Real Driving Emissions in Extended Driving Conditions
:1. Introduction
- Specifications and calibration of PEMS components and signals.
- Verification of overall trip dynamics with MAW (moving average windows) and with RPA (relative positive acceleration).
- Determination of the cumulative positive elevation gain of a PEMS trip.
- Calculation of final RDE emissions.
- Data exchange and reporting requirements.
- Provisions for in-service-conformity (ISC).
2. Testing Material, Means, and Methods
2.1. Test Vehicles and Uesd Gas PEMS and PN PEMS
2.2. Gas PEMS and PN PEMS
- Horiba OBS-ONE PN measurement system (OBS-PN). This analyzer works on the condensation particles counter (CPC) principle, has an integrated sample conditioning system (double dilution and catalytic stripper ViPR, 350 °C), and it indicates the summary PN concentrations in the size range 23 to approximately 1000 nm.
- NanoMet3 from TESTO (NM3). This analyzer works on diffusion charging (DC) principle, has an integrated sample conditioning system, and it indicates the solid particle number concentration and geometric mean diameter in the size range 10–700 nm.
- Primary dilution—MD19 tunable rotating disk diluter (Matter Eng. MD19-2E).
- Secondary dilution—dilution of the primary diluted and thermally conditioned sample gas on the outlet of evaporative tube.
- Thermoconditioner (TC)—sample heating at 300 °C.
2.3. Test Procedures
3. Results
3.1. Winter/Summer Conditions
3.2. Mild/Aggressive Driving
- The mild and dynamic driving styles have clearly different parameters of the RPA and (v.a pos); both parameters are higher for aggressive driving.
- During road driving, the parameters of the RPA and (v.apos) are for each variant of vehicle and driving style quite repetitive.
- With the diesel vehicle, an excessive driving dynamic, beyond the legal acceptance, was realized.
- The driving style has an influence on the CO2-normality.
- The normality check is also passed with the dynamic driving style.
- The DPF regeneration (diesel) has an influence on the CO2-normality, which may cause the check to fail.
- The driving style has a very strong influence on CO-emissions and the results from the three tests are quite repetitive (except for highway).
- The driving style also influences strongly the NOx-emissions during cold start and city part; in case of aggressive driving in the urban part, the NOx-values scatter vary much which also explains the large differences of cumulated NOx with the “dynamic” driving.
- The “dynamic” driving requires more energy, causes higher fuel consumption, and, therefore, higher CO2-emissions.
- There is no visible effect of driving style on the PN-emissions, the absolute values in (#/km) for this GDI-vehicle, without GPF are quite high, above the legal limit of 6 × 1011 (#/km).
- The CO-emissions are very low and they are independent of the driving style.
- All other emissions of NOx, CO2, and PN are clearly increased by the dynamic driving style.
3.3. Higher Slope/Altitude
- Moderate altitude below 700 m above sea level.
- Extended altitude conditions 700–1300 m above sea level.
- Start and end points of the trip shall not differ in their altitudes more than 100 m.
- The cumulative positive gain over the entire trip shall be less than 1200 m/100 km.
- Route cir2 could be accepted for elevation check, but the increase of the CO2 emissions due to the performed altitude variation leads to a failing CO2 result (not similar to the WLTC CO2 emissions).
- Route cir3 shows that both CO2 emissions and higher altitude variation are beyond the accepted limits.
4. Conclusions
- For the gasoline vehicle, there are in winter conditions higher values of CO2 and CO in the total trip. For NOx and PN, there are no significant differences.
- For the diesel vehicle, the winter-operation increases slightly the CO2- and NOx-values. The levels of CO and PN stay unchanged.
- The DPF regeneration increases clearly (both in summer and in winter tests) CO2-, NOx-, and PN-values.
- The mild and dynamic driving styles have clearly different parameters of the RPA and (v.apos); both parameters are higher for aggressive driving.
- During road driving, the parameters of the RPA and (v.apos) are for each variant of vehicle and driving style quite repetitive.
- With the diesel vehicle, an excessive driving dynamic, beyond the legal acceptance, was realized.
- The driving style has an influence on the CO2-normality.
- The DPF regeneration (Diesel) has an influence on the CO2-normality, which may cause the check to fail.
- The driving style has reproducible effects on the emissions.
- The aggressive driving generally increases the emissions, except PN for gasoline car (w/o GPF) and CO for diesel car (DOC + DPF).
- The “dynamic” driving requires more energy, causes higher fuel consumption, and, therefore, higher CO2-emissions.
- The PN-emissions of the gasoline vehicle (GDI w/o GPF) are above, the PN-emissions of the diesel vehicle (with DPF) are below the limit value of 6 × 1011 (#/km).
- There is a higher NOx-emissions level of the diesel car.
- The emissions of CO, NOx, CO2, and PN are generally increased by higher slope/altitude.
- The sharp increases of CO and NOx in the diagrams for cir2 and cir3 can be attributed to the dynamic driving events combined with higher power demand for the slope.
- Higher slope requires more energy and causes higher CO2.
- The influence on PN is small.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
AFHB | Abgasprüfstelle FH Biel, CH |
BFH-TI | Bern University of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Information Technology |
CF | Conformity Factor |
cir | test circuit |
CLD | Chemoluminescence Detector |
CPC | condensation particles counter |
DC | diffusion charging |
DI | Direct Injection |
DOC | Diesel Oxidation Catalyst |
DPF | Diesel Particle Filter |
ECU | Engine Control Unit |
EFM | Exhaust Flow Meter |
EGR | Exhaust gases recirculation |
EU | European Union |
EMROAD | Data processing reference software |
FID | Flame Ionization Detector |
FOEN | Federal Office of Environment, CH |
GDI | gasoline direct injection |
GPF | Gasoline particulate filter |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GTAA | Granting Type Approval Authority |
ICE | Internal Combustion Engine |
ISC | in-service-conformity |
LD | Light Duty (personal car) |
LDV | Light Duty Vehicle |
MAW | Moving Average Window |
MD | rotating disc minidiluter |
NDIR | Non-Dispersive Infrared |
NM3 | NanoMet3 |
OBD | On Board Diagnosis |
OBS | Horiba on board system |
PC | passenger car |
PEMS | Portable Emissions measurement system |
PN | Particle Number |
r | share of normal windows (MAW) |
RDE | Real Driving Emission |
ResRDE | research of RDE |
RPA | Relative Positive Acceleration |
SCR | Selective Catalytic Reduction |
TC | thermo-conditioner |
TWC | Three-way catalyst |
V | vehicle |
ViPR | volatile particle remover |
WLTC | World Light-Duty Transient Cycle |
WP | working package |
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Name | Type | Model | Fuel | EATS | Displ. | Power | ||
- | - | Year | - | - | - | ccm | kW | |
V1 | LDV | PC | 2012 | Gasoline | Euro 5a | 3WC | 1.596 | 132 |
V2 | LDV | PC | 2017 | Diesel | Euro 6b | DPF + SCR | 1.968 | 110 |
Gas PEMS | |
| |
Instruments | Horiba PEMS OBS-ONE |
Exhaust concentrations | CO2, CO, NOx, NO2,THC |
Measurement principle | heated NDIR *, CLD, heated line |
Engine parameters | OBD |
Vehicle speed and position | GPS |
Exhaust flow | EFM |
Ambient parameters | p, T, H |
Electrical power | >300 W (>800 W with FID and PN) |
Dimensions | 500 × 500 × 500 mm +Pitot tube +heated line +batteries |
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Share and Cite
Engelmann, D.; Zimmerli, Y.; Czerwinski, J.; Bonsack, P. Real Driving Emissions in Extended Driving Conditions. Energies 2021, 14, 7310.
Engelmann D, Zimmerli Y, Czerwinski J, Bonsack P. Real Driving Emissions in Extended Driving Conditions. Energies. 2021; 14(21):7310.
Chicago/Turabian StyleEngelmann, Danilo, Yan Zimmerli, Jan Czerwinski, and Peter Bonsack. 2021. "Real Driving Emissions in Extended Driving Conditions" Energies 14, no. 21: 7310.
APA StyleEngelmann, D., Zimmerli, Y., Czerwinski, J., & Bonsack, P. (2021). Real Driving Emissions in Extended Driving Conditions. Energies, 14(21), 7310.