Economic Analysis and Generic Algorithm for Optimizing the Investments Decision-Making Process in Oil Field Development
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Data and Methodology
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- POT (Payout Time);
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- IRR (Internal Rate of Return)
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- PI (Profit–Investment Ratio);
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- CNCF (Cumulated Net Cash Flow);
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- TT (Total Taxes);
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- PT (Profit Tax);
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- NPY (Number of Profitable Years).
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- The scenario of field development is based on a real oil field in secondary recovery (water injection), located in the northern part of the Arabian Peninsula;
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- The considered uncertainties and risks are:
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- Drilling time;
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- Delays related to problems while drilling;
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- Rigs and supply, with potential for the failure of materials;
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- Problems and failures related to artificial lift systems (ESP), which might be as serious as losing the well;
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- Costs (OPEX, CAPEX and daily drilling rig costs);
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- Prices (sales prices for oil and gas, cost of liquid separation and water injection treatment);
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- Production profiles;
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- The discount factor.
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- The model will provide, on one hand, the economic performance parameters as a range and, on the other, the main influencing input parameters.
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- Designing a risk management framework;
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- A description of an oil field development solution through an economic analysis;
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- Development of a functional Monte Carlo probabilistic economic model using the industry reference software Oracle Crystal Ball;
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- Assessing the impact of significant limits on the assumptions and methods so as to overcome potential negative impacts;
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- Workflow (a generic algorithm) to integrate Petroleum Engineering with Economics.
3.1. Reservoir Description (Technical Features)
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- That the field oil rate target should be at least 6500 stbo/d and reached in a maximum two years;
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- The well economic’s limits, which are: oil rate15 stbo/d, maximum water cut 98% and maximum GOR (gas oil ratio) 2 Mscf/stbo. Once any of the limits are reached, the well is to be shut-in;
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- The oil-producing wells are drilled in order to reach and maintain the field oil target;
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- Each of the water injection wells are to be assigned a certain number of oil producers and drilled once one of the assigned producers starts;
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- The scope of water injectors is to increase the sweep efficiency and maintain the average field pressure close to the initial reservoir pressure;
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- The injected water and reservoir fluids volumes are to be balanced to avoid under- or over-pressurization of the field.
3.2. Economic Model
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- All economic models depend on taxation systems which can vary greatly from country to country. This model is a generic one, considering a simplified tax system from a European country;
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- Costs and prices should be considered as indicative and they have been realistically chosen and should be treated as examples;
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- The distributions selected for assumptions along with their definitions were decided on the basis of the authors’ experience and they should be treated as examples too. The model is flexible enough to allow the user to change them;
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- The CAPEX and OPEX can be much further detailed. They are case specific and must be adapted.
3.3. Integrated Workflow
Simulation Model Output
Economic Model
Revise Economic Parameters
Revise Field Development Solution?
4. Results and Discussions
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- Start date and End date represent the time interval corresponding to the hydrocarbon production forecast;
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- WCT triggering ESPs represents the minimum value of the forecast water cut in a well that is triggering the installation of an ESP (electro-submersible pump—the artificial lift system);
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- Equipment’s price inflation represents a coefficient estimating the yearly price increase for any drilling and completion materials;
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- Field Cost is an estimated monthly cost to operate the field. It includes all the cash costs (salaries, utilities, etc.) and some of production-related costs. The costs for water injection and fluid separation, separately and together with field cost, go into the Operating Cost (OPEX). This cost itself can be subject to sensitivity analysis;
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- Yearly prices increase refers to the yearly increase of selling prices (for oil and gas) and costs (liquid separation, water injection treatment and OPEX);
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- Drilling time and Drilling rig cost are two input variables (assumptions) that concern drilling-related costs. Drilling time is converted into money. The variables can be subject to sensitivity analysis;
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- Drilling delays related to Risks considers delays from the average drilling time due to some known drilling-associated risks expressed in time and converted into money;
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- Well cost is the final cost of a drilled well ready to start producing or injecting;
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- Well depreciation time is the time that is required for a well to recover the money spent on its production/injection;
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- Rates uncertainty models the associated risks in obtaining field production and takes into account subsurface uncertainties. All the rates (oil, water, liquid, gas and water injection) are simultaneously adjusted with this variable;
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- ESP installation frequency models two risk situations: (1) periodic replacement of the ESP due to some pump failures or end of service for ESP, and (2) the risk of losing the well after an ESP intervention;
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- Taxes refers to all taxes more complex than a single value. In this paper they are considered as a single value—that is, they are not subject to uncertainty analysis. The taxes are country specific, they may have complex calculation algorithms and can be modelled in various ways and with different degrees of detail;
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- Surface facility (CAPEX) embeds the total investments of all surface facilities required to operate the field. This estimation that is a function of the dimensions of the field, production, needed injection, number of wells, etc. The economic model considers the Surface facility CAPEX as an upfront investment that can be subject to uncertainty analysis, too;
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- Discount factor is a coefficient used to calculate the future value of money.
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- Payout Time (POT) represents the time (months or years) in which all the CAPEX was paid off. In this case, the POT is 145 months (12 years), which means that the project has never become profitable;
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- Internal Rate of Return (IRR) represents the discount factor corresponding to the zero Net Present Value (NPV) at the end of the forecast. The current IRR is negative, which, from the economic perspective, is non-sense. It is another indication that the project is totally not feasible;
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- SUM_DCF (Cumulative of Discounted Cash Flow) represents the business profit generated at any moment in the future. The DCF at the end of the project is negative, which means that the project is losing money;
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- Business Length represents the number of years until the business becomes not profitable, meaning it corresponds to the prior year when NCF (Net Cash Flow) turns negative. There are some combinations of the input variables where the NCF becomes negative. In such cases it is no longer feasible to continue to operate an oil field, when it is no longer profitable, and so it ought to be conserved for the future or else abandoned;
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- Profit–Investment Ratio (PI) represents a profitability indicator for a business. Another way of thinking about it can be “How many dollars (or other currency) is generating one invested dollar (or other currency)?” The Profit–Investment Ratio must be higher than one to have a profitable business. Any values, less than or equal to 1 is not profitable and should be revisited;
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- Total Taxes and Total Profit Tax represent the taxes that are to be collected by the financial organizations of the state where the business is conducted. Total Profit Tax is presented separately because in the current taxation model this money is paid to local authorities where the business is conducted. The tax amounts to be paid are generally quite high.
Contribution to Variance
Rank Correlation
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- Under the current setup, the most likely case, P50, is totally unprofitable; the investment will never be paid out, and the discounted cash flow is −46 mils USD;
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- The most influential parameters for the forecast parameters are: oil price, drilling rig cost (per day), drilling days (drilling time) and water cut triggering installation of ESPs. Oil price is impacting the net income and the rest impacting the CAPEX;
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- Based on the above two conclusions, two actions can follow:
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- (1) Temporary abandonment of field development, saving it for later when oil prices rise;
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- (2) Conduct more investigations and find out how the field might be attractive from a business point of view.
Revision of Field Development Solution
5. Conclusions
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- (1) The analysis was performed for the upstream sector, in exploration and production portfolio management, in order to quantify the risk for each asset but also based on the interaction between assets. In this case, the asset refers to a well-defined oil field;
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- (2) Risk analysis aimed at integrating specific tools and corporate metrics (such as Net present value—NPV; Discounted cash flow return—DCF; Internal rate of return—IRR; Return of investment—ROI) in order to forecast the cumulative cash flow from a project and to inform a specific planning and decision process, with the aim of creating a long-term plan that can be used to forecast capital requirements for at least five years, the planning horizon matching the 12-year period for the asset under evaluation.
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- Utilize a probabilistic economic model to determine the profitability of a development solution for a green field. The method can be adjusted to evaluate the profitability of rehabilitation of a mature oil field;
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- Identify the main parameters influencing the main economic indicators;
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- Treat the wide ranges of variation shown by the main influencing parameters. For example, the crude oil price per barrel is one of the most influential parameters on Discounted Cash Flow. Initially, the crude oil price is defined to vary from 20 to 80 USD/stbo. These limits are too wide to derive a reliable conclusion about the role played by the oil price, thus the initial interval was split into three intervals;
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- Provide a decision tool, as a workflow, to find the decisions that will drive a profitable field development solution.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Various Parameters | Value/ Start Value | Unit | Distribution Settings | |||
Min. | Most Likely | Max. | Distribution Type | |||
General Settings | ||||||
Start date | 1 January 2022 | |||||
End date | 1 January 2034 | |||||
WCT Triggering ESP (WCT) | 32% | 0% | 60% | Uniform | ||
Equipment’s price increase (EI) | 7% | per annum | 5% | 10% | Uniform | |
Costs and Selling Prices | ||||||
Oil price (OP) | 50 | USD/stbo | 20 | 80 | Uniform | |
Gas price (GP) | 2 | USD/Mscf | 1.5 | 4 | Uniform | |
Liquid separation cost (ULSC) | 0.556 | USD/stb | 0.243 | 0.745 | Uniform | |
Water injected cost (UWIC) | 0.7949 | USD/stb | 0.64 | 1.28 | Uniform | |
Yearly prices increase (YPI) | 3.5% | USD | 2% | 5% | Uniform | |
Field cost (OPEX) (FOPEX) | 500,000 | USD/mnth | 400,000 | 600,000 | Uniform | |
Drilling Related Data | ||||||
Drilling time | 33 | days | 20 | 35 | 50 | Triangular |
Daily rig cost | 30,000 | USD/day | 15,000 | 30,000 | 50,000 | Triangular |
Drilling delays related to (Risks) | ||||||
Drilling Rig Failures | 2.5 | days | 0 | 5 | Uniform | |
Materials Delays | 2.5 | days | 0 | 5 | Uniform | |
Drilling Problems | 3 | days | 0 | 4 | Uniform | |
Total days | 41 | Forecast parameter | ||||
Well cost (CAPEX) (TWC) | 1,230,000 | USD | Forecast parameter | |||
Well depreciation time (WDT) | 12 | months | 8 | 16 | Uniform | |
Production (Risk) | ||||||
Rates uncertainty | 1 | 0.85 | 1 | 1.15 | Triangular | |
ESP (Electro-Submersible Pumps) | ||||||
ESP Cost | 550,000 | USD | 450,000 | 650,000 | Uniform | |
Installation frequency | 12 | months | 10 | 16 | Uniform | |
ESP depreciation time (1/2 ESP lifespan) | 6 | months | ||||
Installation cost per day | 18,500 | USD/day | 10,000 | 20,000 | Uniform | |
Installation days | 1 | day | 1 | 3 | Uniform | |
Installation cost | 18,500 | Forecast parameter | ||||
Total ESP cost (CAPEX) | 568,500 | USD | Forecast parameter | |||
Taxes | ||||||
Royalty (ROYT) | 15% | |||||
Ad-Valorem (ADVT) | 2% | |||||
Production tax (PRDT) | 4.60% | |||||
Depletion tax (DEPT) | 10% | |||||
Taxation (TAX) | 16% | |||||
Investments | ||||||
Surface facilities (CAPEX) (SFC) | 100,000,000 | USD | ||||
Depreciation of Surface Facilities (DSFT) | 48 | months | ||||
Discount Factor (DFA) | 3.5% | annual | 2% | 7% | Uniform | |
Discount Factor Monthly (DFM) | 0.00246627 | monthly |
Economic Indicators | |||
Payout Time—POT | 145 | months | Forecast parameter |
Internal Rate of Return—IRR | −2% | %/year | Forecast parameter |
Business Length | 12 | years | Forecast parameter |
Discounted profit at end of the business (SUM_DCF) | −46 | mil. USD | Forecast parameter |
Profit–Investment Ratio—PI | 0.87 | Forecast parameter | |
Total Taxes | 208 | mil. USD | Forecast parameter |
Total Taxes on Profit | 44 | mil. USD | Forecast parameter |
Total CAPEX | 176 | mil. USD | Forecast parameter |
Total OPEX | 165 | mil. USD | Forecast parameter |
Total Days | 42 | days | Forecast parameter |
Total ESP cost | 585 | ths USD | Forecast parameter |
Well cost | 1.265 | mil. USD | Forecast parameter |
No | Sensitivity Parameter | Assumption Input Variable | Contribution to Variance | Rank Correlation |
1 | Payout Time (POT) | Oil price | 77.1% | −0.660 |
Drilling rig cost | 5.4% | 0.170 | ||
WCT Triggering ESP | 4.6% | −0.16 | ||
2 | Internal Rate of Return | Oil price | 90.1% | 0.900 |
3 | Business Length | Oil price | 61.1% | 0.640 |
WCT triggering ESP | 16.9 | 0.340 | ||
4 | Profit at the end of the business (SUM_DCF) | Oil price | 84.5% | 0.920 |
Drilling rig cost | 4.1% | 0.200 | ||
5 | Profit-Investment Ratio (PI) | Oil price | 88.7% | 0.938 |
WCT triggering ESP | 3.0% | 0.170 | ||
6 | Total Taxes | Oil price | 92.3% | 0.958 |
WCT triggering ESP | 2.7% | 0.160 | ||
7 | Total Taxes on Profit | Oil price | 91.6% | 0.955 |
WCT triggering ESP | 2.7% | 0.161 | ||
8 | Total Well Cost | Drilling rig cost | 69.1% | 0.810 |
Drilling time | 26.2% | 0.501 | ||
9 | Total ESP Cost | ESP Cost | 96.1% | 0.985 |
10 | Total CAPEX | Drilling rig cost | 56.6% | 0.750 |
Drilling time | 22.0% | 0.545 | ||
11 | Total OPEX | Injected water | 44.0% | 0.662 |
Field Cost (OPEX) | 26.9% | 0.512 | ||
Yearly prices increase | 17.7% | 0.422 | ||
Rates uncertainty | 5.6% | 0.231 | ||
12 | Total Drilling Days | Drilling time | 87.2% | 0.930 |
Various Parameters | Value/ Start Value | Unit | Distribution Settings | |||
Min. | Most Likely | Max. | Distribution Type | |||
WCT triggering ESP (WCT) | 32% | 0% | 60% | Uniform | ||
Oil price (OP) | 50 | USD/stbo | 20 | 80 | Uniform | |
Drilling time | 33 | days | 20 | 35 | 50 | Triangular |
Daily rig cost | 30,000 | USD/day | 15,000 | 30,000 | 50,000 | Triangular |
Case | WCT triggering ESP | Oil Price | Drilling Time | Rig Cost | ||||||
% | USD/stbo | days | USD/day | |||||||
Min. | Max. | Min. | Max. | Min. | ML | Max. | Min. | ML. | Max. | |
LOW | 0% | 10% | 20 | 40 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 15,000 | 20,000 | 25,000 |
MEDIUM | 35% | 45% | 40 | 60 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 25,000 | 30,000 | 35,000 |
HIGH | 55% | 65% | 60 | 80 | 40 | 45 | 50 | 35,000 | 40,000 | 50,000 |
Water Cut | Oil Price | Drilling Time | Drilling Rig Cost | Business length | Internal Rate of Return, IRR | Pay Out Time, POT | Profit– Investment Ratio, PI | Discounted Cash Flow | Total CAPEX | Total OPEX | Total Profit Tax | Total Taxes |
Years | % | Months | mil. USD | mil. USD | mil. USD | mil. USD | mil. USD | |||||
HIGH | HIGH | LOW | LOW | 10 | 23.7% | 51 | 1.40 | 126 | 156 | 170 | 71 | 285 |
HIGH | HIGH | MED | LOW | 10 | 20.5% | 54 | 1.33 | 110 | 166 | 170 | 70 | 286 |
HIGH | HIGH | LOW | MED | 10 | 18.4% | 56 | 1.29 | 98 | 171 | 170 | 69 | 285 |
HIGH | HIGH | HIGH | LOW | 10 | 17.3% | 57 | 1.26 | 90 | 175 | 170 | 68 | 286 |
MED | HIGH | LOW | LOW | 8 | 19.3% | 53 | 1.26 | 85 | 161 | 168 | 63 | 257 |
HIGH | HIGH | MED | MED | 10 | 14.2% | 62 | 1.19 | 71 | 186 | 170 | 67 | 286 |
MED | HIGH | MED | LOW | 8 | 16.0% | 57 | 1.19 | 66 | 170 | 168 | 62 | 257 |
HIGH | HIGH | LOW | HIGH | 10 | 13.4% | 63 | 1.17 | 65 | 189 | 170 | 66 | 286 |
MED | HIGH | LOW | MED | 8 | 14.2% | 59 | 1.16 | 56 | 176 | 168 | 61 | 258 |
MED | HIGH | HIGH | LOW | 8 | 13.0% | 61 | 1.14 | 49 | 180 | 169 | 60 | 258 |
HIGH | HIGH | HIGH | MED | 10 | 10.6% | 69 | 1.11 | 45 | 200 | 170 | 65 | 286 |
LOW | HIGH | LOW | LOW | 8 | 12.1% | 60 | 1.09 | 30 | 165 | 167 | 53 | 227 |
MED | HIGH | MED | MED | 8 | 10.0% | 67 | 1.08 | 29 | 190 | 168 | 59 | 257 |
HIGH | HIGH | MED | HIGH | 10 | 8.4% | 77 | 1.07 | 28 | 209 | 170 | 63 | 286 |
MED | HIGH | LOW | HIGH | 8 | 9.2% | 70 | 1.06 | 24 | 193 | 168 | 58 | 258 |
LOW | HIGH | MED | LOW | 8 | 8.9% | 71 | 1.03 | 12 | 174 | 166 | 51 | 226 |
MED | HIGH | HIGH | MED | 8 | 6.3% | 94 | 1.01 | 4 | 204 | 169 | 57 | 258 |
Economic Indicators | |||
Payout Time—POT | 60 | months | Forecast parameter |
Internal Rate of Return—IRR | 12.3% | %/year | Forecast parameter |
Business Length | 8 | years | Forecast parameter |
Discounted profit at end of the business (SUM_DCF) | 34 | mil. USD | Forecast parameter |
Profit–Investment Ratio—PI | 1.10 | Forecast parameter | |
Total Taxes | 234 | mil. USD | Forecast parameter |
Total Taxes on Profit | 52 | mil. USD | Forecast parameter |
Total CAPEX | 165 | mil. USD | Forecast parameter |
Total OPEX | 184 | mil. USD | Forecast parameter |
Total Days | 42 | days | Forecast parameter |
Total ESP cost | 582 | ths USD | Forecast parameter |
Well cost | 1.255 | mil. USD | Forecast parameter |
Water Cut | Oil Price | Drilling Time | Drilling Rig Cost | Business length | Internal Rate of Return, IRR | Payout Time, POT | Profit–Investment Ratio, PI | Discounted Cash Flow | Total CAPEX | Total OPEX | Total Profit Tax | Total Taxes |
Years | % | Months | mil. USD | mil. USD | mil. USD | mil. USD | mil. USD | |||||
HIGH | HIGH | LOW | LOW | 11 | 52.8% | 35 | 1.99 | 275 | 140 | 185 | 99 | 356 |
HIGH | HIGH | MED | LOW | 11 | 48.7% | 36 | 1.88 | 259 | 146 | 184 | 96 | 353 |
HIGH | HIGH | LOW | MED | 11 | 46.0% | 37 | 1.83 | 250 | 151 | 185 | 95 | 355 |
HIGH | HIGH | HIGH | LOW | 11 | 44.1% | 38 | 1.79 | 242 | 155 | 184 | 95 | 353 |
MED | HIGH | LOW | LOW | 9 | 50.8% | 35 | 1.83 | 241 | 142 | 184 | 92 | 335 |
MED | HIGH | MED | LOW | 10 | 45.7% | 37 | 1.78 | 233 | 149 | 183 | 92 | 337 |
HIGH | HIGH | MED | MED | 11 | 40.2% | 39 | 1.71 | 231 | 162 | 185 | 95 | 359 |
MED | HIGH | LOW | MED | 9 | 43.8% | 37 | 1.70 | 221 | 153 | 184 | 89 | 332 |
HIGH | HIGH | LOW | HIGH | 11 | 38.8% | 40 | 1.66 | 218 | 165 | 186 | 93 | 351 |
MED | HIGH | HIGH | LOW | 9 | 41.9% | 38 | 1.67 | 215 | 157 | 184 | 89 | 334 |
HIGH | HIGH | HIGH | MED | 11 | 35.1% | 41 | 1.59 | 209 | 174 | 183 | 91 | 351 |
MED | HIGH | MED | MED | 9 | 37.6% | 39 | 1.59 | 199 | 165 | 184 | 88 | 335 |
HIGH | HIGH | MED | HIGH | 11 | 32.9% | 42 | 1.55 | 199 | 180 | 185 | 92 | 358 |
MED | HIGH | LOW | HIGH | 10 | 36.9% | 40 | 1.58 | 197 | 166 | 184 | 88 | 337 |
LOW | HIGH | LOW | LOW | 8 | 45.7% | 36 | 1.65 | 195 | 145 | 181 | 83 | 307 |
MED | HIGH | HIGH | MED | 9 | 33.1% | 42 | 1.52 | 181 | 175 | 182 | 86 | 336 |
LOW | HIGH | LOW | MED | 9 | 39.2% | 38 | 1.54 | 177 | 155 | 183 | 83 | 311 |
MED | HIGH | MED | HIGH | 9 | 30.7% | 43 | 1.46 | 170 | 182 | 183 | 85 | 338 |
LOW | HIGH | MED | LOW | 8 | 40.1% | 38 | 1.54 | 169 | 152 | 182 | 79 | 300 |
LOW | HIGH | MED | MED | 9 | 35.3% | 40 | 1.48 | 169 | 166 | 182 | 82 | 317 |
LOW | HIGH | HIGH | LOW | 8 | 36.9% | 39 | 1.50 | 165 | 159 | 181 | 79 | 304 |
HIGH | HIGH | HIGH | HIGH | 10 | 26.3% | 46 | 1.41 | 162 | 196 | 186 | 86 | 350 |
LOW | HIGH | LOW | HIGH | 8 | 32.5% | 41 | 1.42 | 146 | 169 | 182 | 78 | 305 |
MED | HIGH | HIGH | HIGH | 10 | 25.0% | 47 | 1.34 | 138 | 197 | 184 | 82 | 335 |
LOW | HIGH | HIGH | MED | 9 | 29.0% | 43 | 1.36 | 133 | 178 | 182 | 77 | 307 |
LOW | HIGH | MED | HIGH | 8 | 25.4% | 45 | 1.30 | 114 | 185 | 181 | 74 | 301 |
HIGH | MED | LOW | LOW | 8 | 24.0% | 46 | 1.36 | 99 | 139 | 186 | 60 | 245 |
HIGH | MED | MED | LOW | 9 | 20.5% | 49 | 1.28 | 83 | 147 | 185 | 58 | 242 |
LOW | HIGH | HIGH | HIGH | 8 | 19.7% | 49 | 1.20 | 83 | 199 | 181 | 70 | 301 |
MED | MED | LOW | LOW | 8 | 21.7% | 47 | 1.28 | 77 | 141 | 182 | 57 | 236 |
HIGH | MED | HIGH | LOW | 9 | 17.8% | 52 | 1.23 | 72 | 155 | 185 | 58 | 245 |
HIGH | MED | LOW | MED | 8 | 17.6% | 52 | 1.22 | 67 | 152 | 186 | 56 | 240 |
MED | MED | MED | LOW | 8 | 18.8% | 51 | 1.22 | 67 | 147 | 185 | 55 | 234 |
MED | MED | LOW | MED | 8 | 17.0% | 52 | 1.20 | 61 | 152 | 183 | 55 | 237 |
HIGH | MED | MED | MED | 9 | 15.0% | 56 | 1.17 | 56 | 163 | 185 | 56 | 244 |
HIGH | MED | LOW | HIGH | 9 | 14.5% | 58 | 1.16 | 53 | 164 | 185 | 55 | 246 |
MED | MED | HIGH | LOW | 8 | 15.2% | 56 | 1.16 | 49 | 156 | 183 | 54 | 234 |
LOW | MED | LOW | LOW | 8 | 18.0% | 51 | 1.15 | 46 | 144 | 183 | 52 | 220 |
MED | MED | MED | MED | 8 | 12.3% | 60 | 1.10 | 34 | 165 | 184 | 52 | 234 |
MED | MED | LOW | HIGH | 8 | 11.6% | 66 | 1.09 | 30 | 166 | 184 | 52 | 233 |
LOW | MED | MED | LOW | 7 | 14.6% | 56 | 1.09 | 28 | 152 | 181 | 50 | 218 |
HIGH | MED | HIGH | MED | 8 | 10.5% | 66 | 1.08 | 28 | 175 | 185 | 53 | 241 |
LOW | MED | LOW | MED | 8 | 13.1% | 60 | 1.09 | 26 | 154 | 182 | 49 | 218 |
LOW | MED | HIGH | LOW | 7 | 11.1% | 68 | 1.05 | 17 | 159 | 182 | 48 | 216 |
HIGH | MED | MED | HIGH | 8 | 8.5% | 80 | 1.04 | 16 | 181 | 185 | 51 | 240 |
MED | MED | HIGH | MED | 8 | 9.3% | 81 | 1.04 | 14 | 175 | 184 | 51 | 237 |
LOW | MED | MED | MED | 7 | 8.6% | 86 | 1.02 | 6 | 167 | 182 | 48 | 219 |
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Popescu, C.; Gheorghiu, S.A. Economic Analysis and Generic Algorithm for Optimizing the Investments Decision-Making Process in Oil Field Development. Energies 2021, 14, 6119.
Popescu C, Gheorghiu SA. Economic Analysis and Generic Algorithm for Optimizing the Investments Decision-Making Process in Oil Field Development. Energies. 2021; 14(19):6119.
Chicago/Turabian StylePopescu, Catalin, and Sorin Alexandru Gheorghiu. 2021. "Economic Analysis and Generic Algorithm for Optimizing the Investments Decision-Making Process in Oil Field Development" Energies 14, no. 19: 6119.
APA StylePopescu, C., & Gheorghiu, S. A. (2021). Economic Analysis and Generic Algorithm for Optimizing the Investments Decision-Making Process in Oil Field Development. Energies, 14(19), 6119.