Exploring the Effects of Carbon Pricing and Carbon Quota Control on the Energy Transition Towards Carbon Neutrality: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of the Zhejiang Region of China
:1. Introduction
2. Model
2.1. Overall Framework of the CGE Model
2.2. Production Block in the CGE Model
2.3. Final Demand
2.3.1. Market Block
2.3.2. Government and Household
2.3.3. Investment
2.4. Learning by Doing (LBD)
3. Data
4. Business-as-Usual (BaU) and Scenario Design
4.1. BaU
4.2. Scenario Design
5. Results
5.1. GDP Growth
5.2. Carbon Emission
5.3. Carbon Intensity
5.4. Sectoral Energy Efficiency/Carbon Intensity
5.5. Energy-Related Results
5.5.1. Energy Consumption Ratio
5.5.2. Electricity
6. Discussion
6.1. Pathway of Energy Efficiency Improvement to Carbon Neutrality
6.2. Analysis of Regional Carbon Peak and Neutral Cost
6.2.1. Power Supply Change
6.2.2. Oil Substitution
6.3. Summary
7. Conclusions and Policy Implications
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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2024 | 2030 | 2035 | 2040 | 2045 | 2050 | |
GDP | 0.790 | 1.021 | 1.252 | 1.379 | 1.486 | 1.575 |
CO2 | 384 | 388 | 396 | 361 | 329 | 299 |
CI | 0.49 | 0.39 | 0.32 | 0.26 | 0.22 | 0.19 |
Ps | 17.8% | 19.0% | 20.3% | 22.1% | 23.8% | 25.8% |
Exogen | 2024 | 2030 | 2035 | 2040 | 2045 | 2050 |
Carbon tax | ||||||
LCT | 62 | 129 | 347 | 559 | 821 | 1207 |
HCT | 62 | 129 | 484 | 1204 | 1939 | 3060 |
Carbon intensity | ||||||
CIE | 0.484 | 0.356 | 0.258 | 0.211 | 0.172 | 0.140 |
Carbon emissions | ||||||
TCO2 | 387 | 393 | 326 | 270 | 223 | 185 |
2030 | |||||
BaU | LCT | HCT | CIE | TCO2 | |
Agriculture | 0.2518 | 0.2524 | 0.2524 | 0.2574 | 0.2574 |
Mining | 0.2336 | 0.2333 | 0.2333 | 0.2303 | 0.2303 |
Food and textile | 0.2315 | 0.2317 | 0.2317 | 0.2335 | 0.2335 |
Raw material | 1.4040 | 1.4046 | 1.4046 | 1.4115 | 1.4115 |
Manufacturing | 0.0399 | 0.0400 | 0.0400 | 0.0433 | 0.0433 |
Infrastructure | 3.5365 | 3.4050 | 3.4050 | 3.0880 | 3.0880 |
Tertiary | 0.0523 | 0.0521 | 0.0521 | 0.0510 | 0.0510 |
2050 | |||||
Agriculture | 0.366 | 0.363 | 0.368 | 0.390 | 0.393 |
Mining | 0.255 | 0.253 | 0.256 | 0.257 | 0.259 |
Food and textile | 0.271 | 0.270 | 0.266 | 0.267 | 0.260 |
Raw material | 1.001 | 1.002 | 1.004 | 1.021 | 1.017 |
Manufacturing | 0.049 | 0.049 | 0.050 | 0.056 | 0.057 |
Infrastructure | 2.149 | 1.770 | 1.151 | 1.116 | 0.568 |
Tertiary | 0.057 | 0.055 | 0.054 | 0.054 | 0.051 |
Industry | 2025 | 2030 | 2035 | 2040 | 2045 | 2050 |
LCT | ||||||
Agriculture | 3.3% | 2.9% | 2.6% | 2.4% | 2.2% | 2.0% |
Mining | 0.1% | 0.1% | 0.1% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% |
Food and textile | 10.6% | 9.6% | 8.3% | 8.1% | 7.9% | 7.6% |
Raw material | 8.0% | 7.6% | 7.4% | 7.3% | 7.4% | 7.4% |
Manufacturing | 16.4% | 16.2% | 16.5% | 16.9% | 17.1% | 17.4% |
Infrastructure | 9.5% | 9.3% | 8.8% | 8.3% | 7.8% | 7.4% |
Tertiary | 52.0% | 54.3% | 56.4% | 57.0% | 57.6% | 58.1% |
HCT | ||||||
Agriculture | 3.3% | 2.9% | 2.6% | 2.4% | 2.2% | 2.0% |
Mining | 0.1% | 0.1% | 0.1% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% |
Food and textile | 10.6% | 9.6% | 8.3% | 8.1% | 7.8% | 7.5% |
Raw material | 8.0% | 7.6% | 7.4% | 7.3% | 7.3% | 7.2% |
Manufacturing | 16.4% | 16.2% | 16.5% | 16.8% | 17.0% | 17.2% |
Infrastructure | 9.5% | 9.3% | 8.7% | 8.0% | 7.4% | 7.0% |
Tertiary | 52.0% | 54.3% | 56.5% | 57.5% | 58.3% | 59.0% |
CIE | ||||||
Agriculture | 3.4% | 2.9% | 2.6% | 2.3% | 2.2% | 2.0% |
Mining | 0.1% | 0.1% | 0.1% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% |
Food and textile | 10.6% | 9.6% | 8.3% | 8.1% | 7.8% | 7.4% |
Raw material | 8.0% | 7.5% | 7.3% | 7.2% | 7.2% | 7.1% |
Manufacturing | 15.3% | 14.6% | 14.4% | 14.6% | 14.7% | 14.7% |
Infrastructure | 9.9% | 9.5% | 8.8% | 8.3% | 7.8% | 7.3% |
Tertiary | 52.7% | 55.8% | 58.6% | 59.3% | 60.4% | 61.3% |
TCO2 | ||||||
Agriculture | 3.4% | 2.9% | 2.6% | 2.4% | 2.2% | 2.0% |
Mining | 0.1% | 0.1% | 0.1% | 0.0% | 0.0% | 0.0% |
Food and textile | 10.6% | 9.6% | 8.3% | 8.0% | 7.7% | 7.2% |
Raw material | 8.0% | 7.5% | 7.2% | 7.2% | 7.0% | 6.9% |
Manufacturing | 15.3% | 14.6% | 14.3% | 14.5% | 14.6% | 14.6% |
Infrastructure | 9.9% | 9.5% | 8.7% | 8.0% | 7.3% | 6.9% |
Tertiary | 52.7% | 55.8% | 58.8% | 60.0% | 61.2% | 62.4% |
Power Generation | Scenario | 2025 | 2050 | Change |
Thermal power | LCT | 253 | 137 | −115 |
HCT | 253 | 87 | −166 | |
CIE | 258 | 91 | −167 | |
TCO2 | 258 | 41 | −217 | |
Non-thermal | LCT | 99 | 243 | 144 |
HCT | 99 | 241 | 142 | |
CIE | 101 | 258 | 157 | |
TCO2 | 101 | 260 | 158 | |
Domestic import | LCT | 89 | 131 | 42 |
HCT | 89 | 178 | 89 | |
CIE | 87 | 166 | 79 | |
TCO2 | 87 | 238 | 151 |
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Shi, B.; Jiang, Q.; Shi, M.; Managi, S. Exploring the Effects of Carbon Pricing and Carbon Quota Control on the Energy Transition Towards Carbon Neutrality: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of the Zhejiang Region of China. Energies 2025, 18, 1029. https://doi.org/10.3390/en18051029
Shi B, Jiang Q, Shi M, Managi S. Exploring the Effects of Carbon Pricing and Carbon Quota Control on the Energy Transition Towards Carbon Neutrality: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of the Zhejiang Region of China. Energies. 2025; 18(5):1029. https://doi.org/10.3390/en18051029
Chicago/Turabian StyleShi, Bo, Qiuhui Jiang, Minjun Shi, and Shunsuke Managi. 2025. "Exploring the Effects of Carbon Pricing and Carbon Quota Control on the Energy Transition Towards Carbon Neutrality: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of the Zhejiang Region of China" Energies 18, no. 5: 1029. https://doi.org/10.3390/en18051029
APA StyleShi, B., Jiang, Q., Shi, M., & Managi, S. (2025). Exploring the Effects of Carbon Pricing and Carbon Quota Control on the Energy Transition Towards Carbon Neutrality: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of the Zhejiang Region of China. Energies, 18(5), 1029. https://doi.org/10.3390/en18051029