Optimal Discharge Parameters for Biomedical Surface Sterilization in Radiofrequency AR/O2 Plasma
:1. Introduction
2. Description of the Simulation Model
2.1. Governing Equations
2.2. Chemical Model
2.3. Boundary Conditions and Computational Model
3. Results and Discussions
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Neutral Species | Excited Species | Ions | Electrons |
Ar | Ar* (in metastable level) | Ar+ | e− |
O2 | O2*(1Δg) | O2+ | |
O | O*(1D) | O+ | |
O3 | O− |
No. | Reaction | Rate Coefficient |
Principal Reaction for Oxygen | ||
R1 | e + O2 ➔ O2 + e | 4.7 × 10−14 Te0.5 (m3 s−1) |
R2 | e + O2 ➔ O− + O | 8.8 × 10−17 exp (−4.4/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R3 | e + O2 ➔ 2O + e | 4.2 × 10−15 exp (−5.6/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R4 | e + O2 ➔ O2+ + 2e | 9 × 10−16 Te0.5 exp (−12.6/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R5 | e + O− ➔ O + 2e | 2 × 10−13 exp (−5.5/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R6 | e + O2+ ➔ O + O(1D) | 2.2 × 10−14 Te−0.5 (m3 s−1) |
R7 | e + O2 ➔ O− + O+ + e | 7.1 × 10−17 Te0.5 exp (−17/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R8 | e + O ➔ O + O+ + 2e | 5.3 × 10−16 Te0.9 exp (−20/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R9 | e + O ➔ O+ + 2e | 9 × 10−15 Te0.7 exp (−13.6/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R10 | e + O3 ➔ O2− + O | 1 × 10−15 (m3 s−1) |
R11 | O− + O2+ ➔ O + O2 | 2 × 10−13 (200/Tg)0.5 (m3 s−1) |
R12 | O− + O ➔ O2 + e | 5 × 10−16 (m3 s−1) |
R13 | O− + O2+ ➔ 3O | 1 × 10−13 (m3 s−1) |
R14 | O− + O− ➔ 2O | 2 × 10−13 (300/Tg)0.5 (m3 s−1) |
R15 | O+ + O2 ➔ O + O2+ | 2 × 10−17 (300/Tg)0.5 (m3 s−1) |
R16 | O− + O2 ➔ O3 + e | 5 × 10−21 (m3 s−1) |
R17 | O3 + O2 ➔ 2O2 + O | 7.3 × 10−16 exp (−11400/Tg) (m3 s−1) |
R18 | O3 + O ➔ 2O2 | 1.81 × 10−17 exp (−2300/Tg) (m3 s−1) |
R19 | e + O2 + O2 ➔ O2− + O2 | 2.26 × 10−42 (300/Tg)0.5 (m3 s−1) |
R20 | O + O2 + O2 ➔ O3 + O2 | 6.9 × 10−40 (300/Tg)1.25 (m3 s−1) |
R21 | e + O2 ➔ O + O*(1D) + e | 5.0 × 10−14 Te0.22 exp (−8.4/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R22 | e + O ➔ O*(1D) + e | 4.2 × 10−15 exp (−2.25/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R23 | e + O*(1D) ➔ O + e | 8 × 10−15 (m3 s−1) |
R24 | e + O*(1D) ➔ O+ + 2e | 9 × 10−15 Te0.7 exp (−11.6/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R25 | O*(1D) + O➔ 2O | 8 × 10−18 (m3 s−1) |
R26 | O*(1D) + O2 ➔ O + O2 | 7 × 10−18 exp (67/Tg) (m3 s−1) |
R27 | O*(1D) + O2 ➔ O + O2*(1Δg) | 1 × 10−18 (m3 s−1) |
R28 | e + O2 ➔ O2*(1Δg) + e | 1.7 × 10−15 exp (−3.1/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R29 | e + O2*(1Δg) ➔ O2 + e | 5.6 × 10−15 exp (−2.2/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R30 | O2*(1Δg) + O2 ➔ 2O2 | 2.2 × 10−24 (Tg/300)0.8 (m3 s−1) |
R31 | O2*(1Δg) + O ➔ O + O2 | 7 × 10−22 (m3 s−1) |
R32 | O− + O2*(1Δg) ➔ O3 + e | 3 × 10−16 (m3 s−1) |
R33 | O− + O2*(1Δg) ➔ O2− + O | 1 × 10−16 (m3 s−1) |
R34 | O2*(1Δg) + O3 ➔ 2O2 + O | 6.01 × 10−17 exp (−2853/Tg) (m3 s−1) |
Tg (K) and Te (eV) |
No. | Reaction | Rate Coefficient |
Principal Reaction for Argon | ||
R35 | e + Ar ➔ Ar + e | 3.9 × 10−19 exp (−4.6/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R36 | e + Ar ➔ Ar* + e | 5.0 × 10−15 exp (−12.64/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R37 | e + Ar ➔ Ar+ + 2e | 2.3 × 10−14 Te0.59 exp (−17.44/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R38 | e + Ar* ➔ Ar+ + 2e | 6.8 × 10−15 Te0.67 exp (−4.2/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R39 | e + Ar* ➔ Ar + e | 4.3 × 10−16 Te0.74 (m3 s−1) |
Principal Reaction between Argon and Oxygen | ||
R40 | O2 + Ar* ➔ O2 + Ar | 1.0 × 10−15 (m3 s−1) |
R41 | O + Ar* ➔ O + Ar | 4.1 × 10−17 (m3 s−1) |
R42 | O2 + Ar* ➔ 2O + Ar | 1.01 × 10−16 (m3 s−1) |
R43 | O2 + Ar+ ➔ O2+ + Ar | 4.9 × 10−17 (300/Tg)0.78 (m3 s−1) |
R44 | O + Ar+ ➔ O+ + Ar | 6.4 × 10−18 (m3 s−1) |
Tg (K) and Te (eV) |
No. | Reaction | Rate Coefficient |
Principal Reaction for Helium | ||
R1 | e + He ➔ He* + e | 4.2 × 10−15 Te0.31 exp (−19.8/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R2 | e + He* ➔ He + e | 2 × 10−16 (m3 s−1) |
R3 | e + He ➔ He+ + 2e | 1.5 × 10−15 Te0.68 exp (−24.6/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R4 | e + He* ➔ He+ + 2e | 1.28 × 10−13 Te0.6 exp (−4.78/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R5 | e + He2* ➔ He2+ + e | 9.75 × 10−16 Te0.71 exp (−3.4/Te) (m3 s−1) |
R6 | e + He2+ ➔ He* + He | 5 × 10−15 Te−0.5 (m3 s−1) |
R7 | e + He2+ ➔ He + He | 2 × 10−14 (m3 s−1) |
R8 | e + He2+ + He➔ 3He | 2 × 10−39 (m3 s−1) |
R9 | e + e + He2+ ➔ 2He + e | 5 × 10−29 Te−4.5 (m6 s−1) |
R10 | He* + He* ➔ He+ + He + e | 2.7 × 10−16 (m3 s−1) |
R11 | He* + 2He ➔ He2* + He | 1.3 × 10−45 (m6 s−1) |
R12 | He+ + 2He ➔ He2+ + He | 1 × 10−43 (m6 s−1) |
Principal Reaction between Helium and Oxygen | ||
R13 | e + O2 + He ➔ O2− + He | 1 × 10−43 (m6 s−1) |
R14 | O2 + He* ➔ O2+ + He + e | 2.54 × 10−16 (3000/Tg)−0.5 (m3 s−1) |
R15 | O2 + He + O ➔ O3 + He | 6.27 × 10−46 (m6 s−1) |
R16 | O + O + He ➔ O2 + He | 1.3 × 10−45 (m3 s−1) |
R17 | O2*(1Δg) + He ➔ O2 + He | 8 × 10−27 (m3 s−1) |
Tg (K) and Te (eV) |
Reaction | Formula | Sticking Coefficient |
1 | O2*(1Δg) ➔ O2 | 1 |
2 | O2+ ➔ O2 | 1 |
3 | O*(1D) ➔ O | 1 |
4 | O+ ➔ O | 1 |
5 | O + O ➔ O2 | 1 × 10−3 |
6 | Ar+ ➔ Ar | 1 |
7 | Ar* ➔ Ar | 1 |
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Elaissi, S.; H. Alkallas, F.; Ben Gouider Trabelsi, A.; Abu El Maati, L.; Charrada, K. Optimal Discharge Parameters for Biomedical Surface Sterilization in Radiofrequency AR/O2 Plasma. Energies 2022, 15, 1589. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15041589
Elaissi S, H. Alkallas F, Ben Gouider Trabelsi A, Abu El Maati L, Charrada K. Optimal Discharge Parameters for Biomedical Surface Sterilization in Radiofrequency AR/O2 Plasma. Energies. 2022; 15(4):1589. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15041589
Chicago/Turabian StyleElaissi, Samira, Fatemah. H. Alkallas, Amira Ben Gouider Trabelsi, Lamia Abu El Maati, and Kamel Charrada. 2022. "Optimal Discharge Parameters for Biomedical Surface Sterilization in Radiofrequency AR/O2 Plasma" Energies 15, no. 4: 1589. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15041589
APA StyleElaissi, S., H. Alkallas, F., Ben Gouider Trabelsi, A., Abu El Maati, L., & Charrada, K. (2022). Optimal Discharge Parameters for Biomedical Surface Sterilization in Radiofrequency AR/O2 Plasma. Energies, 15(4), 1589. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15041589