Frac-n-Flow Testing to Screen Brittle Fracture Stages in Wolfcamp Formation, Permian Basin, USA
:1. Introduction
2. Background
2.1. Rock Fracturability and Fracture Mode
2.2. Fracture Mode and Permeability Change
2.3. Stress Shadow Effect in Multistage HF Completion
2.4. Matrix Permeability and Pad-Fracture Conductivity
3. Frac-n-Flow Testing
3.1. Testing Facility
3.2. Testing Methodology
3.2.1. Preparing the Sample
3.2.2. Initiating Frac-n-Flow Testing under Hydrostatic Pressure
3.2.3. Performing Frac-n-Flow Test under Non-Hydrostatic Pressure
3.2.4. Testing Control and Data Processing
- k—permeability, milli-Darcy;
- Q—injection rate, cm3/s, (1 cm3/s = 1 mL/s);
- ΔP—differential pressure across the rock sample, atm, (1 atm = 14.7 psi);
- μ—viscosity, cp, (μDI water ≈ 1 cp at the testing conditions in this paper);
- A—Cross-section area of rock sample, cm2, (2.54 cm = 1 in); and
- L—Length of rock sample, cm, (2.54 cm = 1 in).
4. Testing Results
4.1. Indiana Limestone Geology and Basic Petrophysical Properties
4.2. Failure Mode Impact on Post-Failure Axial Stress and Induced Fractures
- (1)
- When the confining pressure was low (σc ≤ 100 psi), the post-failure axial stress fell sharply. The sample experienced a sudden loss of strength. The rock fractured in a brittle mode. A single, straight, near vertical fracture was induced;
- (2)
- When the confining pressure was low to intermediate (σc = 1000 psi), the post-failure axial stress fell gradually. The rock experienced a gradual loss of strength. The rock fractured in a semi-brittle mode. A single, straight, near vertical fracture was induced, with a flattened toe;
- (3)
- When the confining pressure was intermediate to high (σc = 2000–3000 psi), there was no obvious peak or sign of failure in axial stress. The “post-failure” axial stress stayed almost constant or only slightly changed. The rock fails in a semi-ductile mode. A single, near horizontal fracture, i.e., almost perpendicular to the overburden– the maximum stress, was formed; and
- (4)
- When the confining pressure was extremely high (σc = 4000 psi), there was no peak or sign of failure in axial stress. Instead, the “post-failure” axial stress continued increasing, slightly but steadily. The rock experienced a ductile mode of failure. No obvious single fracture was formed. Instead, two sets of conjugating “fracture” networks were formed, with an obtuse angle (i.e., larger than 90°) facing to overburden stress.
4.3. Failure Mode Impact on Permeability Change
- (1)
- When the fracture was created in brittle mode, the permeability continuously improved during the fracturing process (Figure 6a). Accompanying the sudden loss of rock strength, the matrix permeability/fracture conductivity jumped up rapidly. As the fracturing process continued in the post-failure phase, fracture conductivity continued to be enhanced;
- (2)
- When the fracturing was semi-brittle, the matrix permeability significantly increased at the failure. However the total improvement was not as significant as when the sample failed in brittle mode because the matrix permeability experienced a bigger decrease at the initial phase of compression (Figure 6b);
- (3)
- When the fracturing process was semi-ductile, the matrix permeability decreased monotonically, except for small ripples at the failing moments (Figure 6c–e). In these three cases, obvious decreases in axial stress are observed in a short period of time during the failure phase. With the exception of Case C (Figure 6c), which had a small up-ripple in fracture conductivity at the failing phase, the overall impact was that fracture conductivity continued the reduction tendency of matrix permeability and experienced monotonic decline; and
- (4)
- When the rock failed in ductile mode, the matrix permeability decreased exponentially (Figure 6f). In this case, the matrix permeability was completely damaged to zero.
4.4. Frac-n-Flow Test-Based Folds of Increase in Matrix Permeability
- FOIt—test-based FOI in permeability induced by fracturing of the rock sample;
- Initial Permeability—rock matrix permeability at the beginning; and
- Post Frac Permeability—permeability after the rock is fractured or failed.
- (1)
- When the rock sample was fractured in brittle mode, its matrix permeability significantly improved. For instance, in Test 10IL08 (Figure 6a) the matrix permeability increased 13 times post fracturing, or 1300%;
- (2)
- When the rock sample was fractured in semi-brittle mode, its matrix permeability only slightly improved. For instance, in Test 09IL06 (Figure 6b) the matrix permeability increased by 0.08 time or 8% from intact matrix to post-fracture;
- (3)
- When the rock sample was fractured in semi-ductile mode, its matrix permeability was damaged to different degrees, instead of being improved. For instance, matrix permeability of Tests 08IL92, 08IL95 and 08IL12 (Figure 6c–e) decreased by 0.39, 0.59 and 0.71 time, i.e., 39%, 59% and 71%, respectively; and
- (4)
- When the rock sample failed in ductile mode, its matrix permeability was damaged completely. For instance, matrix permeability of Tests 08IL11 (Figure 6f) decreased 1.0 time, i.e., 100% lost.
5. Discussion
5.1. Brittle-Ductile Behavior under 3D Compression vs. 3D Extension
5.2. Estimation of the Stress Shadow Effect
5.2.1. Analytical Solution for the Stress Shadow Effect
5.2.2. Field Observation of Altered Minimum Horizontal Stress
5.2.3. Case Study: Stress Shadows from Two Wolfcamp Wells
- (1)
- Pad phase stress shadows varied from a minimum of −398 psi (stress release) to a maximum of +460 psi (stress increase);
- (2)
- Flush phase stress shadows varied from −2149 psi (stress release) to 1716 psi (stress increase);
- (3)
- The average stress shadows of all stages was 0.89 psi in the pad phase, and 1.36 psi in the flush phase, meaning the overall stress shadow is well constrained within the horizontal section;
- (4)
- The median stress shadow of all stages was −9 psi in the pad phase, and −19 psi in the flush phase. These relatively small values, compared to the maximum and minimum shadows, were consistent with the near-zero average; and
- (5)
- Statistics of stress shadows in Well 2 show similar characteristics as seen in Well 1, except a wider range in the pad phase (−1045 psi to +1141 psi) and a narrower range in the flush phase (−1233 psi to +1297 psi).
5.3. Frac-n-Flow Test-Based FOIt vs. Field-Based FOI
- s—skin factor of the well pre-fracture;
- re—well drainage or reservoir radius,
- rw—normal wellbore radius,
- —equivalent wellbore radius post-fracture, defined in Equation (5) as below,
- xf—half length of the fracture, as shown in Figure 10.
- (1)
- They were defined for different purposes. Field-based FOI was mainly used to guide the selection of fracture length based on pre-fracture well characterization results [62]. Test-based FOI is defined to quantify how much is the matrix permeability improvement at post-fracture, serving as an indicator for improvement of pad-injection fracture;
- (2)
- They were obtained in different ways. Field-based FOI was pre-determined based on the economic model for the success of HF treatment [9]. Test-based FOI is experimentally measured; and
- (3)
- They have different ranges of value. Field-based FOI was in general positive, and has a bigger magnitude in tight formation (e.g., 10+) than in medium permeable rocks (e.g., ~2) [80]. In contrast, test-based FOI is positive for brittle and semi-brittle fracturing, and negative for ductile failure.
5.4. Impact of Pore Pressure and Reservoir Temperature
5.5. Samples, Tests and Future Work
6. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Abbreviations and Nomenclatures
2-D | two dimension(al) |
3-D | three dimension(al) |
BPR | back pressure regulator |
DFIT | diagnostic fracture injection test |
DOE | Department of Energy (US) |
FOI | folds of increase |
FOIt | test-based folds of increase |
frac-n-flow | fracturing-and-flowing |
HD | horizontal drilling (drilled) |
HDMHF | horizontal drilling and multistage hydraulic fracturing |
HF | hydraulic fracturing |
ID | inner diameter |
ISIP ISIPF, ISIPFlush ISIPP, ISIPPad | instantaneous shut-in pressure instantaneous shut-in pressure at flush injection phase, psi instantaneous shut-in pressure at pad injection phase, psi |
ISRM N, n | International Society for Rock Mechanics number of stage |
OD Ph | outside diameter hydrostatic pressure, psi |
plug-n-perf Pp | plug and perforation pore pressure, psi |
R&D re rw rw′ s shd | research and development reservoir radius (well drainage), ft normal wellbore radius, ft equivalent post-fracture wellbore radius, ft skin factor stress shadow, psi |
SPE | Society of Petroleum Engineers |
Spf | shots per foot (holes per foot) |
Std Dev. | Standard Deviation |
TVD | true vertical depth |
USSR σ′1 σ′3 σ′3min | the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics axial effective stress, psi radial effective stress, psi minimum confining pressure to seal the sleeve, psi |
Appendix A. Calculation of Injection Rate for Axial Loading Pump
Item | Formula | Value | Unit |
Axial strain rate 1, εa1 | Given | 1.0 × 10−4 | 1/s |
Axial strain rate 2, εa2 | Given | 1.0 × 10−6 | 1/s |
Sample length, L | Given | 2.000 | in |
Sample diameter, D | Given | 1.000 | in |
Axial pressure chamber OD, OD | Given | 3.500 | in |
Axial pressure chamber ID, ID | Given | 2.375 | in |
Axal chamber loading area, A | 1/4 × 3.14 × (OD2−ID2) | 5.188 | in2 |
Sample axial deform rate 1, La1 | L × εa1 | 2.000 × 10−4 | in/s |
Sample axial deform rate 2, La2 | L × εa2 | 2.000 × 10−6 | in/s |
Axial injection rate 1, Q1 | A × La1 | 1.038 × 10−3 | in3/s |
Axial injection rate 2, Q2 | A × La2 | 1.038 × 10−5 | in3/s |
Axial inj. rate 1 in mL/min, Q1_mL/min | 2.543 × Q1 × 60 | 1.020 | mL/min |
Axial inj. rate 2 in mL/min, Q2_mL/min | 2.543 × Q2 × 60 | 0.010 | mL/min |
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Sample | Bulk Density | Saturated Density | Dry Density | Porosity |
g/cm3 | g/cm3 | g/cm3 | % | |
ILA0407 | 2.620 | 2.370 | 2.210 | 16.000 |
ILA1107 | 2.610 | 2.370 | 2.220 | 15.000 |
ILA1007 | 2.610 | 2.390 | 2.250 | 14.000 |
ILA0207 | 2.620 | 2.400 | 2.260 | 14.000 |
ILA0607 | 2.610 | 2.370 | 2.220 | 15.000 |
ILA0107 | 2.590 | 2.360 | 2.220 | 14.000 |
ILA0307 | 2.610 | 2.370 | 2.220 | 15.000 |
ILA0707 | 2.580 | 2.350 | 2.200 | 15.000 |
ILA1207 | 2.640 | 2.410 | 2.270 | 14.000 |
Average | 2.610 | 2.377 | 2.230 | 14.667 |
Std. Dev. | 0.016 | 0.018 | 0.023 | 0.667 |
Test | Figure 6 | Confin. Press. | Pore Press. | Fail Mode | Perm., mD | Test-Based Folds of Increase (FOIt) | Comments | |
σc, psi | Pp, psi | Initial | Post Frac. | |||||
10IL08 | a | 100 | 14.5 | Brittle | 0.50 | 7.00 | 13.00 | Greatly improved |
09IL06 | b | 300 | 14.5 | Semi-brittle | 0.62 | 0.67 | 0.08 | Slightly improved |
08IL92 | c | 1500 | 14.5 | Semi-ductile | 3.96 | 2.41 | −0.39 | Slightly damaged |
08IL95 | d | 2200 | 14.5 | Semi-ductile | 6.43 | 2.61 | −0.59 | Damaged |
08IL12 | e | 3000 | 14.5 | Semi-ductile | 5.00 | 1.44 | −0.71 | Severely damaged |
08IL11 | f | 4000 | 14.5 | Ductile | 0.55 | 0.00 | −1.00 | Completely damaged |
Stage | Well 1 | Well 2 | ||||||||
TVD | ISIPP | ISIPF | ShdP | ShdF | TVD | ISIPP | ISIPF | ShdP | ShdF | |
ft | psi | psi | psi | psi | ft | psi | psi | psi | Psi | |
1 | 8269.89 | 3092 | 8280.44 | 2886 | ||||||
2 | 8269.77 | 3402 | 2624 | 8284.07 | 3502 | 2632 | ||||
3 | 8269.99 | 3393 | 2605 | −9 | −19 | 8285.53 | 2955 | 2027 | −547 | −605 |
4 | 8270.43 | 3410 | 2650 | 17 | 45 | 8288.46 | 3288 | 2319 | 333 | 292 |
5 | 8275.68 | 3406 | 3553 | −4 | 903 | 8286.72 | 3359 | 2040 | 71 | −279 |
6 | 8279.32 | 3397 | 2883 | −9 | −670 | 8286.81 | 3508 | 2140 | 149 | 100 |
7 | 8275.93 | 3179 | 2299 | −218 | −584 | 8276.11 | 3454 | 2214 | −54 | 74 |
8 | 8271.63 | 3639 | 2485 | 460 | 186 | 8272.31 | 3306 | 2881 | −148 | 667 |
9 | 8267.58 | 3609 | 2417 | −30 | −68 | 8274.33 | 3390 | 1986 | 84 | −895 |
10 | 8272.86 | 3589 | 2274 | −20 | −143 | 8280.19 | 3502 | 1995 | 112 | 9 |
11 | 8277.36 | 3521 | −68 | 8285.08 | 3392 | 2301 | −110 | 306 | ||
12 | 8275.36 | 3459 | 1888 | −62 | 8279.05 | 3884 | 2492 | 492 | 191 | |
13 | 8169.08 | 3589 | 2477 | 130 | 589 | 8278.59 | 3412 | 3789 | −472 | 1297 |
14 | 8265.03 | 3565 | 2024 | −24 | −453 | 8276.13 | 3578 | 2556 | 166 | −1233 |
15 | 8264.14 | 3419 | 2354 | −146 | 330 | 8275.53 | 3513 | 1598 | −65 | −958 |
16 | 8266.4 | 3576 | 2153 | 157 | −201 | 8278.97 | 3573 | 1941 | 60 | 343 |
17 | 8270.7 | 3446 | 2026 | −130 | −127 | 8277.49 | 2528 | 2159 | −1045 | 218 |
18 | 8269.38 | 3505 | 2338 | 59 | 312 | 8277.12 | 3578 | 1050 | ||
19 | 8277.41 | 3498 | 2165 | −7 | −173 | 8277.76 | 3444 | 2187 | −134 | |
20 | 8271.77 | 3416 | 2449 | −82 | 284 | 8279.25 | 3667 | 2201 | 223 | 14 |
21 | 8268.74 | 3437 | 2344 | 21 | −105 | 8276.41 | 3065 | 2150 | −602 | −51 |
22 | 8270.57 | 3481 | 2324 | 44 | −20 | 8267.22 | 3086 | 2230 | 21 | 80 |
23 | 8272.12 | 3298 | 2489 | −183 | 165 | 8264.39 | 2358 | 2286 | −728 | 56 |
24 | 8274.39 | 3270 | 2599 | −28 | 110 | 8260.57 | 3499 | 2329 | 1141 | 43 |
25 | 8275.21 | 3405 | 2217 | 135 | −382 | |||||
26 | 8277.1 | 3363 | 2195 | −42 | −22 | |||||
27 | 8278.24 | 3555 | 2415 | 192 | 220 | |||||
28 | 8275.77 | 3593 | 4131 | 38 | 1716 | |||||
29 | 8266.94 | 3498 | 1982 | −95 | −2149 | |||||
30 | 8266.32 | 3358 | 2389 | −140 | 407 | |||||
31 | 8269.28 | 3555 | 2238 | 197 | −151 | |||||
32 | 8275.38 | 3157 | 2634 | −398 | 396 | |||||
33 | 8270.46 | 3403 | 2880 | 246 | 246 | |||||
34 | 8268.23 | 3194 | 2784 | −209 | −96 | |||||
35 | 8270.86 | 3416 | 2924 | 222 | 140 | |||||
36 | 8282.04 | 3365 | 2255 | −51 | −669 | |||||
37 | 8289.01 | 3433 | 2283 | 68 | 28 | |||||
Max | 460 | 1716 | 1141 | 1297 | ||||||
Min | −398 | −2149 | −1045 | −1233 | ||||||
Average | 0.89 | 1.36 | −0.14 | −16.55 | ||||||
Median | −9 | −19 | 40.5 | 65 | ||||||
Std Dev. | 155 | 585 | 498 | 557 |
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Zeng, Z. Frac-n-Flow Testing to Screen Brittle Fracture Stages in Wolfcamp Formation, Permian Basin, USA. Energies 2021, 14, 5450.
Zeng Z. Frac-n-Flow Testing to Screen Brittle Fracture Stages in Wolfcamp Formation, Permian Basin, USA. Energies. 2021; 14(17):5450.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZeng, Zhengwen. 2021. "Frac-n-Flow Testing to Screen Brittle Fracture Stages in Wolfcamp Formation, Permian Basin, USA" Energies 14, no. 17: 5450.
APA StyleZeng, Z. (2021). Frac-n-Flow Testing to Screen Brittle Fracture Stages in Wolfcamp Formation, Permian Basin, USA. Energies, 14(17), 5450.