1. Introduction
The global increase in energy demand together with ambitious greenhouse gas emission reduction plans creates the opportunity for constant renewable energy capacity growth. The shift from fossil fuel-based energy production to renewable energy generation can partly be achieved by increased biobased energy generation. Biogas-based energy production increases the base load renewable energy production. Furthermore, biogas is an alternative energy source to natural gas. The current natural gas grid infrastructure can be adapted for green and renewable biomethane injection and transmission internationally. The use of biogas to partly replace natural gas has the potential to reduce imports of energy resources in many countries. Local green biomethane production would allow the development of energy independence for many regions and countries worldwide.
Volumes of biogas produced in the 28 EU countries doubled from 93 to 187 TWh between 2008 and 2016 [
2]. Kampman et al. [
3] envisioned another doubling by 2030, with significant biogas capacity growth achieved in some EU member countries. The European Biogas Association estimates growth in demand for green biomethane and a major shift in the utilization of biogas from burning gas for combined heat and power production towards a biomethane production approach. The major drivers for this shift will be the biomethane market demand and price increase and reductions in the price of renewable electricity due to the optimization of photovoltaics and wind energy capital expenses as well as operational expenses [
During the anaerobic digestion process, biogas is produced together with a valuable residual stream known as the digestate. Therefore, increasing demand for biogas-based energy generation will generate a significant increase in the annual volumes of digestate generated. Recycling the digestate back to soil and therefore valuable nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and organic carbon for plants is the circular economy concept case [
5]. Anaerobic digestion is a good example of a closed loop process as the biogas is produced from the volatile matter fraction of various biodegradable feedstock streams such as animal slurry, manure or agricultural waste biomasses and the valuable nutrients available in the digestate are recycled back to the soil. The typical feedstock biomass for biogas production can be applied to soil directly as natural biofertilizer, however, strict environmental requirements encourage the integration of the anaerobic digestion process prior to biomass application on arable lands. First, the odor released during manure application on land can also be prevented when anaerobic digestion is applied [
6]. Second, various pathogens present in animal origin feedstocks are removed during the biogas production process [
7]. Third, according to various publications, the anaerobic digestion process helps to concentrate most of the micro- and macronutrients present in the feedstock biomass [
9]. However, negative aspects of the misuse of biobased fertilizers, including digestate, are unpleasant odors and uncontrolled flow of leachate to soil and ground waters, as well as ammonia gas or greenhouse gas emissions such as CO
2 and CH
4 released to the atmosphere. Therefore, the European Union (EU) has created legislation resulting in the EU Nitrates Directive [
10], limiting the use of biobased fertilizers based on the 170 kg N ha
−1 year
−1 maximum fertilization norm. However, the research of Biernat et al. [
11] concludes that both organic and conventional cropping systems are, under current management practices, not sufficient to meet the environmental standards for water protection in the EU. Thus, the better management of nitrogen compounds on small and large farms would lead to better protection of the groundwater quality.
The elements are concentrated in the digestate and, if managed appropriately, the digestate has potential for use as an agricultural fertilizer [
12]. Other research studies demonstrate the benefits of digestate compared to mineral fertilizers due to less nitrate leaching potential [
11], because the digestate also adds organic carbon substances that can increase the capacity for holding mobile forms, such as ammonium or others, of the particular soil. This aspect is often ignored as most biogas plant operators calculate the value of digestate in terms of NPK concentrations. However, it should be noted as there are more nutrients in the digestate than NPK and, based on that, its actual economic potential increases [
Economic and environmental sustainability is challenged by two major factors: first, by the distance and feedstock quantity used for biogas production and, second, the amount of digestate generated during the anaerobic digestion process in each biogas power plant. Thus, if the digestate is not further processed in terms of volume reduction, it is very important to optimize the biogas plants’ feedstock portfolio and minimize the digestate’s logistics distance. For example, the sustainability aspects can be improved when the digestate volumes are utilized as close to biogas plants (BPs) as possible. Additionally, if the feedstock biomass yields for biogas production were increased in areas where it would not compete with food production, biogas power plants could grow the feedstock biomass in a sustainable manner, while using the digestate in order to increase biomass yields. Increased biomass yields as well as increased biogas potential due to fertilization of the biomass growing area would result in increased energy produced per hectare, resulting in a potential reduction in operational expenses for biogas power plant feedstock portfolios. Currently, there are no serious problems with the spreading of digestate worldwide [
14] but biogas plants often struggle to sell digestate. However, the leading strategy for a circular economy-based digestate management approach is still in its immature phase [
15]. For example, in Lithuania, major biogas plants distribute the liquid fraction of digestate (LFD) free of charge and the solid fraction of digestate (SFD) is sold through commercial agreements with local farmers. In Europe, the utilization of digestate is complicated when it is classified as waste. This aspect creates barriers for a sustainable digestate utilization strategy as most biogas plant owners tend to spread the digestate on fields belonging to the biogas plant [
Biogas plant operators often underestimate the potential income from digestate sales for their biogas plants. The potential application of digestate to improve feedstock biomass yields could be an attractive strategy towards feedstock portfolio security for remote biogas power plants. For this reason, the potential price of digestate from eight different biogas plants in Lithuania was evaluated in terms of its chemical composition and major elements. The potential price of digestate was determined as the first option for biogas plant operators. As the second option, the digestate fertilization of low-fertility abandoned arable lands overgrown with semi-natural grasslands for the sake of biogas feedstock production was investigated.
The present research was structured towards the better understanding of digestate chemical composition, its potential economic value as a biofertilizer and its impact on biomass yields as well as the biogas potential of digestate-fertilized biomass. The objective of the research was to evaluate the economic potential of the digestates produced in agricultural biogas plants. Therefore, the chemical composition and fertilizing properties of digestate from eight agricultural biogas plants were researched. Based on the chemical composition, the potential sales revenues were evaluated as if the digestate was sold as the biofertilizer. Furthermore, the solid and liquid digestate fertilization field experiment was carried out in order to better understand its impact on soil properties and semi-natural grass biomass yield. Finally, the biomethane potential assessment was carried out on the digestate-fertilized biomass samples. The biomass sampling was carried out in order to better understand the digestate impact on biomass yield, biomass composition and the biogas potential. In addition to that, the soil properties were researched in order to understand the digestate’s effect on soil properties. The digestate’s impact on soil has been presented in other publications of our research group [
18]. The research indicates a biomass yield improvement and also a biogas potential increase when digestate is used as biofertilizer on low-fertility soil fields. The promising results demonstrate the possibility to spread the digestate around the areas near the biogas plants, providing the chance to grow potential feedstock for sustainable biogas production. Additionally, the potential digestate economic value for the biogas plants is discussed based on biofertilizers’ chemical compositions.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Digestate Sampling and Description of Selected Biogas Plants
Eight different industrial biogas power plants of the same production capacity, located in Lithuania, were selected for the brief feedstock analysis and regular digestate sampling during the experimental year. The digestates were sampled 5 times per year with 2-month intervals. The LFD was sampled from the digestate storage lagoon and the SFD was sampled directly after the solid–liquid separator. The procedure was protocoled and repeated in the same order to minimize any deviation in digestate composition due to uneven sampling methodology. The biogas plant performance was found to be stable and consistent in terms of biogas production, however, the publishing of continuous process analysis data was not tolerated by the managers of the biogas plants.
2.2. Digestate Fertilization Field Experimental Area and Field Operations
The semi-natural grassland cultivation and digestate fertilization field experiments were carried out with three field replicates and a plot size of 6 square meters. In the field experiment, three different fertilization rates were applied: control field with no fertilizer, fertilization by separated solid and liquid digestate. The chosen fertilization rate was 170 kg ha−1 N for both solid and liquid fertilization approaches. The amount of fertilization digestate was based on the total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) calculated through the digestate chemical analysis. The location of the experiment was the municipality of Elektrenai, Lithuania, 54°47019.19″ N 24°45012.050″ E. The experiment was performed in eroded loamy Retisol soil with a low organic matter content. The soil profile analysis indicated an Ak-AkBC-BC1-BC2-C profile. The pH of the soil was 7.68, organic carbon content was 1.34 ± 0.06% TS and nitrogen content was 0.96 ± 0.07 g·kg−1. Fertilization with digestate was carried out manually in spring (first week of May) during each experimental year in 2018 and 2020. The semi-natural grassland biomass was cut once a year (the first week of July).
2.3. Methodology for Estimating Digestate Value
The value of the SFD and LFD from each of the 8 biogas plants tested was evaluated in terms of the market prices of mineral fertilizers typically used in Lithuania. The values of mineral fertilizers were recalculated in order to find out the cost of 1 kg pure component. The NH4NO3, (NH4)H2PO4, KCl, CuSO4·5H2O, ZnSO4·7H2O, FeSO4·7H2O and MgSO4·7H2O fertilizers were used for digestate elements as alternative fertilizers. Additionally, the local price for cow manure was used for the organic carbon (OC) value estimation.
The content and the value of 1 kg of specific elements in the alternative fertilizer were calculated using the following formula:
The price of digestate was calculated as the total sum of ingredients analyzed:
The parameters used in Equations (1) and (2) are described in
Table 1.
The digestate value estimation methodology does not take into account the microbiological activity of digestate biomass as this aspect was not researched during the present study.
2.4. Biomethane Potential Assessment
The biogas potential of fresh cut biomass from the field experiment was evaluated. The duration of the tests was 40 days. Biomethane potential was evaluated by an Automatic Methane Potential Test System (AMPTS II, Bioprocess Control, Lund, Sweden). Then, the CO2 from biogas was eliminated by passing through 80 mL 3M NaOH solution and CH4 yield was measured by the AMPTS II’s gas flow meter. The inoculum used was from a mesophilic biogas plant with pig slurry, with beetroot biomass used as the main feedstock for the biogas production. The applied substrate to inoculum ratio was 2:1 on a weight basis. The experiments were carried out in triplicate, and the temperature was set to 35 ± 1 °C.
2.5. Analytical Methods for Digestate Analysis
The SFD and LFD streams were regularly evaluated with regard to TKN, total solids (TS), volatile fraction (VS), total phosphorus (P), total potassium (K), organic C, Cu, Zn, Fe, Ca, Mg and pH. The digestate samples were stored at 5 °C before the analyses. TKN content was measured immediately after the digestate’s arrival at the laboratory facilities. TS was measured by the weight loss after drying digestate samples at 105 °C for 24 h. VS was measured after heat treatment at 550 °C for 4 h and then the samples’ weight was measured. The P concentrations were quantified by a color reaction with an ammonium molybdate vanadate reagent at a wavelength of 430 nm on a Cary 50 UV–vis spectrophotometer (Varian Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA), after the wet digestion process with sulfuric acid. For OC, the modified Nikitin–Tyurin method [
19] was applied.
Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Cu and Zn content in digestate was determined with atomic absorption spectrometry, measured on an AAnalyst 200 (Perkin Elmer, Waltham, MA, USA) using a wet digestion process with sulfuric acid. For atomic absorption spectrometry, an air–acetylene flame and hollow cathode mono/multi-element lamps were used.
The homogenization was done for the liquid digestate prior to the pH measurement. The pH of solid digestate was measured in deionized water extract (1:5 weight/volume).
2.6. Field Experiment and Biomass Sampling
The semi-natural grassland cultivation and digestate-based fertilization randomized field experiment took place in the period 2018–2020. The experiment was repeated for three consecutive years in the same fields with three field replicates under the same fertilization conditions. The comprehensive experimental setup, the methodology and the results are evaluated in [
18]. The following treatments were applied: the control, solid digestate and liquid digestate. The fertilization rate of 170 kg ha
−1 N was applied for both solid digestate and liquid digestate fertilization. The 170 kg ha
−1 N fertilization rate was selected as the maximum possible fertilization rate based on the EU Nitrate Directive. Fertilization with digestate was applied manually in spring (first week of May) during each experimental year.
Semi-natural grass biomass was manually cut from each 6 m2 field replicate. The yield of fresh biomass was weighed immediately after harvesting. The biomass was put into hermetic plastic bags and approximately 1.0 ± 0.1 kg was delivered for further compositional analysis to the laboratory. The size of cut biomass was reduced to 35–40 mm to simulate the size reduction if harvesting machinery was used. The fresh-cut biomass was kept at 5 °C for later experiments for the assessment of biomethane potential.
4. Conclusions
The present research focused on the better understanding of agricultural biogas plants′ digestates’ chemical composition, their potential economic value as biofertilizer and their impact on biomass yields as well as the biogas potential once the digestate is used as biofertilizer on low-fertility soils. The anaerobic digestion process is the perfect example of a circular economy and therefore the production of biogas and utilization of digestate as a valuable organic fertilizer are sustainable solutions for organic biowaste utilization approaches. The LFD and SFD differed in their composition and they both contained components that can be used as biofertilizers. Both the LFD and SFD had higher N concentrations when chicken manure and thermally treated biowaste were present in the feedstock mix of the biogas plant.
Digestate is a potential source of income for biogas power plants. The N concentration of LFD and SFD followed by the OC concentration in SFD were the major components in terms of the economic potential of digestate. Based on the market price for commercial fertilizers, digestate can generate EUR 941–2095 of additional income for the average biogas plants analyzed in this research. Therefore, the higher N and OC concentrations in the fractions of digestate should become the priority for biogas plant operators when digestate sales are considered as an additional source of income.
Continuous digestate application on low-fertility soil causes an increase in semi-natural grass yield by up to three times based on the biomass volatile solids harvested. The biogas potential test results indicate that biomass grown on digestate-fertilized soil can generate up to 685 m3 CH4 ha−1 for liquid digestate-fertilized areas and 725 m3 CH4 ha−1 for solid digestate-fertilized areas. The digestate application on semi-natural grass biomass production areas near biogas plants could be an alternative strategy for biogas plant feedstock portfolio diversification. Further research is needed in order to better understand the sustainability aspects for the closed loop digestate utilization concept.