDR | 1.5–3 | PDR | No |
l | 30–330 | [mm] | Yes |
P | 7 | [bar] | No |
P | 10.5 | [bar] | Yes |
10.5 | [bar] | Yes | |
1.5 | [L/s] | No |
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Durdevic, P.; Yang, Z. Application of H? Robust Control on a Scaled Offshore Oil and Gas De-Oiling Facility. Energies 2018, 11, 287.
Durdevic P, Yang Z. Application of H? Robust Control on a Scaled Offshore Oil and Gas De-Oiling Facility. Energies. 2018; 11(2):287.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDurdevic, Petar, and Zhenyu Yang. 2018. "Application of H? Robust Control on a Scaled Offshore Oil and Gas De-Oiling Facility" Energies 11, no. 2: 287.
APA StyleDurdevic, P., & Yang, Z. (2018). Application of H? Robust Control on a Scaled Offshore Oil and Gas De-Oiling Facility. Energies, 11(2), 287.