4.1. The Conduct of European Union Companies in the Field of Improving Energy Efficiency
During the first stage of the research, the activities undertaken by companies operating in the 27 EU countries aimed at improving energy efficiency were identified. Rational energy management in organizations is primarily based on reasonable planning, monitoring, and optimization of energy consumption in the course of operational activities. Therefore, it should be recognized that it is a comprehensive process concerning the diagnosis and observation of key areas of energy consumption from natural sources. Such behaviors also refer to the use of technical and organizational solutions and the use of RES to strengthen the EEf of entities. In addition, they are considered an activity consisting of continuous monitoring of energy consumption to identify opportunities for implementing further improvements.
The aim of the new EU directive on increasing energy efficiency is to take action to ensure sustainable energy distribution, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, strengthen the security of supply, and reduce expenses related to energy imports [
In connection with the attempt to assess the energy efficiency of enterprises, which results from their activity enabling the identification of goals and implemented projects, the PCA method was used. The analysis made it possible to distinguish the identical actions taken by entities that caused the emergence of correlations between the analyzed variables for the years 2014–2022. The PCA data graphical presentation method made it possible to indicate the dependencies and disproportions that arose between the analyzed actions of enterprises. This is related to the energy transformation resulting from the implementation of energy efficiency goals regarding rational and optimal energy consumption contributing to the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the negative impact on climate change in the comparison of the first two PCs (see
Figure 1). Principal components (PCs) are linear functions of the original variables, and contain, in descending order, information about the structure of the variability of the data.
Using the obtained data, a PCA projection was performed, in which orthogonal variables explaining a total of 76.69% (for 2014), 77.93% (2018), and 76.41% (2022) of the total variance were transformed. This concerned the overall multidimensional variability in the implementation of the goals of reducing energy consumption from non-renewable sources and limiting carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. From
Figure 1, it follows that the first two values show almost 80% of the variability in the original data. Therefore, with a good approximation, the original data set can be only analyzed in two dimensions. Moreover, they allow for the presentation of data in a convenient two-dimensional system for analysis.
The analysis showed that the activity of the surveyed entities to achieve the indicated goals was classified by parameters conditioned in 2014 by the first eight components, PC1—67.27%, PC2—9.42%, PC3—6.81%, PC4—5.53%, PC5—4.23%, PC6—3.08%, PC7—1.91%, and PC8—1.20%. Thus, the first principal component (PC1), with a value of 67.27%, explains the largest part of the variability in the data and contains the most information. The second principal component (PC2), at the level of 9.42%, is orthogonal (perpendicular) to the first, and represents the largest variability around the first principal component. In turn, the third principal component (PC3), with a value of 6.81%, is orthogonal to the first and second components and describes the largest variability not explained by these components. In turn, the fourth principal component (PC4), equal to 5.53%, is orthogonal to the first and third components, and represents the largest variability not explained by the above-mentioned components. The fifth principal component (PC5), at the level of 4.23%, remains perpendicular to the first and fourth components, and accounts for the largest variability not explained by these components. The sixth principal component (PC6), with a value of 3.08%, remains independent of the first and fifth components, and describes the highest variability not explained by the defined components. The seventh principal component (PC7), with a value of 1.91%, is orthogonally related to the first and sixth components, and represents the highest variability not explained by the indicated components. The marginal eighth principal component (PC8), with a value of 1.20%, remains orthogonal to the first and seventh components, and describes the highest variability not defined by these components. The indicated components justified 99.45% of the total variance, i.e., the total multidimensional variability of completed intentions. In turn, in 2018, activities were implemented using features determined by the first seven components, PC1—68.24%, PC2—9.69%, PC3—6.15%, PC4—5.86%, PC5—4.52%, PC6—3.38%, and PC7—1.41%. The listed components explained 99.25% of the total variance, i.e., the total multidimensional variability of completed tasks. However, in 2022, the behavior of entities was related to the implementation of the provisions specified by the first seven components, PC1—67.06%, PC2—9.35%, PC3—6.66%, PC4—5.29%, PC5—4.87%, PC6—2.99%, and PC7—2.83%. The defined components interpreted 99.05% of the total variance, i.e., the multidimensional variability of the fulfilled obligations. Thus, the eigenvectors enabled the calculation of individual principal components, PC1–PC8 for 2014 and PC1–PC7 for 2018 and 2022. Therefore, the conducted study showed that the goals of the energy and climate package, resulting from a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 40% and increasing the share of renewable sources to 27%, are being implemented at different rates due to the strategic actions taken by companies.
A projection of standardized PC1 and PC2 coefficients optimally placed in a linear comparison concerns variables conditioning the distribution of the procedure resulting from the implementation of goals necessary to improve EEf. The visualization of variables in a circle with a unit radius and center at the origin of the coordinate system indicates groups of correlated tasks performed by enterprises (see
Figure 1).
Figure 1, the PCA made it possible to present the influence of the variables (so-called attributes) T1–T4, E1–E35, and G1–G4 on individual principal components. All variables are presented in
Figure 1 in the form of a vector. The direction and range of the vector determine the degree of its influence on individual principal components. Vectors of this type are referred to as factor-loading vectors. If two variables are located close to each other on the graph, it is considered that they are strongly positively correlated (e.g., T2-E9—2014). On the other hand, if they are located perpendicularly, it means there is no correlation (e.g., E11–E3—2014).
The conducted research shows that PC2 differentiates the analyzed variables into two groups of intentions, which are distinguished by opposite signs of coefficients. In the first set, the strategic dimension is held by the goals that concerned limiting the use of lignite and peat in the production of electricity (E11 years 2014–2022), non-renewable fossil natural energy sources (E2 years 2014–2022), and hard coal (E10 in 2022). The second group was shaped by enterprises in which no actions were taken to improve the flow of electricity. They resulted from the statistical discrepancy between the input and output of all energy flows (E34 in 2014 and 2022), the use of nuclear energy derived from non-renewable natural energy sources (E3 in 2014–2022), the energy contained in non-energy products (E33 in 2014–2022), and the abandonment of renewable energy sources based on hydropower (E4 in 2018).
Based on the determined factor weight vectors, a strong positive correlation was observed in enterprises where the key directions of activity focused on achieving goals and taking actions related to EEf improvement. In 2014, their actions were aimed at implementing plans that contributed to reducing the use of fossil fuels, primarily brown coal and peat (E11) and non-renewable fossil natural energy sources (E2); secondary coal products (coke, coal tar, patent fuel, brown coal briquettes—BKB, and petroleum products—E13); as well as derivative gases (gases produced excluding biogas—E12); diesel oil (E18); and non-renewable waste (E32) (see
Figure 1a).
PC1, on the other hand, is distinguished by a strong positive correlation, which refers to the reduction in final energy consumption, especially in companies from the commercial services sector and public institutions (G3). Therefore, their behavior consisted of the indirect consumption of energy products (T2) and a reduction in their use (E9); a reduction in the use of kerosene and aviation fuels (excluding bio—E17) as well as other petroleum products including additives/oxidants and refinery raw materials (E23); the statistical discrepancy between the input and output of all energy flows (E34) during the process of measuring the input and output of energy (T4); a reduction in the use of electricity (E28), as well as heat (E29).
Based on the PCA, it was also observed that the surveyed companies operating in the EU take actions that are not integrated (no correlation) to increasing EEf. This type of community is formed by entities using brown coal and peat (E11) and, at the same time, characterized by a statistical discrepancy between the input and output of all energy flows (E34). In addition, there are those exploiting non-renewable fossil natural energy sources (E2) while simultaneously using nuclear and non-renewable resources (E3), using biogas (E27) together with the energy contained in products for non-energy use (E33), using hard coal (E10) and renewable energy sources obtained from water energy (E4), derivative gases (gases produced excluding biogas—E12) and nuclear fuel (E24), diesel oil (E18) as well as other renewable energy sources, and non-renewable waste (E32) as well as nuclear fuel (E24). In the analyzed year, companies did not undertake any activities in the field of energy efficiency, which was distinguished by a strong negative correlation (see
Table 2).
In 2018, PCs explained a total of 77.93% of the variability in the data (see
Figure 1b). PC2 indicates the conduct of companies aimed at limiting and efficiently using energy, contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the quality of the natural environment. PC2 also presents a significant number of entities in the EU that did not implement the assumptions of the directive on energy efficiency by using brown coal and peat (E11), and thus they corresponded to a small group of companies with inputs of non-renewable natural energy of nuclear origin (E3). According to the obtained results of the PCA, it was observed that the factor weights distinguished by a positive correlation concern the consumption of energy from non-renewable sources and, to a minimal extent, from renewable resources by entities operating in EU countries. In particular, it should be noted that their conduct concerned the use of brown coal and peat (E11) and non-renewable fossil natural energy sources (E2); biogas (E27) together with derivative gases (gases produced excluding biogas E12); secondary coal products (coke, coal tar, patent fuel, brown coal briquettes—BKB, and peat products—E13), as well as hard coal (E10); diesel oil (E18) and non-renewable waste (E32); use of waste for energy purposes (T3), together with renewable energy sources based on solar energy (E6); renewable energy sources based on biomass (E7); and natural gas (without bio—E15).
PC1 is characterized by a strong positive correlation with the use of refinery gas, ethane, and LPG (E22) in enterprises. In addition, entities operating in the EU extracted natural energy sources (T2) together with the use of energy products (E9); used transport diesel oil (excluding bio—E19); and crude oil, natural gas liquids (NGL), and other hydrocarbons (excluding bio—E14). In 2018, organizations monitored energy input and output (T4,) paying attention to natural energy inputs, energy products, and energy residues (E35), including electricity (E28); used nuclear fuel (E24) and renewable energy sources based on hydropower (E4); used liquid biofuels (E26) and other renewable energy sources (E8).
In turn, the lack of correlation between the analyzed sources and energy resources was identified in the case of the use of brown coal and peat (E11) and the contribution of non-renewable natural energy of nuclear origin (E3); non-renewable fossil natural energy sources (E2) as well as energy contained in products for non-energy use (E33); biogas (E27), together with the determination of the statistical discrepancy between the input and output of all energy flows (E34). Moreover, no correlation was noted in the case of the use of derivative gases by entities (gases produced excluding biogas—E12) to renewable energy sources based on water energy (E4); natural gas (without bio—E16) with the use of nuclear fuel (E24); hard coal (E10); and liquid biofuels (E26). In the examined time, organizations did not use resources that were characterized by a negative correlation (see
Table 2).
During the last research period until 2022, PC was responsible for 76.41% of the variability in energy resources used and consumed in companies operating in the EU, which determined the potential for increasing their energy efficiency (see
Figure 1c). PC2 shows intensive activities related to the use of lignite and peat (E11) in organizations that corresponded to minor ventures undertaken to obtain nuclear energy from non-renewable natural energy sources (E3).
Based on the determined factor weights, a positive correlation was observed for energy resources from solid minerals, including brown coal and peat (E11), and other non-renewable fossil natural energy sources (E2). In addition, the companies used secondary coal products (coke, coal tar, patent fuel, brown coal briquettes (BKB), and peat products—E13), as well as biogas (E27); used mechanical energy (excluding bio—E16) and diesel oil (E18); renewable energy sources based on wind (E5), together with the use of waste for energy purposes (T3); used crude oil, NGL, and other hydrocarbons (excluding bio—E14); as well as refinery gas, ethane, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) (E22). In the industrial sector, final energy consumption (G1) was related to the use of renewable energy sources obtained from biomass (E7) by enterprises.
PC1, on the other hand, is distinguished by an intensive positive correlation from the perspective of the use of wood, wood waste, charcoal, and other solid biomass (E25) by organizations operating in the EU. This type of correlation was also observed in the case of the final energy consumption (G4) of entities using energy products (E9). Their intermediate consumption of energy products (T2) was determined by the use of transport diesel oil (without bio—E19), and natural energy inputs, energy products, and energy residuals (E35) influencing the final energy consumption in the commercial and public services sector (G3), together with energy input and output (T4); the use of other petroleum products, including additives/oxidants and refinery raw materials (E23) and heat (E29); the acquisition of natural energy resources (T1) associated with natural energy inflows (E1); the use of nuclear fuel (E24) and renewable energy sources based on hydropower (E4). Similarly to the previous research periods, no energy resources and raw materials were identified in the analyzed enterprises with a negative correlation.
During the conducted research, a lack of correlation was identified for the following activities, resources, and raw materials affecting the energy efficiency of enterprises, which concerned the use of brown coal and peat (E11) to the contribution of the non-renewable natural energy of nuclear origin (E3); non-renewable fossil natural energy sources (E2) with the energy contained in products for non-energy use (E33); hard coal (E10) for the statistical discrepancy between the input and output of all energy flows (E34); derivative gases (gases produced excluding biogas—E12) concerning nuclear fuel (E24); secondary coal products (coke, coal tar, patent fuel, brown coal briquettes BKB, and peat products E13) concerning renewable energy sources based on water energy (E4), (see
Table 2).
According to the Energy Efficiency Directive announced in 2023, which is one of the components of the Ff55 package, the goal of EU economies is to reduce primary and final energy consumption by 32.5% by 2030 and a 33% share of renewable energy sources in electricity production. In the years studied, the highest decrease in final energy consumption (G4) used exclusively for operational purposes was observed among companies operating in LU (−16%) and NL (−7%). A slight minimization in the use of final energy was noted by entities located in BE and FR (−4%), DE (−3%), EE (−2%), and FI (−1%). In turn, the highest increase in its use was recorded by organizations from MT (36%), PL (18%), CY (17%), HU (14%), LT (12%), RO and BG (11%).
The conducted research revealed significant differences in the actions taken by companies operating in the 27 EU countries in the field of improving EEf. It should be emphasized that it can be increased by reducing electricity consumption, reducing energy demand, minimizing losses, and limiting the use of fossil and solid fuels while increasing the use of RES.
The organization’s actions focused on planning, monitoring, and optimizing energy consumption, which are consistent with the long-term SD goals adopted by the EU. In this way, they implemented two main goals. The first one concerned the introduction of activities related to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and the use of fossil fuels by reducing the use of brown coal, peat, and other non-renewable energy sources. The above-mentioned activities were consistent with the EU’s climate goals. In turn, the second behavior of the companies consisted of the optimization of processes resulting from the monitoring of energy flow, minimizing the consumption of electricity and heat, and limiting the use of fuels (diesel oil, refinery gas).
However, despite the legal regulations in force aimed at increasing EEf, the studies revealed the lack of full consolidation of the activities undertaken in the companies. This was mainly due to the use of brown coal (E11) by some entities. In addition, significant discrepancies were observed between the energy flow at input and output (E34). During the years studied, a slight use of RES was also observed. This type of situation indicates the need to support companies that still use traditional and less sustainable energy sources.
The research results indicate that companies in the EU are aiming to achieve climate and energy goals with different intensities and different levels of advancement. It should be noted that the dynamics of implementing pro-ecological solutions and transforming entities towards using renewable energy sources are conditioned by the implementation of the strategy established for the sector and the programs adopted in individual countries. In addition, the implementation of the goals of the EU climate and energy package, resulting from the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 40% and the increase in the share of renewable energy sources by 27%, is a challenge for entrepreneurs, which obliges the European Commission to successively co-finance their pro-ecological intentions.
The conducted research also shows that the transformation of enterprises concerning the improvement of EEf is a multi-stage process. Its fundamental function is played by solutions influencing energy savings and intensification of its production from renewable sources, which are considered tools supporting the implementation of the strategy of sustainable development and environmental protection.
Based on the conducted research, it is possible to confirm Hypothesis 1, that an enterprise, according to the adopted EU regulations and directives, undertakes various activities aimed at increasing energy efficiency by optimizing energy consumption, applying pro-ecological technologies, and increasing the use of renewable energy sources; however, the intensity pace and structure of these activities differ depending on the country of operation, the specificity of the sector, and the available energy resources.
4.2. The Level of Adaptation of Enterprises to Climate and Energy Requirements
During the next stage of the research, the behavior of enterprises was assessed in terms of their level of adaptation to EU climate and energy policy principles, indicated in the Ff55 package, among others, using the MOORA multi-criteria optimization. Using this method, a non-subjective classification regarding the directions of realization of intentions in the area of low emission and increasing energy efficiency (EEf) of the surveyed organizations was prepared during three time periods, 2014, 2018, and 2022, with an equal four-year interval (see
Table 3).
The created ranking revealed significant differences in the level of adaptation of enterprises operating in the EU to changes aimed at reducing and rationalizing energy consumption and limiting greenhouse gas emissions. The empirical area of data variability for organizations located in France (maximum value) compared to entities from Germany (minimum value) was 19.27788 in 2014. In the next four-year period of the study (2018), the range for the analyzed variables for enterprises from France compared to the organizations located in the Netherlands, which achieved the lowest values, was 20.38359. In turn, at the end of the study (2022), the area of variability of the studied features in the case of entities located in France compared to economic entities from Poland reached the highest value of 21.41403.
The leading position in the ranking during the years 2014–2022 is occupied by organizations from FR (first place), SE (second place), and FI (third place). Enterprises operating in the above-mentioned countries were characterized by the highest degree of adaptation to activities aimed at increasing energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and achieving climate neutrality. The behavior of entities is conditioned by the implementation of the common climate and energy policy in the EU, which results from the adopted SD strategy.
In the years under study, the strategic behavior of enterprises operating in FR focused on a reduction in the extraction of natural energy resources (T1), the use of natural energy sources (E1), and the extraction of nuclear energy from non-renewable natural energy sources (E3). There is a noticeable limitation in their use resulting from the symptoms of the economic slowdown that began in 2018 and the temporary limitation of conducting business activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic until mid-2022.
In SE, the activities undertaken by enterprises concerned the use of wood, wood waste, other solid biomass, charcoal (E25), renewable waste (E31), and renewable energy sources based on hydropower (E4).
On the other hand, the activity of economic entities located in FI resulted, similarly to SE, from the use of renewable waste (E31), wood, wood waste, other solid biomass and charcoal (E25), other energy (E30 in 2014, and 2018), and energy contained in products for non-energy use (E33 in 2022).
The last places in the ranking prepared for 2014 were taken by companies operating in DE (27th place), NL (26th place), and GR (25th place). They were characterized by the lowest level of climate and energy transformation in terms of nuclear, non-renewable natural energy sources (E3 companies in the indicated countries), the energy contained in products for non-energy use (E33 in DE and NL entities), derivative gases (i.e., produced excluding biogas—E12 in GR organizations), statistical discrepancy between the input and output of all energy flows (E34 in DE companies), brown coal and peat (E11 in NL entities), and secondary coal products (coke, coal tar, patent fuel, brown coal briquettes—BKB, and peat products—E13 in GR companies).
During the next period (until 2018), the last three places in the ranking were taken by organizations operating in NL (27th place), PL (26th place), and DE (25th place). They were distinguished by a low level of implementation of the EU climate and energy goals, which resulted from the use of nuclear, non-renewable natural energy sources (E3 in organizations operating in the above-mentioned countries), energy contained in products for non-energy use (E33 in NL and DE enterprises), nuclear fuel (E24 in PL entities), brown coal and peat (E11 in NL organizations), and solar energy and renewable energy sources (E6 in PL enterprises). Moreover, entities operating in the DE market were distinguished by the statistical discrepancy between the input and output of all energy flows (E34) at the level of 0 TJ.
By 2022, i.e., in the last period examined, the extreme positions were occupied by companies located in PL (27th place), DE (26th place), and GR (25th place). They were characterized by a limited level of implementation of the EU climate and energy assumptions, which were the result of the negligible share of non-renewable natural energy of nuclear origin (E3) and insufficient use of nuclear fuel (E24 in PL), energy contained in products for non-energy use (E33 in DE), derivative gases (gases produced excluding biogas E12 in GR), renewable energy sources based on hydropower (E4 in PL), and secondary coal products (coke, coal tar, patent fuel, brown coal briquettes—BKB, and peat products—E13 in GR). Similarly to the previous research period, DE was characterized by a statistical discrepancy between the input and output of all energy flows (E34), reaching an identical level of 0 TJ (see
Table 4).
Based on the conducted research, it should be concluded that the activity of companies located in the EU area regarding the implementation of climate and energy policy goals focused on two activities. They resulted from the use of different solutions for the flow of physical energy and methods of energy supply and use (variables T and E).
According to the determined measures (Yi) based on the MOORA method, in the next stage of the research, a linear arrangement of enterprises from the 27 EU countries was made, taking into account the value of the aggregate variable. As a result of this type of research, typological classes were distinguished. They present the level of EEf improvement and adaptation to climate change in the entities studied (see
Table 5).
The linear ordering of the objects shown in
Table 5 indicates that the first class characterized by a very high degree of adaptation to changes introduced as part of the energy transformation included enterprises operating in four countries in 2014 and 2018 (FR, SE, FI, IT) and three in 2022 (FR, SE, FI). The second class with a high level of adaptation to changes related to rational energy management was formed in 2014 and 2022 by enterprises located in four countries (ES, PT, AT, LT 2014 and 2022, and IT 2022), and in 2018 operating in three countries (ES, AT, PT). The next third group consisted of enterprises distinguished by a medium level of adaptation to changes in the scope of taking actions related to energy saving. This class was represented by companies operating in 17 countries in 2014 and 2018 and 18 countries in 2022. In 2014 and 2018, this group included entities from RO, BG, LV, SI, HU, CZ, HR, EE, DK, MT, CY, SK, LU, IE, BE, PL, and GR in 2018 LT instead of PL. In 2022, NL joined this group, representing group IV in 2018. The last class is represented by companies with the lowest level of adaptation to changes in the process of sustainable energy management, which were located in two countries in 2014 (NL, DE) and 2022 (DE, PL), and in 2018 representing three countries (DE, PL, NL). A graphical presentation of the countries described above is presented in
Figure 2.
The energy transformation of enterprises in the EU is based on reducing energy consumption, obtaining it from renewable sources, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by the adopted SD concept. Actions aimed at improving the energy efficiency of entities lead to a decrease in primary energy consumption and a reduction in air pollution emissions. Thus, they indirectly contribute to minimizing ongoing climate change.
According to the research carried out, it should be stated that the procedure enabling the increase in the EEf level and the use of renewable energy sources is gradual. Therefore, the process of adaptation to changes, the aim of which is to reduce and optimize energy consumption and, at the same time, achieve climate neutrality in enterprises, is distinguished by different intensities and slow action (see
Figure 2a–c).
In connection with the research conducted for 2014 and 2018, it should be stated that companies operating in the area of the “Old European Union” (EU-15) in FR, SE, FI, and IT were classified in the first typological class. In 2022, this type of grouping was formed by FR, SE, and FI. According to the classification conducted, they were distinguished by a very high degree of adaptation to changes introduced as part of the energy transformation (synthetic indicator at the level of ≥5.386 for 2014 and ≥5.605 in 2018). The behavior of enterprises aimed at rational and optimal energy consumption using renewable sources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions involved implementing activities in the field of monitoring energy input and output (T4, in 2014 FR, SE, FI, IT, and 2018 FR, SE, FI, IT, and 2022 FR, SE, FI), uses of natural energy sources, energy products and energy residues (E35, in 2014 FR, SE, FI, IT, and 2018 FR, SE, FI, IT, and 2022 FR, SE, FI) and determination of the intermediate consumption of energy products (T2, in 2014 FR, SE, FI, IT, and 2018 FR, SE, FI, IT, and 2022 FR, SE, FI).
In turn, a high level of adaptation to changes related to rational energy management in the years 2014–2022 was characterized by enterprises located in countries belonging to the EU-15: ES, PT, and AT. In 2014, this type of group was also represented by entities from LT (from the “New European Union”—EU-13), and in 2022 it was joined by organizations located in IT (from EU-15). In the years under review, enterprises aimed to optimize energy consumption by using renewable energy resources and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by using kerosene instead of aviation fuel (without bio—E17, ES in 2014; 2018, and 2022), renewable waste (E31, PT in 2014, 2018, and 2022), renewable energy sources obtained based on water (E4, AT in 2014 and 2022), renewable energy obtained from wind (E5, AT in 2018), mechanical energy (without bio—E16, LT in 2014), and other renewable energy sources (E8, IT in 2022).
The dominant group III of enterprises was distinguished by an average level of adaptation to changes in terms of taking energy-saving actions. This class includes entities operating in 17 EU countries in 2014 and 2018 and 18 countries in 2022. The entities’ activity focused on rational energy consumption and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions due to the use of mechanical energy (excluding bio E16, in 2014 RO, in 2018 LT, and in 2022), brown coal and peat (E11, in 2014: BG, EE, in 2018 BG, EE, in 2022: BG, CZ), wood, wood waste and other solid biomass, and charcoal (E25, LV in 2014, in 2018, and in 2022), water-based renewable energy sources (E4, in 2014: SI, HR, in 2018 SI, HR), energy consumption by statistical assessment of the discrepancy between the input and output of all flows (E34, in 2014 HU, MT, in 2018 CZ, MT, in 2022: SI, HR, EE, MT, CY), fossil non-renewable natural energy sources (E2, in 2014: CZ, PL), other heating oil (E21, in 2014: DK, CY, in 2018: DK, CY, in 2022: DK), derived gases (= produced gases excluding biogas; E12, SK in 2014, 2018, and in 2022), kerosene and aviation fuel (excluding bio; E17, LU, IE in 2014, 2018, and 2022), crude oil, NGL, and other hydrocarbons (excluding bio, E14, BE in 2014, and 2018), other petroleum products including additives/oxygenants and refinery feedstocks (E23, GR in 2014, 2018, and 2022), transport diesel oil (non-bio, E19, in 2018: RO, HU, in 2022: RO), energy contained in products for non-energy use (E33, in 2022: HU), refinery gas, ethane and LPG (E22, in 2022: BE), and diesel (E18, in 2022: NL).
The final class IV includes enterprises operating in Western Europe: NL (2014 and 2018), DE (2014–2022), and Eastern Europe: PL (2018 and 2022), which were characterized by the lowest level of adaptation to changes in the process of sustainable energy management. The behavior of enterprises focused on the responsible use of energy from renewable sources and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions was based on the use of refinery gas, ethane, and LPG (E22, in 2014: NL), indirect consumption of energy products (T2, DE in 2014, 2018, and 2022), diesel oil (E18, NL in 2018), and non-renewable fossil natural energy sources (E2, PL in 2022) (see
Table 6).
Based on the results obtained, it should be concluded that companies operating in the 27 EU countries are distinguished by an average level of adaptation to changes aimed at rational energy management. Their actions taken in the field of adaptation to changes related to the reduction in electricity consumption, replacement of fossil fuels with lower-emission energy sources, and improvement of energy systems were characterized by a slow pace. This type of situation is confirmed by the prepared MOORA ranking, in which companies operating in RO (a drop of 11 places), PL (a fall of 3 places), and NL (a reduction of 2 places) were characterized by a drop in position in the classification for 2022 compared to 2014.
The highest degradation was noted by entities located in RO, whose activity focused on reducing the use of renewable energy sources based on solar energy (E6—decrease by 99%), and mechanical energy (E16—67%). In addition, their strategic behaviors concerned the increased use of other oil products, including additives/oxidants and refinery raw materials (E23—60%), transport diesel oil (without bio E19—80%), and non-renewable waste (E32—366%), (see
Table 7).
On the other hand, companies operating in Poland implemented strategic goals in the field of increasing energy efficiency set by the EU by limiting the use of energy contained in products for non-energy use (E33 reduction by 20%). In addition, their activities were aimed at increasing the use of renewable energy sources based on solar energy (E6 increase by 1098%), other renewable energy sources (E8—514%), and renewable energy sources from wind (E5—111%).
In turn, entities operating in the Netherlands sought to reduce their final energy consumption as a result of taking actions resulting from the reduction in the use of lignite and peat (E11 decrease by 81%), non-renewable natural energy sources from mines (E2—69%), natural energy inflows (E1—64%), and renewable energy sources based on hydropower (E4—21%). Additionally, their actions concerned the implementation of strategic goals in the scope of increasing the use of wood, wood waste, and other solid biomass and charcoal (E25—225%), mechanical energy (without bio E16—213%), renewable energy sources based on wind (E5—211%), and liquid biofuels (E26—139%).
The conducted research made it possible to distinguish the type of behavior of enterprises from the 27 EU countries due to the actions taken in changing the method of production and the use of energy in the process of energy transformation, which is necessary for the implementation of the sustainable development concept. Depending on the level of implementation of energy policy objectives and the adopted procedures and directives in force in the EU, it should be assumed that organizations undertook adaptive actions. By the specific assumptions of energy transformation in the field of reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, the adaptive behavior of enterprises focused on radical adaptation among enterprises characterized by a very high level of adaptation to changes. Their behavior consisted of introducing absolute and rapid modifications in the business model and strategy to meet the challenges related to the energy crisis and legal regulations implemented in the EU.
On the other hand, entities with a high level of energy transformation were distinguished by behaviors related to higher-order adaptation. This type of approach is distinguished by the implementation of fundamental changes in the organization’s strategies, which are a response to long-term challenges related to the implementation of SD goals in the scope of climate and energy requirements. In connection with this, the activities of enterprises consist of the application of technological innovations that enable the efficient use of energy from renewable sources.
The behavior of organizations representing the average level of adaptation to changes resulting from energy transformation was based on the adoption of gradual adaptation. Thus, entities transformed their business models systematically and gradually. Their actions consisted of adapting to new conditions resulting from the use of sustainable energy sources. As a result of immediate transformations, entities begin to slowly improve their activities, technologies, and energy strategies, which allows them to reduce risk and effectively manage natural resources. This type of behavior concerns the gradual and successive installation of renewable energy sources, optimization of energy consumption, and adaptation to new legal regulations related to environmental protection and energy efficiency (including the Fit for 55 packages). The tactic of gradual adaptation allows organizations to efficiently adapt in the process of energy transformation, avoiding unexpected difficulties in operational activities.
In turn, the behavior of companies classified in the last group, distinguished by a low level of adaptation to changes resulting from the energy transformation, results from passive adaptation. This type of reaction means that entities adapt to new conditions in a passive manner and operate based on external stimuli, including legal regulations and market pressure. In connection with the energy transformation, companies make changes when they are necessary, limiting the use of innovative technologies and adapting their activities to new conditions only in the event of unfavorable external circumstances.
Thus, enterprises operating in the EU-15 countries are characterized by a higher degree of adaptation to the requirements of the EU climate and energy policy in comparison to entities representing the EU-13 countries. Therefore, based on the conducted research, it is possible to confirm Hypothesis 2, which states that the implementation of the assumptions of the climate and energy policy, including the Fit for 55 packages, causes disharmony in the behavior and level of adaptation of enterprises to activities aimed at improving energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and increasing the share of renewable energy sources in the energy mix, by the sustainable development strategy, resulting in a different pace of energy transformation in the member states of the “old” and “new” European Union.