The Impact of Water Hammer on Hydraulic Power Units
:1. Introduction
2. The Water Hammer Phenomenon—Literature Review
2.1. 2nd Half of the XIX Century—First General Theories
2.2. 1st Half of the XX Century—Early Applied Studies
2.3. 2nd Half of the XX Century—Theories in Modern Times
2.4. Present Day: Current Research
3. In Situ Experimental Investigations of the Main Parameters Associated with the Water Hammer Phenomenon
3.1. Overpressure Evolution and Trends
3.2. Influence of Rapid Closure on Overpressure
3.3. Temporal Analysis—Main Factors Interaction
3.4. Second Slope Influence
3.5. Overpressure in Closing Sequence from Speed-No-Load
3.6. Overpressure during Speed Regulation
4. Accidents in Hydropower Plants
5. Discussion and Recommendations
- A further analysis remains to be undertaken in order to clearly separate the contribution of each factor.
- Concerning the temporal analysis of the factors influencing overpressure, more attention need to be paid to the existing recorded data in order to formalize the cause- effect relationships between overpressure and each factor as well as the totality of factors.
- A supplementary validation by experiments on a test bench will help to identify the influence of main parameters on overpressure.
- The results obtained shall be validated with tests in the power plants of another producer.
- The results obtained during the tests shall be compared with the theoretical models as well.
- In order to complete the present study, additional tests are recommended to investigate the influence of the following parameters on water hammer: (1) closing low; (2) unit overspeed; (3) effective flow rate established in the HYP at the moment of pressure peak; (4) tendency of the hydraulic forces on moving wicket gate during load rejection; (5) behavior of the turbine runner in overspeed; (6) HYP resonance phenomenon; (7) transient flow between wicket gate; (8) air injection downstream from the runner; (9) effect of a surge tank.
- The particular cases observed during the test campaign need more investigation and reconfirmation.
6. Conclusions and Perspectives
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Lupa, S.-I.; Gagnon, M.; Muntean, S.; Abdul-Nour, G. The Impact of Water Hammer on Hydraulic Power Units. Energies 2022, 15, 1526.
Lupa S-I, Gagnon M, Muntean S, Abdul-Nour G. The Impact of Water Hammer on Hydraulic Power Units. Energies. 2022; 15(4):1526.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLupa, Sorin-Ioan, Martin Gagnon, Sebastian Muntean, and Georges Abdul-Nour. 2022. "The Impact of Water Hammer on Hydraulic Power Units" Energies 15, no. 4: 1526.
APA StyleLupa, S.-I., Gagnon, M., Muntean, S., & Abdul-Nour, G. (2022). The Impact of Water Hammer on Hydraulic Power Units. Energies, 15(4), 1526.