Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Design Parameters on Savonius-Type Hydrokinetic Turbine Performance
:1. Introduction
1.1. Motivation
1.2. Present Objective
2. Turbine Design and Performance Parameters
Data Reduction
3. Experimental Methodology
4. Computational Methodology
4.1. Governing Equations
4.2. Turbulence Modelling
- Turbulent kinetic energy, k
- Turbulent dissipation rate,
4.3. Computational Domains and Boundary Settings
4.4. Grid Independence Test
5. Results and Discussion
5.1. Effect of Blade Arc Angles ()
5.2. Effect of the Blade Placement Angles ()
5.3. Validation and Effect of the Number of Blades
5.4. Pressure Contours
5.5. Velocity Contours
6. Conclusions
- The six-bladed SHT with = 135° and = 0° produced the highest of 0.099 at a TSR of 0.34.
- The performance of the blade angle of 135° was approximately 2.96 times better than the turbine of the blade angle of 180°.
- Compared with the design of the blade placement position for the reverse rotation, the forward rotation of the blade placement had less influence on the efficiency of the turbine.
- The and the TSR showed a quadratic curve relationship, and the and the TSR showed a linearly decreasing relationship.
- Based on the simulation results and the experimental results, it was found that the range of the rotational speed of the turbine became wider by increasing the number of blades due to the fact that they could harvest more hydrokinetic energy. However, when the number of blades was increased to eight, the mechanical power of the turbine reached its limit due to hydraulic resistance.
- Compared with the other turbines with varying numbers of blades, the six-bladed turbine had fewer high-speed vortices on advancing blades and more overlapping flow collisions with the returning blades. Thus, the six-bladed turbine converted more available hydro energy to the mechanical power.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Characteristic | Value |
Spatial discretization method | Finite Volume Method (FVM) |
Convergence criteria for residuals | |
Turbulence model | Standard k- |
Skewness | 0.58 |
Number of Elements in the Rotating Zone | Number of Elements in the Fixed Zone | Total Elements | |
240,088 | 16,638 | 256,726 | 0.0731 |
364,272 | 23,106 | 387,387 | 0.0812 |
627,904 | 32,654 | 660,558 | 0.0872 |
836,707 | 40,905 | 877,612 | 0.0924 |
1,010,098 | 83,675 | 1,093,934 | 0.0979 |
1,465,038 | 160,895 | 1,625,934 | 0.0984 |
2,261,104 | 285,966 | 2,547,070 | 0.0978 |
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Wu, K.-T.; Lo, K.-H.; Kao, R.-C.; Hwang, S.-J. Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Design Parameters on Savonius-Type Hydrokinetic Turbine Performance. Energies 2022, 15, 1856.
Wu K-T, Lo K-H, Kao R-C, Hwang S-J. Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Design Parameters on Savonius-Type Hydrokinetic Turbine Performance. Energies. 2022; 15(5):1856.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWu, Kuo-Tsai, Kuo-Hao Lo, Ruey-Chy Kao, and Sheng-Jye Hwang. 2022. "Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Design Parameters on Savonius-Type Hydrokinetic Turbine Performance" Energies 15, no. 5: 1856.
APA StyleWu, K.-T., Lo, K.-H., Kao, R.-C., & Hwang, S.-J. (2022). Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Design Parameters on Savonius-Type Hydrokinetic Turbine Performance. Energies, 15(5), 1856.