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A Systematic Review on the Path to Inclusive and Sustainable Energy Transitions

Oluwafemi Awolesi
Corinne A. Salter
1 and
Margaret Reams
Department of Environmental Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Bert S. Turner Department of Construction Management, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Energies 2024, 17(14), 3512;
Submission received: 22 May 2024 / Revised: 10 July 2024 / Accepted: 12 July 2024 / Published: 17 July 2024
(This article belongs to the Section C: Energy Economics and Policy)


This paper surveys the energy literature and systematically reviews the path to an inclusive and sustainable energy transition by exploring factors that drive the current energy transitions, countries with advanced energy transition programs, and the roles of energy literacy and justice in energy transition. Utilizing an exhaustive literature search from 2001 to 2023 via the Scopus database, the study identifies strong policy frameworks, technological advancements, economic incentives, and international collaborations as pivotal factors in successful energy transitions. Case studies from the Nordic countries, Germany, and Poland highlight diverse approaches and significant progress, revealing valuable lessons for global application. Although energy literacy emerges as crucial for public acceptance and participation, fostering informed decision-making and supportive behaviors toward renewable energy initiatives, energy justice ensures equitable access to the benefits of energy transitions, addressing socio-economic impacts on marginalized communities. The study identifies a scarcity of research that articulates and integrates energy literacy and justice concurrently within the purview of energy transition. The paper recommends the adoption, integration, and institutionalization of frameworks that concurrently propagate energy literacy and guide fair and equitable energy transitions. The frameworks should encourage active community involvement, promote community ownership of renewable energy projects, ensure transparency and inclusivity, implement measures for equitable economic benefits, protect livelihoods, address historical distrust, and leverage social media to promote energy literacy and justice. Finally, the continuous monitoring and evaluation of energy transition initiatives are crucial to ensure that they meet evolving societal needs and environmental goals.

Graphical Abstract

1. Introduction

1.1. Background

Energy consumption is a fundamental driver of the global climate crisis. The twenty-first century has witnessed extensive discussions, in academic circles, political arenas, and in many nations about transitioning from fossil fuels to more sustainable and renewable energy systems. Yet, a persistent global tension exists between the urgent need for climate action and the continued reliance on conventional energy systems [1,2]. On one hand, we face the critical challenge of developing a clean energy economy that leaves no one behind, especially the most vulnerable populations, both locally and globally [3,4,5]. On the other hand, questions arise regarding the sufficiency of renewable and cleaner energy sources in sustaining national and global economies [6,7].
Central to this transition is the concept of energy literacy, which encompasses the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to make informed energy-related decisions. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), otherwise known as the Global Goals, place emphasis on 17 crucial areas necessary to attain sustainable development in the world. Of all these, Quality Education is aimed at ensuring that individuals have equal opportunities to learning and become enlightened to make critical and informed choices that can change their lives, their local communities, and the world in general. This goal underpins the acceleration towards achieving other SDGs, such as Affordable and Clean Energy, Climate Action, and Reduced Inequalities.
Indeed, informed societies are better equipped to advocate for and implement sustainable energy solutions, address climate change proactively, and champion the rights and needs of the underprivileged, ensuring a holistic approach to sustainability [8,9,10].
While energy literacy is crucial for fostering public understanding and support for sustainable energy policies and practices [11], energy justice, another pivotal concept, seeks to address the ethical and equity dimensions of energy production and consumption [12,13,14]. It emphasizes the fair distribution of energy benefits and burdens, ensuring that all communities, particularly marginalized ones, have access to clean and affordable energy [15].
As the world moves towards a more sustainable energy future, it is imperative to consider the factors that drive the current, and perhaps successful, transition states while exploring the roles of both energy literacy and justice to achieve a more inclusive energy transition.

1.2. Scope of the Study

1.2.1. Rationale

Despite the growing recognition of energy literacy and justice [11,16], there is a scarcity of comprehensive studies examining their concurrent roles in the energy transition. This review aims to fill this gap by analyzing the intersection of these concepts and their impact on the transition to sustainable energy systems. By exploring the current state of research, identifying key drivers, and highlighting successful case studies, this paper seeks to provide a holistic understanding of the factors that influence energy transitions and the role of literacy and justice in this process.

1.2.2. Objectives

The primary objectives of this study are as follows:
  • Identify and analyze the key factors driving current energy transitions.
  • Highlight specific countries with advanced energy transition programs and examine their policies, strategies, or frameworks.
  • Explore the roles of energy literacy and justice in energy transitions.
  • Provide recommendations for future research and policy development.

1.3. Methodology

This study employs a systematic review approach, exploring the path to an inclusive and sustainable energy transition. The methodology consists of two main components: a bibliometric analysis and a thematic content analysis.
Bibliometric analysis is a quantitative research method that involves systematically examining data embedded within scientific publications [17,18]. This approach provides insights into the patterns of research activity, such as publication trends, citation counts, authorship, and collaboration networks, thereby highlighting influential works and emerging areas of study [19]. Tools such as VOSviewer and Gephi are often used to create visual representations of citation networks and co-authorship patterns, making it easier to interpret complex relationships within the data [20].
Thematic content analysis is a qualitative research method that involves identifying, analyzing, and reporting patterns (themes) within data. This approach is widely used to interpret various aspects of the research topic systematically. Thematic analysis provides a flexible and useful research tool, which can potentially provide a rich and detailed, yet complex, account of data [21].
The process typically involves several stages: familiarizing with the data, generating initial codes, searching for themes, reviewing themes, defining and naming themes, and producing the report. This systematic approach ensures that the analysis is both comprehensive and detailed, providing a nuanced understanding of the research topic [22].
The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) flowchart in Figure 1 provides a visual summary of the steps involved in the literature search, screening, eligibility assessment, and inclusion of studies for this review.
The findings from this analysis offer valuable insights into the dynamic and interconnected nature of energy transitions, illustrating how various factors and concepts work together to facilitate these processes.

1.3.1. Literature Search

An exhaustive literature search was conducted using the Scopus database, recognized for its extensive coverage of peer-reviewed articles across various disciplines including energy and environment [23]. The search targeted documents published from 2001 to 2023 that contained the terms ‘Energy Literacy’, ‘Energy Transition’, OR ‘Energy Justice’ in their titles, abstracts, or keywords. This initial search yielded a total of 17,773 documents.

1.3.2. Refinement and Selection

To refine the search results, the query was narrowed using the terms ‘Energy Literacy’ OR ‘Energy Education’ AND ‘Energy Transition’ AND ‘Energy Justice’, which reduced the number of relevant documents to 48. A bibliometric analysis of the documents ensued, identifying 33 original research articles. A thorough review of the full text for the concurrent use of the keywords led to the identification of 11 research articles, indicating a scarcity in the concurrent usage of the energy terms in scholarly works.

1.3.3. Data Analysis

The 48 articles were subjected to a detailed bibliometric analysis to identify publication trends including keyword co-occurrence, collaboration and citation, and document type. Following this, a thematic content analysis on the 11 articles from the final selection was conducted to answer the following pivotal questions:
  • What are the driving factors behind current energy transitions?
  • Which case studies best exemplify successful or ongoing energy transitions?
  • How do energy literacy and justice contribute to these transitions?

1.3.4. Case Study Selection

Three regions with advanced energy transition programs—Nordic countries (e.g., Denmark), Germany, and Poland—were selected for detailed case studies. The analysis focused on examining the policies, strategies, and frameworks implemented by these countries, as well as the challenges and successes they encountered.

2. Bibliometric Analysis

The refined search resulted in 48 documents spanning the years 2015 to 2023, tantamount to 0.27% of the original search results, suggesting that a limited number of studies attempt to address how energy literacy and justice impact energy transition initiatives. The publication period also suggests that studies integrating all three energy terms have only emerged within the last decade. The following sections report findings from other segments of bibliometric analysis, including top keywords and key publications.

2.1. Keyword Co-Occurrence

Reduction in redundancy and repetition was achieved by consolidating terms such as ‘renewable energies’, ‘energy transitions’, and ‘energy justices’ into their singular forms. From the initial set of 391 keywords, only 69 met the minimum occurrence threshold of two. Figure 2 illustrates a keyword network where each keyword is represented by a node, with its magnitude indicating its frequency. The strands between nodes signify co-occurrence. Notably, ‘energy transition’ is both the most frequently occurring and the most co-occurring keyword, followed by the generic term ‘energy’. Although ‘energy justice’ records a slightly higher occurrence than ‘energy policy’, it is surpassed by the latter in terms of co-occurrence. Other prominent keywords include ‘energy literacy’, ‘renewable energy’, ‘alternative energy’, and ‘energy efficiency’.
This analysis provides an overview of keyword importance and relationships, aiding in understanding the thematic landscape of the research. The findings could guide researchers to focus on these key terms and their interrelations, potentially identifying gaps or areas for further investigation in the field of energy studies.

2.2. Collaboration and Citation Counts by Country of Affiliation

Productivity trends are evident through institutional and author collaborations as well as citation frequencies associated with research publications [24]. Thus, collaboration patterns and citation frequency among researchers from various countries are depicted in Figure 3. The United Kingdom exhibits the highest number of research outputs, surpassing Germany and Denmark which lead the other 32 countries involved in the study. These countries also demonstrate significant international collaboration, as indicated by the connecting strands. In terms of citations, the United Kingdom is followed by Germany, Norway, and Denmark. Further analysis reveals a positive correlation (r = 0.56) between citation counts and the extent of collaboration, suggesting that collaborative research efforts tend to receive more citations.
Another important revelation is that countries with the highest number of citations and collaborations are in Europe. This finding is similar to the one reported by Kwiek [25], which attributes the growth in publications in European systems to internationally co-authored studies. This indicates that Europe is a central hub for high-impact research in the studied field. However, while the United Kingdom leads in terms of researchers’ affiliations, the United States, Canada, Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands, and Australia follow in the spectrum, in decreasing order, as depicted in Figure 4. This suggests that despite the leadership of the United Kingdom, other countries also contribute significantly to the research landscape.

2.3. Top Key Publications and Document Classifications

Figure 5 displays the average citations per publication from 2015 to 2023. In 2015, the average citations per publication start at around 80. From 2015 to 2017, there is a slight decline in average citations, dropping from around 80 to 70. A significant increase occurs in 2018, where the average citations jump to over 100. A sharp drop is observed in 2019, followed by another spike in 2020, bringing the average citations back to over 100. From 2021 onwards, there is a steady decline in average citations, decreasing from around 80 to almost zero by 2023.
The sharp fluctuations in 2018 and 2020 could be attributed to highly influential publications during those years or significant advancements in the field that garnered widespread attention and citations.
An overview of the most influential publications in the field, based on citation counts, is provided in Table 1. The overview includes the authorship, citation count, document type, affiliated country of the first author, and the publication year.
Most influential authors are affiliated with institutions in Norway, Germany, Denmark, the United Kingdom, and Sweden. Norway is particularly notable, with two highly cited publications, emphasizing its leading role in this research area. The citation leaders are Szulecki [26] with an original research article of 262 citations and Vanegas Cantarero [27] with a review article of 196 citations.
Notably, the reviews from 2020 have quickly garnered significant citations, underscoring their relevance and timeliness. The prominence of both articles and reviews among the most cited works demonstrates the field’s appreciation for diverse types of scholarly contributions. The recent high-impact publications indicate ongoing active research and evolving discussions in this area.
Generally, the bibliography encompasses a diverse range of document types, including original research articles, literature reviews, conference contributions, and book publications (see Figure 6). Original research articles constitute the majority at 68.8%, underlining their primary role in advancing knowledge in the field. Reviews account for 16.7% and are pivotal in synthesizing existing research, providing valuable insights for both researchers and practitioners. In contrast, conference papers make up only 4.2% of the bibliography, indicating a lesser impact from conference proceedings on the scholarly discourse surrounding energy literacy, transition, and justice.

3. Thematic Analysis

This section ultimately presents findings from the thematic content analysis exploring factors that drive current energy transitions, countries with advanced energy transition programs, and the roles of energy literacy and justice in advancing energy transition initiatives. Figure 7 provides an illustration of how different factors and concepts interconnect in driving energy transition.

3.1. Factors Driving Current Energy Transitions

Energy transitions are driven by a complex interplay of factors, including policy initiatives, technological advancements, economic incentives, and international agreements and collaborations. This section analyzes these key drivers, providing examples from the reviewed documents, and discusses the role of international agreements in promoting energy transitions.

3.1.1. Policy Initiatives

Policy initiatives are crucial in steering the direction of energy transitions. Governments implement a range of policies to incentivize the adoption of renewable energy and phase out fossil fuels. These policies include subsidies, tax incentives, renewable energy mandates, and carbon pricing mechanisms.
For instance, Denmark has been a pioneer in promoting renewable energy through robust policy frameworks since the 1970s [31]. The Danish government implemented policies that supported wind electricity, combined heat and power, and district heating. These efforts were complemented by a carbon tax and energy efficiency measures, positioning Denmark as a leader in renewable energy adoption [26,32].
Similarly, the European Union (EU) has played a significant role in guiding member states towards achieving climate targets and energy transitions. The EU’s comprehensive energy policies and strategies have set ambitious targets for renewable energy adoption and greenhouse gas emission reductions, encouraging member states to align their national policies accordingly [33].
This highlights the importance of government intervention and strategic policy planning in achieving sustainable energy transitions.

3.1.2. Technological Advancements

Technological advancements are at the heart of energy transitions, making renewable energy sources more efficient and cost-effective. Innovations in wind and solar power technologies have significantly reduced the cost of these energy sources, making them competitive with traditional fossil fuels [26,34].
The development of smart energy technologies, such as smart meters and demand response systems, has improved grid reliability and demand management [35,36]. These technologies enable the better integration of renewable energy into the grid, enhancing the overall efficiency and stability of energy systems.
These advancements are crucial in driving energy transitions by making renewable energy sources more competitive with fossil fuels. The improved grid reliability and demand management facilitated by smart technologies support the large-scale adoption of renewables and ensure a smoother transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy solutions.

3.1.3. Economic Incentives

Economic incentives are vital for overcoming the financial barriers associated with renewable energy projects. These incentives include subsidies, tax credits, and funding for research and development [37]. By reducing the initial costs, economic incentives make renewable energy projects more attractive to local investors and consumers [38,39].
In many countries, economic incentives have been instrumental in promoting the adoption of renewable energy. For example, subsidies and tax credits have encouraged investments in wind and solar power, leading to significant increases in installed capacity and generation [40,41]. Additionally, investments in smart grids and distributed energy resources have been driven by the economic benefits they offer, such as improved efficiency and reduced energy costs [42].
However, studies by various researchers have highlighted significant challenges in evaluating the economic and environmental impacts of smart grids. The conflicting and widely varying estimates of costs, benefits, greenhouse gas emission reductions, and energy savings leave policymakers struggling with how to advise on smart grid deployment. For instance, a systematic review of seventeen studies by Moretti et al. [43] revealed no standardized method for assessing smart grid systems, with costs varying between EUR 0.03 and EUR 1143 million per year and benefits ranging from EUR 0.04 to EUR 804 million per year. This suggests that, unlike the clear-cut economic benefits seen with subsidies for wind and solar power, investments in smart grid systems may not always yield economic benefits due to the inconsistency in evaluation methods.

3.1.4. International Agreements and Collaborations

International agreements and collaborations are crucial for global energy transitions. Agreements like the Paris Agreement set ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, driving national policies and initiatives aimed at achieving these targets [44].
Collaborations between countries facilitate the sharing of knowledge, technologies, and best practices. The Nordic countries, for example, have collaborated on energy policies and technologies, setting a model for regional cooperation in energy transitions [28]. Their focus on renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and regional cooperation has resulted in significant progress in their energy transitions.
The key factors driving current energy transitions include policy initiatives, technological advancements, economic incentives, and international agreements and collaborations. By continuing to promote these drivers, countries can accelerate their transition to renewable energy and achieve their climate goals. These findings emphasize the need for continued innovation, collaboration, and supportive policies to drive the global shift towards sustainable energy systems.

3.2. Countries with Advanced Energy Transition Programs

This section highlights specific countries that have made significant strides in advancing their energy transition programs. It examines the policies, strategies, and/or frameworks these countries have implemented, compares their programs to identify common successful elements and unique approaches, and encapsulates their progress, challenges, and outcomes.

3.2.1. Progressive Countries

Countries that have been particularly successful in advancing their energy transition programs include the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden), Germany, and Poland. Each of these countries has implemented comprehensive policies and strategies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing the share of renewable energy in their energy mix.

3.2.2. Policies, Strategies, and Frameworks

Nordic Countries

The Nordic countries are renowned for their ambitious climate and energy policies. Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden have committed to becoming virtually fossil fuel-free by 2050 [28,45]. These countries have focused on promoting decentralized and renewable forms of electricity supply, enhancing energy efficiency, and adopting carbon capture and storage technologies for industry [28].
For instance, Denmark has been a pioneer in wind energy, combined heat and power, and district heating. The country has also implemented a carbon tax, with revenues funneled back into energy research and development [28]. On the other hand, Finland and Sweden are leaders in bioenergy, with substantial investments in biomass and waste-to-energy technologies [46,47]. However, Norway relies heavily on hydroelectricity and is a major exporter of renewable energy [48]. The country has also made significant investments in electric vehicle infrastructure [49]. Iceland has harnessed its geothermal resources to become a leader in geothermal energy production, particularly for heating and electricity generation [50,51].
The Nordic countries benefit from regional cooperation on energy policies and technologies, which has helped them achieve significant progress in energy transitions. This implies that significant successes can be achieved by having a shared focused vision and blueprints that are not only meaningful but also measurable and in alignment with universal environmental goals.

Germany and Poland

Germany’s energy transition, known as the Energiewende, is one of the most ambitious and comprehensive energy policies globally, with the phase-out of nuclear energy decreed in 2011 ahead of the next decade [52]. The strategies of the country include substantial investments in renewable energy, particularly wind and solar power, and strong regulatory frameworks to support energy efficiency and the expansion of renewable energy.
Conversely, Poland’s energy transition has been challenging due to its historical reliance on coal. However, the country has committed to the European Union’s climate goals and has adopted the ‘Poland’s Energy Policy until 2040’ strategy [53]. This strategy includes developing renewable energy sources, particularly wind energy, and planning the development of nuclear energy [53]. Meanwhile the country faces significant socio-economic impacts from their transition away from coal, necessitating policies to support affected communities [53].
Table 2 encapsulates valuable insights into the progress, challenges, and outcomes associated with the energy transition status of Germany, Poland, and Denmark, offering lessons for policymakers and stakeholders worldwide. In general, countries with successful energy transitions have established clear, long-term policy frameworks that provide stability and direction for investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency. Financial subsidies, tax credits, and funding for research and development are crucial in lowering the initial cost barriers for renewable energy projects. Furthermore, continuous investment in new technologies, such as smart grids, energy storage, and advanced renewable energy technologies, is essential for integrating renewable energy into existing energy systems.
Moreover, raising public awareness and educating citizens about the benefits of renewable energy and energy efficiency helps build public support for energy transition policies [54,55].
Table 2. Overview of progress and challenges of case study countries.
Table 2. Overview of progress and challenges of case study countries.
CountryProgress and OutcomesChallengesReferences
DenmarkDenmark has achieved significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and increased the share of wind energy in its electricity mix.
The transition has resulted in a robust renewable energy sector, increased energy security, and economic benefits from exporting renewable energy technologies.
The country faces challenges in further integrating renewable energy into the grid and balancing intermittent energy sources.[56,57,58]
GermanyGermany has made substantial progress in increasing the share of renewable energy in its electricity mix and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The country has significantly boosted its renewable energy capacity, particularly in wind and solar power, making these energy sources competitive with traditional fossil fuels.
Currently, renewables powered up 55% of Germany’s electricity, and the country aims to reach 80% by 2050.
The country faces challenges in managing the socio-economic impacts of phasing out coal and ensuring grid stability with high shares of renewable energy.[59,60,61]
PolandPoland has made initial steps towards increasing renewable energy capacity and reducing coal dependency.
Poland’s efforts have been slower compared to other EU countries, but the strategy sets a foundation for future progress in achieving its energy transition goals.
The country faces significant socio-economic challenges from the transition, including job losses in coal regions and the need for substantial investments in new energy infrastructure.[53,59]

3.3. The Role of Energy Literacy and Justice

This section explores the definitions and roles of energy literacy and justice within the context of energy transitions. It examines how these concepts are integrated into policies and practices, their impact on public acceptance and participation, and their importance in attaining an inclusive and sustainable energy transition.

3.3.1. Defining Energy Literacy and Justice

Energy Literacy

Although energy education and energy literacy are closely related concepts within the field of energy studies, they serve distinct roles in shaping how individuals and societies engage with energy systems. For instance, energy education primarily focuses on the structured dissemination of knowledge about energy systems to build a foundational conceptual understanding, whereas energy literacy extends this foundation into practical realms. This extension enables individuals to make informed decisions and actively participate in energy systems, enhancing efficiency and equity in energy use.
Table 3 further delineates the differences, offering a side-by-side comparison of how energy education and energy literacy are defined, utilized, and alluded to in the reviewed literature. This comparison illustrates the transition from conceptual understanding to practical application where energy education underpins the development of energy literacy. Understanding these distinctions and interconnections is crucial for developing comprehensive energy policies and educational programs that effectively address both current needs and future challenges in energy management.
Following the comparison, it is deducible that energy literacy refers to the understanding of energy systems, including how energy is produced, distributed, and consumed, as well as the societal, technological, and environmental impacts of energy choices. It involves the ability to make informed decisions regarding energy use, which contributes to more sustainable energy behaviors and support for energy policies [35]. In other words, it encompasses knowledge about energy sources, energy efficiency, and the broader implications of energy consumption on climate change and sustainability.

Energy Justice

Energy justice seeks to address the ethical and equity dimensions of energy production and consumption. It focuses on ensuring that all individuals and communities have access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy [11,12]. This involves addressing the procedural and distributional inequalities that arise within energy systems, thereby promoting fairness in both the distribution of energy benefits and the decision-making processes related to energy policies [36]. These policies must ensure that affected communities are fairly compensated and that their rights are protected.

3.3.2. Integration into Policies and Practices

Ideally, successful energy transition programs integrate energy literacy and justice into their policies and practices to foster informed public participation and ensure equitable distribution of benefits.
Policies promoting energy literacy often include educational initiatives aimed at increasing public understanding of energy systems. For example, the International Youth Deliberation on Energy Futures (IYDEF) project links climate justice and energy literacy, emphasizing the importance of educating young people about just energy transitions [64]. Energy justice is promoted through policies that provide economic incentives for marginalized communities to participate in renewable energy projects [36]. These policies ensure that vulnerable populations are not left behind in the transition to sustainable energy. The frameworks for energy justice often include measures to support vulnerable populations, such as job training programs for workers transitioning from fossil fuel industries to renewable energy sectors [62].

3.3.3. Impact on Public Acceptance and Participation

Energy literacy significantly impacts public acceptance and participation in energy transition initiatives, as individuals with higher energy literacy are more likely to support and engage in energy transition efforts.
Higher levels of energy literacy enable individuals to understand the benefits of renewable energy and the importance of reducing reliance on fossil fuels. This understanding fosters greater acceptance of energy transition policies and initiatives [45]. Educated individuals are more likely to adopt energy-efficient practices and support renewable energy projects. Participants in the IYDEF project, for example, developed a deeper understanding of the global context for energy transitions and its relationship to the climate emergency, influencing their energy-related behaviors and attitudes [64].
However, a predominant issue often encountered is the limited knowledge among the public, leading to inequality in benefiting from advancements like smart grid developments [35]. Participation in decision-making processes involving the energy transition serves as a crucial pathway to securing justice, by providing useful local knowledge that would otherwise be missing without community participation in transition processes [65]. These challenges are compounded by varying levels of motivation, ability, and opportunity among individuals, which can create disparities in access and understanding, potentially hindering a successful energy transition and the realization of energy justice [35,36,53].
Additionally, potential conflicts may arise as energy literacy may not guarantee successful transition or justice, highlighting the need to address knowledge gaps for effective energy policies [45]. Energy literacy involves unpacking values and behaviors about energy, aiding in just energy transition and climate justice, and potentially facing conflicts with prevailing capitalist and colonial legacies [64].
Consequently, opportunities to improve energy literacy, and in turn attain energy justice, lie in increasing digital and energy competencies, engaging individuals in sustainability initiatives, and providing comprehensive support for learning about energy products and services [36,62].Incorporating justice and ethics into energy education aligns with societal values such as fairness and transparency, enhancing user acceptance and facilitating a more inclusive and equitable energy transition [26,62].
Energy literacy and justice are critical concepts and components of successful energy transitions considering their capacity to promote an informed and equitable approach to energy policy. They help ensure that the benefits of energy transitions are widely shared and that the negative impacts are minimized. Integrating energy literacy and justice into policies and practices not only fosters public acceptance and participation but also addresses the inequalities inherent in traditional energy systems.
Therefore, challenges such as knowledge gaps and inequality must be addressed to ensure a successful and just energy transition, aligning with broader societal goals of fairness and transparency.

4. Conclusions

4.1. Key Summary

This review has provided a comprehensive bibliography and analysis of the factors driving current energy transitions, highlighted successful case studies, and explored the roles of energy literacy and justice in these processes.
The bibliometric survey revealed a dearth in the energy literature concurrently addressing energy literacy and justice within the purview of energy transition, particularly in the early twenty-first century. The United Kingdom emerged as the top country with the highest research collaboration and citation frequency while the most prolific authors emanate from Norway and Germany.
The main drivers of the current energy transitions identified include strong policy frameworks, technological advancements, economic incentives, and international agreements and collaborations. These factors collectively foster an environment conducive to sustainable energy transitions.
The analysis of Nordic countries, Germany, and Poland revealed diverse approaches and progress in energy transitions. Denmark’s focus on wind energy, Germany’s Energiewende strategy, and Poland’s efforts to move away from coal each offer valuable lessons. Notably, the ongoing need to address the socio-economic and infrastructural challenges associated with such a transition cannot be overemphasized.
Energy literacy is crucial for public acceptance and participation in energy transitions, whereas energy justice ensures equitable access to energy benefits, with both promoting a fair and inclusive transition.

4.2. Future Directions

While significant progress has been made, there are still gaps in the literature and areas that require further research and development. The current literature often lacks comprehensive analyses of the intersection between energy literacy, justice, and transitions. More research is needed to understand the long-term impacts of energy transitions on different societal groups and to develop metrics for evaluating energy justice.
Future research and policies should adopt, integrate, and institutionalize frameworks that concurrently propagate energy literacy and justice for a more inclusive and sustainable energy transition. Such frameworks should encompass the following principles:
Encourage the active involvement of local communities in decision-making processes related to energy projects. This can be achieved through public consultations, workshops, and participatory planning sessions.
Promote community ownership of renewable energy projects to ensure that the economic benefits are retained within the community. Policies can support cooperative models and community-led initiatives.
Ensure that energy transition policies address mobility and transportation needs, particularly in rural and underserved areas. This includes developing infrastructure for electric vehicles and improving public transportation options.
Guarantee that the processes involved in energy transitions are transparent, inclusive, and just. This involves fair representation in regulatory bodies and equitable distribution of decision-making power.
Implement measures to ensure that the economic benefits of energy transitions are shared equitably. This includes job creation, training programs, and support for local businesses, ensuring affordable access to renewable energy for all.
Protect and enhance the livelihoods of individuals and communities affected by energy transitions. This can involve providing compensation, retraining opportunities, and support for alternative livelihoods.
Engage in place-based justice approaches that incorporate historical awareness and considerations to ensure successful transition efforts through community acceptance and participation. Given that the reviewed case studies are primarily associated with European communities and nations, it is crucial to account for historical contexts to ensure that transition approaches are applicable across various regions with differing histories of injustice. For instance, addressing fear and mistrust requires tackling issues related to region- or community-specific historical distrust involving communities, governments, and the energy industry.
Leverage social media platforms to promote energy literacy and justice, considering that social media can be a powerful tool to reach a broad audience, including young people and vulnerable populations, and to raise awareness about energy issues. By disseminating information through engaging content such as videos, infographics, and interactive posts, the public can be educated about energy systems, highlight instances of energy injustices, and empower individuals to participate in energy-related discussions. This can increase public engagement and support for energy transition initiatives.
Finally, it is crucial to continuously monitor and evaluate energy transition initiatives to ensure they are meeting societal needs and environmental goals. Adaptation strategies should be developed to respond to emerging challenges and opportunities, ensuring that energy transition policies remain relevant and effective.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, O.A. and M.R.; methodology, O.A; data curation, O.A.; software, O.A.; validation, O.A., formal analysis, O.A.; investigation, O.A. and C.A.S.; writing—original draft preparation, O.A.; writing—review and editing, O.A. and C.A.S.; visualization, O.A.; supervision, O.A and M.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. PRISMA flowchart for study selection process.
Figure 1. PRISMA flowchart for study selection process.
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Figure 2. Keyword co-occurrence network.
Figure 2. Keyword co-occurrence network.
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Figure 3. Countries and their collaboration frequency represented by connecting strands with citation frequency represented by nodal magnitude.
Figure 3. Countries and their collaboration frequency represented by connecting strands with citation frequency represented by nodal magnitude.
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Figure 4. Geographic distribution of researchers’ affiliations by country.
Figure 4. Geographic distribution of researchers’ affiliations by country.
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Figure 5. Citation trends over time.
Figure 5. Citation trends over time.
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Figure 6. Document classifications.
Figure 6. Document classifications.
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Figure 7. Concept map illustrating the interconnectedness of different factors driving energy transition.
Figure 7. Concept map illustrating the interconnectedness of different factors driving energy transition.
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Table 1. Analysis of top key publications.
Table 1. Analysis of top key publications.
Author (Publication Year)Citation CountDocument TypeAffiliated Country of First Author
Szulecki (2018) [26]262ArticleNorway
Vanegas Cantarero (2020) [27]196ReviewGermany
Sovacool (2017) [28]107ArticleDenmark; United Kingdom
Szulecki and Overland (2020) [29]92ReviewNorway
Islar et al. (2017) [30]73ArticleSweden
Table 3. Energy education vs. energy literacy.
Table 3. Energy education vs. energy literacy.
ReferenceEnergy EducationEnergy Literacy
[36,62]Energy education focuses on teaching about various facets of energy systems.Energy literacy refers to skills, knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in energy consumption.
[45] Energy education refers to formal teaching about energy topics.Energy literacy is the practical understanding and knowledge individuals have about energy issues.
[63,64]Energy education involves raising awareness that activates the society towards rational energy use.Energy literacy integrates sociocultural dynamics and political decision-making for just energy transitions.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Awolesi, O.; Salter, C.A.; Reams, M. A Systematic Review on the Path to Inclusive and Sustainable Energy Transitions. Energies 2024, 17, 3512.

AMA Style

Awolesi O, Salter CA, Reams M. A Systematic Review on the Path to Inclusive and Sustainable Energy Transitions. Energies. 2024; 17(14):3512.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Awolesi, Oluwafemi, Corinne A. Salter, and Margaret Reams. 2024. "A Systematic Review on the Path to Inclusive and Sustainable Energy Transitions" Energies 17, no. 14: 3512.

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