Waste Heat Recovery in Automotive Paint Shop via Organic Rankine Cycle and Thermal Energy Storage System—Selected Thermodynamic Issues
:1. Introduction
2. Waste Heat Emissions at Paint Shop during Automotive Manufacturing Process
2.1. General Description of the Automotive Manufacturing Process
2.2. Waste Heat Emissions in the Process of a Paint Shop
3. Methodology
3.1. The Model of Waste Heat Recovery Employing ORC and TES
3.2. Selection of the TES Materials
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. The Net Power Output and Efficiency of the ORC System
4.2. Sizing TES for TES-Evaporator
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
A | Total area of thermal energy storage (m2) |
C | The specific heat capacity (J/kg∙K) |
h | The specific enthalpy (J/kg) |
L | Total length of thermal energy storage (m) |
m | mass (kg) |
Mass flow rate (kg/s) | |
P | Power (Watt) |
T | Temperature (K) |
Q | Heat transfer (J) |
Heat transfer rate (Watt) | |
V | Volume (m3) |
Greek letters: | |
Efficiency (-) | |
Density (kg/m3) | |
Charging/discharging times (s) | |
Dimensionless storage mass parameter (-) | |
Subscripts: | |
1,2,3,4 | Process in the cycle |
CDS | Condenser |
CH | Charging |
DE | Discharging |
EXR | Expander |
HE | TES-evaporator |
is | Isentropic process |
ORC | Organic Rankine cycle |
PMP | Pump |
re | Real process |
SR | Surroundings |
ST | Storage |
WF | Working fluids |
Abbreviations: | |
BIW | Body-in-white |
CED | Cathodic electrodeposition |
CFD | Computational fluid dynamic |
CSP | Concentrated solar power |
DSC | Differential scanning calorimetry |
GWP | Global warming potential |
ODP | Ozone depletion potential |
ORC | Organic Rankine cycle |
RTO | Regenerative thermal oxidizer |
TES | Thermal energy storage |
VOC | Volatile organic compound |
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Subprocess | Operating Temperature (K) | Fluid/Materials |
Pre-degreasing | 318.15–322.15 | Hot water |
Degreasing | 313.65–319.25 | Degreaser water |
Phosphating | 313.65–319.25 | Phosphate zinc solution |
Parameter | Units | Value |
Voltage (direct current) | V | 300–450 |
Minimum current density | A/m2 | 0.8 |
Bath temperature | K | 301.15–306.15 |
The conductivity of the bath (at 293.15 K) | µS/cm2 | 1200–1800 |
Conductivity of the wet film | nS/cm2 | 1.5–3.0 |
Layer | Process | Time (Seconds) | Temperature (K) |
Basecoat | Ambient flash off | 120 | 296.15 |
Flash-off | 300 | 348.15 | |
Air seal | 60 | 296.15 | |
Cooling | 120 | 296.15 | |
Air seal | 30 | 296.15 | |
Clear coat | Ambient flash-off | 480 | 296.15 |
Oven | 1800 | 423.15 | |
Cooling | 360 | 296.15 |
Process | Temperature (K) | The Use and Potential Recovery Based on the Review [7] |
Boiler exhaust gases | 503.15–573.15 [7] | The boiler generates steam for the painting process. This boiler’s potential recovery is to reuse the boiler exhaust gases to warm the feed water or recover the steam for other uses. |
Regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) system | 443.15–473.15 [7] | The purpose of the method is to offer thermal oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in exhaust air. The potential recovery is to produce hot water for heating (or cooling) space or process. |
Paint curing oven (bake oven) | 403.15–453.15 [16] | The drying and curing of the paint components is the aim of the operation. The potential recovery is to produce hot water for heating (or cooling) space or process. |
Flash-off drying booth | 343.15–363.15 [16] | The process is designed to allow for partial paint drying during the main painting process. Warm water for heating (space or process), cooling (adsorption cooling), and air preheating for space are all possibilities for recovery. |
Air compressor | 313.15–323.15 [7] | It is utilized in a variety of applications throughout the painting process. The potential recovery is to offer warm water for space heating, liquid desiccant, heat pumps, and air preheating for space heating. |
Chilled water | 313.15–318.15 [7] | It is employed in the air conditioning and paints cooling processes. Warm water for space heating, liquid desiccant, heat pumps, and air preheating for space heating are all possible recoveries. |
Exhaust ventilation air | 296.15–299.15 [7] | The procedure is utilized to supply air conditioning for the structure as well as for the painting process. Preheating, precooling the air, and various methods of recovery are possible. |
Name of TES Materials | T (K) | C0 | Refs. | |
Monel metal | 273.15–573.15 | 422.8668 | 0.1842 | [35] |
Stainless steel 446 | 273.15–773.15 | 451.3370 | 0.4497 | [35] |
Sandstone | 308–550 | [36] | ||
Granite | 300–1200 | [37] | ||
Chrome brick | 293.15–1973.15 | 800 | 0.3 | [38] |
Concrete | 300–600 | 957.55 | 0.3403 | [39] |
Chamotte brick | 293.15–1623.15 | 880 | 0.23 | [38] |
Magnesite brick | 293.15–1923.15 | 1050 | 0.3 | [38] |
Name of Working Fluid | CAS No. [24] | Type of Working Fluid [40] | ASHRAE Class [41] | ODP [41] | GWP [41] | Tboiling (K) | Tcrit (K) [24] | Ttriple (K) [24] | pcrit (MPa) [24] |
R1233zd(E) | 102687-65-0 | ACNMZ | A1 | n/a | 1 | 291.4 | 439.6 | 195.1 | 3.6 |
R1234ze(E) | 29118-24-9 | ACNMZ | A2L | n/a | 6 | 254.1 | 382.5 | 168.6 | 3.6 |
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Daniarta, S.; Kolasiński, P.; Rogosz, B. Waste Heat Recovery in Automotive Paint Shop via Organic Rankine Cycle and Thermal Energy Storage System—Selected Thermodynamic Issues. Energies 2022, 15, 2239. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15062239
Daniarta S, Kolasiński P, Rogosz B. Waste Heat Recovery in Automotive Paint Shop via Organic Rankine Cycle and Thermal Energy Storage System—Selected Thermodynamic Issues. Energies. 2022; 15(6):2239. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15062239
Chicago/Turabian StyleDaniarta, Sindu, Piotr Kolasiński, and Barbara Rogosz. 2022. "Waste Heat Recovery in Automotive Paint Shop via Organic Rankine Cycle and Thermal Energy Storage System—Selected Thermodynamic Issues" Energies 15, no. 6: 2239. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15062239
APA StyleDaniarta, S., Kolasiński, P., & Rogosz, B. (2022). Waste Heat Recovery in Automotive Paint Shop via Organic Rankine Cycle and Thermal Energy Storage System—Selected Thermodynamic Issues. Energies, 15(6), 2239. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15062239