Renewable Energy Sources in the Processes of Thermal Modernization of Buildings—Selected Aspects in Poland
:1. Introduction
1.1. Photovoltaic Market in Poland—Current State of Affairs
1.2. Legal Regulations for Processes of Thermal Modernization of Buildings in Poland
- reduction in the energy demand for heating buildings and heating and domestic hot water,
- reduction in primary energy losses in local heating networks and the local heat sources supplying them,
- making technical connections to a centralized heat source, in association with liquidation of a local heat source,
- complete or partial change to renewable energy sources.
2. Materials and Methods
- Air/water heat pump fully covering the CH demand,
- Air/water heat pump covering 100% of the CH demand, powered by solar collectors.
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Type of Installation | Number of Installations | Energy Produced (MW) |
Biogas power plants | 345 | 257 |
Biomass power plants | 45 | 1248 |
Photovoltaic power plants | 2400 | 1693 |
Wind power plants | 1292 | 7158 |
Hydroelectric power plants | 786 | 990 |
Co-firing technology | 10 | 169 |
Degree of Thermal Modernization of the Building | Measures to Achieve the Desired Degree of Modernization |
Slight thermal modernization |
Average thermal modernization |
Comprehensive thermal modernization |
Energy Performance Index | Values Obtained for the Analyzed Building | Requirements for a New Building |
Annual useful energy demand index | EU = 63.02 kWh/(m2/year) | |
Annual final energy demand index | EK = 86.04 kWh/(m2/year) | |
Annual primary energy demand index | EP = 94.65 kWh/(m2/year) | EP = 70.00 kWh/(m2/year) |
Specific emission of CO2 | ECO2 = 0.0174t CO2/(m2/year) | |
Share of renewable energy sources in annual final energy demand | Uoze = 0.00% |
Energy Performance Index | Values Obtained for the Analyzed Building | Requirements for a New Building |
Annual useful energy demand index | EU = 63.02 kWh/(m2/year) | |
Annual final energy demand index | EK = 60.27 kWh/(m2/year) | |
Annual primary energy demand index | EP = 50.95 kWh/(m2/year) | EP = 70.00 kWh/(m2/year) |
Specific emission of CO2 | ECO2 = 0.0094t CO2/(m2/year) | |
Share of renewable energy sources in annual final energy demand | Uoze = 15.43% |
Energy Performance Index | Values Obtained for the Analyzed Building | Requirements for a New Building |
Annual useful energy demand index | EU = 63.02 kWh/(m2/year) | |
Annual final energy demand index | EK = 40.46 kWh/(m2/year) | |
Annual primary energy demand index | EP = 28.80 kWh/(m2/year) | EP = 70.00 kWh/(m2/year) |
Specific emission of CO2 | ECO2 = 0.0098t CO2/(m2/year) | |
Share of renewable energy sources in annual final energy demand | Uoze = 29.01 % |
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Moskwa-Bęczkowska, D.; Moskwa, A. Renewable Energy Sources in the Processes of Thermal Modernization of Buildings—Selected Aspects in Poland. Energies 2022, 15, 4613.
Moskwa-Bęczkowska D, Moskwa A. Renewable Energy Sources in the Processes of Thermal Modernization of Buildings—Selected Aspects in Poland. Energies. 2022; 15(13):4613.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMoskwa-Bęczkowska, Daria, and Andrzej Moskwa. 2022. "Renewable Energy Sources in the Processes of Thermal Modernization of Buildings—Selected Aspects in Poland" Energies 15, no. 13: 4613.
APA StyleMoskwa-Bęczkowska, D., & Moskwa, A. (2022). Renewable Energy Sources in the Processes of Thermal Modernization of Buildings—Selected Aspects in Poland. Energies, 15(13), 4613.