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A Review of Water-Energy-Food Nexus Development in a Just Energy Transition

School of Economics and Management, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China
Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Energies 2023, 16(17), 6253;
Submission received: 20 July 2023 / Revised: 25 August 2023 / Accepted: 26 August 2023 / Published: 28 August 2023
(This article belongs to the Section C: Energy Economics and Policy)


The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus has emerged as a crucial framework for addressing the interdependencies and trade-offs between these vital resources. In the context of a just energy transition, where the pursuit of sustainable and equitable energy systems is paramount, understanding the WEF nexus becomes even more critical. We explore the evolving concept of the WEF nexus and its relevance to achieving a sustainable energy transition that considers social equity, environmental sustainability, and economic development. This paper highlights key challenges and opportunities in implementing a just energy transition within the context of the WEF nexus, with a focus on promoting social inclusion, ensuring water and food security, and optimizing energy production and consumption. Additionally, we discuss the importance of integrated policymaking, cross-sectoral collaboration, and innovative technologies in addressing the complex interactions between water, energy, and food systems.

1. Introduction

The water-energy-food nexus (WEF nexus) is a framework that recognizes the interdependencies and trade-offs between water, energy, and food systems [1]. These systems are inextricably linked, with water being used to produce food and energy, energy being required to transport and treat water, and food being a source of energy and a user of water [2,3]. The WEF nexus approach aims to understand the complex interactions between these three systems and to identify strategies that can optimize their use while minimizing negative impacts on the environment and society [4]. The approach recognizes that changes in one system can have significant impacts on the others, and that integrated, cross-sectoral solutions are required to address the challenges and opportunities that arise from these interdependencies [5]. The WEF nexus is a complex and interconnected system that underpins sustainable development and human well-being [6]. The nexus refers to the interdependent relationship between water, energy, and food, and the need to balance these three sectors to ensure their sustainable development [7,8,9]. In recent years, the global WEF nexus has become increasingly important and is accompanied by additional challenges due to population growth, economic development, and the effects of climate change [10].
The WEF nexus and the water-energy nexus are both concepts used to describe the interconnections and interdependencies between water, energy, and food systems. However, they have different scopes and focuses. The WEF nexus is a holistic approach that considers the complex interactions and synergies between water, energy, and food systems, as well as their interconnectedness with broader environmental, social, and economic aspects [1]. This approach recognizes that these three essential resources are interconnected and that changes or challenges in one sector can have cascading impacts on the others. The WEF nexus emphasizes the need for integrated planning and management strategies to ensure sustainable resource use and security while addressing potential trade-offs and synergies among the water, energy, and food sectors [3].
The water-energy nexus focuses specifically on the relationship between water and energy systems. It examines how water is used for various energy production processes (e.g., cooling in power plants and hydropower generation) and how energy is required for water-related processes (e.g., water treatment, distribution, and wastewater management) [6]. The water-energy nexus considers the trade-offs and potential conflicts that can arise between water and energy demands, especially as water scarcity and energy needs increase. This concept aims to identify strategies for optimizing the use of both resources and improving overall resource efficiency [7,8]. One of the key challenges in global WEF nexus development is the growing demand for water, energy, and food, particularly in developing countries [11]. This demand is driven by population growth, changing dietary preferences, and economic growth. This demand puts pressure on water and energy resources, leading to unsustainable practices and negative environmental impacts. At the same time, climate change is exacerbating water scarcity and energy insecurity, particularly in vulnerable regions such as sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East. Climate change also has negative impacts on food production, reducing yields and increasing the risk of food insecurity [12,13]. To address these challenges, global WEF nexus development requires a coordinated and integrated approach that considers the interconnections between water, energy, and food. This approach must be grounded in sustainable development principles, recognizing the need to balance economic growth, social development, and environmental sustainability [14,15].
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognize the interdependence between water, energy, and food and the need to balance these sectors to achieve sustainable development. The SDGs also emphasize the importance of integrated and sustainable approaches to these sectors and the need to address the root causes of poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation [16,17,18]. To achieve the SDGs, countries must adopt an integrated approach to the WEF nexus, recognizing the interconnections between these sectors and the need to balance them [19]. The world is currently facing multiple environmental challenges, including climate change, water scarcity, and food insecurity. These challenges are closely linked and are exacerbated by the global energy system’s reliance on fossil fuels [20]. To address these challenges, the concept of a just energy transition has gained increasing prominence in recent years. A just energy transition is a transition to a low-carbon economy that is socially, economically, and environmentally just, such as the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, in a way that is fair and equitable for all stakeholders [21,22,23]. The goal of a just energy transition is to ensure that the transition does not disproportionately harm vulnerable populations, such as low-income communities and workers in the fossil fuel industry, and that the benefits of renewable energy are distributed fairly [24]. The transition must be equitable and inclusive, leaving no one behind, and must ensure that the benefits and burdens of the transition are shared fairly. The transition must also prioritize the sustainable use of resources, including water and food [25,26].
A just energy transition is necessary because the transition to renewable energy sources is a critical step in addressing climate change, which is one of the most pressing global challenges of our time. A just energy transition seeks to address these impacts by ensuring that these communities and workers are not left behind in the transition to a low-carbon economy [27,28,29]. To our best knowledge, there is no research exploring the WEF nexus in a just energy transition. To fill this gap, this paper seeks to explore what a just energy transition would mean for the WEF nexus. The paper draws on existing literature and policy documents to identify the challenges and opportunities that a just energy transition presents for the WEF nexus. This paper is presented in four sections, following this section. Section 2 presents the methodology and materials. Section 3 explains the results regarding WEF nexus development in a just energy transition. In Section 4, we provide a discussion of the implications related to policy and practice in a just energy transition. Section 5 concludes the paper.

2. Methodology and Materials

2.1. Bibliometric Analysis

Bibliometric analysis is a quantitative method of reviewing and describing published papers that helps researchers evaluate academic research in key areas. It takes the literature system and literature-related media as the research object and uses mathematical and statistical methods to study the distribution, structure, quantitative relationship, and law of literature information. The results that could be processed by this section include four parts: the network of co-authors, co-citation, keyword clusters and key development periods, and keyword highlights. A bibliometric analysis usually consists of four steps (Figure 1).
Step 1. Define purpose and scope
It is essential to determine the study’s purpose and scope before selecting the analysis techniques and collecting data. The study’s purpose typically involves assessing performance and scientific structure within a research field. Performance entails identifying research components such as authors, institutions, countries, and journals, while the scientific structure examines network connections between these components, aiding in building knowledge clusters. The scope should be substantial enough to justify bibliometric analysis; this is usually indicated by a sizable number of papers (e.g., hundreds or thousands).
Step 2. Select analysis techniques
Then, we should design our study and choose appropriate bibliometric analysis techniques, based on the objectives and scope. Data should be cleaned and formatted as required by the chosen analysis technique.
Step 3. Data collection
At this stage, we should collect data for the chosen analysis technique. It is necessary to define the search terms and merge data from different databases into a unified format. Cleaning is essential, involving removing duplicates and errors.
Step 4. Analyze and report
While running the analysis and writing the review are conceptually separate, they often overlap. Finally, it is time to prepare the report and visualize the data.

2.2. Data Acquisition

The research samples in this article are all drawn from the Web of Science Core Collection because it contains a set of data, such as title, author, institution, country, abstract, keywords, references, citations, impact factor, etc. The information we collect on publications is limited to the areas of management, business, and economics. Our study analyzed publications from 2012 to 2023 since the first publication on a platform with full information was in 2012 (here, we abridged 1 anonymous document from an earlier year). By entering “Searching keyword = WEF Nexus”, and going through “categories = Environment, Water Resources, Economics, Food Science”, 860 results were generated. Then, by manually screening the relevant topics and filtering the database according to “Searching method = Highly relevant” and “Language = English”, a unique database of 760 publications was finally generated. The database is a text file that includes variables such as title, author, year of publication, language, abstract, keywords, references, etc. A summary of the data sources and selections is shown in Table 1.
A preliminary statistical analysis of these documents shows that these samples include 760 papers by 2680 authors from 2103 institutions in 206 countries, which were published in 199 journals and referred to 132,291 papers, as shown in Table 2. According to the literature publication statistics obtained from the Web of Science, the first papers in WEF nexus research began to appear in 2012, and there was only a small increase between 2012 and 2014. However, since 2014, related research has seen explosive and continuous growth, which shows that WEF nexus research has become a current hot issue. The change in the number of documents is shown in Figure 2.

3. Results

3.1. Network of Co-Authors in WEF Nexus Research

Network of Co-authors’ Countries
Figure 2 shows the network of co-authors’ countries, and Table 3 shows the number of papers published by the top 10 countries in the WEF nexus research field. The size of the circle in the figure indicates the number of publications, while the color and width of the circle indicate the publication time and the number of publications within that time, respectively. It can be seen from Figure 2 that the USA, England, and Germany are the countries where WEF nexus research started at an earlier date, and most of the early research came from these countries. At the same time, it can be seen from Table 3 that the People’s Republic of China, the USA, and England have published more articles, with 180, 170, and 121 articles, respectively; while the countries with higher centrality include the USA, England, and Germany, with 0.24, 0.29, and 0.19 articles, respectively. It is worth noting that although Chinese scholars have the largest number of publications, their centrality is only 0.06. This shows that the Chinese scholars’ research on the WEF nexus is relatively independent and has less cooperation with other countries (see Figure 3).
Network of Co-authors’ Institutions
Figure 3 shows the network of co-authors’ institutions, and Table 4 counts the number of papers published by the top 10 institutions in the WEF nexus research field. Similarly, the size of the circle in the figure indicates the number of publications, while the color and width of the circle indicate the publication time and the number of publications within that time, respectively. It can be seen from Figure 4 that Research Libraries UK (RLUK) was the first institution to issue research related to the WEF nexus. The institution is a professional organization in the British library industry, which was established in 1877 and is headquartered in London. The RLUK, formerly known as the CURL, consists of 32 university libraries, 3 national libraries, and Wellcome Collections in the UK and Ireland. Its purpose is to improve the ability of research libraries to share resources among themselves. The collections of these libraries provide the basis for the Copac online catalog. It can be seen from Table 4 that among the top ten institutions, there are 3 institutions from the UK (RLUK—Research Libraries UK, N8 Research Partnership, and the University of London), and 3 institutions from the United States (Texas A&M University System, Texas A&M University College Station, and the American University of Beirut), 2 institutions from China (Hohai University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences), 1 institution from Mexico, and 1 international institution (CGIAR).

3.2. Co-Citation Analysis of WEF Nexus Research

Author co-citation analysis
In order to identify influential authors in the research field, we listed the top 16 most frequently cited authors in the WEF nexus field in Table 5. It can be seen that Hoff, H. ranked first with 256 citations, followed by Bazilian, M. with 197 citations. They are the most representative figures among the pioneers who studied the definition of the WEF nexus and its related comprehensive index system. Other highly cited authors include Endo, A. (170 papers), Rasul, G. (159 papers), Biggs, E. M. (143 papers), Albrecht, T. R. (133 papers), Ringler, C. (124 papers), and Howells, M. (111 articles). In addition, by comparing the centrality, we can find that Biggs, E. M. (0.12) and Scott, C. A. (0.14) are relatively high, which shows that their research has a greater influence in this field. Among them, Biggs’ representative work, “Sustainable development and the water–energy–food nexus: A perspective on livelihoods”, has been cited 783 times; the author critically reviewed relational methods and identified potential links to sustainable livelihood theory and practice. Scott, C. A.’s masterpiece, “The WEF nexus: Enhancing adaptive capacity to complex global challenges”, has been cited 223 times; the author clarified in detail the multiple intertwined factors that give society and ecosystems a planetary system to survive such pressures.
Journal co-citation analysis
Table 6 lists the 16 most popular journals in the WEF nexus research field from 2012 to 2023, according to total citations. It can be seen from Table 2 that the top three citations are from Environmental Science & Policy, the Journal of Cleaner Production, and Science of The Total Environment, with 398, 383, and 376 citations, respectively. However, from the perspective of centrality, Energy Policy, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, and Science are higher, at 0.07, 0.06, and 0.05, respectively, indicating that these journals have a good relationship with other WEF nexus research journals. Conversely, from the perspective of publication time, Environmental Science & Policy, Global Environmental Change, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, and Science published WEF nexus-related research relatively early, and their starting years were all between 2013 and 2012.

3.3. Cluster Analysis of the Keywords

Cluster #0 is the largest cluster, with 58 members and a silhouette value of 0.607 (Figure 5). It is marked as sustainable development. By screening keywords with high frequency and centrality, we selected 19 representative keywords. Through an analysis of these keywords, we found that the research on sustainable development mainly focuses on the security, policy, land use, welfare nexus, climate, opportunity, resilience, and political economy areas related to the WEF nexus. Among them, representative articles include “The development of the WEF nexus as a framework for achieving resource security: a review”, which introduces the WEF nexus following its rise in policy and development discourse in 2011. Evolutionary studies of food (WEF) relationships and various interpretations of this concept have been proposed. At the same time, the article “A WEF security nexus framework based on optimal resource allocation” proposes a mathematical formula for optimizing resource design and management to improve the security and social welfare of the WEF nexus. Additionally, the article “Resilience meets the water–energy–food nexus: mapping the research landscape” proposes the adoption of resilience thinking to maintain water, energy, and food supplies while remaining within the ultimate carrying capacity of an Earth system undergoing climate change.
Cluster #1 is marked as renewable energy, has 53 members, and has a silhouette value of 0.620. Based on the perspective of energy conservation, this cluster mainly includes research on water, energy, system performance, politics, circular economy, simulation, efficiency, biodiversity, anaerobic digestion, desalination, and economic growth. Among them, circular economy, system performance, and economic growth are widely discussed topics. For example, the article “Circular economy approach to reduce water–energy–food nexus” specifically emphasizes the importance of applying life-cycle thinking and life-cycle assessment to understand the interconnection of various links in the entire supply chain, and, from the perspective of the circular economy, it proposes addressing alternatives for food waste management. The article “WEF nexus: Concepts, questions and methodologies” provides a review of WEF concepts, research questions, and methodologies, and identifies challenges for future research, including system boundaries, data uncertainty and modeling, the underlying mechanisms of association issues, and system performance assessment. Elsewhere, the paper “Can the implementation of the WEF nexus support economic growth in the Mediterranean region? The current status and the way forward” sheds light on the importance of WEF systems to human societies, ecosystems, and economies, noting that a range of interventions are needed to strengthen the World Economic Forum’s connections in the Mediterranean, including strengthening institutional capacity, strengthening financing mechanisms, supporting intraregional dialog, strengthening data collection and management, and implementing economic tools and integrated economic approaches.
Cluster #3 is marked as water security, has 53 members, and a silhouette value of 0.693. This cluster considers the impact on water security during interactions between water, energy, and food, mainly including climate change, government management, challenges, resources, food security, adaptation, energy security, water resources, vulnerability, cooperation, CO2 research on emissions, policy integration, etc. From the above keywords, we can see that water security is closely related to food security and energy security, and these impacts are all challenged by climate change. Some scholars have discussed the challenges brought about by climate change. Pardoe et al. explored how climate change is addressed in governmental policy, how to mainstream it into water, energy, and agricultural sector policies, and to what extent intersectoral linkages facilitate coordinated action. Zhang et al. reviewed the impact of policy, climate change, and the WEF nexus on global hydropower development and emphasized the importance of an integrated approach and cross-sectoral coordination to improve resource use efficiency and achieve sustainable hydropower development. Mpandeli et al. reviewed the regional and international literature on climate change adaptation opportunities and challenges applicable to southern Africa from the perspective of WEF nexus and highlighted the impact of climate change on water, energy, and food resources in southern Africa, exploring both mitigation and adaptation opportunities.
Cluster #4 is labeled as ecosystem services, has 46 members, and has a silhouette value of 0.626. This cluster considers the ecological effects brought about by water–energy–food interactions, specifically including the city, resources management, urbanization, ecological network analysis, the urban nexus, sustainability indicators, synergy theory, ecological systems, infrastructure, networks and flows, environmental policy, climate change impact, sustainability science, and other research. This type of cluster focuses on the impact of the WEF nexus on urban ecology. Typical literature includes the article “Urban ecosystem services supply-demand assessment from the perspective of the WEF nexus”, which incorporates the WEF relationship (the WEF nexus) into the supply and demand of urban ecosystem services (UESs) evaluation. In addition, the article “The WEF nexus: An integration agenda and implications for urban governance” explores the links between current approaches to urban governance and the power relations affecting water, energy, and food supply in urban areas.
Cluster #2, cluster #5, and cluster #7 are life cycle assessment, optimization, and policy coherence, respectively. Related studies on these clusters address the WEF nexus-related issues from the evaluation, optimization, and policy aspects, respectively. Among them, the cluster for life cycle assessment has 55 members, and the silhouette value is 0.628; the cluster optimization has 38 members, and the silhouette value is 0.624; the cluster called life cycle assessment has 33 members, and the silhouette value is 0.724. Cluster #6 refers to the Yellow River basin, with 37 members and a silhouette value of 0.737. This cluster represents a geographical region in China, indicating that there are more Chinese scholars in the field of WEF nexus research. Through an analysis of keywords, we found that Chinese scholars mainly focus on resource management, resource security, green development, crops, high-quality development, expansion, water scarcity, water management, and the supply chain of the Yellow River basin. Cluster #8 is consistent with our searching keyword, and this cluster reflects the objects, indicators, purposes, and methods of this type of research (Table 7).

3.4. Highlighting Key Periods and Keywords

Table 8 lists those keywords with strong citation frequency in the different periods and gives the research topics and changes in the WEF nexus research field. We can see that Table 8 shows the first appearance in time and duration of each keyword, which reflects the influence of keywords in the research field. In addition, it is important to note that the blue line in the table represents the entire study period, and the red line represents the duration of the citation burst. It can be seen from Table 8 that in the early stage (2015–2019) of research related to the WEF nexus, issues such as government management, security, future development, energy utilization, and policy guidance should be considered. Research in the later stages (2020–2023) focuses on issues of food supply, optimization, and management.

4. Discussion and Implications

This review of WEF nexus development in a just energy transition has shed light on the intricacies of managing these essential resources in the pursuit of sustainable and equitable energy systems [30,31]. The WEF nexus framework has emerged as a valuable tool for understanding the complex interdependencies and trade-offs between the water, energy, and food sectors, highlighting the need for integrated approaches to resource management [32]. This discussion explores the key findings and implications of the review.
The WEF nexus approach emphasizes the importance of considering water, energy, and food systems as interconnected components of a larger ecosystem [33]. Managing these resources in isolation can lead to unintended consequences and suboptimal outcomes. Integrating the WEF nexus perspective into energy transition planning can help identify synergies and potential conflicts, enabling more informed decision-making that promotes sustainability and resilience [34,35]. This review underscores the critical role of social equity in a just energy transition. As the transition to cleaner energy systems progresses, it is crucial to ensure that vulnerable populations, including marginalized communities and low-income households, are not disproportionately burdened by the changes [36]. Incorporating social justice principles within the WEF nexus framework can help address access disparities and promote inclusive energy policies that benefit all segments of society [37].
Effective management of the WEF nexus requires collaboration and coordination among diverse stakeholders [38,39,40]. Governments, industries, civil society, and academia must work together to develop integrated strategies that balance competing demands for resources while minimizing the environmental impacts. Cross-sectoral partnerships can unlock innovative solutions and leverage technological advancements to optimize resource use and enhance energy efficiency [41]. The review highlights the significance of water and food security in the context of a just energy transition. Energy systems often rely on water resources for cooling and hydropower generation, while agriculture requires energy inputs for irrigation and processing [42]. By considering these interdependencies, policymakers can design energy transition pathways that safeguard water availability and support sustainable agricultural practices, ensuring long-term food security [30,31,32,33].
The review’s insights have several implications for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners involved in energy transition planning and resource management. Policymakers should adopt integrated policy approaches that consider the WEF nexus when formulating energy transition strategies [43,44,45,46]. This will require collaboration between the energy, water, and agriculture ministries to develop coherent policies that balance resource demands and foster sustainability. A just energy transition must prioritize social inclusivity and ensure that no one is left behind [47]. Targeted policies and support mechanisms should be implemented to mitigate the potential adverse impacts of the transition on vulnerable communities, thereby creating an equitable pathway toward cleaner energy systems. Advancements in technology play a crucial role in optimizing resource use and enhancing energy efficiency [48]. Policymakers should encourage research and investment in innovative technologies that promote resource conservation, reduce carbon emissions, and enhance resilience in the face of climate change [41,49,50]. Engaging stakeholders from various sectors, including local communities, industry representatives, and environmental organizations, is vital for understanding the complex interactions within the WEF nexus [51]. Participatory decision-making processes can lead to more comprehensive and context-specific solutions [52,53,54]. Enhancing knowledge-sharing and capacity-building among policymakers, researchers, and practitioners is essential for effective WEF nexus management. Training programs and workshops can empower stakeholders with the necessary tools and expertise to navigate the complexities of resource management during the energy transition [55,56,57].
To enhance a paper’s richness and applicability, consider including detailed case studies that illustrate the practical implementation of the WEF nexus within the context of a just energy transition [30]. The case studies could highlight real-world examples of policies, projects, or initiatives that successfully integrate water, energy, and food considerations while promoting social equity and sustainability [31]. Recommending methods for involving local communities, policymakers, industries, and civil society organizations can enhance the effectiveness and acceptance of proposed solutions. Papers should provide recommendations for policymakers on designing comprehensive policy frameworks that integrate the WEF nexus into a just energy transition. Authors should highlight the need for cross-sectoral collaboration, regulatory support, and incentives to facilitate the implementation of integrated strategies [39].
Finally, consider incorporating quantitative analyses that assess the potential impacts of WEF nexus development on different sectors, including energy generation, water availability, and food production [41,42,43]. Modeling scenarios and conducting impact assessments can provide valuable insights into the trade-offs and co-benefits of integrated strategies. It may be useful to explore the integration of climate resilience considerations within the WEF nexus framework [46] and investigate how climate-change adaptation strategies can be integrated to ensure that the just energy transition remains robust in the face of changing climatic conditions. Investigating the development of metrics or indicators to measure social equity within the context of the WEF nexus could involve assessing the distribution of benefits and costs across different demographic groups and geographic regions [47] or expanding the scope by including case studies and experiences from various regions around the world. Comparing WEF nexus development in different socio-economic and cultural contexts can yield valuable insights and promote knowledge-sharing [49,50,51,52,53].
By incorporating these recommendations and future scopes, the paper can provide a more comprehensive and actionable guide for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners aiming to develop the WEF nexus within the framework of a just energy transition [54].

5. Conclusions

In conclusion, the review of WEF nexus development in the context of a just energy transition reveals the paramount importance of understanding the intricate interconnections between these essential resources. The WEF nexus has emerged as a crucial framework to address the complex challenges posed by the transition toward sustainable and equitable energy systems. Throughout this review, we have observed the evolution of the WEF nexus concept, which emphasizes the need for an integrated and holistic approach to resource management. By recognizing the interdependencies and trade-offs between water, energy, and food systems, the WEF nexus provides a comprehensive understanding of the potential impacts of energy transitions on water and food security, as well as environmental sustainability. This analysis has underscored the significance of incorporating social equity considerations into the just energy transition agenda. Achieving a fair and inclusive energy transition requires policies that consider the needs and aspirations of all stakeholders, particularly vulnerable communities. Integrating social justice principles within the WEF nexus framework can help promote access to clean energy, safeguard water and food resources, and alleviate the burden on marginalized populations.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, Y.L. and R.Z.; methodology, Y.L.; formal analysis, Y.L. and R.Z.; investigation, Y.L. and R.Z.; writing—original draft preparation, Y.L. and R.Z.; writing—review and editing, Y.L. and R.Z.; visualization, R.Z.; supervision, R.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This study is funded by the National Social Science Fund of China (Grant No.19CGL067).

Data Availability Statement

No new data were created or analyzed in this study. Data sharing is not applicable to this article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Bibliometric analysis steps.
Figure 1. Bibliometric analysis steps.
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Figure 2. Distribution of publications.
Figure 2. Distribution of publications.
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Figure 3. Network of co-authors’ countries.
Figure 3. Network of co-authors’ countries.
Energies 16 06253 g003
Figure 4. Network of co-authors’ institutions.
Figure 4. Network of co-authors’ institutions.
Energies 16 06253 g004
Figure 5. Clustering map of the keywords of WEF nexus research.
Figure 5. Clustering map of the keywords of WEF nexus research.
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Table 1. Summary of data sources and selections.
Table 1. Summary of data sources and selections.
Data SourceWeb of Science
Citation indexesWeb of Science
Research categoryEnvironment, Water Resources, Economics, Food Science
Searching periodJanuary 2012 to May 2023
Searching keywordWEF Nexus
Searching methodHighly relevant
Document typesArticle (600); Article: Data Paper (1); Article: Early Access (10); Article: Proceedings Paper (9); Correction (3); Editorial Material (24); Letter (1); Meeting Abstract (1); Proceedings Paper (29); Reprint (5); Review (75); Review: Early Access (2).
Sample size760
Table 2. Descriptive statistics of the database.
Table 2. Descriptive statistics of the database.
Cited reference132,291
Table 3. Top 10 countries in the WEF nexus research field.
Table 3. Top 10 countries in the WEF nexus research field.
RankCountryCountCentralityStarting Year
10South Africa370.082013
Table 4. Top 10 institutions in the WEF nexus research field.
Table 4. Top 10 institutions in the WEF nexus research field.
RankInstitutionCountCentralityStarting Year
1RLUK—Research Libraries UK930.562012
2Texas A&M University System340.052015
3Texas A&M University College Station340.052015
4N8 Research Partnership320.052014
5Hohai University290.052019
7University of London280.062014
8Chinese Academy of Sciences220.082017
9American University of Beirut220.12015
10Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo190.12018
Table 5. Top 16 frequently cited authors in the urban development research field.
Table 5. Top 16 frequently cited authors in the urban development research field.
RankAuthorCitationCentralityStarting Year
1Hoff, H.2560.032015
2Bazilian, M.1970.052014
3Endo, A.1700.032016
4Rasul, G.1590.062015
5Biggs, E. M.1430.122013
6Albrecht, T. R.1330.022018
7Ringler, C.1240.062015
8Howells, M.1110.052015
9Zhang, C.960.012019
10Leck, H.950.032016
11Pahl-wostl, C.920.062017
12Allouche, J.900.082015
13Daher, B. T.900.022015
14Scott, C. A.890.142014
15Kurian, M.800.042017
16Bizikoval, L.780.092013
Table 6. Top 16 frequently cited journals in the urban development research field.
Table 6. Top 16 frequently cited journals in the urban development research field.
RankAuthorCitationCentralityStarting Year
1Environmental Science & Policy3980.032013
2Journal of Cleaner Production3830.042016
3Science of The Total Environment3760.022014
4Energy Policy3510.072014
6Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews2900.022015
8Applied Energy 2820.032015
9Environmental Research Letters2810.022015
10Water International2610.022015
11Journal of Hydrology2510.042015
12Global Environmental Change2460.032013
13Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability2390.062013
14Journal of Environmental Management2330.032014
15Nature Climate Change2140.042015
Table 7. Research content related to clustering keywords.
Table 7. Research content related to clustering keywords.
ClustersResearch Contents
#0 sustainable developmentsecurity (97, 36); policy (76, 57); land (57, 48); welfare nexus (45, 20); climate (41, 45); river basin (36, 48); energy food nexus (26, 27); sustainable development goals (22, 47); opportunity (16, 27); system dynamics (12, 18); river (12, 22); hydropower (12, 30); tradeoffs (10, 27); conservation (8, 15); synergy effect (6, 18); integrated assessment (6, 13); future (5, 13); resilience (4, 12); political economy (4, 9)
#1 renewable energywater (48, 26); energy (42, 36); system performance (27, 29); politics (18, 30); circular economy (15, 32); simulation (12, 35); efficiency (10, 26); biodiversity (10, 25); anaerobic digestion (9, 25); desalination (4, 10); economic growth (4, 16)
#2 life cycle assessmentconsumption (49, 43); land use (45, 46); emissions (31, 42); greenhouse gas emissions (29, 43); carbon footprint (97, 36); electricity demand (97, 36); environmental impacts (97, 36); wastewater (25, 32); groundwater (19, 31); crop production (17, 37); agricultural sustainability (15, 22); agricultural development (14, 22); production systems (11, 22)
#3 water securityclimate change (152, 49); government management (110, 62); challenges (82, 59); resources (62, 55); food security (54, 34); adaptation (53, 50); energy security (39, 52); water resources (24, 36); vulnerability (17, 35); cooperation (16, 31); co2 emissions (14, 36); policy integration (9, 23)
#4 ecosystem servicescity (25, 41); resources management (22, 44); risk (18, 33); urbanization (14, 23); ecological network analysis (97, 36); urban nexus (97, 36); sustainability indicators (97, 36); synergy theory (12, 26); ecological systems (9, 24); infrastructure (8, 21); networks and flows (7, 20); environmental policy (6, 14); climate change impact (5, 10); sustainability science (4, 9)
#5 optimizationwater footprint (36, 30); allocation (12, 14); optimal design (9, 21); optimization model (9, 25); decision (8, 24); use efficiency (7, 12); sensitivity analysis (5, 11); sustainability assessment (5, 10); surface water (5, 17); multi-objective optimization (4, 10); protection (4, 6); environmental sustainability (4, 10)
#6 Yellow River basinresource management (57, 44); China (25, 41); resource security (21, 40); green development (14, 26); crops (10, 31); high-quality development (9, 21); uncertainty analysis (7, 23); expansion (7, 19); water scarcity (7, 12); water management (5, 14); supply chain (4, 7)
#7 policy coherencestrategy (37, 34); governance (36, 43); security nexus (36, 40); carbon sequestration (27, 38); embodied energy (21, 54); resource efficiency (13, 29); water pricing strategy (9, 12); adaptability (6, 14); energy price (5, 13); change adaptation (4, 16)
#8 WEF nexussystems (63, 25); decision making (27, 41); design (11, 12); sustainable development goals (9, 17); nexus approach (3, 2); Malmquist index (3, 4); water resources management (2, 7); energy recovery (2, 10); multi-objective optimization (2, 3); network synthesis (2, 2)
Note: The numbers in brackets represent frequency and centrality. Centrality is the most direct measure of node centrality in network analysis. The greater the node degree of a node, the higher the degree centrality of the node, and the more important the node is in the network; the frequency (frequency) refers to the number of times the keywords appear.
Table 8. Keywords with stronger citation bursts in the different periods.
Table 8. Keywords with stronger citation bursts in the different periods.
1governance3.6620152019Energies 16 06253 i001
2security7.3920162017Energies 16 06253 i002
3politics3.6620162020Energies 16 06253 i003
4future3.4420172019Energies 16 06253 i004
5energy3.0120172019Energies 16 06253 i005
6food nexus3.0620202021Energies 16 06253 i006
7opportunity2.7320202021Energies 16 06253 i007
8optimization3.1820212023Energies 16 06253 i008
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MDPI and ACS Style

Li, Y.; Zhang, R. A Review of Water-Energy-Food Nexus Development in a Just Energy Transition. Energies 2023, 16, 6253.

AMA Style

Li Y, Zhang R. A Review of Water-Energy-Food Nexus Development in a Just Energy Transition. Energies. 2023; 16(17):6253.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Li, Yan, and Ruilian Zhang. 2023. "A Review of Water-Energy-Food Nexus Development in a Just Energy Transition" Energies 16, no. 17: 6253.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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