Increasing Recoverable Oil in Northern Afghanistan Kashkari Oil Field by Low-Salinity Water Flooding
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Studies
2.1.1. Kashkari Oil Field Information
2.1.2. Core Flooding Laboratory Test
2.2. Numerical Modeling
2.3. Kashkari Oil Field Simulation Model
2.4. Application of LSWF in the Kashkari Oil Field
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Experiment and Simulation Results
3.2. The Application of LSWF to the Kashkari Oil Field Result
4. Conclusions
- (1)
- The laboratory core flooding test showed that LSWF (with salinity 1%, 0.5% and 0.1%) can increase oil recovery up to a maximum of 8% after FW injection;
- (2)
- In CMG-GEM reservoir simulation software, it is possible to simulate intra-phase reactions, ion exchange, and dissolution/precipitation of minerals, and the behavior of ionic liquids can be observed;
- (3)
- The Kashkari oil field simulation model was established through CMG-GEM reservoir simulation software, and the LSWF (salinity 0.1%) oil recovery method was applied to it. The LSWF application showed a significant effect on the oil recovery of the model;
- (4)
- The LSW injection results showed a 5.1% increase in oil recovery compared with the base model, and a 1.9% increase compared with the FW injection model;
- (5)
- The result of LSWF (salinity 0.1%) on the Kashkari oil field shows that this technique can be an effective method for developing the Kashkari oil field.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
EoR | Enhanced oil recovery |
MoMP | Ministry of Mines and Petroleum |
CNPCI | China National Petroleum Corporation International |
WOGL | Oil and Gas Group, Ltd. |
CMG | Computer Modeling Group |
LSW | Low-salinity water |
LSWF | Low-salinity water flooding |
PVI | Pore volume injection |
PV | Pore volume |
OFT | Oil finding technology |
STARSTM | Thermal and Advanced Processes Simulator, software |
GEMTM | Compositional and Unconventional Simulator, software |
SGS | SGS Afghanistan Ltd. Oil and Gas Testing Laboratory in Hairatan, Afghanistan |
SKUA-GOCADTM | Geomodelling software |
EMERSONTM | American multinational corporation |
GEOLOGTM | Geomodelling software |
Rw | Water resistivity |
Swi | Irreducible water saturation |
Sorw | Residual oil saturation |
kro max, krw max, krg max | Maximum relative permeability |
Pc | Capillary pressure |
PARADIGMTM | Reservoir model development software |
Cf | Formation rock compressibility |
San Saba | Core sample from San Saba, Texas |
SRP-350 | Apparatus used for core flooding test |
nh | Aqueous phase hydrocarbon components |
na | Aqueous phase components |
nm | Aqueous mineral components |
FW | Formation water |
mol/kg | Moles per kilogram |
Temperature-dependent coefficients | |
Ion size parameter | |
zi | Valence number of species i |
mi | Molality |
rβ | Reaction rate |
Reactive surface area for mineral β | |
kβ, Keq,β and Qβ | Rate constant |
Eaβ and k0β | Activation energy for reaction β (J/mol) |
R | Universal gas constant (8.314 J/mol-K) |
Ea | Activation energy |
Reactive surface area | |
New porosity | |
Reference porosity with no mineral dissolution/precipitation | |
Porosity with dissolution/precipitation | |
ρβ | Mineral’s molar density |
Rock compressibility | |
p and p∗ | Current and reference pressures |
Initial porosity | |
k0 | Initial permeability |
CEC | Cation exchanger capacity |
BHP | Bottom hole pressure |
FDP | Field development plan |
PHREEQC | Mathematical software |
MMbbl | One million barrels |
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Salinity | |||||
Type | (g/L) | ||||
Na2SO4 | 33–39 | ||||
Na2SO4 | 26–35 | ||||
NaHCO3 | 11–16 | ||||
Ion Contents (mg/L) | |||||
Cl− | SO42− | HCO3− | Ca2+ | Mg2+ | K + and Na+ |
12,456.3 | 4172.8 | 2091.6 | 402.5 | 75.5 | 10,321.3 |
Zone | Pressure (kPa) | Viscosity (cp) |
XIa | 6398.0 | 2.1 |
XIIa | 4212.9 | 2.19 |
XIIb | 4398.0 | 3.4 |
XIV | 2978.1 | 7.6 |
Core ID | Sandstone |
Core type | San Saba sandstone |
Core diameter (mm) | 25.14 |
Core length (mm) | 50.63 |
Core weight (g) | 52.13 |
Gas permeability (mD) | 63.68 |
Pore volume (cc) | 5.44 |
Bulk volume (cc) | 25.13 |
Porosity (%) | 21.6 |
Water permeability (mD) | 25 |
Ion Contents (PPM) | Cl− | SO42− | HCO3− | Ca2+ | Mg2+ | Na+ | Total |
FW (3%) | 12,488 | 4172 | 2091 | 402 | 75 | 10,278 | 29,506 |
LSW (1%) | 4162 | 1390 | 697 | 134 | 25 | 3426 | 9834 |
LSW (0.5%) | 2081 | 695 | 348 | 67 | 12 | 1713 | 4916 |
LSW (0.1%) | 416 | 139 | 69 | 13 | 2 | 343 | 982 |
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Share and Cite
Mahdi, Z.; Abe, K.; Seddiqi, K.N.; Chiyonobu, S.; Fujii, H. Increasing Recoverable Oil in Northern Afghanistan Kashkari Oil Field by Low-Salinity Water Flooding. Energies 2023, 16, 534.
Mahdi Z, Abe K, Seddiqi KN, Chiyonobu S, Fujii H. Increasing Recoverable Oil in Northern Afghanistan Kashkari Oil Field by Low-Salinity Water Flooding. Energies. 2023; 16(1):534.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMahdi, Zabihullah, Kazunori Abe, Khwaja Naweed Seddiqi, Syun Chiyonobu, and Hikari Fujii. 2023. "Increasing Recoverable Oil in Northern Afghanistan Kashkari Oil Field by Low-Salinity Water Flooding" Energies 16, no. 1: 534.
APA StyleMahdi, Z., Abe, K., Seddiqi, K. N., Chiyonobu, S., & Fujii, H. (2023). Increasing Recoverable Oil in Northern Afghanistan Kashkari Oil Field by Low-Salinity Water Flooding. Energies, 16(1), 534.