Applications of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Home Energy Management Systems: A Review
:1. Introduction
1.1. Modern and Future Home Energy Management Systems—Complexity and Advancements
1.2. Fundamentals of RL and DRL
- : The set of states representing the environment’s possible configurations.
- : The set of actions available to the agent.
- : The transition probability, indicating the likelihood of moving from state to state after taking action .
- : The reward function, providing feedback for transitioning between states due to an action.
- : The discount factor, which balances the importance of immediate rewards versus future rewards .
- Observations: Information about the environment’s state that helps determine the agent’s next action. In some cases, the agent may not have access to all state variables, which can complicate the learning process.
- Actions: The choices the agent makes to influence the environment’s state. Actions can be discrete or continuous, depending on the problem domain.
- Reward: A scalar value returned by the environment after an action, indicating the desirability of that action. The agent aims to maximize the total reward over its interactions with the environment.
- Trajectory: A sequence of state-action-reward tuples, representing the agent’s interaction with the environment, e.g.,
- Replay Buffer: A memory mechanism used to store past experiences , which helps to break the correlation between consecutive samples and enables more effective optimization, especially in deep RL approaches [53].
- Policy: A function mapping observation to actions, defining the agent’s behavior. The policy can be deterministic or stochastic, depending on the application.
- Discount Factor: A parameter that balances the trade-off between immediate and future rewards, shaping the agent’s long-term strategy.
- Deep Q-Network (DQN): The DQN extends the capabilities of Q-learning by employing convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for the approximation of the Q-value function. Innovations such as experience replay and target networks facilitate the stabilization of learning in high-dimensional tasks. The experience replay method involves storing agent–environment interactions and randomly sampling them to reduce data correlation. Target networks provide a means of ensuring stable learning objectives by updating parameters periodically. These mechanisms enabled DQN to achieve superhuman performance in Atari games, thereby demonstrating the potential of DRL [56].
- Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO): PPO simplifies policy optimization by replacing complex constraints with a clipped surrogate objective, thereby ensuring stable updates and avoiding overly aggressive policy changes. The process alternates between sampling data and optimizing policies using minibatch gradient descent. The robustness and computational efficiency of PPO make it a preferred choice for robotics and scalable DRL applications [57].
- Advantage Actor–Critic (A2C): The A2C algorithm extends reinforcement learning by employing an actor–critic architecture, which combines policy optimization through the actor network and value estimation via the critic network. The actor network generates probabilistic actions based on states, while the critic evaluates these actions to refine policy gradients. A2C introduces an advantage function to stabilize training by quantifying the quality of actions compared to others. In the context of hydrocracking optimization, A2C effectively integrates with a DNN surrogate model to adapt quickly to changing targets. This model serves as the environment for the agent, enabling accurate determination of optimal operating conditions with enhanced computational efficiency [58].
- Asynchronous Advantage Actor–Critic (A3C): A3C introduces the concept of asynchronous parallel agents interacting with separate environment instances, which serves to decorrelate data and stabilize the training process. The combination of policy-based (actor) and value-based (critic) methods allows for the efficient training of policies using n-step returns and entropy regularization, which encourages exploration. The versatility of this approach has made it an effective method for navigation, robotics, and continuous control tasks [59].
- Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG): The DDPG algorithm extends reinforcement learning to continuous control tasks by employing an actor–critic architecture with two neural networks—an actor to generate deterministic actions and a critic to estimate Q-values. Experience replay and target networks are key stabilizing mechanisms, decoupling experience correlations and maintaining consistent targets for updates. An enhanced variant introduces prioritized experience replay, which ranks experiences based on temporal-difference errors, emphasizing higher-value experiences during training. This prioritization accelerates learning, improves stability, and mitigates sensitivity to hyperparameter changes [60].
1.3. Deploying Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning/RL in Building Automation—Trends and Significant Challenges
1.3.1. Data Collection Architectures
1.3.2. Scalability Considerations
1.3.3. Data Security and Privacy
1.4. An Original Contribution and the Paper Structure
- Synergy between RL and IoT for real-time smart home systems. While RL and IoT have individually shown promise in home and building automation [43,70,71,72], this review is among the first to extensively analyze how RL can be leveraged with IoT networks to achieve real-time monitoring and adaptive control in energy management. Moreover, it demonstrates the potential for more efficient and autonomous building operations through the utilization of IoT sensors to feed RL systems with real-time data on energy usage, occupancy, and environmental conditions;
- Innovative approaches to DSR optimization. This review identifies a novel application of RL in enhancing DSR programs, enabling homes, particularly prosumers, to dynamically respond to fluctuations in energy prices and grid conditions. By utilizing RL, homes and buildings can autonomously learn optimal strategies for shifting or reducing energy loads, contributing to grid stability and energy cost savings, particularly in the context of peak demand periods. The ability of RL to adapt to varying DR signals and building-specific constraints presents a significant advancement over traditional rule-based approaches;
- Advanced scheduling for energy and resource optimization. A unique focus of this review is the application of RL in scheduling algorithms for home automation systems, particularly in relation to energy consumption, occupancy prediction, and appliance usage. This review explores how RL and DRL can optimize multiobjective scheduling problems, balancing comfort, energy efficiency, and operational costs. Such applications are critical for ensuring flexible home and prosumer systems, capable of responding to dynamic energy demands and varying occupant needs;
- Integration of RL and DRL with RES and energy storage systems. One of the most novel aspects of this review is the examination of how RL and DRL techniques can be used to manage RESs, such as solar and wind, in conjunction with energy storage systems, especially important for modern and future prosumer applications. By enabling intelligent decision-making about when to store, use, or sell generated energy, RL and DRL algorithms can help maximize the self-consumption of renewables and ensure grid or microgrid independence. This is particularly important in homes and buildings aiming for net-zero energy performance, as RL-driven strategies can optimize the use of intermittent RES in real time;
- Bridging the gap between theory and practice. While much of the existing research on RL in building automation remains theoretical or simulation-based, this review uniquely emphasizes the need for practical case studies and real-world implementations. It identifies key challenges such as scalability, data availability, and heterogeneous system integration, offering insights into how these challenges can be overcome when deploying RL-based systems in operational environments.
2. Methodology of the Review
3. State of the Art and Practice
- IoT applications
- Algorithms used: DRL, Deep Q-learning, Q-learning, DDPG
- Objectives: Focuses on optimizing cost and comfort, with additional considerations for autonomy, personalization, and privacy
- Verification: All experiments and models are verified through simulations
- DSR applications
- Algorithms used: A variety including MORL, Q-learning (and its variations with Fuzzy Reasoning), DQN, MARL, PPO, Actor–Critic methods, among others
- Objectives: Primarily target cost and comfort optimization
- Both simulations and some evaluations using real-world data or physical testing setups (e.g., MATLAB and Arduino Uno)
- Scheduling applications
- Algorithms used: Q-learning, DQN, PPO, MADDPG, among others
- Objectives: Focus on cost and comfort optimization, with several entries solely targeting cost
- Verification: Predominantly simulations, with some studies using practical data from real-world networks
- Data security and privacy
- Algorithms used: TRPO, SAC, Q-learning, PPO, DDPG, and others
- Objectives: Aimed at optimizing cost and comfort, with a specific focus on energy systems integrating renewable sources and storage
- Verification: All studies verify their findings through simulations, with some using real-world data from energy markets and PV profiles.
- Electric vehicles
- Algorithms used: Q-learning, DDPG, MDP, DQN, and others
- Objectives: Aimed at optimizing cost and comfort, with a specific focus on grid stability and integrating renewable sources
- Verification: All studies verify their findings through simulations with real-world data.
4. Applications of Reinforcement Learning for Home Automation
Problems, Gaps and Challenges
- Mean Absolute Error: This metric represents the mean of the absolute value of the discrepancy between the predicted and actual values. This provides a straightforward measure of the accuracy of the model, with lower values indicating superior performance.
- Mean Squared Error: This calculates the mean of the squares of the discrepancies between the predicted and actual values, thereby emphasizing larger errors. This metric is particularly useful for identifying models that are prone to occasional significant errors.
- Root Mean Squared Error: The square root of the MSE provides an interpretable measure of prediction error in the same units as the target variable. A lower RMSE value is indicative of superior performance.
- The median absolute error: The median of the absolute differences between predicted and actual values is calculated, thereby ensuring robustness to outliers and providing an accurate measure of typical prediction error.
- Mean Absolute Percentage Error: This expression of the prediction error as a percentage of the actual values provides a normalized accuracy metric suitable for scenarios where the target variable varies in scale.
- The R2 value: Also known as the coefficient of determination, this is a statistical measure that quantifies the proportion of variance in a dependent variable that is explained by a given independent variable. It indicates the proportion of variance in the actual data that can be explained by the model. An R2 value approaching 1 indicates a superior quality model, whereas values approaching 0 suggest a lack of efficacy in capturing the data’s inherent variability.
5. Opportunities and Future Perspective in Application of Reinforcement Learning in Home Automation and Home and Building Energy Management
- Adaptability and optimizationThe utilization of DRL models in HEMS facilitates the dynamic realignment of energy management strategies (storage and consumption) in accordance with fluctuating market and weather conditions, as well as evolving user preferences. This approach has the potential to significantly enhance energy and cost savings [172,173];
- Integration with renewable energy sourcesRL-based HEMS systems facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaic panels and wind turbines, thereby enhancing energy independence and reducing reliance on the power grid [172];
- HEMS as a part of the Smart Grid
- Data security and privacyThe implementation of DRL in HEMS systems requires the utilization of sophisticated data protection and security methodologies to guarantee the confidentiality of user data and the integrity of the system against the threat of cyberattacks [29].
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Nomenclature | Definition |
A2C | Advantage Actor–Critic |
A3C | Asynchronous Advantage Actor–Critic |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
ANN | Artificial Neural Networks |
BACS | Building Automation and Control Systems |
BMS | Building Management Systems |
DDPG | Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients |
CDDPG | Charging Control Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Networks |
DDQN | Double Deep Q-learning |
DERs | Distributed Energy Resources |
DQN | Deep Q-network |
DRL | Deep Reinforcement Learning |
DSM | Demand Side Management |
DSO | Distribution System Operator |
DSR | Demand Side Response |
DT | Digital Twin |
DTA | Dual Targeting Algorithm |
EPBD | Energy Performance of Buildings Directive |
EV | Electric Vehicle |
GDPR | General Data Protection Regulation |
HEMS | Home Energy Management Systems |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilation and Air Condition |
IFC | Industry Foundation Classes |
IoT | Internet of Things |
LLM | Large Language Models |
LSTM | Long Short-Term Memory |
MADDPG | Multi-agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient |
MARL | Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning |
MDP | Markov Decision Process |
ML | Machine Learning |
MORL | Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning |
PPO | Proximal Policy Optimization |
PV | Photovoltaic |
RES | Renewable Energy Sources |
RL | Reinforcement Learning |
SAC | Soft Actor–Critic |
SRI | Smart Readiness Indicator |
TD3 | Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient |
TL | Transfer Learning |
TRPO | Trust Region Policy Optimization |
V2G | Vehicle-to-Grid |
V2H | Vehicle-to-Home |
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Database | Publication Type | Building Automation | Home Automation | Reinforcement Learning | Building Automation + Reinforcement Learning | Home Automation + Reinforcement Learning |
Web of Science | Articles | 13,770 | 2368 | 46,764 | 164 | 20 |
Reviews | 888 | 179 | 2007 | 13 | 3 | |
Scopus | Articles | 11,628 | 8481 | 51,883 | 103 | 101 |
Reviews | 967 | 622 | 3206 | 9 | 3 | |
Google Scholar | Any type | 3,150,000 | 3,170,000 | 4,680,000 | 250,000 | 204,000 |
Reviews | 172,000 | 191,000 | 63,200 | 24,600 | 21,500 |
Database | Publication Type | Building Automation | Home Automation | Reinforcement Learning | Building Automation + Reinforcement Learning | Home Automation + Reinforcement Learning |
Springer | Articles | 36,848 | 15,339 | 64,648 | 2434 | 1073 |
Reviews | 2898 | 1297 | 5232 | 462 | 173 | |
Science Direct | Articles | 70,247 | 25,541 | 83,149 | 3760 | 1312 |
Reviews | 8619 | 4046 | 12,9646 | 1323 | 579 | |
MDPI | Articles | 1346 | 379 | 3797 | 17 | 2 |
Reviews | 133 | 47 | 261 | 7 | 1 | |
IEEE Xplore | Conferences | 28,815 | 8194 | 31,831 | 430 | 65 |
Journals | 5861 | 1032 | 876 | 202 | 24 | |
Taylor and Francis | Articles | 154,033 | 54,445 | 310,108 | 16,794 | 9081 |
Reviews | 4498 | 1737 | 5397 | 512 | 228 | |
ACM Digital Library | All type | 149,403 | 28,663 | 47,165 | 13,237 | 4325 |
Reviews | 201 | 43 | 62 | 18 | 4 | |
Wiley Online Library | Journal | 236,565 | 71,939 | 223,645 | 18,307 | 10,196 |
Books | 45,956 | 18,855 | 36,651 | 5294 | 3001 |
Reference /Year | Application | Algorithm Method | Objectives | Verification |
[95] 2024 | IoT | Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[96] 2024 | IoT | Deep Q-learning | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[97] 2023 | IoT | Q-learning | Other (Autonomy, Personalization, and Privacy) | Simulation |
[34] 2020 | IoT | Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG) | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[98] 2021 | Demand Response | Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning (MORL) | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[99] 2021 | Demand Response | Q-learning | Cost and Comfort | Real (Physical system testing using MATLAB and Arduino Uno) |
[100] 2023 | Demand Response | Deep Q-network (DQN) | Cost and Comfort | Simulation (evaluated using real-world data) |
[101] 2021 | Demand Response | MATD3—Multi-Agent Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient | Cost and Comfort | Simulation (evaluated using real-world data) |
[102] 2020 | Demand Response | Q-learning combined with Fuzzy Reasoning | Cost | Simulation |
[94] 2019 | Demand Response | Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) combined with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[103] 2020 | Demand Response | Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) | Cost | Simulation |
[31] 2023 | Demand Response | Q-learning combined with Fuzzy Reasoning | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[35] 2021 | Demand Response | DDPG with Dual Targeting Algorithm (DTA) | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[104] 2020 | Demand Response | DQN | Cost | Simulation |
[105] 2022 | Demand Response | Primal-Dual Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (PD-DDPG) | Cost | Simulation |
[106] 2022 | Demand Response | Actor–Critic using Kronecker-Factored Trust Region (ACKTR) | Cost and Comfort | Simulation (evaluated using real-world data) |
[107] 2021 | Demand Response | DRL | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[108] 2020 | Demand Response | DQN and Double Deep Q-learning (DDQN) | Cost and Comfort | Simulation (validated using a real-world database combined with the household energy storage model) |
[109] 2021 | Demand Response | Q-learning | Cost | Simulation |
[110] 2024 | Demand Response | DQN | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[92] 2021 | Demand Response | Q-learning | Cost | Simulation |
[111] 2022 | Demand Response | DQN | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[6] 2024 | Scheduling | DQN, Advantage Actor–Critic (A2C), and Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) | Cost | Simulation |
[112] 2022 | Scheduling | Q-learning | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[113] 2023 | Scheduling | Meta-Reinforcement Learning (Meta-RL) with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) | Cost | Simulation (using practical data from Australia’s electricity network) |
[114] 2022 | Scheduling | DQN, DDPG, and Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3) | Cost | Simulation |
[115] 2024 | Scheduling | PPO | Cost | Simulation (using real-world datasets) |
[116] 2023 | Scheduling | DQN | Cost and Comfort | Real (using real-time data from a test bench with household devices) |
[117] 2023 | Scheduling | PPO | Cost and Comfort | Simulation (based on real-world data) |
[118] 2020 | Scheduling | Multi-agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (MADDPG) | Cost | Simulation |
[119] 2021 | Scheduling | Q-learning | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[120] 2022 | Scheduling | DDPG | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[121] 2022 | Scheduling | Q-learning | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[3] 2020 | Scheduling | Q-learning | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[122] 2023 | RES + Storage | Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO) based Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) | Cost and Comfort | Simulation (using real-world data from the Australian National Electricity Market and PV profiles) |
[123] 2022 | RES + Storage | DDPG | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[124] 2024 | RES + Storage | SAC | Cost | Simulation |
[125] 2019 | RES + Storage | Q-learning | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
[126] 2022 | RES + Storage | Q-learning | Cost | Simulation |
[127] 2023 | RES + Storage | PPO with LSTM networks | Cost | Simulation |
[128] 2024 | RES + Storage | DRL, specifically DDPG and PPO | Cost | Simulation |
[129] 2024 | RES + Storage | Actor–Critic-based RL with Distributional Critic Net | Cost | Simulation |
[130] 2024 | EV (V2G) | Deep Q-Learning, MDP | Cost and grid stability | Simulation (based on real-world data) |
[131] 2023 | EV (V2G) | Q-Learning, RL-HCPV | Cost and Comfort | Simulation (based on real-world data) |
[132] 2021 | EV | Charging Control Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (CDDPG) | Cost | Simulation (based on real-world data) |
[133] 2022 | EV | Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), LSTM | Cost | Simulation (based on real-world data) |
[134] 2021 | EV (V2G) | Q-Learning | Cost and Comfort | Simulation (based on real-world data) |
[135] 2023 | EV (V2G) | Model-Free RL | Cost | Simulation (based on real-world data) |
[136] 2020 | EV | DDPG, MDP | Cost and grid stability | Simulation (based on real-world data) |
[137] 2023 | EV + Scheduling | Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning (MADRL) | Cost and Comfort | Simulation (based on real-world data) |
[138] 2022 | EV + Scheduling | Deep Q-Network (DQN), Double DQN, Dueling DQN | Cost and Comfort | Simulation |
Opportunity | Home Automation | Building Automation |
Demand Response and Load Shifting |
Integration with Renewable Energy |
Energy Storage Management |
Smart Lighting and Occupancy-based Control |
| |
Scalability and Complexity |
| |
Integration with Smart Grids and IoT |
Renewable Energy Prosumers |
Integration of EVs |
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Latoń, D.; Grela, J.; Ożadowicz, A. Applications of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Home Energy Management Systems: A Review. Energies 2024, 17, 6420.
Latoń D, Grela J, Ożadowicz A. Applications of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Home Energy Management Systems: A Review. Energies. 2024; 17(24):6420.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLatoń, Dominik, Jakub Grela, and Andrzej Ożadowicz. 2024. "Applications of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Home Energy Management Systems: A Review" Energies 17, no. 24: 6420.
APA StyleLatoń, D., Grela, J., & Ożadowicz, A. (2024). Applications of Deep Reinforcement Learning for Home Energy Management Systems: A Review. Energies, 17(24), 6420.