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SO2 Emissions from Oil Shale Oxyfuel Combustion in a 60 kWth Circulating Fluidized Bed

Department of Energy Technology, Tallinn University of Technology, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Energies 2024, 17(18), 4567;
Submission received: 26 June 2024 / Revised: 28 August 2024 / Accepted: 5 September 2024 / Published: 12 September 2024
(This article belongs to the Section I2: Energy and Combustion Science)


Carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) have emerged as pivotal technologies for curtailing emissions while maintaining fossil fuel. Estonia faces a challenge due to its dependence on carbon-intensive oil shale, but the need for energy security, highlighted by the war in Ukraine, makes reducing CO2 emissions a priority while maintaining energy independence. In this context, the presented study determines the environmental impact of combustion of the Estonian oil shale from the release of SO2 emission and compares sulfur retention in the ash between different oxyfuel combustion campaigns in a 60 kWth CFB test facility. The pilot was operated under air, O2/CO2, and with recycled flue gas (RFG), and we tested the application of extremely high inlet O2 up to 87%vol. The key objective of this study is to examine how different combustion atmospheres, operating temperatures, and excess oxygen ratios influence SO2 formation. Additionally, the research focuses on analyzing anhydrite (CaSO4), calcite (CaCO3), and lime (CaO) in ash samples collected from the dense bed region (bottom ash) and the external heat exchanger (circulating ash). The results indicate that increased inlet O2% does not significantly affect SO2 emissions. Compared to air-firing, SO2 emissions were higher than 40 mg/MJ under a 21/79%vol O2/CO2 environment but were significantly reduced, approaching zero, as the inlet O2% increased to 50%. Under O2/RFG conditions, higher SO2 concentrations led to increased sulfur retention in both the bottom and circulating ash. The optimal temperature for sulfur retention in air and oxyfuel combustions is below 850 °C. This study for the first time provides a technical model and discusses the effects of operating parameters on sulfur emissions of the Estonian oil shale CFB oxyfuel combustion.

1. Introduction

Combustion of fossil fuels remains a major means of satisfying the world’s rising energy needs. The fossil fuel combustion process is associated with the release of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and air pollutants (such as CO2, SO2, NOx, etc.). In response to the growing demand for strategies to reduce CO2 emissions, carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) has gained significant attention [1]. Unlike the direct replacement of fossil fuels, CCUS is the only technology that enables the continued use of fossil fuels while significantly lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Oxyfuel circulating fluidized bed (CFB) combustion is among the most promising CO2 abatement technologies for cleaner combustion [2,3,4,5,6]. By substituting air with a mixture of high-purity oxygen and flue gas, the process becomes nitrogen-lean, resulting in flue gas that is CO2-rich and ready for carbon capture and storage. This affects the rate of combustion, combustion of organic matter, reactions of mineral matter, heat transfer, boiler hydrodynamics, and the behavior of ash (i.e., CaCO3–CaO decomposition ratios [2]). These differences are primarily caused by the dissimilar properties of CO2 and N2, which are the primary diluting gases in the furnace during oxyfuel and air combustion, respectively. For example, the molecular weight of CO2 (44 g/mol) is higher than that of N2 (28 g/mol); consequently, the density of CO2 is higher. In addition, CO2 exhibits a higher heat capacity compared to N2 and possesses a lower O2 diffusivity than N2; therefore, an elevated O2 concentration in the combustion atmosphere is necessary to maintain the same combustion characteristics as in air firing.
Under oxyfuel conditions, the concentration of CO2 is high (exceeding 70%) which may prevent the calcination reaction. Calcination occurs only if the partial pressure of CO2 is less than the equilibrium partial pressure of CO2 at calcination temperature. There are several empirical correlations published for the calculation of the chemical equilibrium CO2 concentration dependent on the prevailing temperature [7,8,9]. In Equation (1), an example of the correlation from Garcia-Labiano et al. [7] is shown:
y C O 2 , e q = 4.137 ·   10 7   e ( 20474   T )
where y C O 2 , e q —the CO2 concentration at chemical equilibrium, vol.%. T—the temperature in Kelvin.
Figure 1 shows the resulting curve at chemical equilibrium, where y C O 2 , e q is the CO2 concentration at equilibrium conditions at a given temperature that divides the non-calcination and calcination reaction regions. According to Figure 1, calcination is inhibited at 850 °C when CO2 concentration is over 50%vol, and instead, if there is CaO present, re-carbonation may occur [10,11].
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) that is generated during the combustion of fossil fuels containing combustible sulfur and is considered a harmful common air pollutant causes serious environmental problems [12] such as acidic rain and the formation of fine particulate matter. In addition, it can endanger the safety of process operation by causing fouling and corrosion issues [13,14].
The release behavior of sulfur depends notably on the form of sulfur. In general, the sulfur in coal or, i.e., oil shale, consists of three forms: pyritic, organic, and sulfate [15,16]. When fuel burns, sulfur oxidizes predominantly to sulfur dioxide according to the exothermic reaction:
S + O 2 SO 2
Part of the SO2 may be converted into SO3:
SO 2 + 1 2   O 2 SO 3
The equilibrium conversion of SO2 to SO3 is low under high temperatures and the reaction rate decreases as the gas temperature cools; as a result, the conversion of SO2 to SO3 is small and thermodynamically limited under typical CFB conditions [11,17].
In practice, the actual reaction process of sulfur species is highly complex, involving the simultaneous interactions of various gases, such as SO2, H2S, COS, CS2, O2, CO, H2, H2O, CO2, and others [18]. Figure 2 outlines the sulfur evolution process during coal combustion under oxyfuel conditions, which was proposed by Tian L. et al. [15]. During devolatilization and volatile combustion processes, organic sulfur compounds initiate combustion, while inorganic sulfur compounds are typically liberated during char combustion. Organic sulfur compounds, including H2S, COS, CS2, and other gaseous species, are emitted during the devolatilization phase, with H2S being the predominant species [15,19]. Inorganic sulfur primarily consists of sulfides and sulfates, with pyrite (FeS2) being the most prevalent species. Part of pyrite sulfur undergoes devolatilization in the combustion process to generate sulfide and elemental sulfur (S), which can further react with H and CO to produce H2S and COS, or directly polymerize to Sn. Other pyrite and sulfide intermediates can directly react with H2, CO, and C to generate H2S, COS, and CS2 at various temperature zones. Subsequently, char combustion releases large quantities of SO2 at temperatures typical for CFB combustion (750–950 °C).
In CFB combustion, capture of SO2 can be executed by injecting calcium-based sorbents during the combustion of solid fuels. In situ desulfurization is an economically attractive process when using a cheap sorbent (limestone or dolomite). In this in situ desulfurization reaction mechanism process, if it occurs in an air combustion environment, the sorbent first calcines according to the following chemical equation:
CaCO 3 CaO + CO 2
Following the dissociation, the indirect sulfation take place in the CFB combustor, as limestone reacts with sulfur dioxide according to the following chemical equation:
CaO +   SO 2 + 1 2   O 2 CaSO 4
In oxyfuel combustion, the fuel burns under an O2/CO2 environment affecting the CaCO3–CaO thermodynamic equilibrium as suggested by Baker [8], so the calcination process does not take place and direct sulfation occurs:
CaCO 3 + SO 2 + 1 2   O 2 CaSO 4   + CO 2
Bed temperature and CO2 partial pressure can define the route of in situ desulfurization, whether it will be a direct or indirect reaction, based on the CO2 equilibrium curve as mentioned earlier. Many studies have been devoted to understanding sulfur capture efficiency and the obtained SO2 emission studies were reported based on different aspects; some researchers [20] found that combustion of coal in an oxyfuel combustion environment can reduce the SO2 emissions due to the increased sulfur retention on ash deposits, by enhancing SO2 concentration in the combustor with the introduction of RFG. The formation of sulfates in oxyfuel cases was also improved by the longer gas residence time in the furnace compared to the air-fired combustion mode. The effect of direct and indirect sulfation on in situ desulfurization has also been studied and concluded in two ways; direct sulfation has an effect of enhancing capture efficiency [21], while some studies found that the delay in CaCO3 dissociation and the increased CO2 partial pressure could reduce desulfurization efficiency by transitioning from indirect sulfation to direct sulfation [22,23]. In principle, the rate of direct sulfation does not decline as significantly with increasing sulfation degree compared to CaO-SO2 sulfation, due to the reduced impact of sintering during the direct sulfation of limestone. The diffusivity within the product layer exhibits a strong dependence on the temperature and remains relatively constant despite changes in the sulfation degree. This constancy is attributed to the porosity of the CaSO4 product layer, resulting from CO2 formation. In oxyfuel combustion, an increasing O2% has the effect of increasing the bed temperature, and it was found that the influence of O2/CO2 combustion modes on the coal desulfurization increased, by increasing the oxygen concentration from 21% to 40% [23], as a result of the temperature increment. A higher excess oxygen ratio improves combustion and makes SO2 emission decrease while it has an opposite effect on the NO formation [24], as the oxygen excess ratio has the effect of lowering the conversion values of SO2 that correspond to higher excess oxygen which results from oxidation of sulfur directly to SO3 [25]. The Ca/S molar ratio is another basic parameter directly affecting the removal of SO2 emissions in both air and oxy-firing processes. In limestone sulfation, the degree of sulfation is found to be controlled by a chemical reaction and solid-state diffusion [26]. During the reaction phase and the formation of a CaSO4 layer with a larger molar volume than CaO [27], the rate of limestone sulfation decreases, leading to the need to add more stoichiometric sorbent to remove sufficient SO2. Ultimately, this will lead to increased solid waste generation. One advantage of using oil shale fuel is that no additional sorbent material is required to be fed to the CFB boiler for the in situ desulfurization process, due to the high content of carbonate as calcite and dolomite. Sorbent particle size also has an effect on the system desulfurization efficiency. It was observed that, as the overall particle size of the limestone samples decreases, the direct desulfurization conversion increases due to the increased surface area. This finding suggests that using finer sorbent particles can effectively enhance the overall desulfurization efficiency [28].
Dolomite, composed of calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, is another type of sorbent that has been found to have higher sulfur retention compared to limestone [29]. The half-calcination of the dolomite contributes to the enhancement of sulfur retention, as, when heated, it forms [30] the following:
CaMg ( CO 3 ) 2 CaCO 3 · MgO + CO 2
CaCO 3 + MgO + SO 2 + 1 2   O 2 CaSO 4   · MgO + CO 2
MgO reacts so slowly with SO2 at temperatures between 540 and 980 °C that it hardly contributes to sulfur capture [30]. However, the CO2 released from within the sorbent, as described in Equation (6), creates pores in the sorbent particles. This porosity enables SO2 to penetrate the interior of the sorbent during the sulfation reaction, allowing CaCO3 to react more efficiently with SO2.
The fuel used in this study is Estonian oil shale, a low-grade Ca-rich fuel with high volatile organic compound and ash content, primarily calcite and dolomite, exceeding 60% [31]. The widespread utilization of Estonian oil shale necessitates the exploration of techniques to mitigate CO2 emissions. Oil shale oxyfuel CFB combustion studies are very limited [32,33], and there has been no detailed evaluation of the impact of oxyfuel combustion conditions on oil shale emissions. It can be expected that, among all the available options, oxyfuel CFB combustion for the Estonian power sector represents the most promising carbon capture technology in terms of techno-economic feasibility [34], reduction potential of emissions, energy efficiency, and ease of retrofitting into currently operated power plants. Consequently, the aim of the present work is to study the effect of different inlet oxygen concentrations, bed temperatures, and recycled flue gases on the produced SO2 emission along with limestone sulfation behavior. The work presents a series of air and oxyfuel combustion campaigns performed in a 60 kWth CFB pilot facility to investigate SO2 formation and ash sulfur retention efficiency. This study marks the first investigation of oil shale oxyfuel combustion with higher inlet O2% and the use of RFG.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Oil Shale

Estonian oil shale (kukersite) was used in this study. It is a low-grade Ca-rich fuel with high volatile organic compound and ash contents, primarily carbonate minerals [35,36,37]. The fuel mainly comprises carbonates and sandy clay parts; therefore, the molar ratio of Ca/S in the fuel used was higher than 8 (calculated based on the CaO available in the oil shale carbonates to the total sulfur measured by the elemental test). By using oil shale fuel, no additional sorbent material was required to be fed into the CFB boiler for SO2 capture because carbonate minerals (calcite and dolomite greater than 60%) acted as sorbents for controlling SO2 emissions. However, the decomposition of carbonate minerals negatively affected the amount of CO2 emitted. This implies that the application of oxyfuel combustion provides several advantages. Kukersite-type oil shale samples, provided by the Viru Keemia Grupp, were used for the 60 kWth CFB pilot tests, and the fuel was sieved to pass through 3 mm openings. Table 1 presents the ultimate and proximate analyses of the oil shale fuel. Table 2 and Table 3 list the chemical and mineralogical compositions of the mineral components of the oil shale, respectively. The oil shale particle size distribution (PSD), shown in Figure 3, was determined using a sieve shaker process for mesh sizes ranging between 45 µm and 4 mm (45, 63, 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 µm).
Fuel sample standard characterization (in compliance with the following standards: EVS-ISO 29541:2015 [38], EVS-EN ISO21654:2021 [39]) included proximate analysis (ash, moisture, and lower heating value (LHV)), and ultimate analyses including elemental analysis using an Elementar Vario MACRO CHNS and a TIC to measure C, H, N, and S and total inorganic carbon as (CO2mineral), respectively. Total organic carbon was measured by calculating the difference between total carbon and inorganic carbon. The chemical composition of ash samples was analyzed using a Rigaku Primus II XRF spectrometer in accordance with ISO 29581-2:2010(E) [40]. Loss on ignition (LOI) represents the samples’ weight loss at 950 °C. Quantitative X-ray diffraction analysis of oil shale was conducted using a Bruker D8 diffractometer equipped with a Lynx-Eye linear detector (in accordance with ISO 29581-2:2010) [40]. The analysis utilized Cu Kα radiation in the 2θ range of 3° to 72°, with a step size of 0.02° 2θ and a counting time of 0.1 s per step, with the X-ray tube operating at 40 kV and 40 mA. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) from an analytical Zeiss EVO MA15 low-vacuum device was used for sample morphology studies.

2.2. CFB Pilot Facility

A schematic of the pilot setup is shown in Figure 4, featuring a furnace with a height of 4.90 m and an inner diameter of 0.12 m. Fuel was fed into the system via a screw conveyor at a height of 1.17 m, while recirculated solids were reintroduced at a height of 1.5 m along with secondary air. The CFB test facility could be operated using regular air, preset gas mixtures, or RFG. The combustion process was monitored at 16 points using thermal sensors, and the test unit’s data control system was fully automated through LabVIEW. Temperature measurement taps were placed along the riser and heat exchanger. The locations for ash sample collection are indicated in Figure 4, including bottom ash (BA) and the external heat exchanger (EHE). Solid particles were separated from the flue gas in the cyclone and returned to the bottom of the fluidized bed via a return leg and an external heat exchanger. The flue gas composition was simultaneously measured using a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analyzer (GASMET4000), positioned between coolers 1 and 2, to measure emissions of CO2, O2, CO, H2O, NOx, N2O, and SO2.
To investigate the effect of O2 concentration, bed temperature, and RFG on SO2 emissions and sulfation behavior under CFB combustion, experiments were conducted in air and oxyfuel combustion environments. Tests under the oxy regimes were carried out using O2/CO2 mixtures in the required proportions either directly from cylinders or using flue gas recirculation. During the experiments, the concentration of O2 in the O2/CO2 mixture supplied for combustion varied in quite wide ranges up to 59 vol% in the experiments when running directly from the cylinders. One of the important factors influencing the fate of SO2 is the temperature in the combustion chamber, and in order to study its influence, the tests were carried out at different temperatures of 770–950 °C.
Table 4 shows the main average working parameters, under air, O2/CO2 (21–59 vol%), and O2/RFG (50 and 75 vol%) combustion regimes. Combustion temperature (TMAX) represents the maximum temperature in the riser measured during the combustion process, which was mainly observed at a height of (2.15) m or (4.37) m, depending on the combustion condition. The average oil shale feed rate under air combustion was 9.5 kg/h, while the feed rate showed a wider range under oxy-firing and with RFG experiments, as shown in Table 4. The detailed selection of the pilot test and combustion atmospheres can be found in [31,37].
Since oxygen environment experiments were conducted under different inlet oxygen concentrations, there are differences in the oil shale feeding rate. Thus, the SO2 emissions in the flue gas should be recalculated to take into consideration this difference, by defining SO2 emission rate as mass pollutant emitted per primary (oil shale) energy input (mg(SO2)/MJ) [41,42].
The CFB pilot facility consistently initiated in air combustion mode. After the combustion process achieved the desired experimental temperature, a baseline test for air combustion was conducted. Upon successfully completing the air test under stable conditions, the transition to O2/CO2 or O2/RFG combustion began. As shown in Figure 5, this transition was carried out smoothly and within a short time frame. Under oil shale oxy-firing conditions, as the combustion process proceeded, the increasing temperature promoted fuel combustion in the oxygen-rich environments (O2/CO2) with the CO2 concentration in the flue gas exceeding 90%.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. SO2 Emissions under Air and Oxyfuel Combustion Atmospheres

The SO2 emissions produced in the flue gas streams were extremely low due to the high molar ratio of Ca/S. Figure 6 shows the SO2 emissions and their normalized values as mass pollutants emitted per primary (oil shale) energy input (mg (SO2)/MJ). Under oxy-firing conditions, as the combustion process proceeded, the elevated partial pressure of CO2 that causes the oxy-firing atmosphere differed from that in air mode. The sulfur capture mechanisms may shift from the normal sulfation path (CaCO3 → CaO → CaSO4) to the direct sulfation (CaCO3 → CaSO4). A literature study has shown that the formation of SO2, when fuel is burned in an oxygen-rich environment is analogous to that when it is burned in air [43]. Figure 6 shows that the increased inlet O2% does not affect the release of SO2 emission; compared to air-firing, SO2 emission were increased under O2/CO2 of 21/79%vol and strongly reduced to near zero with the increment of inlet O2. Similar behavior was reported previously by Duan et al. [44], who showed that desulfurization efficiency increased from 40.6% to 53.0% as O2 concentration increased from 21 to 40%. The low combustion operating temperature (direct sulfation), combined with a low inlet O2 concentration, led to increased SO2 emissions. This is due to reduced combustion efficiency and enhanced CO formation in the combustor. The elevated CO levels act as a catalyst, accelerating the formation of SO2, as indicated in the introduction, Figure 2. The slight variations that occurred during different air and 30/70% of O2/CO2%vol (OXY30) experiments are affected by testing under different combustion temperatures; further details will be explained in Section 3.2. Previous experiments [45,46] of oil shale thermal gravimetric analysis coupled with a mass spectrometer (TGA–MS) showed an enhancement of SO2 release when switching from air to oxyfuel combustion. Yet, under real test conditions, these emissions were reduced owing to the improvements of capturing efficiency (when the in-furnace sulfur capture is applied) due to higher SO2 concentrations in furnaces operating in oxyfuel combustion atmospheres [2,33].
Under O2/RFG, three ratios were used to recycle back the flue gas to the boiler. SO2 emissions were unaffected by the application of RFG and remained at the lower level. It was reported that SO2 emissions are increased with RFG [47], as accumulated SO2 concentrations inside the boiler rise, with the recycled gas providing an additional sulfur source. As a result, an increase in SO2 concentration is observed in O2/RFG mode due to the substantial accumulation of SO2 in the furnace during flue gas recycling [48,49]. Yet, the obtained results indicated no increase in SO2 emissions, whereas higher SO2 concentration in the combustor leads to higher sulfur retention in the ash [22,50]. Overall, the change in combustion atmosphere did not affect the release of SO2 emissions in an oxyfuel combustion environment, and the sulfur capture efficiency reached 99% for all combustion modes. Notably, in the case of oil shale combustion, the thermal decomposition of dolomite contributes to sulfur capture. Moreover, the high Ca/S molar ratio in the oil shale fuel ensures that there is a sufficient excess of calcium available to bind with SO2.

3.2. Effect of Temperature

The combustion temperature is a very important parameter in the release of SO2 emissions; along with the CO2 concentration, the sulfation process will proceed, and the limestone will operate under calcination or non-calcination conditions. Figure 7a shows the dependence of normalized SO2 emissions on the maximum temperature in the riser during air and OXY30 combustion regimes. Under air combustion, the average maximum temperature ranges from 774 to 892 °C, this range corresponds to the typical operational temperature of fluidized bed combustion systems [26]; the differences in the excess O2 (λ) were very small between all tests, ~1.115; and the minimum SO2 emissions were obtained for TMax temperatures < 850 °C. A literature study [25] has found that the maximum sulfur retention in fluidized bed boilers occurs at a temperature of approximately 850 °C in an air-firing CFB environment. This is because the reaction between CaO and SO2 reaches its peak at this temperature. It suggests that a higher temperature in the combustor promotes sulfur emissions, that the formation of SO2 is favored with combustion temperatures exceeding 850 °C, and that with increasing temperatures, the sulfation rate decreases due to the sintering effect. Sintering of Estonian oil shale ashes became a problem for combustion temperatures exceeding 900 °C [51]; however, further studies and tests are needed to identify the reasons.
Under an O2/CO2 environment with a 30% inlet O2, the excess air ratios were between 1.31 and 1.45, the effect of combustion temperature on SO2 emission started to occur after 900 °C, and SO2 capture efficiency shifted to a higher temperature compared to air combustion. Studies show the same effect of oxyfuel combustion environments under 25% of oxygen concentration; there, sulfur capture efficiency was increased with increasing bed temperatures up to 880–890 °C, and with further increases in bed temperature, sulfur retention decreased [52]. Moreover, compared to air-firing, the effect of combustion temperature is shifted, as the environment in which the oil shale burns differs from that of air combustion. The temperature of the CFB combustor and CO2 partial pressure is changed, affecting the CaCO3–CaO thermodynamic equilibrium resulting in inhibition of carbonate decomposition. In this sense, the in situ desulfurization occurred via both direct and indirect sulfation, Equations (5) and (6). Obras-Loscertales et al. [29] reported direct sulfation at temperatures below 860 °C, and indirect sulfation of CaO-SO2 above that temperature when investigating the sulfation reaction between 800 and 975 °C. The temperature association exhibits maximum SO2 values at about 890 °C for air combustion and at about 945 °C for oxyfuel combustion. The oxyfuel’s maximum SO2 release was shifted up by around 50 °C, which corresponds to the sulfation reaction mechanism below the CO2–CaCO3 equilibrium curve indicated in Figure 7b, which shows the conditions of the experimental points in the CO2–CaCO3 equilibrium diagram. The equilibrium temperatures for tests 1 and 2 are below 880 °C and lie in the non-calcination region where direct sulfation will probably occur. At higher temperatures (exceeding 900 °C), the increase in SO2 emission occurred during the indirect sulfation reaction, and the higher the temperature, the more SO2 released in the flue gas. This can be attributed to both indirect sulfation efficiency and reactivity of CaO due to the sintering effect at elevated temperatures exceeding 950 °C.
Figure 8 compares ash contents of lime (CaO), calcite (CaCO3), and anhydrite (CaSO4) for the extracted ash samples from bottom ash (BA) and external heat exchanger-circulating ash (EHE). The switch from air to oxyfuel combustion slightly increased the average sulfate content (as anhydrite) in the ashes from BA and EHE. The differences in temperature under the OXY30 regime mainly affected BA ash sulfate content, and for EHE ashes, anhydrite concentrations were almost similar despite the raise in temperature, because the capture efficiency is mainly enhanced due to the higher particle residence time in circulating ash compared to BA ashes. The effect of temperature on sulfation at higher combustion temperatures under OXY30 can be seen in the anhydrite concentration in the BA and EHE ashes for test 3, as the anhydrite content is close to test 2 despite the high concentration of SO2 in the combustor. A possible explanation is that particles subjected to sulfation above 900 °C developed a dense outer layer of CaSO4, exhibiting high diffusion resistance. This increase in diffusion resistance could elucidate the observed decrease in SO2 removal rate as temperatures surpassed 925 °C. A parallel trend was reported by García-Labiano et al. [22], who noted sintering and diminished CaSO4 formation above 900 °C. SO2 emissions in test 2 within the direct sulfation route showed a reduction in emission with temperatures below 850 °C. However, when combustion temperatures exceeded a certain threshold (corresponding to the equilibrium curve of carbonation and calcination reactions), the sulfation process transitioned to an indirect route; at further increases in temperature particle sintering cannot be avoided resulting in low sulfur retention.
Overall, the results suggest that the increased formation of SO2 emission under oxyfuel CFB combustion was shifted to higher combustion temperature. Lower temperatures, where the direct sulfation under oxyfuel combustion environment occurs, show lower SO2 emissions compared to the indirect sulfation at higher operating temperatures which eventually effect capturing efficiency. It can be concluded that the optimum temperatures for sulfur retention for both air and OXY30 are at operating temperatures below 850 °C.

3.3. Effect of Excess Oxygen Ratio (λ)

The excess oxygen ratio (λ) refers to the amount of oxygen supplied to the combustion process compared to the theoretically required amount for complete combustion. Excess oxygen is often necessary to ensure full combustion and minimize the formation of harmful emissions such as carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbons. The value is calculated by comparing the actual oxygen concentration in the flue gas to the stoichiometric oxygen concentration needed to react with the fuel completely. Figure 9 shows different excess oxygen ratios ranging from 1.09 to 1.96 and compares total SO2 emissions as mg/MJ between air, O2/CO2, and O2/RFG combustion regimes. The results are similar for the air and O2/CO2 combustion modes, the SO2 emission was reduced by increasing λ. With RFG application, SO2 emissions are more affected by the SO2 that is recycled back to the combustor. Air staging and excess air combustion are good methods to control emissions; in our previous study [53] we discussed the same experimental tests on the NOx emissions and the results showed that reducing excess oxygen is the most dominant parameter to control NOx formation. When it comes to SO2 emissions, the opposite behavior is noticed, and the emissions increase under reducing environments. This has been discussed in several literature studies using other fuels, i.e., coal [24,42,54]: by lowering excess oxygen, the sulfur in the fuel is converted to H2S instead of SO2 because of the reducing environment in the dense bed region. H2S might react with CaCO3 to form CaS, Equation (9). The rest of the H2S that is not captured by CaCO3 would be oxidized to SO2, Equation (10), and CaSO4, Equations (5) and (6), by excess oxygen in the dilute phase zone. Yet, formation of CaSO4 is limited due to the low SO2 concentration in the dense bed zone and therefore its low ability to react with CaO/CaCO3.
CaCO 3 + H 2 S   CaS + CO 2 + H 2 O
2 H 2 S   + 3 O 2 2 SO 2 + 2 H 2 O
Overall, SO2 emissions from oil shale oxyfuel combustion are following an analogue route of other fuels, i.e., coal. The flue gas oxygen concentration is an important parameter during the combustion process; a reasonable excess oxygen ratio for CFB combustion operation can enhance sulfur capture efficiency. However, a specific limit needs to be followed to avoid NOx formation. Oil shale possesses a substantial calcium content, resulting in an ash with a high Ca/S ratio. Consequently, the ash’s ability to self-desulfurize is significantly high. This process can slightly be impeded when oxygen levels are inadequate within the dense phase zone, irrespective of whether sulfation occurs indirectly or directly.

3.4. Sulfation and Ash Behavior

The SO2 produced by oil shale combustion reacts with CaO produced by the thermal decomposition of calcite and dolomite in the combustor riser, or with the available undecomposed CaCO3, or the dolomitic calcite produced from dolomite decomposition. These reactions culminate in the formation of anhydrite (CaSO4). The presence of anhydrite in ash samples indicates ash sulfur retention, and anhydrite is mainly derived from the ash generated in the dense bed region and with higher content in the circulating ash. Figure 10 shows the content of anhydrite in BA and EHE ashes. It can be seen that ash sulfur retention is higher in oxyfuel combustion than in air; these results were also discussed in detail in our previous study [31]. The majority of SO2 under the O2/CO2 regime is bound to circulating ash. Under O2/RFG, a higher anhydrite content is found in mainly BA ash. The results are consistent with our explanation that higher SO2 content is found under an O2/RFG atmosphere, resulting from the enhanced sulfation reaction due to the increased particle reaction time as SO2 was recycled back into the combustor, and the higher partial pressure of SO2 in the combustion atmosphere, which ultimately leads to greater sulfur capture efficiency [25,31].
The effect of temperature and CO2 partial pressure is shown more clearly on the SEM photographs of the same BA and EHE ashes under air, OXY30, OXY40, and OXY87+RFG combustion atmospheres, Figure 11. The variations in BA and EHE ash contents of lime, calcite, and anhydrite are shown in Figure 12. The particle surface of the porous decomposed carbonate is obvious in the air and OXY30 combustion modes, Figure 11a–d, which resulted from the high temperature exceeding the carbonate decomposition temperature, Figure 7b. There, the product layer became more and more porous with temperatures exceeding 900 °C (under OXY30), and the effect is shown clearly on BA ash compared to EHE ash. This can be explained by increasing the temperature beyond the equilibrium curve limit under oxy-conditions. In that case the decomposition of CaCO3 occurred and the release of CO2 during the calcination process caused the porous shape of the particles [55]; therefore, the surface of ash particles is much more porous. Literature experiments [55] have proved that the transition from direct to indirect sulfation can enhance sulfur capture efficiency, as SO2 can enter the inner part of the CaO particle easily, which increases sulfur retention. The results indicate that SO2 emissions increased under OXY30, whereas ash sulfur retention remained unchanged compared to OXY40, Figure 10. Consequently, a decrease in sulfation capacity at higher temperatures was observed, which may be attributed to the sintering phenomenon [56,57]. However, additional ash analyses are needed to confirm these findings.
Under the OXY40 combustion mode, Figure 11e,f, the indirect sulfation route is obtained within the operating temperature, and the particle surface has fewer pores, indicating limited decomposition of limestone observed in BA ashes. Circulating ash is more affected by riser temperature as more porous can be noticed on the surface of particles.
Under O2/RFG, Figure 11g,h, and with a high inlet O2 concentration, the ash distribution is linked to a pronounced grain size separation compared to the air combustion atmosphere [31]. This results in the production of finer particles as the O2 concentration increases, as the higher oxygen levels enhance mineral vaporization and nucleation [58]. The effects of low operating temperature under the application of RFG were extracting ash of coarse mode from the dense bed region (BA), which is strongly dominated by the undecomposed large particles of calcite (CaCO3), formation of anhydrite (CaSO4), and fine particles from the circulating ashes (EHE).
It is suggested that both temperature and gas composition play crucial roles in shaping the pore structures of the product layer during oxyfuel combustion processes.

4. Conclusions

This work presented a series of air and oxyfuel combustion campaigns that were performed in a 60 kWth CFB pilot facility to investigate SO2 formation and ash sulfur retention efficiency. This study marks the first investigation of oil shale oxyfuel combustion with higher inlet O2% and with the use of RFG. The 60 kWth CFB operated under three main combustion environment cases: case 1: air combustion, case 2: oxygen enriched combustion O2/CO2, and case 3: oxyfuel combustion with RFG (O2/RFG). The inlet oxygen concentrations under O2/CO2 oxyfuel combustion environment ranged from 21 to 50%, and under O2/RFG the combustion modes were 50%, 56%, and 87% of inlet O2.
The objective of the present work is to investigate the optimal parameters including combustion atmosphere and oxygen concentration, operating temperature, and excess oxygen ratio (λ) on the production of SO2 pollutant emissions along with ash sulfur behavior. The results will provide a reference model for the industrial application of oxyfuel combustion in oil shale power plants.
The overall outcomes indicate that the adiabatic oxyfuel combustion reduced SO2 formation compared to air-firing. The release of SO2 emissions was enhanced under a low operating combustion regime. Eventually, with the increased excess oxygen ratio (λ), SO2 emissions were reduced for all combustion atmospheres. The optimum combustion temperature for sulfur retention for both air and OXY30 was achieved at operating temperatures below 850 °C. Under O2/RFG, higher SO2 concentration in the combustor led to higher sulfur retention in the bottom and circulating ash. Under an O2/CO2 atmosphere, the ash anhydrite (CaSO4) contents were majorly bound to circulating ash. Moreover, the temperature and gas composition are major factors in identifying the pore structures of the product layer during the oxyfuel combustion process. Yet, further studies are needed to identify ash sintering effects on sulfur retention.

Author Contributions

M.B.: Writing—original draft, Writing—review & editing, Data curation. D.N.: Conceptualization, Data curation, Writing—review & editing. A.K.: Funding acquisition, Project administration, Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing—review & editing. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Estonian Research Council through the national program for addressing socio-economic challenges via R&D (RITA1/02-20-02), with support from the Estonian Government and the European Regional Development Fund.

Data Availability Statement

The data will be provided upon request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Equilibrium curve of carbonation and calcination reactions.
Figure 1. Equilibrium curve of carbonation and calcination reactions.
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Figure 2. Sulfur transformation pathways during coal oxyfuel combustion [15].
Figure 2. Sulfur transformation pathways during coal oxyfuel combustion [15].
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Figure 3. Particle size distribution of oil shale.
Figure 3. Particle size distribution of oil shale.
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Figure 4. The 60 kWth circulating fluidized bed facility.
Figure 4. The 60 kWth circulating fluidized bed facility.
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Figure 5. Operating conditions of the CFB boiler at (a) stable air condition; (b) transition; and (c) stable oxy condition.
Figure 5. Operating conditions of the CFB boiler at (a) stable air condition; (b) transition; and (c) stable oxy condition.
Energies 17 04567 g005aEnergies 17 04567 g005b
Figure 6. Effect of combustion atmosphere on (a) SO2 emission (mg/Nm3), (b) normalized SO2 emission (mg/MJ).
Figure 6. Effect of combustion atmosphere on (a) SO2 emission (mg/Nm3), (b) normalized SO2 emission (mg/MJ).
Energies 17 04567 g006
Figure 7. (a) Effect of maximum temperature in the riser on normalized SO2 emission (mg/MJ). (b) Actual test conditions on the thermodynamic equilibrium curve of CaCO3 calcination.
Figure 7. (a) Effect of maximum temperature in the riser on normalized SO2 emission (mg/MJ). (b) Actual test conditions on the thermodynamic equilibrium curve of CaCO3 calcination.
Energies 17 04567 g007
Figure 8. Ash content of lime (CaO), calcite (CaCO3), and anhydrite (CaSO4) in wt% in air and different OXY30 tests for (a) bottom ash (BA), and (b) external heat exchanger-circulating ash (EHE).
Figure 8. Ash content of lime (CaO), calcite (CaCO3), and anhydrite (CaSO4) in wt% in air and different OXY30 tests for (a) bottom ash (BA), and (b) external heat exchanger-circulating ash (EHE).
Energies 17 04567 g008
Figure 9. Effect of excess oxygen ratio (λ) on normalized SO2 emission (mg/MJ) under air, O2/CO2, and O2/RFG.
Figure 9. Effect of excess oxygen ratio (λ) on normalized SO2 emission (mg/MJ) under air, O2/CO2, and O2/RFG.
Energies 17 04567 g009
Figure 10. Effect of bed temperature (Tbed) and maximum temperature (TMax) on (a) bottom ash (BA), and (b) external heat exchanger-circulating ash (EHE), respectively.
Figure 10. Effect of bed temperature (Tbed) and maximum temperature (TMax) on (a) bottom ash (BA), and (b) external heat exchanger-circulating ash (EHE), respectively.
Energies 17 04567 g010
Figure 11. SEM photographs of particle surface of (1) air combustion, (a) BA, (b) EHE; (2) OXY30, (c) BA, (d) EHE; (3) OXY40, (e) BA, (f) EHE; and (4) OXY87 + RFG, (g) BA, (h) EHE.
Figure 11. SEM photographs of particle surface of (1) air combustion, (a) BA, (b) EHE; (2) OXY30, (c) BA, (d) EHE; (3) OXY40, (e) BA, (f) EHE; and (4) OXY87 + RFG, (g) BA, (h) EHE.
Energies 17 04567 g011
Figure 12. Ash content of lime (CaO), calcite (CaCO3), and anhydrite (CaSO4) in wt% for (a) bottom ash (BA), and (b) external heat exchanger-circulating ash (EHE).
Figure 12. Ash content of lime (CaO), calcite (CaCO3), and anhydrite (CaSO4) in wt% for (a) bottom ash (BA), and (b) external heat exchanger-circulating ash (EHE).
Energies 17 04567 g012
Table 1. Proximate and ultimate analysis of the oil shale.
Table 1. Proximate and ultimate analysis of the oil shale.
Proximate Analysis d (wt.%) Ultimate Analysis d (wt.%)
Moisture AshLHV (MJ/kg) CHaONStotal(CO2)Mineral
0.1852.059.76 27.382.680.360.071.5718.9
d = dry analysis, aO% = 100 − (W + A + CO2 + S + TOC + H + N)%.
Table 2. Chemical composition of the mineral part of the oil shale.
Table 2. Chemical composition of the mineral part of the oil shale.
Content, wt.%15.393.642.0322.5230.091.63.9147.12
LOI950°C = loss of ignition at 950 °C.
Table 3. Mineralogical composition of the mineral part of the oil shale.
Table 3. Mineralogical composition of the mineral part of the oil shale.
ComponentsQuartz SiO2K-Feldspar KAISi3O8Calcite CaCO3Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2Chlorite ClO2Pyrite FeS2Illite
Content, wt.%11.66.543.
Table 4. Average operating parameters of 60 kWth CFB unit during air and oxy-combustion modes.
Table 4. Average operating parameters of 60 kWth CFB unit during air and oxy-combustion modes.
Working ParameterCombustion Mode
Inlet O2 ratio (%)-21–5950, 56, 87
CO2 in flue gas, dry (%)13–1876–9342–73
TMAX (°C)738–892695–947810–875
Oil shale feed rate (kg/h)9.55–125–9
Ash sampling pointBA, EHEBA, EHEBA, EHE
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MDPI and ACS Style

Baqain, M.; Neshumayev, D.; Konist, A. SO2 Emissions from Oil Shale Oxyfuel Combustion in a 60 kWth Circulating Fluidized Bed. Energies 2024, 17, 4567.

AMA Style

Baqain M, Neshumayev D, Konist A. SO2 Emissions from Oil Shale Oxyfuel Combustion in a 60 kWth Circulating Fluidized Bed. Energies. 2024; 17(18):4567.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Baqain, Mais, Dmitri Neshumayev, and Alar Konist. 2024. "SO2 Emissions from Oil Shale Oxyfuel Combustion in a 60 kWth Circulating Fluidized Bed" Energies 17, no. 18: 4567.

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