Ramp Rate Limitation of Wind Power: An Overview
:1. Introduction
2. Ramp Rate Definition and Its Forecast
2.1. Ramp Rate Definition
2.2. Forecasting of Wind Power Ramp Events
3. Ramp Rate Limitation Control Strategies
- Using a storage system to supply or store the needed power.
- Controlling the turbine blade pitch and rotor inertia.
3.1. Ramp Limitation Using a Battery Storage System
- Wind power filtering such as a low-pass filter, in which the higher elements of the frequency are blocked and the BESS has to store/supply the difference between the power value before and after the filter.
- Charging/discharging dispatch, in which a control system manages the battery operations to obtain the required power to smooth the wind power production. In this context, we find the model predictive control framework.
- Optimization with wind speed prediction, where the predictions are used to improve the control of the BESS.
3.2. Ramp Limitation Using Physical Techniques
4. Challenges in an Interconnected Network and Code Requirements
4.1. Ramp Rate Limitation in the Grid and Microgrid
4.2. Grid Code Requirements
5. Conclusions
- The definition and methods of forecasting the ramp rate events underlining the difficulties existing in the literature in finding a homogeneous point of view. This could be due to the fact that this is a relatively new topic and the characteristics of ramp rate events are strongly connected to the characteristics of the wind properties, which differ depending on the location.
- The control strategies used to implement the limitation deal with the use of storage systems or directly controlling the turbine and aim to minimize the costs and decrease the waste of energy.
- The contextualization and application of the ramp rate limitation in the current electrical network with some of the requirements and rules followed in some nations.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Categories | |||
Indirect forecasting methods: the wind power is forecast, and subsequently, ramp events are detected | Direct forecasting methods: historical ramp events are directly used to obtain parameters to forecast ramp events | ||
Methods | Explanation | Examples of Models | |
Physical methods | Relation between meteorological and environmental characteristics and wind power | Numerical weather prediction systems | |
Mathematical statistical methods | Statistical methods built on linear and nonlinear functions used to model historical wind power time series | Auto-regressive integrated moving average model, auto-regressive model, Gaussian process | |
Machine learning algorithms | Computational algorithms to forecast wind energy | Support vector machine, extreme learning machine, neuron-fuzzy network, artificial neural network, genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization |
Type | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Super capacitor | High efficiency, short response time, fast charging time, high energy density | High cost, limited long-term energy storage |
Hydrogen-based | Few environmental impacts, moderate efficiency | High capital cost, low storage conversion efficiency |
Flywheel | Long life of 15–20 years, high peak power capacity without overheating, insensitivity to depth of discharge, rapid response, very good energy efficiency | Very high capital cost, high rate of discharge in the range of 55–100% per day |
Battery | High power density, low-cost materials, high rated pulse power capability, fast response, long life span, effectiveness in small-scale applications | High capital cost, high temperature |
Superconducting | High efficiency, short response time | Fuel for maintenance at very low temperature, short-term energy storage |
Compressed air | High power capacity, low capital cost, quick startup, moderate energy efficiency | Heat lost for long storage time |
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D’Amico, G.; Petroni, F.; Vergine, S. Ramp Rate Limitation of Wind Power: An Overview. Energies 2022, 15, 5850. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15165850
D’Amico G, Petroni F, Vergine S. Ramp Rate Limitation of Wind Power: An Overview. Energies. 2022; 15(16):5850. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15165850
Chicago/Turabian StyleD’Amico, Guglielmo, Filippo Petroni, and Salvatore Vergine. 2022. "Ramp Rate Limitation of Wind Power: An Overview" Energies 15, no. 16: 5850. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15165850
APA StyleD’Amico, G., Petroni, F., & Vergine, S. (2022). Ramp Rate Limitation of Wind Power: An Overview. Energies, 15(16), 5850. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15165850