Shock Initiation and Propagation of Detonation in ANFO
:1. Introduction
2. Description of Numerical Models
2.1. Shock Initiation Modeling with AUTODYN
2.2. Calculation of Steady-State Detonation Applying Wood–Kirkwood Detonation Model
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Materials and Methods
3.2. Effect of Charge Diameter on Shock Initiation Behavior
3.3. Effects of Booster Mass and Confinement on Shock Initiation Behavior
4. Conclusions
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- It was demonstrated that AUTODYN with an I&G model could qualitatively describe the initiation process and predict steady-state detonation velocity as a function of charge diameter with an error of up to 6%. The WK detonation model incorporated into EXPLO5 thermochemical code could predict accurately the steady-state detonation velocity of unconfined (i.e., lightly confined) charges with an error of up to 3.5% for R0 > 50 mm.
- (2)
- For lightly confined charges initiated by a constant mass of booster, steady-state detonation was established faster (at shorter distances) for charges of larger diameters. The initial drop in VoD and the minimum VoD reached were related to booster mass, i.e., initiating pressure impulse, and thus did not change with charge diameter. However, the shock velocity (and pressure) growth rate increased with charge diameter. This was associated with a greater expansion of products at smaller charge diameters, which resulted in stronger pressure weakening and a slower reaction rate at smaller charge diameters. Faster reaction, in turn, resulted in faster generation of additional pressure and energy that strengthened the initial shock wave, hence leading to faster growth in pressure and shock velocity and, ultimately, to a shorter distance to steady-state detonation.
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- Both the experiments and the calculations confirmed that booster mass strongly affected the resulting VoD–x profiles: the minimum VoD increased with booster mass and shifted to larger distances, the shock velocity growth rate increased, and the run-to-steady-state detonation decreased. On a log–log scale, xSDT vs. booster mass showed linear dependence analogous to a “Pop Plot”, which represents the dependence of run-to-detonation distance on initial impact pressure.
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- The log(xSDT)–log(mB) graphs for lightly confined and steel-confined charges showed that the xSDT was smaller for steel-confined charges, which supports the hypothesis that the expansion of detonation products plays an important role in the shock initiation of ANFO charges. The effect of booster mass was less pronounced for steel-confined charges.
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- Considering the wide range of parameters that could affect the shock initiation and propagation of detonation in non-ideal explosives such as ANFO, this study aimed to contribute a better understanding of the impacts of some of these factors, which is important for better tailoring the effects of ANFO for use in the mining industry.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Reacted ANFO (a) | Unreacted ANFO (b) | Lee–Tarver I&G Reaction Rate Parameters (c) |
A = 81.6492 GPa | A = 1454.25 GPa | I = 10 1/μs |
B = 1.7537 GPa | B = −0.347 GPa | a = 0.2 |
R1 = 4.588863 | R1 = 21.8866 | b = 0.222 |
R2 = 1.021101 | R2 = 0.7874 | x = 4 |
ω = 0.32021 | ω = 3.4613 | G = 0.086 1/(μs GPa ^y) |
D = 4.78 km/s | E0 = −0.1549 kJ/cm3 | c = 0.222 |
pCJ = 4.61 GPa | d = 0.666 | |
E0 = 3.4481 kJ/cm3 | y = 0.9 | |
FIgmax = 0.3 |
din (mm) | R0 (mm) | Detonation Velocity (km/s) | xSDT (mm) | xSDT/din | ||||
Expt. | AUTODYN (at x > xSDT) | EXPLO5 (PB Model) | EXPLO5 (I&G Model) | Expt. | AUTODYN | |||
71 | 35.5 | 1.23 | 0.96 | - | - | - | - | |
90 | 45 | 1.63 | 2.48 | 2.34 | 1000 * | 11.11 | ||
98 | 49 | 2.69 | 2.78 | 2.61 | 720 | 7.35 | ||
104 | 52 | 2.85 | 2.88 | 2.94 | 2.77 | 600 | 600 | 5.77 |
119 | 59.5 | 3.15 | 3.31 | 3.22 | 3.10 | 650 | 420 | 3.53 |
154 | 77 | 3.68 | 3.89 | 3.58 | 3.57 | 500 | 380 | 2.47 |
250 | 125 | 4.59 | 4.01 | 4.10 | 300 | 1.20 | ||
1000 | 500 | 4.85 | 4.56 | 4.57 | 280 | 0.28 |
Booster (g) | Experiment | AUTODYN | ||
VoD * (km/s) | VoD ** (km/s) | VoDmin (km/s) | xSDT (mm) | |
1 | 2.35 | 3.34 | 0.81 | 450 |
5 | 3.34 | 1.10 | 400 | |
20 | 3.04 | 3.28 | 1.72 | 330 |
50 | 3.19 | 3.31 | 2.10 | 320 |
100 | 3.46 | 3.33 | 2.25 | 290 |
200 | 3.32 | 2.45 | 260 | |
500 | 3.32 | 2.55 | 250 |
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Bohanek, V.; Štimac Tumara, B.; Serene, C.H.Y.; Sućeska, M. Shock Initiation and Propagation of Detonation in ANFO. Energies 2023, 16, 1744.
Bohanek V, Štimac Tumara B, Serene CHY, Sućeska M. Shock Initiation and Propagation of Detonation in ANFO. Energies. 2023; 16(4):1744.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBohanek, Vječislav, Barbara Štimac Tumara, Chan Hay Yee Serene, and Muhamed Sućeska. 2023. "Shock Initiation and Propagation of Detonation in ANFO" Energies 16, no. 4: 1744.
APA StyleBohanek, V., Štimac Tumara, B., Serene, C. H. Y., & Sućeska, M. (2023). Shock Initiation and Propagation of Detonation in ANFO. Energies, 16(4), 1744.