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A Gate-to-Gate Life Cycle Assessment for the CO2-EOR Operations at Farnsworth Unit (FWU)

Petroleum Recovery Research Center, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM 87801, USA
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Energies 2021, 14(9), 2499;
Submission received: 25 February 2021 / Revised: 20 April 2021 / Accepted: 21 April 2021 / Published: 27 April 2021
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Forecasting CO2 Sequestration with Enhanced Oil Recovery)


Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to the Farnsworth Unit’s (FWU) carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) operations were accounted for through a gate-to-gate life cycle assessment (LCA) for a period of about 10 years, since start of injection to 2020, and predictions of 18 additional years of the CO2-EOR operation were made. The CO2 source for the FWU project has been 100% anthropogenically derived from the exhaust of an ethanol plant and a fertilizer plant. A cumulative amount of 5.25 × 106 tonnes of oil has been recovered through the injection of 1.64 × 106 tonnes of purchased CO2, of which 92% was stored during the 10-year period. An LCA analysis conducted on the various unit emissions of the FWU process yielded a net negative (positive storage) of 1.31 × 106 tonnes of CO2 equivalent, representing 79% of purchased CO2. An optimized 18-year forecasted analysis estimated 86% storage of the forecasted 3.21 × 106 tonnes of purchased CO2 with an equivalent 2.90 × 106 tonnes of crude oil produced by 2038. Major contributors to emissions were flaring/venting and energy usage for equipment. Improvements on the energy efficiency of equipment would reduce emissions further but this could be challenging. Improvement of injection capacity and elimination of venting/flaring or fugitive gas are methods more likely to be utilized for reducing net emissions and are the cases used for the optimized scenario in this work. This LCA illustrated the potential for the CO2-EOR operations in the FWU to store more CO2 with minimal emissions.

Graphical Abstract

1. Introduction

Carbon dioxide (CO2) atmospheric concentrations are high compared to the last 400 centuries and are still rising [1]. About 50% of the increase has been in the last forty years and is mainly attributed to human activities [1]. This has led to rising temperatures and climate change globally [2]. One (1) megawatt (MW) electrical coal fire plant releases up to eight (8) megatons of CO2 yearly. About 75% and 50% of this amount is released by oil fired and natural gas combined-cycle electrical plants, respectively [3]. In the US, about 86% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are from energy production, which includes principally the generation of power and transportation [4]. The oil and gas industry globally accounts for about 8% of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) and 15% of the methane gas (CH4) with 3% coming from upstream operations [5]. This increase in GHG emissions is believed to have an adverse impact on the environment. Improved energy efficiency of production equipment, use of renewable energy and low carbon fuels, and storage/sequestration of captured CO2 are all potential emission reduction approaches with each having their inherent pros and cons [5]. From the works of Farajzadeh et al., CO2-EOR incorporating carbon capture consumes a high amount of energy compared to the amount of crude produced [2]. This also significantly leads to an increase in emissions.
Geologic formations are estimated to have storage capacities of about 9 × 1011 tonnes of CO2 globally with oil and gas fields alone offering capacities of about 1.3 × 1011 tonnes of CO2 [6]. Carbon dioxide can be sequestrated as part of CO2-enhanced oil recovery (EOR), a process used to increase oil production in use since the early 1970’s [7]. Injection of pressurized CO2 into oil reservoirs causes crude oil to swell, decreases viscosity thus increasing crude mobility, and develops miscibility as interfacial tension is reduced [8]. CO2-EOR is common in the US in the Permian Basin, Rocky Mountains, Northern Plains, and Louisiana-Mississippi, all regions that have access to natural CO2 and/or large natural gas processing plants that may produce high volumes of CO2 as a by-product [9]. International CO2-EOR projects include the Weyburn-Midale CO2 project in Saskaatchewan, Canada and the Lula field in the Santos Basin, Brazil (offshore) [10]. Notable international CCS include the Sleipner in Norway, In Salah in Algeria, Ketzin in Germany, k12B in Netherland [11] and the Gorgon project in Western Australia by Chevron, ExxonMobil and Shell [12].
Assuming a reservoir has the requisite caprock integrity, using CO2 for EOR in low-performing or depleted oil reservoirs presents a number of advantages including incremental oil recovery, stabilization of the storage formation by repressurizing, and sequestration of CO2 that can reduce the net CO2 emission of the EOR project [13]. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a highly capital-intensive operation that becomes more economically viable when incorporated as part of an EOR project by producing crude oil which may not be extracted by primary and secondary recovery processes [14]. EOR can use natural or anthropogenic CO2, but for GHG reduction anthropogenic sources from industrial processing plants (e.g., gas processing, fertilizer, and ethanol plants) and power-generating plants (e.g., coal, oil and natural gas power plants) would be used.
This paper does not consider the detailed technologies and processes involved in CO2-EOR operations, but instead focuses on a GHG emission Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), of CO2-EOR operations. This is a necessary analysis, because CO2-EOR involves operations that may contribute to GHG emissions. These operations include processes from the up-stream sector (capture and separation of carbon dioxide, facility construction and pipeline transportation), gate to gate (carbon dioxide dehydration, drilling of wells, oil production and processing, constructions of facilities, land usage, gas separation as well as venting and flaring) and down-stream sector (crude transport, refining and fuel combustion) [15].
Calculating and evaluating all inputs and outputs of environmental stressors and products potential impact on the environment describes LCA. By ISO 14000 environmental management standards, LCA is performed in phases: the scope/goal definition, the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI), Impact Assessment (Classification and Characterization), and interpretation/application [16]. The extent of these phases depends on the goal/scope defined. The issues addressed are the energy balance of the integrated system, substances that are emitted at a higher rate, and the part of the system linked to these emissions [17].
Thus, to undertake LCA, specific boundaries or areas of interest are to be determined for the analysis. There have been a number of studies that have looked into GHG emissions and its relation to the operations of CO2-EOR [1,4,14,15,16,17]. The focus of this LCA is to estimate the total GHG emissions from the Farnsworth Unit (FWU) CO2-EOR operation and further forecast emissions for another period of 18 years, a period proposed by the field operators to continue CO2 injection. Within this projected operational period, the operators seek to incorporate a number of improved conditions to reduce emissions as will be discussed following sections. In this paper the focus is on emissions that contribute to Global Warming potential (GWP, kg CO2eq/bbl. of crude produced), and as such the greenhouse emissions that will be considered are CO2, CH4, and Nitrous Oxide (N2O). It is good to emphasize that 100% of the CO2 used for EOR at the FWU came from anthropogenic sources (ethanol and fertilizer plants) or CO2 from field production that is essentially 100% anthropogenic CO2 previously injected into the field from the same anthropogenic sources. There was no CO2 detected in the original reservoir oil [18].

1.1. Geological and Reservoir Description of FWU

The Farnsworth Unit is located in the northern part of Texas in Ochiltree County, situated on the northwestern shelf of the Anadarko Basin (Figure 1). The producing reservoir is Morrow B sandstone, an incised valley fluvial sandstone deposited during the Regional Stage of the Lower -Pennsylvanian Morrowan period [18,19]. Overlying and underlying the Morrow B formation are late Pennsylvanian through to mid-Permian shales and limestones. The primary seals are the overlying Morrow shale and Thirteen Finger limestone with secondary seals overlying these units that include thousands of feet of limestones and interbedded dolomite, and evaporites. Morrow B sandstone is about 18 m thick and occurs at a depth of about 2301 m to 2423 m, with about 55 m to 61 m of the primary seal overlying the reservoir [19]. The Morrow B at FWU is a relatively coarse-grained sandstone interpreted as a fluvial deposit within an incised valley [20]. Rocks are subarkosic in composition and typically exhibit one or more sequences of basal conglomerates overlain by coarse-to-fine grained sandstone and capped by very fine sands that grade into the mudstones of the Morrow shale and then transition abruptly into the alternating limestones and shales that characterize the Thirteen Finger limestone. Porosity and permeability for the Morrow B averages 15% and 35 mD respectively [20]. Caprock integrity testing using mercury porosimetry and geo-mechanical (Brazil tension, unconfined compression, triaxial compression, and multi-stress compression) tests indicate the integrity of the caprock and its ability to ensure safe storage of injected CO2 [21].
Reservoir discovery was listed as 26 October 1955 and the FWU was unitized on 6 December 1963 by the operator with the initiation of water-flooding with fresh-water from the Ogallala Formation shortly thereafter. Table 1 gives a summary of initial reservoir conditions. The field has two distinct sections that seemed to behave differently over its lifetime. Primary production was initially better in the eastern side in comparison to the western side, but the western performed much better during waterflooding [22]. This work focuses on the western side of the FWU.

1.2. Overview of CO2-EOR Operations on the FWU

CO2-EOR was initiated in the western portion of FWU in December 2010, and the present operator intends to continue CO2-EOR until the economic limit of the field is reached. Initially, CO2 came via pipeline from both the Arkalon ethanol plant in Liberal Kansas and the Agrium fertilizer plant in Borger, Texas. Currently the only source of CO2 is from the Arkalon ethanol plant.
Figure 2 illustrates a simplified flow chart of the facilities, equipment and the CO2-EOR processes at FWU. Three major processes are involved once CO2 is delivered to the unit: CO2 distribution, produced liquid handling, and produced gas handling.
Delivered CO2 and recycled CO2 are transported via pipeline from the Central Bank Battery (CTB) CO2 distribution units to water alternating gas (WAG) injectors. Produced fluids go to several central gathering system (All Well Test (AWT)) locations where each site consists of a central gathering line, vessels for fluid separation, and individual well test separators, after which fluids are transferred to the CTB. At the CTB the separation of gas, crude, and brine continues using a series of vessels and storage tanks based on density differences and resident time to separate the fluids. Flow meters are used to record both daily purchased and produced volumes of CO2.
The FWU currently operates thirty two producing wells and seventeen injection wells with three injection manifolds which have valves to switch between water and CO2. Separated crude oil has 2930 ppm CO2 (0.293%) and is sold out of tanks. The gas (89–93% CO2) mixture is produced with less than 690 ppm i.e., 0.069% water and is reinjected using reciprocal compression and high-pressure horizontal pumps. Thus, no dehydration is required. The minimum miscible pressure (MMP) of the reservoir crude oil and CO2 was determined to be 4200 psia [23].
Figure 3 shows CO2 production and injection volumes from the FWU between December 2010 and 1 September 2020 as well as oil and water production and disposition As of this period the purchased CO2 is 1.64 × 106 tonnes, with 1.51 × 106 tonnes (92% of purchased) being stored and a crude oil production of 4.76 × 106 barrels.

2. Materials and Methods

The LCA approach employed in this project followed in part the framework established by ISO [16] as mentioned in previous sections, and the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) LCA approach by DOE-NETL [24]. The PCOR approach comes with a spreadsheet model allowing users to modify specific fields and CO2-EOR operations to suit their needs. The model includes a cycle analysis from a coal fired power plant retrofitted with CO2 capture through to a CO2-EOR operation to the transportation of crude to refineries and finally to end users, usually for combustion. This LCA is a complete cradle-to-grave cycle, which has the upstream, gate to gate and downstream representing the end nodes of the cycle. Our work focuses on the operations within the FWU or a gate to gate analysis of the CO2-EOR operations. Where the required FWU data were unavailable they were estimated from the literature [25,26,27] and the National Energy Technology laboratory (NETL) databases [28,29] (Figure 3). In addition, because this model was quite generic and lacked certain variations with respect to FWU operations, a number of modifications were made based on a couple of scenarios:
Scenario 1: Perform an LCA specific to the FWU and compare with a more generalized CO2-EOR operations from 2010 to 2020 (period for which CO2-EOR has been in operation at the FWU).
For general CO2-EOR, gas separation would be considered but not in the case for FWU because all recycled gases are reinjected.
The percentage of water content in gas is insignificant hence a dehydration component is not included in study.
There is an insignificant percentage of CO2 and lighter hydrocarbons in separated crude oil and water hence estimates of gases or volatile oil components (VOC) vented on storage are omitted.
Based on the geological description and study, it is very unlikely for formation leakages to occur.
Scenario 2: Perform a FWU LCA for a forecasted CO2-EOR for a period of 18-year (2020 to 2038) model run with bottomhole pressure and oil rate target constraints as proposed by the field operator. This would also look at two scenarios; an optimized operational condition to reduce emissions or reach a net-zero carbon operational condition and to ensure higher percent of injected CO2 storage as encouraged by the US government 45Q incentives versus current operational practices as used in task one.
A flexible compressor capacity—expanded to meet large volumes of recycled CO2, thus flaring or venting of excess recycled gases would occur only during maintenance periods (due to high cost of backup compressors).
Conversion of existing water injectors to WAG wells to add to existing WAG wells.
All purchased and produced gases would be reinjected within the 12-year period.
All produced water is reinjected in the WAG process, hence treatment of produced water is omitted.
Surveillance is put in place (pipelines, wellheads, wells and other surface equipment) to meet requirements in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) rules for the Texas Railroad Commission (TRRC) Oil and Gas Division to report and quantify leaks, and to minimize leakage of GHG from surface equipment.
The option for gas powered/energy efficient compressors other than electric power is also considered.
Based on a maximum monitoring area (MMA) defined by the operator as the boundary of the FWU with ½ mile buffer zone (minimum required by Subpart RR). Figure 4 shows a simulated tertiary CO2 flood for 22 years (2010 to 2020 plus the additional 12 years projected operational period) shown in Figure 4A in addition to 5 years post-injection monitoring shown in Figure 4B. These demonstrate the stored CO2 remains within the boundary of the FWU with little change during the 5 years post-injection. The geologic seals are expected to contain the injected CO2 within the Morrow B formation. Abandoned wells are properly plugged and very unlikely to have any leaks. Mechanical integrity testing (MIT) as per the Underground Injection Control (UIC) program is also conducted and provides evidence of mechanical integrity, therefore no leakage is expected through injection/production wells [30,31]. Further, regular analysis of fluids from Ogallala aquifer wells around FWU as well as soil gas and atmospheric monitoring by the Southwest Regional Partnership on Carbon Sequestration (SW) shows no indications or unusual occurrences of CO2, brine or hydrocarbons since 2013.

2.1. Life Cycle Inventory

Site-specific data inputs from the FWU within a set system boundary were used in this analysis. A flow chart indicating major processes within the scope of the analysis is presented in Figure 5. Data collection and treatment, allocation (impact of products or processes operations on the environment) and calculation, and data quality checks would be done at this stage. Rates of fluid production were major inputs to the model, as well as other process key to GHG relation to the CO2-EOR operation, such as fluid injection (CO2 and brine), gas and liquid separation, gas compression, crude and brine storage, gas venting and flaring, produced gas, gas combustion for heat, and gas separation. Initially gas separation was taken into consideration analyzing three common processing techniques; Ryan-Homes, refrigeration/fractionation, and membrane [15]. They were each taken into account in this gate to gate LCA. Specific FWU fluid volumes, incremental oil recovery, produced brine, gas injection, and production were used for Task 1. Other comparable data to DOE-NETL (2013) [15,28], and NETL Unit Process Library [32] were also utilized in the study.
Fractionation/refrigeration operates by chilling a gas stream, which separates CO2 from hydrocarbon (HC) gases. Distillation columns are then used to separate the HC gases. This technique can be reconfigured to bypass distillation columns, thus reducing the energy consumption. The Ryan-Holmes separation technique also involves the separation of CO2, lighter HC, and NGL by a refrigeration vessel, a de-methanizer, and HC separation columns. For the membrane process, the rate of permeation through a porous medium between two different gases is the principle utilized for its separation technique. This comes with a pre-treatment; compression of gas to about 3.45 MPa, dehydration, and chilling. Energy requirements and material usage vary widely among these techniques [15].
For Scenario 2, volumes or fluid injection and production rates used were from forecasted simulation data. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) grid mix emission factor of 411 kg CO2e/MWh [33] was specified as the electricity delivered to the FWU [28]. Other parameters such as brine and hydrocarbon gas production, which might not readily be available for the forecasting aspect of this analysis (Scenario 2) were estimated using various correlations [28].

Summary of Forecasting Model Description

Fluid transport dynamics were investigated through a compositional numerical reservoir simulation model. The model was used to perform a history matching simulation for primary, secondary and tertiary recovery processes for the FWU. The duration for the primary and secondary processes was 55 years, and for tertiary (CO2 flood) the duration was between December 2010 and August 2019. Hydraulic flow units (HFU) as delineated by Rose-Coss et al. [20] were utilized to characterize heterogeneity of the reservoir. Porosity and permeability relationships were also established based on depositional and diagenetic facies described from cores and thin sections from 51 wells. The HFUs and parameters of Corey’s correlations corresponding to each permeability porosity relation were used as parameters to history match the primary and secondary production data through a machine learning based methodology [34]. X, Y, and Z directional permeability multipliers and Corey coefficients of three phase relative permeabilities were parameters considered for tuning. Comparing simulation results with field data, it was observed that the history-matched case was consistent with oil production, gas injection, and production data. The Table 2 summarizes estimated volumes from the model.

2.2. Emissions/Emission Factor Estimations

The contributions of each unit process to GHG emissions within the boundary of the CO2-EOR operations were estimated using a functional unit of kilograms -CO2—equivalent (kgCO2eq) to signify the quantity of CO2 per barrel of crude oil produced. The 100-year GWP coefficients of 298 for N2O and 34 for CH4, to convert amounts of N2O and CH4 to equivalent CO2, were applied [16].
Separation of gas and liquids could lead to the release of volatile organic compounds (VOC) due to the changes in temperature and pressure conditions, which are either flared or vented. Storage of crude and brine may result in VOC emissions as a result of flashing, working, and standing losses. These are recovered by vapor recovery equipment and directed to flaring and venting units. A 99% conversion efficiency of flared gases to CO2 was used in this study (for each kg of CH4 flared, 0.99 kg is converted to CO2eq) [25]. The required amount of fuel and electricity for each unit process is estimated based on the amount of product to be processed. The equivalent mass of carbon dioxide emitted as a result of generating these amounts of energy is estimated. Table 3 gives a summary of key parameters, units, and their associated values used in modelling the LCA for CO2-EOR. Aside from site-specific data, all other data sets (mostly emission factors to specific unit operations) were gathered from literature as indicated in the table representing tempo-geographical and associated technical characteristics of CO2-EOR. Venting and flaring volumes for Scenario 2 were assumed to be the difference between the purchased and stored CO2, arising mainly as results of compressor maintenance/break down.

3. Results and Discussion

This study focuses on the estimations of the GHG emissions for the CO2-EOR operations at the FWU for a period of about ten years from December 2010 to September 2020 for which CO2 injection has already occurred, and for another projected 18-year period (2020–2038) with optimized operational conditions. These estimates account for emissions that are direct functions of the mass of CO2 and oil production volume, hence the functional unit of kgCO2eq/bbl of crude oil produced. The first scenario accounted for the emissions of the FWU and compared these to a base case, which included gas separation options. The second task also focused on a projected optimized operation and a comparison of GHG emissions to a base case of current existing conditions on the FWU. Emissions were estimated and presented on the basis of various units within the CO2-EOR field that are key contributors to emissions within the system. The goal here was to identify specific units to optimize to aid in the reduction of GHG emissions. Cumulated purchased CO2 amounted to 1.64 × 106 tonnes, with 1.51 × 106 tonnes (92% of purchased) stored and a corresponding crude oil production of 4.76 × 106 barrels represent estimates from the operator which were utilized in Scenario 1 (Figure 3). Scenario 2 utilized the forecast (Table 2).

3.1. Scenario 1

(a) Gas Separation
Economics dictate whether hydrocarbon gas and CO2 are separated from the produced gas. There are at least two reasons to separate hydrocarbon gas before reinjecting the produced gas. The first reason is if the impurities in the produced CO2 increase the MMP in the reservoir above the fracture pressure or high enough to significantly increase cost, and the second is if the value of the recovered gases is more than the cost of separation, or more likely a combination of the two. In the base case in Scenario 1 gas separation techniques considered are the fractionation/refrigeration, Ryan–Holmes, and membrane. The energy requirements and material usage vary widely among these techniques. Table 4 represents emission factors and Table 5 represents total mass emissions for refrigeration/fractionation, Ryan–Holmes and membrane gas processing techniques, respectively. For both Ryan–Holmes and membrane separation, natural gas usage accounts for the majority of emissions in their operations with electricity being the key source of emission for refrigeration/fractionation. The natural gas upstream represents the emissions from the recovery of natural gas delivered to the plant; this in many situations is a small quantity since the plant utilizes part of the gases separated in the combustion processes. These are estimates generalized for the processes of these techniques with actual production and injection data from FWU, and the results are similar to published studies [9,15,24].
(b) FWU CO2-EOR Processes
Table 6 highlights the emission factors and mass emissions of key unit processes as defined in the boundary of the LCA. Gas compression and injection electricity accounted for 47% (7.41 kgCO2eq/bbl. and 35.31 × 106 kgCO2eq) of GHG emissions from equipment in the CO2-EOR system. Thus, improving the energy efficiency of compression would significantly reduce the life-cycle GHG emissions. Unfortunately, increasing the efficiency of compressors is technically challenging [9]. Differences in the life cycle emissions of compressors, however, may differ depending on the energy source since each source has its emission factor (660 kgCO2/MWh for coal powered plant, 423 kgCO2/MWh for natural gas powered, etc.). The ERCOT power factor of 411 kgCO2/MWh is lower due to the inclusion of renewable (wind, hydro) energy source components as part of its power generation mix and probably represents the source of power to the FWU. Artificial lifting of crude oil and associated produced water and gases comes next with estimates of about 4.44 kgCO2eq/bbl and 21.12 × 106 kgCO2eq. These estimates were made based on the volumes of fluids produced. A factor of 0.118 kWh/kg crude lifted [25] was used. From this the amount of energy required to lift the volumes of fluids produced and the associated quantity of potential emissions was estimated. These values are not exact representations of emissions from artificial lift from the FWU, since there are different kinds of lifting mechanisms employed in the field (sucker rods and submersible pumps) and in many of the wells artificial lift was not initially required. Thus, this value is expected to be an over-estimate, but the idea presented here is to show how much CO2 would have been emitted if all of the produced fluids were acquired through artificial lift. Artificial lift is quite energy intensive and is used throughout the production period once a well is put on artificial lift. Construction and land use also account for significant GHG emissions directly through energy use, construction of facilities, well drilling, and other processes and indirectly in land use effects on existing vegetation, repurposing land and so on. Using a factor for an emission per square meter of repurposed land of 7.46 kgCO2/m2 [29], emissions were estimated at 2.98 kgCO2eq/bbl corresponding to a mass of 14.18 × 106 kgCO2eq. These processes and their GHG emissions could be classified as indirect as associated GHG emissions are due to the processes or energy usage. Flaring and venting which in this study is classified as a direct emission accounted for an estimated 60% of GHG emissions through the 10-year period of CO2-EOR. This was highest in the early stages of CO2 injection, but reduced as compressors for reinjection came online. On a longer-term scale, most venting and flaring occurs during times when compressors are offline for maintenance or repairs. The cumulative quantity of equivalent CO2 flared within the period from December 2010 to August 2020 was 117.52 × 106 KgCO2eq with an emission factor of 24.68 kgCO2eq/bbl. This is the highest source of emissions amongst the CO2-EOR processes. Though there could be challenges with respect to improving on the efficiency of equipment to reduce GHG emissions, analysts have suggested that reduction of fugitive GHG emissions of vented and flared CO2 and methane would be more easily achieved. This effect is reflected in Scenario 2 of this study. Based on the geological description and the mechanical integrity tests performed on the field’s reservoir cap rocks, emissions due to leakages from the geologic storage formation were estimated to be zero (0%) of the stored CO2 [21].
(c) Comparative Analysis of Gate to Gate Results
Table 7 (mass emission) and Table 8 (emissions factors), sums up the overall total emissions and emission factors for the CO2-EOR processes both with (Base cases) and without (FWU) gas separation techniques. Total net storage factors and net CO2 storage, were estimated as; total emission factors minus initial storage factor, and total emissions minus initial CO2 storage. For the base cases, the total emissions from CO2-EOR operations in order of increasing total emissions and emission factors are Fractionation/ Refrigeration, Ryan-Holmes, and Membrane. In comparison, FWU without gas separation recorded the lowest. The net storage and net storage factors resulted in negative net values for all scenarios. This is an indication of a pay-off to global warming reduction and/or a positive outcome to environmental intervention, that is, much more CO2 is stored in the formations than is emitted to the atmosphere. The major difference is the use of gas separation. Refrigeration/fractionation has a greater advantage with regards to emissions due to its low energy consumption. This is because the fractionation process could be configured to bypass distillation columns, thus reducing energy that would have been consumed by such columns. However, when it comes to efficiency in separation of gases, the Ryan-Holmes and membrane processes both are highly effective in recovering natural gas liquids but come with a higher energy penalty, as can be seen from the results.

3.2. Scenario 2

(a) Forecasted FWU CO2-EOR with Optimized Conditions
Scenario 2 considers an 18-year forecast of the CO2-EOR operations, a time range chosen because that concludes with the probable expiration date of a 45Q tax credit. The scenario assumes all purchased CO2 (2.91 × 106 Metric tons) will be injected and stored within the 18-year period. Assumptions also consider that adequate compressor capacity precludes venting or flaring and (during compressor optimum performance except failure or maintenance), injection of all produced gas and water. Our emission estimates were made factoring all these conditions. A base case of the current condition as applied in Scenario 1 for FWU was also applied to this forecasted CO2 purchased volume. For the base case, venting and flaring accounted for the majority of emissions with 17.9 kgCO2eq/bbl (345.28 × 106 kgCO2eq), and compression and artificial lift energy being the next major source of GHG contributors in both the optimized and base case. For the same volume of crude oil produced, the energy requirement for artificial lift is likely to be the same in both cases for the same period of time. Differences between the two cases arise as a result of fugitive emissions from equipment as well as from venting and flaring. Total estimated emission factors for both the forecasted base and optimized scenarios are shown in Table 8 with detailed estimates on individual operations in Figure 6. A net negative storage factor of −130 kgCO2eq/bbl and −112 kgCO2eq/bbl corresponding to 86% of the purchased CO2 for the optimized case and 74.3% for base case was found. As this LCA excludes all fugitive emissions, this is an indication that energy consumption by process equipment is a key contributor to GHG emissions. Flaring and venting, being a direct emission of GHG, is a major component in the CO2-EOR process which increased emissions in all cases. A reduction in this one key source could significantly reduce total emissions. This could be achieved through a reduction in time needed for repair and maintenance or through other operational methods.
Table 8 summarizes the emission factors of the various case studies, using volume estimates in Figure 3 for Scenario 1 and Table 2 for Scenario 2 (projected). The factors in both cases are not directly comparable due to different volumes of CO2 and crude oil used in their estimates. These estimates (emission factors) can be compared to other gate to gate CO2-EOR GHG LCA even with the inclusion of a gas processing facility. Figure 7 gives a number of CO2-EOR operations and their estimated emission factors that range 60 kgCO2ee to 175 kgCO2eq compared to Scenario 1 for FWU of about 40 kgCO2eq.

4. Summary and Conclusions

Emissions of GHGs such as CO2, CH4, and N2O are considered as major pollutions and have become a source of concern in efforts to slow the pace of global warming. This study presents a GHG LCA for the FWU for a period during which CO2-EOR has been in operation (about 10 years) and a projected future operation of 18 years. For these cases, GHG emissions were estimated for a number of CO2-EOR processes, fugitive emissions, and from flaring/venting. Data from the operator as well as simulated and forecasted fluid volumes were utilized in estimating emissions. Data gathered by the operator through monitoring and metering recorded 1.64 × 106 tonnes (1.49 × 109 kgCO2eq) of CO2 purchased, with 92% being stored during the 10 years CO2-EOR has been in operation. A gate-to-gate LCA of the GHG emissions estimated a net negative 2.25 × 106 tonnes (1.19 × 106 kgCO2eq) of CO2 representing storage of 79% of purchased CO2. For this period, venting and flaring accounted for the highest source of emissions with compressor energy consumption being the next-highest. Improving conditions through an optimized process (Scenario 2) for a forecasted period of operations lowering or eliminating fugitive emissions and including flaring/venting only during maintenance of compressors yielded 86% (130 kgCO2eq/bbl) of projected purchased volumes of 3.21 × 106 tonnes of CO2 compared to a forecasted base case estimated at 74% of the purchased CO2.
A very significant consideration for the implementation of the forecasted optimized scenario would be economics and technology that dictate the amount of CO2 to be purchased as well as to be stored. These factors can also dictate how a CO2-EOR operation might be designed. Higher crude oil prices might create a favorable condition for the use of CO2 due to the ratio between the cost of oil price and cost of CO2. A drop in CO2 cost might encourage CO2 use for EOR, and a change in tax policy might change either side of the equation. The financial incentive of the 45Q tax credit from the current U.S. tax policy for both capture and storage of CO2 is currently providing another motivation for CO2-EOR operators to retain more CO2.
This GHG life-cycle assessment is an indication that the integration of CO2-EOR and carbon storage, such as seen at FWU, is one approach to minimize net GHG emissions to the atmosphere. This study presents specific emission estimates for the FWU and could give useful information to field operators with regards to GHG emissions of their operations. The basic processes and methodologies could easily be followed in other fields.
Key unit processes have been demonstrated to be major contributors to emissions that operators need to take notice of and seek to improve for reduced GHG emissions. Energy consumption for process equipment is a significant input and a major cause of GHG emissions. Improving on the energy efficiency of equipment and the use of alternative clean energy sources are sure ways of reducing emissions from this source. These changes may be technologically challenging, or in some cases beyond the control of field operators. In our study, flaring and venting accounted for the largest source of emissions in all scenarios examined. Reducing emissions from this source is believed to be easier compared to the challenging issues of improving the energy efficiency of equipment. Proper monitoring, smart and quick sealing of fugitive sources and the avoidance of flaring/venting as much as possible could reduce emissions. Expanding compressor capacities and/or backup compressors are ways of ensuring sufficient gas recycle capacity and hence emission reductions, though these could be capital intensive and project economics would play a major role in this decision. The FWU has a simpler operational boundary, hence its low gate-to-gate emission factors as compared to other studies mentioned earlier. Added complexity of operational processes as seen in some fields could lead to an increase in sources of emissions; however, reducing the direct emission of GHGs via venting and flaring should provide beneficial in almost all cases.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, W.A. and R.G.; methodology, A.M.; software, A.M.; validation, A.M., R.G. and W.A.; formal analysis, A.M.; resources, W.A. and R.G.; writing—original draft preparation, A.M.; writing—review and editing, R.G. and W.A.; visualization, A.M.; supervision, W.A. and R.G.; project administration, W.A.; funding acquisition, W.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


Funding for this project is provided by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) through the Southwest Regional Partnership on Carbon Sequestration (SWP) under Award No. DE-FC26-05NT42591.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Location of the Farnsworth Unit (FWU) on the Northwest Shelf of the Anadarko Basin in West Texas. Red lines are approximate locations of faults that have been documented in the region. Blue pentagons indicate locations of Anthropogenic CO2 sources.
Figure 1. Location of the Farnsworth Unit (FWU) on the Northwest Shelf of the Anadarko Basin in West Texas. Red lines are approximate locations of faults that have been documented in the region. Blue pentagons indicate locations of Anthropogenic CO2 sources.
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Figure 2. Simplified flow chart representing an overview of the CO2-EOR Operations of FWU (Red lines indicate injection fluids, black: produced fluids and blue: gas from AWT).
Figure 2. Simplified flow chart representing an overview of the CO2-EOR Operations of FWU (Red lines indicate injection fluids, black: produced fluids and blue: gas from AWT).
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Figure 3. Production and injection data gathered from the FWU from December 2010 to August 2020.
Figure 3. Production and injection data gathered from the FWU from December 2010 to August 2020.
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Figure 4. CO2 Plume Extent (A) Before; (B) 5 years post-injection.
Figure 4. CO2 Plume Extent (A) Before; (B) 5 years post-injection.
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Figure 5. A simplified boundary/scope of Life Cycle Inventory for CO2- EOR at the FWU.
Figure 5. A simplified boundary/scope of Life Cycle Inventory for CO2- EOR at the FWU.
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Figure 6. FWU emission factors for Base and forecasted optimized cases.
Figure 6. FWU emission factors for Base and forecasted optimized cases.
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Figure 7. Reproduced gate-to-gate emission factors of other CO2-EOR fields [9], in comparison to FWU CO2-EOR.
Figure 7. Reproduced gate-to-gate emission factors of other CO2-EOR fields [9], in comparison to FWU CO2-EOR.
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Table 1. Initial reservoir conditions.
Table 1. Initial reservoir conditions.
Reservoir PropertiesValues
Oil initially in place120 MM STB
Gas initially in place41.48 BSCF
Reservoir pressure2217.7 psia
Bubble point2073.7 psia
Formation volume factor1.192 RB/STB
Reservoir temperature168 °F
Reservoir driveSolution gas drive
Table 2. Summary of predicted volumes.
Table 2. Summary of predicted volumes.
Max cumulative oil productionMM bbl19.3
Max cumulative CO2 storageMM tonnes2.98
Max % Storage of purchased CO2percentage92.9%
Table 3. Summary of parameter/factors and Input values.
Table 3. Summary of parameter/factors and Input values.
Crude oil producedbbl crude Operator/forecast
Crude oil densitykg crude/bbl135Operator/forecast
Net CO2 utilization rateMscf CO2/bbl Operator/forecast
Purchased CO2 requirementkg CO2 Operator/forecast
Fugitive loss rate of purchased CO2%2.0%[13]
CO2 produced (recycled)kg CO2 Operator/forecast
CO2 injectedkg CO2 Operator/forecast
CO2 storedkg CO2 Operator/forecast
CO2 leakage rate from storage over
100-year time period
% CO2 stored0.5%[25]
Hydrocarbon gas production ratekg gas/kg crude Operator/forecast
Brine production ratekg brine/kg crude Operator/forecast
Well footprintAcre0.25[25]
Number of wellsCount49Operator/forecast
Emissions per m2 of
repurposed land
kg CO2eq/m27.5[32]
Water disposal well constructionkg CO2eq/bbl1.0[32]
Injection well constructionkg CO2eq/bbl1.2[32]
artificial lift pump electricity
kWh/kg crude1.18 × 10−1[32]
Compressor power factorMW/[tonne recycled CO2/day]2.70 × 10−3[25]
CO2 pump power factorMW/[tonne injected CO2/day]1.91 × 10−4[25]
Compressor CO2 emissions rate
(direct to atmosphere)
kg CO2eq/MW-day63.6[25]
Brine injection pump electricity
kWh/kg brine injected7.87 × 10−4[34]
VOC uncontrolled emissions rate to
venting and flaring
kg VOC/kg crude8.70 × 10−3[25]
Flare rate (% of vented VOC that is
Combustion efficiency%99%[15]
Natural gas usage ratekg natural gas/kg crude3.09 × 10−3[32]
Natural gas delivered CO2
emissions factor
kg CO2/kg natural gas1.68 × 10−1[32]
Natural gas delivered CH4
emissions factor
kg CH4/kg natural gas1.81 × 10−2[32]
Natural gas delivered N2O
emissions factor
kg N2O/kg natural gas4.60 × 10−6[34]
Natural gas combustion CO2
emissions factor
kg CO2/kg natural gas combusted2.75[32]
Natural gas combustion CH4
emissions factor
kg CH4/kg natural gas combusted5.26 × 10−5[32]
Natural gas combustion N2O
emissions factor
kg N2O/kg natural gas combusted5.03 × 10−5[32]
Produced water methane contentkg CH4/bbl water1.50 × 10−3[32]
Brine disposal pump electricity ratekWh/kg brine disposal injected3.30 × 10−3[32]
ERCOT mix, electricity delivered
carbon emission factor
kg CO2eq/MWh4.11 × 102[32]
Table 4. Emission Factors of major components of Gas Separation units.
Table 4. Emission Factors of major components of Gas Separation units.
Factors (kgCO2eq/bbl)
Natural gas upstream0.00041.360833.3343
Natural gas combustion0.001412.049315.6464
Diesel Usage-0.1933-
Fugitive emissions--0.1815
Table 5. Mass Emissions of major components of gas Separation units.
Table 5. Mass Emissions of major components of gas Separation units.
Emission (kgCO2eq)
Natural gas upstream189264,80,307158,738,878
Natural gas combustion666157,379,32774,508,567
Diesel Usage-920,532-
Fugitive emissions--864,146
Table 6. Mass Emissions and Factors for EOR units (Task 1).
Table 6. Mass Emissions and Factors for EOR units (Task 1).
Unit ProcessesEmission
106 kg CO2eq
kg CO2eq/bbl
Construction/Land use14.182.98
Artificial lift21.124.44
CO2 compression, and injection (Electricity)35.317.41
Brine injection (Electricity)3.430.72
Brine disposal (Electricity)1.110.23
Table 7. Total Emission and Net Storage for cases considered.
Table 7. Total Emission and Net Storage for cases considered.
Total EmissionsNet StoragePurchased Stored
106 kgCO2eq106 kgCO2eq%
FWU (No Gas Separation)210.38−1169.0079.28
Table 8. Summary of emission factors for Task 1 and Task 2.
Table 8. Summary of emission factors for Task 1 and Task 2.
ProcessEmission Factor
Net Storage Factor
FWU (No Gas Separation)40−249.20
FWU (Forecast-opt)10−130.01
FWU (Forecast-Base)28−112.00
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MDPI and ACS Style

Morgan, A.; Grigg, R.; Ampomah, W. A Gate-to-Gate Life Cycle Assessment for the CO2-EOR Operations at Farnsworth Unit (FWU). Energies 2021, 14, 2499.

AMA Style

Morgan A, Grigg R, Ampomah W. A Gate-to-Gate Life Cycle Assessment for the CO2-EOR Operations at Farnsworth Unit (FWU). Energies. 2021; 14(9):2499.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Morgan, Anthony, Reid Grigg, and William Ampomah. 2021. "A Gate-to-Gate Life Cycle Assessment for the CO2-EOR Operations at Farnsworth Unit (FWU)" Energies 14, no. 9: 2499.

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