Mitigating Climate Change and the Development of Green Energy versus a Return to Fossil Fuels Due to the Energy Crisis in 2022
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Literature Review
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. The Main Directions of Climate Change Mitigation
4.2. The Energy Sector and Climate Change
4.3. Zero-Emission Activities and the Energy Crisis
5. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Title of the Paper | Main Issue Discussed in the Paper |
Russian-Ukraine 2022 War: A review of the economic impact of Russian-Ukraine crisis on the USA, UK, Canada, and Europe. | Global financial sanctions were imposed on Russia to paralyze the Russian economy, trigger an economic crisis, and prevent further attacks on Ukraine. However, at the same time, alternative suppliers of goods that have so far been imported from Russia should be sought, as Russia decides to react by restricting the export of important world goods [11]. |
A historical turning point? Early evidence on how the Russia-Ukraine war changes public support for clean energy policies. | The invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces in 2022 may be a turning point for the energy policy of the entire European Union, as the importance of Russian oil and gas for many European countries is very significant [12]. |
The impact of the Ukraine–Russia war on world stock market returns. | The war had a negative impact on the world economy and stock market indices. Apparently, the decline in indices was noticeable in the countries bordering Ukraine and Russia, as well as among the UN countries that clearly condemned the war and joined the imposition of sanctions [13]. |
Does oil connect differently with prominent assets during war? Analysis of intra-day data during the Russia-Ukraine saga. | During normal political times, oil prices affect other financial and commodity markets. It is important to check if oil prices are influencing important financial assets during the turmoil caused by war [14]. |
Pandemic, War, and Global Energy Transitions. | The war in Ukraine has increased energy prices and has become a challenge in terms of energy security. The long-term impact of these crises on a low-carbon energy transition and climate change mitigation is uncertain. In the era of rising energy prices, both society and the economy are paying attention to the production of energy from fossil fuels [15]. |
European energy politics after Ukraine: The road ahead. | The war in Ukraine and the resulting uncertainty regarding the production, transmission, and distribution of natural gas will play a major role in the development of the future model for the European energy transition [16]. |
The Ukraine war and threats to food and energy security. | The war in Ukraine and the resulting uncertainty regarding the production, transmission, and distribution of natural gas will play a major role in the development of the future model for the European energy transition. Many EU Member States are dependent on Russian energy imports, which makes it difficult to accept sanctions (especially Germany) [17]. |
The impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the green energy transition–A capital market perspective. | The Russian–Ukrainian conflict does not seem to have changed investors’ assessment of the possible transition to green energy in the long run. The transformation toward zero emissions in the longer term should be achieved [18]. |
War and the Politics of Energy and Climate Change. | The European Union began to coordinate efforts to reduce or wipe out Russia’s economic profitability by stopping Russian oil and gas exports. However, such measures could have a negative impact on climate protection, as the lack of Russian gas and oil could affect fossil fuel power generators and bring closed coal-fired power plants back into service. The war in Ukraine is a major complicating factor in global efforts to combat climate change [19]. |
Long-term implications of reduced gas imports on the decarbonization of the European energy system. | The European energy sector relies on gas as a key source of electricity and heating for domestic and industrial consumers. Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, this import may be interrupted, which threatens energy supplies in Europe. Moreover, with the restriction of the import of raw materials from Russia, the withdrawal from the production of energy from hard coal and lignite will be delayed [20]. |
Global economic consequence of Russian invasion of Ukraine. | As a result of the Russia–Ukraine war that began in February, numerous international sanctions were imposed on Russia to force Russia to de-escalate the crisis it had caused. However, it can be seen that due to supply disruption and trade perturbations, the conflict led to global price increases, which translated into an increase in global inflation [21]. |
A wider-aperture lens for global strategic management: The multinational enterprise in a bifurcated global economy. | Many companies, when deciding to discontinue cooperation with Russia or withdraw from the Russian market, incurred high costs from these decisions. This translated into an increase in the prices of products such as energy and transport, but also food and everyday products. It is important for scientists and business managers to view this issue from a broader perspective, including relations between China and Russia [22]. |
Melting of natural ice sheets and glaciers | The Earth’s ice resources are formed by snow cover, sea and freshwater ice, and above all, glaciers, in which water has remained frozen for a million years. Monitoring the extent, thickness, and physical properties of ice is of the utmost importance for climate research. If the ice and snow mass losses exceed the ice inflow, the glacier front is retreating. An accompanying phenomenon is also the so-called calving of the glacier, i.e., the removal of ice blocks from it, which drift in the water as icebergs [29]. Europe is also experiencing the rapid retreat of mountain glaciers severely affected by global climate change [30]. |
Rising water levels in seas and oceans | Since 1993, the levels of seas and oceans have risen by about three millimeters each year. However, this growth does not remain steady but is getting faster every year. Current measurements show that this growth could average ten millimeters per year by the beginning of the next century [31]. In Europe, most coastal regions have experienced an increase in sea levels compared to the mainland. Since the 1970s, anthropogenic factors have been the main cause of accelerating sea level rise both globally and in European regional seas [32]. |
Greater frequency and intensity of extreme weather events (e.g., long-term heat waves, violent rainfall and storms, and severe hurricanes) | Along with the increasing average temperature of the Earth’s surface, some extreme phenomena are becoming more frequent or more intense [33]. Heat waves or milder winters also have consequences for plants and animals. Higher temperatures mean better conditions for the development of, for example, algae or cyanobacteria. High temperatures strongly affect aquatic ecosystems. At high temperatures, there is relatively little dissolved oxygen in the water, which has consequences, e.g., for fish [34]. In Europe, weather disasters are placing an increasing burden on national economies. Extreme weather phenomena also adversely affect agriculture, infrastructure, and the health of the inhabitants [24,35]. |
Disturbances in the circulation of water in nature (droughts and floods, including flash floods) | Scientific research shows that the hydrological cycle, i.e., the natural water cycle on Earth, has been seriously disturbed over the last dozen years. The hydrological cycle is disrupted by rising temperatures, as manifested by increasingly intense tropical storms and monsoons. The warmer it is, the greater the amount of freshwater released into the atmosphere, where more powerful clouds are formed, carrying more rain [36]. The impact of global changes will first be felt through the disturbance of water-related phenomena. In Europe, water quality changes first, followed by hydrological changes, which have serious consequences for both water availability and other water-related impacts on social activities [37]. |
Extension of the vegetation period of flora | Global warming has the potential to have some positive effects on agriculture, such as extending the growing season due to an increase in the annual average air temperature. The increased concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere makes it possible to “feed” plants with CO2, which will translate into their more intensive growth [38]. A longer vegetation period will allow the introduction of new plant species that were previously unfavorable in a given area due to too low a temperature or too short a growing season. However, it can also increase the spread of weeds, pests, and certain diseases [39]. Due to the changing climate, European countries are already struggling with more frequent, severe, and longer-lasting droughts and, at the same time, with longer vegetation periods for plants and higher temperatures [24,40]. |
Extension of steppe in areas previously covered with regular vegetation and an increase in the frequency and range of forest fires | The expansion of steppes is a dynamic, progressive process of transforming forested areas, shrubs, and meadows into grassy communities characteristic of steppes and prairies or into communities (not necessarily grassy) with lower water requirements. The spread of steppes can be caused by natural and anthropogenic factors leading to periodic or permanent shortages of water available to plants. A steppe is often accompanied by soil drought and increased wind erosion. Under these conditions, forest, scrub, and meadow communities are replaced by less-demanding grassy vegetation communities that tolerate periodic water shortages [41]. Disruptions in forest areas will worsen as the Earth’s climate changes. The susceptibility of European forests to fires, winds, and pests is systematically increasing [42]. |
Changes in the range of occurrence of flora and fauna species, including pests and vectors of infectious diseases | Animal and plant species have always followed the changing climate. When an area with plants becomes hostile to them—for example, too dry in summer or too cool in winter—they stop growing there. When new areas prove to be suitable for settlement, plants colonize them quite quickly. Animals also follow shifting food sources and are in search of better habitats [43]. A warmer climate and a longer growing season will favor the development of many generations of aphids, which will increase their importance, both due to their direct harmfulness and as vectors of viral diseases. A longer growing season and warmer winters will favor the increase in the prevalence of harmful nematodes. Global warming not only changes the biology of pests but also their natural enemies. Their harmfulness should be expected to increase, and a longer vegetation period will allow for 2–3 generations of pests per season instead of 1 generation at present [44]. There is a clear trend in the overall vulnerability of European forests due to warming, which results in the weakening of the plant’s defenses against the appearance of pests [42]. |
Short-Term Actions | Long-Term Actions |
Return to the use of coal for energy production | Developing new innovative technologies, e.g., hydrogen |
Reducing demand during peak hours | Sustainable and intelligent mobility |
Reduction in overall energy consumption | Investments in renewable energy |
Limiting the profits of enterprises producing energy at a low cost | Green deal and ecological buildings and transport |
A fair share of the revenue from major oil gas and coal companies as a crisis contribution | Zero-emission economy |
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Borowski, P.F. Mitigating Climate Change and the Development of Green Energy versus a Return to Fossil Fuels Due to the Energy Crisis in 2022. Energies 2022, 15, 9289.
Borowski PF. Mitigating Climate Change and the Development of Green Energy versus a Return to Fossil Fuels Due to the Energy Crisis in 2022. Energies. 2022; 15(24):9289.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBorowski, Piotr F. 2022. "Mitigating Climate Change and the Development of Green Energy versus a Return to Fossil Fuels Due to the Energy Crisis in 2022" Energies 15, no. 24: 9289.
APA StyleBorowski, P. F. (2022). Mitigating Climate Change and the Development of Green Energy versus a Return to Fossil Fuels Due to the Energy Crisis in 2022. Energies, 15(24), 9289.