1. Introduction
Climate change has recently gained prominence on a global scale as a major threat to achieving sustainable development. Rapid economic development in some nations has necessitated the use of a lot of resources, which has caused substantial environmental harm, such as high pollution and overuse of resources [
1]. It is commonly accepted that the world will experience major environmental disasters if appropriate climate initiatives are not implemented to stop global warming [
2]. In order to limit the extent of damage from global warming, scholars believe that maintaining the increase in global temperature below 1.5 °C and lowering CO
2 emissions to net zero is essential [
4]. The greenhouse gases that are the main contributors to climate change are mainly caused by human activities geared toward economic growth that results in the emission of CO
2, and these emanations are brought on by the usage of conventional energy (fossil fuels). As a result, fossil fuel consumption exacerbates environmental issues. The future of a nation can be jeopardized by dependence on fossil fuels and being a major contributor to global climate change. For instance, more than 40% of the European Union’s (EU) natural gas supplies originate from Russia, and as a result, strongly reliant European nations such as Italy may be particularly severely struck by the consequences of the Ukraine crisis. Italy was the second-highest CO
2 emitter in the EU in 2018, after Germany (see
Figure 1).
Many environmental problems, such as soil, water, and air pollution, climate change, loss of biodiversity, and overexploitation of natural resources, have been getting worse with the development of technology [
5]. Since the term “sustainable development” was coined, many market players, including institutional and private investors, have expressed a desire to consider environmental sustainability when making investment decisions. However, attaining sustainable development was difficult before the rise of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing, which is directly linked to sustainability and carbon neutrality targets [
6]. It has led to the widespread adoption of green technology innovation, clean energy, and the circular economy concept as effective methods of environmental management to achieve carbon neutrality targets.
Despite the recent decline in the global CO
2 emissions level, the World Energy Outlook 2017 anticipated that, under the new policies scenario, global CO
2 emissions will increase gradually until 2040. However, this result is insufficient to stop the worst effects of climate change. Because of this, human activity is to blame for global warming. Therefore, humans must take immediate action to save the planet from disastrous climate change. Experts believe that the only way to enhance the quality of the environment without compromising the level of economic growth is the adoption of green innovation (clean energy and energy efficiency), and these environmentally friendly technologies substantially influence the reduction of environmental degradation. In recent years, clean energy sources have become a substitute for traditional ones. These clean energy sources not only improve the environment but also have several other favorable economic benefits [
8]. Thus, to fight against climate change and global warming, the world should reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. However, the spread of green technology innovation often does not progress simultaneously in different countries or locations. As a result, certain social and economic factors may influence the real impact of green technology developments [
9]. Therefore, understanding the intricate connection between technological developments, EPU, and CO
2 emissions may help protect the environment we rely on.
Recent advancements in green technology innovation have greatly reduced environmental degradation globally [
11]. Even though it is theoretically assumed that prospects of addressing environmental challenges increase with the number of environment-related technology, there is little empirical evidence to support this argument [
12]. According to the existing literature, the impact of breakthroughs in eco-innovation on the environment might vary depending on the situation and might also be affected by factors such as income and time [
14]. Furthermore, [
15] stated that even though eco-innovations are usually seen as crucial elements of a green growth approach, the influence of environmentally friendly technologies on the environment has long been a subject of discussion because of the presence of the rebound effect. According to [
10], green technologies boost environmental productivity in Italy but have minimal impact on lowering CO
2 emissions.
Economic policy uncertainty (EPU) may have environmental and economic consequences. For instance, EPU might push firms to degrade the environment by promoting conventional and environmentally harmful manufacturing techniques. On the other hand, EPU could also influence spending and consumption patterns, which would reduce CO2 emissions. Additionally, because of the high EPU, a decline in R&D, innovations, and usage of clean energy sources can lead to a rise in environmental deterioration. Therefore, it is essential to study the connection between EPU and CO2 emissions to suggest strategies for addressing environmental deterioration.
Furthermore, the inflow of foreign investment is frequently seen as one of the essential instruments for the economic prosperity of nations, as well as a channel for the transmission of breakthrough technologies in host nations [
16]. The potential for negative environmental effects has been one of the most crucial and widely discussed aspects of inward foreign direct investment [
17]. Because FDI may occur concurrently with large environmental discharges, the development associated with an increase in inward FDI will likely be wiped out by potential environmental costs [
Based on the discussion above, it is crucial to research the dynamic connections among GTI, EPU, FDI, GDP, and CO
2 emissions to help policymakers provide a more precise and accurate picture of environmental quality strategies. In the given context, the present study adds to the current literature in various ways. First, to our best understanding, no empirical study has yet explored the consequences of GTI, EPU, and FDI on CO
2 emission in symmetric and asymmetric frameworks, particularly in Italy. The current study fulfills this gap by analyzing the symmetric and asymmetric effects of GTI, EPU, and FDI on CO
2 emissions for Italy over the period 1970–2018. Earlier literature only examined the symmetric impacts of GTI, EPU, and FDI on the environment. However, the asymmetric impact of GTI, EPU, and FDI on CO
2 emissions has not yet been studied in the literature. The most unique and comprehensive contribution of the current study is that it analyzes the linear and non-linear effects of GTI, EPU, and FDI on CO
2 emissions in a single study by employing the symmetric and asymmetric ARDL approaches advanced by [
20]. The non-linear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) approach enables us to analyze the positive and negative effects of GTI, EPU, and FDI on environmental degradation.
Second, the economic policy uncertainty (EPU) index created by [
21] is generally utilized by various researchers in the literature as a measure of policy uncertainty (see, e.g., [
24]. However, the EPU index has several drawbacks and is criticized by scholars for its incomplete nature. For instance, the EPU index only accounts for monetary, trade, and fiscal policy uncertainty; it does not account for political events [
25]. Furthermore, there are problems with accuracy, dependability, and ideological bias because the index of EPU for various nations is not computed from a single base. In order to overcome these drawbacks, [
26] developed a new index world uncertainty index (WUI) for 143 nations. This index is computed using country reports from the EIU (economist intelligence unit). Moreover, WUI is preferable to EPU since it considers political and economic changes (events) in a nation and is derived from a single foundation (i.e., EIU reports). Therefore, the current study uses the WUI as a stand-in for the EPU. It also investigates how the WUI affects the quality of the environment.
The rest of the research is arranged as follows. The appropriate literature on factors that affect CO
2 emissions is evaluated in
Section 2.
Section 3 covers the data and methodology that we utilized in this study. The outcomes and their discussions are explained in the
Section 4. The final section concludes the investigation, which also offers policy suggestions.
3. Methodology and Data
This study aims to analyze linear and non-linear effects of GTI, EPU, FDI, and GDP carbon emissions by employing the yearly time series data from 1970–2018 for Italy. Carbon dioxide emission (CO
2) measured in (metric tons per capita) is explained variable. In contrast, the explanatory variables are green technological innovations (GTI) is based on the (related environmental technologies as % total technologies), and EPU is used as a proxy of the world uncertainty index (WUI). WUI is accessible quarterly. Using the average of the previous four quarters, we transformed the data into an annual frequency [
25]. By counting the number of times, the word “uncertainty” (or its synonyms) in reports from EIU (economic intelligence unit), [
26] computed the world uncertainty index. In addition, a high value of WDI denotes a high degree of EPU.
Furthermore, the inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) is defined as the net inflow of FDI% of GDP, and per capita, gross domestic product (GDP) is defined in constant 2010 USD as a proxy of economic growth. The FDI, GDP, and CO
2 emissions data are collected from the World Bank. The green technological innovation data are gathered from the OECD database, while data on EPU is gathered from the World Uncertainty Index. Furthermore, to eradicate the problem of heteroscedasticity, we transformed the data series into a logarithmic form.
Table 2 briefly depicts the study variables, unit of measurement, and sources.
Figure 2 illustrates the flow chart of the methodology utilized. In the first step, we analyzed the stationarity properties of the underlying variables by employing three different stationarity tests. In the second step, we examined the long-term cointegration between the variables by applying linear and non-linear cointegration approaches. The long- and short-run relationship among the variables are investigated in the third step by using linear and non-linear ARDL approaches. Finally, we also performed some diagnostics tests to confirm the validity of our estimated models.
Furthermore, to explore the connection among research variables, the econometric model, which we developed by following the literature, is given below:
denotes the logarithm of carbon dioxide emissions,
signifies the logarithm of green technology innovations,
symbolizes the logarithm of economic policy uncertainty,
indicates logarithm of foreign investment, and
indicates the logarithm GDP per capita. While
is constant,
are the coefficients.
denotes the error term, and
t is the time.
3.1. Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL)
We utilized the ARDL cointegration approach suggested by [
53] to observe the long-run connection between GTI, EPU, FDI, GDP, and CO
2 emissions. Several researchers have extensively used the ARDL model to inspect long- and short-run correlations among variables. The ARDL model has several advantages in contrast to other approaches [
56]. First, this methodology can be utilized when research factors are integrated into I(0) and I(1) or a combination of both. Second, this model estimates short- and long-run factors simultaneously. Third, this approach can be utilized even with a small sample size. Fourth, the ARDL model resolves endogeneity and serial correlation problem between the variables by selecting an appropriate lag length. So, due to the above-stated characteristics of the ARDL cointegration approach, we utilized the ARDL model to assess long-run relations among researched variables. The model we utilized for the evaluation of long-run relationships is given below:
In the equation above, Δ stands for the first difference and
denotes the error term. While
illustrates short- and long-run coefficients, respectively. Additionally,
t − 1 indicates the best lag choices as defined by Akaike’s information criteria (AIC). [
53] recommended utilizing the F-Statistics joint significance test to examine long-run cointegration among studied variables. According to the F-Statistics joint significance test, the following are the null and alternate hypotheses:
, and
The calculated value of F-statistics determines whether null and alternative hypotheses are accepted or rejected. A long-run relation exists among research variables if the computed value of F-statistics exceeds upper bound critical values. On the other hand, no long-run cointegration exists if the calculated value is below the lower critical boundary. However, judgment will be uncertain if the computed value falls between lower and upper critical boundaries. If a long-run relationship exists, we look at short-run association among the studied variables. The short-run ARDL model uses the following error correction model:
θ is the error correction term (ECT) coefficient and calculates the disequilibrium correction speed in response to any shock. ECT ranges from −1 to 0. Therefore, the coefficient value of ECT must be negative and significant, and it is recommended that each shock adjusts towards equilibrium in the following time.
3.2. Non-Linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) Model
The linear ARDL model only investigates the variables’ short- and long-run cointegration. However, it does not depict the asymmetric effect of the studied variables. In order to capture the asymmetric effects of GTI, EPU, and FDI on CO
2 emissions, we employed the NARDL model recommended by [
20]. We split GTI, EPU, and FDI into their negative and positive components using the partial sum method of [
20] to examine the asymmetric influence of the underlying factors on CO
2 emissions. Moreover, the partial sum of GI, EPU, and FDI are as follows:
, and
explain positive and negative variations in green technology innovation and economic policy uncertainty. Similarly,
represents positive and negative variations in foreign direct investment. Equations (4), (6) and (8) show the increase in GTI, EPU, and FDI, while Equations (5), (7) and (9) demonstrate the decrease in GTI, EPU, and FDI, respectively. We expand our basic model by first splitting the variables into their positive and negative components, then substituting these negative and positive parts into Equation (2) as follows:
Equation (10) above describes the NARDL model of Shin et al. (2014) due to the partial sum of positive and negative changes in GTI, EPU, and FDI. However, the model revealed by Equation (2) is established as an asymmetric ARDL approach.
The NARDL model is the extended form of ARDL. It follows the same steps taken under the ARDL technique. Furthermore, we performed the bounds F-test recommended by [
53] to validate long-run co-integration between variables. The null hypothesis of no correlation is tested against the alternative hypothesis. After establishing the long-run cointegration amongst the variables, we conduct additional tests to determine whether or not GTI, EPU, and FDI have asymmetric effects on CO
2 emissions. First, we confirm the existence of asymmetry if the number of lags connected to (
, and
) are different from the numbers of lags taken by (
, and
), we confirm the existence of dynamic asymmetry. Secondly, we confirm asymmetric consequences of GTI, EPU, and FDI on CO
2 emissions if estimates of
, and
) are significantly different from the estimates of (
, and
). Finally, a long-run Wald test is used to determine whether we can reject the hypothesis that
, and, therefore, validate the asymmetric impacts of GTI, EPU, and FDI. Furthermore, the asymmetric cumulative dynamic multiplier impact is evaluated, where the 1% change in
, and
can be obtained, respectively, as follows
The equation above describes the asymmetric cumulative dynamic multiplier effects. In addition, it explains the asymmetric reaction of independent variables to their corresponding (positive and negative) shocks on the explained variable. We also performed several diagnostic tests to evaluate the goodness of ARDL and NARDL models, including the Jarque–Bera normality test. In addition, we used ARCH LM and Breusch–Pagan–Godfrey tests for heteroscedasticity issues and Breusch–Godfrey for the problem of serial correlation. Finally, we also use CUSUM and CUSUM-Sq stability tests to evaluate the dynamic stability of the models.
6. Conclusions
The present study examined the symmetric and asymmetric impacts of EPU, GTI, FDI, and GDP on CO2 from 1970 to 2018 in Italy. We employed linear and non-linear ARDL techniques to scrutinize long- and short-run correlations between the study’s variables. The symmetric and asymmetric bounds tests provide evidence of long-run relationships among variables. Additionally, empirical findings of the ARDL model reveal that GTI negatively influences CO2 emissions under the symmetrical framework. This result implies that a rise in GTI reduces environmental damage, encouraging sustainable growth in Italy. Conversely, GTI harms the environment by raising emissions in the short run. Furthermore, in the case of EPU, long-run outcomes demonstrate that the influence of EPU on CO2 emissions is negative and significant, suggesting that rising EPU reduces CO2 emissions.
However, EPU enhances environmental issues over the short run, indicating that it hastens environmental deterioration. Furthermore, we see that FDI has a favorable effect on CO2 emissions both in the long and short run, establishing the pollution haven hypothesis in Italy. Finally, the non-linear ARDL approach outcomes show that GTI and EPU have considerable asymmetric effects on CO2 emissions in the long and short run. According to findings, GTI positive shocks significantly lower CO2 emissions, whereas GTI negative shocks considerably increase CO2. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that positive shocks to EPU favorably influence CO2 emissions, while negative shocks to EPU similarly affect CO2 emissions.
Based on the study’s findings, we propose some important policy implications to enhance the quality of the environment. First, the results demonstrate that positive shocks in GTI lower CO2 emissions and promote sustainability. However, the effects of negative shocks in GTI on environmental quality are more harmful, as a decline in green technology innovations led to higher emissions with greater intensity. This result suggests that the emissions-reducing effects of using green technologies are less significant than the effects of a negative shock on increasing emissions. Therefore, the authorities should prevent a decline in the use of green technologies. Furthermore, increased research and development expenditures in green technology innovations could promote environmental innovation, resulting in more efficiency and lower environmental degradation.
Additionally, authorities should encourage investors to acquire and protect patents about environmental protection, and more specifically, innovation concerning renewable energy should be encouraged. In contrast, a green energy strategy should reduce non-renewable energy sources and substitute them with renewable energy (wind, solar, hydro, and nuclear power) in the overall energy mix. Finally, the government should reform and execute green growth policies and initiatives to achieve carbon neutrality targets.
The outcomes show that EPU promotes environmental deprivation by enhancing carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, the authorities should consider the possible influence of EPU when making economic policies, especially environmentally friendly policies, because a decrease in EPU is preferred for environmental protection. It is advised that the government should promote clear and stable policies to encourage investment in clean energy sectors. It would help to reduce CO2 emissions and diminish environmental deterioration. Authorities should also take deliberate measures to mitigate policy-related economic uncertainty. Stable economic policies will boost stable growth and promote environmental quality.
Additionally, the findings support the claim that both positive and negative FDI shocks have a negative effect on Italy’s environmental quality. Therefore, it is recommended that the authorities adopt stringent environmental regulations and entry requirements for FDI rather than allowing it at the expense of ecological deterioration. Moreover, the government must adopt tools such as tax rebates, feed-in tariffs, subsidies, and incentives to encourage and motivate green investments in the country. This action will help to boost their productivity without harming the environment. Furthermore, governments should reward foreign companies that use green technologies in their manufacturing processes by lowering taxes and offering green subsidies. On the other side, it is suggested that high tariffs should be imposed on foreign companies in the host country that utilize cheap and dirty technologies in their production processes.