2. Methodology
Transmission projects may result in a reduction of the local pollutants, NOx and SO2, emitted by fossil fuel generation. In this section, we describe the approach followed to assess the impact of the consideration of the local pollution reduction benefits of transmission projects in their benefit assessment and cost allocation decisions. The benefit assessment of a project involves the computation of the benefits produced by this project. The allocation of the cost of each project is here deemed to be carried out according to the beneficiary pays principle. Those parties being negatively affected by the transmission investment assessed should, probably, not be compensated for these. However, those countries being negatively affected could try to block the construction of the corresponding project. To avoid this, in the case study considered, which is focused on the European electricity system, those countries negatively affected by the project are deemed to be compensated for these negative benefits
The benefit assessment and cost allocation of network investments have traditionally been based on the assessment of the impact of these on the energy market benefits of the system stakeholders, generators, and consumers, including the impact of these projects on congestion rents. Following this same approach, we extend it to consider the impact of transmission projects on the damages caused by two of the most relevant local pollutants, NO
x and SO
2. As discussed in
Section 1, there are additional aspects of the functioning of power systems affected by transmission projects, like the impact of these on system resiliency, or that on competition in markets. However, these are left out because the focus of this research work is the health-related impacts of transmission projects due to their role in the change in local air pollution (Due to data availability, the damage of NOx and SO2 pollution to the ecosystem and crops is ignored).
Therefore, we consider the local environmental benefits of transmission projects within the benefit assessment and cost allocation of these projects. Then, we assess the impact of considering these benefits on the results of the benefit assessment and cost allocation at the European level and in monetary terms. Thus, the process of computation of the economic impact of transmission projects, which is proposed in this article to guide the benefit assessment and the cost allocation of these projects, comprises two separate parts:
The computation of the impact of each project on the electricity market surplus (EMS) of the power system, including the consumer surplus, the producer surplus, and the congestion rents, while taking the evolution of the generation and demand as given.
The computation of the monetized health benefits, in other words, avoided local pollution damage (ALPD) produced by the transmission projects. The ALPD is associated with the impact of these projects on the change in NOx and SO2 concentration levels in countries.
This requires computing the effect of the NO
x and SO
2 emissions produced by power generation on the EMS and the Local Pollution Damage (LPD) in two situations (
Figure 1): (i) the situation where the transmission project is in place, and (ii) the other situation where the transmission project is not in place. The sum of both effects corresponds to the impact of NO
x and SO
2 emissions on the benefits created by this transmission project here considered, while the overall change in the EMS and the LPD between situations (i) and (ii) corresponds to the total benefits of this transmission investment.
In both the “with” and the “without” transmission project situations, the EMS and the LPD depend on whether a price is set on the emissions of local air pollutants. In our analysis, we assume that there is no tax applied to these emissions.
In the remainder of this section, we describe the steps to be taken to compute the EMS and the LPD in any specific situation.
2.1. Computation of Electricity Market Surplus (EMS)
As stated in the literature, the electricity market surplus within the power sector includes the consumer surplus, the producer surplus, and the congestion rents for any operation situation [
9]. The consumer surplus amounts to the difference between the utility value that the electricity consumed has for the corresponding consumers and the cost for those of purchasing this electricity. Thus, consumers are better off when the purchase cost of the electricity decreases because prices decrease. The producer surplus amounts to the difference between the revenue they obtain from the sale of electricity and the cost they incur in producing it. Thus, generators are better off when a transmission project allows them to increase the amount of electricity produced, and sold, and/or when this project causes an increase in the price applied to the electricity they sell. Consumer and producer surpluses can be expressed as in Equations (1) and (2).
is the value of lost load or utility of electricity for consumers,
is the Locational Marginal Price of electricity at node, or area
i, at time
t, is the sum of the fuel cost and taxes applied on production by the generation unit
, and
is the energy produced by
at time
Congestion rents are produced when there is not enough transmission capacity to allow all the economic electricity transactions to take place. Then, the nodal prices of electricity at both ends of certain lines, or corridors, differ. The revenues from congestion rents are, in the first place, collected by the system operator. When produced by merchant investors or associations of network users, these rents can be used to remunerate their owners. When produced by regulated transmission projects, these rents can be paid back directly or indirectly to the network users by, for instance, reducing the transmission charges they have to pay. Usually, the congestion rents produced by the interconnections among two or more systems are distributed evenly among these. Considering the existence of losses, the congestion rents produced by a line are computed as described in Equation (3).
is the power injected at the sending end of line
l connecting nodes
i and
j, and
is the power retrieved at the receiving end of line
2.2. Computation of the Damage Cost of Local Pollutants
The amount of electricity produced in each country by each technology is used as an input to compute the amount of polluting emissions released in this country, as described in Equation (4) [
is the emission factor for the type of emission
e released by the generation unit
is the net power output of the generation unit
at time
t, and
ηg is the efficiency rate of the generation unit
g. When the emissions considered are CO
2, the emission factor corresponds to the carbon content of the fuel burn by the generation unit.
In recent years, various methodologies and computer models have been used to assess the external costs of electricity generation [
38]. These methodologies follow one of two possible approaches: top-down or bottom-up. The bottom-up methodology, the Impact Pathway Approach (IPA) [
39], is used here to monetize the health damages caused by the local air pollutants, NO
x and SO
2. The IPA was developed in the ExternE project, which is a pioneer study in the field of quantification and monetization of externalities. The methodology was revised and updated repeatedly in the projects CAFÉ, NEEDS, and CASES. References [
43] are a few of the various studies that follow the IPA approach to compute the externalities of power generation.
Following the steps illustrated in
Figure 2, we use the IPA to assess the external cost of each pollutant emitted. This approach considers sequential links among the emissions released, their concentrations, their impacts on human beings, and the economic valuation of the resulting damages. Thus, computing the cost of emissions is a multidisciplinary analysis making use of scientific knowledge from several fields [
44]. First, the quantity of emissions, for each pollutant, released at specific locations is computed based on the local electricity production per technology, its efficiency and its emission factor. Second, the dispersion of emissions is tracked to assess the concentration increase at each receiver site, for each emission type, according to the atmospheric conditions, the fuel type, the emission abatement technologies in place, and the site-specific emission concentration levels in the baseline situation [
39]. As mentioned above, the pollutants damage human health both directly and contributing to the formation of harmful pollutants, particulate matter, and ozone [
18]. In the analyses, both the direct and secondary damaging effects of pollutants are considered. In the third place, the resulting health damages, in physical units, are determined as a linear dose-response function of the aforementioned emission concentration increases, where these functions are computed for the population subject to the concentration of pollutants. Finally, the damages computed for each receiver site are expressed in monetary units [
45]. Human health damages are monetized based on the individuals’ willingness-to-pay to avoid these health effects, or their willingness-to-accept the equivalent compensation.
3. Description of the Case Study
One main contribution of this work is the application of the methodology proposed to a real-life case study in Europe to properly assess the impact of considering the local pollution benefits on the benefit assessment and cost allocation of a real transmission cross-border project. The data employed in the case study should be reliable and complete to allow us to compute realistic results.
We apply the developed methodology in a context where large HVDC investments should have a role in replacing fossil fuel-fired generation in some areas with renewable energy generation in others. Thus, we have here selected and focused on a transmission investment project, within the PCIs (Projects of Common Interest) list, that has high potential to integrate renewable generation and to decrease emissions in the European system.
Taking into account its impact on local air pollution, we assess the benefits and allocate the cost of the PCI project “Biscay Gulf”, which is to be located in the western part of the French–Spanish border. This involves the deployment of an HVDC subsea cable expected to be commissioned by 2025, which will increase the interconnection capacity between these two countries from 2800 MW to 5000 MW [
46]. Apart from enhancing security of supply, this project will allow a relevant amount of nuclear and renewable generation located in the Iberian Peninsula to be integrated into the European transmission grid. The project is to be paid for, mainly, by the hosting countries. However, the European Commission will also cover a part of its cost, since some of its benefits will be enjoyed by non-hosting countries [
The European network model, generation, demand, and other time varying data considered within this case study correspond to the year 2030 and are based on the e-Highway 2050 Project [
48] and ENTSO-E’s Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) 2016 [
50]. In the case study, the European transmission grid is represented by 96 nodes belonging to 33 countries (EU-28 (except Malta and Cyprus), Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Republic of Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, and Switzerland), where there is at least one node belonging to each country, and 212 transmission lines. A single link is defined between each pair of directly connected nodes (see
Figure 3). The generation technologies considered include wind, solar, hydro, biomass, combined heat-power, nuclear, hard coal, lignite, gas, and oil power plants (In TYNDP 2016, some technologies are aggregated under the names “others-RES” and “others non-RES”. According to [
52] others-RES is mainly biomass while others non-RES is combined heat power plants. CHP is considered as non-dispatchable at our study.).
The data available in the e-Highway project data set only include the relative level of the line impedances, not their absolute values. The latter were not necessary in that project because losses were not considered in the analyses there. However, within our analyses, we consider losses; thus we have rescaled the impedances provided in the e-Highway data set considering the range provided for them in the study RESCost [
54]. The level of the resistance in each High Voltage AC (HVAC) line is assumed to be 1/10 of the value of its reactance, in line with the ENTSO-E’s TYNDP 2016 data, while the resistance of HVDC lines is computed as a function of their length and capacity (The corresponding network can be found in
Appendix A,
Table A1).
Power flows are computed using a DC load flow model coded in GAMS. The Transmission Expansion Planning Model for an Electric System (TEPES) tool is employed to compute these flows and the economic dispatch [
55]. We consider 80 hourly operation snapshots to represent the operation of the European system throughout the year 2030. These are selected based on a clustering analysis aimed at choosing those that are most representative of all the situations taking place in the year. The clustering variable employed is the vector of net nodal demand following the methodology used in [
56]. Ohmic losses in the transmission grid are represented using a piecewise linear model. The variabilities of wind and solar generation output, and demand, are represented using full year-hourly profiles, while hydropower variability is represented by season and regions. The operation and expansion of the transmission network is computed deterministically, in other words, taking the evolution of demand, RES generation, and hydro inflows as given. Data from [
57] have been employed to set the
VOLL at 10 k€/MWh in all the 33 countries.
It is crucial to use accurate and reliable values of the monetized health impact of local pollution. The methodology chosen to compute the aforementioned impacts in this study, the IPA, was implemented in the EcoSense model. In our study, the updated version of this model, EcoSenseWeb2 by [
58], was employed. The latter model applies an improved methodology and computes updated values for the impact factors. This allowed us to consider separately the polluter–receiver country emission relationship in 2030 for the 33 countries of focus. Making use of this, emitter–receiver country emission relationships have been properly established and the damages caused in each country by changes in the emissions in this or any other have been assessed accurately.
The methodology here proposed is applied to two of the scenarios considered in the computation of the ENTSO-E TYNDP 2016. These two stand at two opposite ends within the 2050 energy roadmap. While the first scenario, Vision 1, or “Slowest Progress”, is delayed to reach 2050 emission reduction targets, the second scenario, Vision 3, or “National Green Transition”, stays on track. Both Visions assume the continuation of the ETS market for the determination of CO2 prices and no European taxation or market mechanism implemented for NOx and SO2. Regarding the analysis here, both scenarios differ in the assumptions made on the variable production costs of technologies, their installed capacities, the demand and RES generation output time series, provided by ENTSO-E.
Vision 1 assumes a weak focus on emission reduction and a low level of investments in new generation facilities of any type by 2030 in Europe. Under Vision 1, the installed capacity of coal, lignite, and gas power plants amounts, in total, to 27% of the total installed generation capacity. On the other hand, the installed capacity of solar and wind energy stays at 34% of the total installed capacity while the share of hydro power plants is 20%. Nuclear is still a key generation technology in Western Europe together with fossil-fuel fired generation. Compared to Vision 1, Vision 3 is very ambitious regarding the level of installed renewable energy generation. In this scenario, the European countries are expected to meet their national energy policy targets in terms of penetration of renewable energy generation, efficiency, and emissions reduction by 2030. Accordingly, the share of wind and solar installed capacity over the total installed capacity in Europe reaches 42%. Hydro power plant capacity stays at 20% of the total installed capacity but with a capacity increase of 24 GW.
Table 1 shows the detailed breakdown of generation capacity by technology for both scenarios for selected countries.
Table 2 shows the components of the variable costs considered for electricity production per technology and scenario. The NO
x and SO
2 marginal health damage costs provided in the table are the average of those considered for all the countries in Europe. The CO
2 costs, which are internalized by generation through the price they have to pay for emission allowances, are specific to each ENTSO-E scenario. The NO
x and SO
2 damage costs should also be, but common figures have been considered because data on these were only available for a reference EcoSenseWeb2 scenario.
The efficiencies of power plants are derived from [
60], while the carbon content of fuels is obtained from TYNDP 2018 [
61]. Technology-specific emission factors for the year 2030 are derived based on the EMEP/EEA Emission Inventory Guidebook [
62] and Best Available Technologies [
63]. All values are shown in
Table 3.
5. Conclusions
Large transmission investments can be expected in the future and should bring fundamental changes in the operation and investment decisions of the power system. Therefore, these network projects may bring substantial benefits to the stakeholders and the system as a whole. Given the large cost and expected impact of new HVDC projects and others alike, it is essential to accurately determine their benefits and their distribution across stakeholders or local systems. This should allow authorities to efficiently determine which network investments to undertake and how to allocate their cost. Accurately carrying out the cost–benefit analysis, and cost allocation, of the new transmission projects requires the assessment of the benefits of all types they are expected to produce, even the ones which are difficult to quantify and monetize.
Within this context, we propose a framework to determine and monetize the local environmental benefits of the new transmission projects. Then, we estimate, for a relevant case study of the European system, the impact of considering the local environmental benefits of projects on the assessment of their total benefits, and the efficient allocation of their cost based on the distribution across countries of these benefits. This is especially relevant for those transmission projects contributing to the integration of large amounts of clean (renewable or nuclear) electricity generation.
In the case study considered, we compute the benefits of a particular interconnection line in Europe connecting Spain and France. The generation mix existing in the system and within each country may significantly affect the benefits produced by the project. These results may be largely dependent on the transmission project assessed and the scenario considered. Thus, in Vision 1, nuclear generation in France is most largely affected by increasing its production as a result of the implementation of the project. However, in Vision 3, wind generation is the technology increasing its production to the largest extent.
In the case study, the benefits of the considered project related to the reduction of local pollution constitute a relevant part of the overall benefits. Apparently, the local environmental benefits created by some projects may be even larger than those related to the reduction of CO2 emissions they bring about. However, the local environmental benefits obtained by individual countries from the project considered in the case study are, for the majority of countries, much smaller than the benefits of other types, namely the electricity market surplus benefits, obtained by these countries from the project. Then, the consideration of the local environmental benefits of this project does not alter relevantly the efficient allocation of its cost, carried out according to the beneficiary-pays principle.
Further research should focus on applying the framework proposed to other transmission projects. In addition, this framework should be adapted to the consideration of the application of NOx and SO2 taxes in those regions where they are expected to be in place.