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Transient Overvoltage Prediction Method for Renewable Energy Stations via Knowledge-Embedded Enhanced Deep Neural Network

School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Energies 2025, 18(5), 1090;
Submission received: 8 January 2025 / Revised: 16 February 2025 / Accepted: 21 February 2025 / Published: 24 February 2025
(This article belongs to the Section F1: Electrical Power System)


When a line-commutated converter–high-voltage direct current (LCC-HVDC) transmission system with large-scale integration of renewable energy encounters HVDC-blocking events, the sending-end power system is prone to transient overvoltage (TOV) risks. Renewable energy units that are connected via power electronic devices are susceptible to large-scale cascading disconnections due to electrical endurance and insulation limitations when subjected to an excessively high TOV, which poses a serious threat to the safe and stable operation of the system. Therefore, the prediction of TOV at renewable energy stations (RES) under DC blocking (DCB) scenarios is crucial for developing strategies for the high-voltage ride-through of renewable energy sources and ensuring system stability. In this paper, an approximate analytical expression for the TOV at RES under DCB fault conditions is firstly derived, based on a simplified equivalent circuit of the sending-end system that includes multiple DC transmission lines and RES, which can take into consideration the multiple renewable station short-circuit ratio (MRSCR). Building on this, a knowledge-embedded enhanced deep neural network (KEDNN) approach is proposed for predicting the RES’s TOV for complex power systems. By incorporating theoretical calculation values of the TOV into the input features, the task of the deep neural network (DNN) shifts from mining relationships within large datasets to revealing the correlation patterns between theoretical calculations and real values, thereby improving the robustness of the prediction model in cases of insufficient training data and irrational feature construction. Finally, the proposed method is tested on a real-world regional power system in China, and the results validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The approximate analytical expression for the TOV at RES and the KEDNN-based TOV prediction method proposed in this paper can provide valuable references for scholars and engineers working in the field of power system operation and control, particularly in the areas of overvoltage theoretical calculation and mitigation.

1. Introduction

In response to the global climate and energy crises, almost all countries are actively developing green energy technologies, with a focus on wind and solar energy [1,2]. To address the geographic mismatch between energy resources and load centers, LCC-HVDC transmission technology has been widely adopted in China due to its high transmission capacity and flexible regulation [3,4]. Currently, the northeastern, northwestern, and southwestern regions of China have established the world’s highest voltage-level renewable energy transmission systems via DC [5,6].
The line commutated converters (LCC) of HVDC transmission systems consume significant reactive power during operation, which is compensated by reactive power compensation devices that are installed at the converter stations. After a disturbance causes a blocking fault in the DC system, the converter station’s reactive power compensation devices are removed with a 200 ms delay due to the response time of the control system [7]. As a result, the excess reactive power at the converter station is fed back into the sending-end system, leading to a TOV risk at the sending end [8,9]. Excessively high TOV not only threaten the converter station equipment but also lead to the widespread disconnections of renewable energy units [10,11], triggering a chain reaction of voltage and frequency instability [12]. This severely jeopardizes the safe and stable operation of hybrid AC-DC systems and hampers the integration of renewable energy [13,14]. Therefore, accurately estimating the TOV of the sending-end system under a DCB fault is critical for facilitating renewable energy integration and ensuring the reliable operation of the power system.
At present, the prediction methods for TOV under DCB fault scenarios mainly include model-driven methods [15,16] and data-driven methods [17].
In the model-driven TOV prediction method, the time-domain simulation method requires the construction of detailed mathematical models of power system components, and the dynamic trajectory of the TOV is obtained by solving a system of differential algebraic equations that reflect the operating characteristics of the power system. However, this method is computationally intensive and slow to predict, and it is difficult to meet the requirements of the power system for the time-effectiveness of TOV prediction [18,19]. Given that the concept of the “short-circuit ratio (SCR)” can reflect the sensitivity of the voltage to disturbances [20], there has been relevant research on estimating the TOV based on the SCR [21,22]. Based on the SCR, Ref. [21] derived a quantitative calculation method for the TOV of the converter bus after a DCB fault. However, this method ignores the reactive power that is exchanged between the AC and DC systems and may not have a real solution when applied to power systems with low SCR. Hence, this method is not completely applicable to all power systems. To address the issue of there being no real solution for a low SCR, Ref. [22] defined the “reactive power short circuit ratio” index based on the resonant circuit after a DCB fault and derived a more widely applicable calculation method for the TOV at the converter bus. However, the aforementioned estimation methods for TOV are all focused on the converter bus within the converter station following a DCB fault. They do not address how to estimate the TOV of the RES after a DCB fault, nor do they consider the impact of the MRSCR [23] on the TOV of the RES.
With the development of wide area measurement system (WAMS) technology [24], data-driven TOV prediction methods have exhibited promising application potential. Data-driven methods do not require the construction of detailed power system simulation models. Instead, they only need to establish a nonlinear mapping relationship between the input features and TOV to predict the severity of TOV. Among the shallow machine learning methods, traditional artificial neural networks (ANNs) [25], decision trees [2,26], and kernel ridge regression [27] have been used for TOV prediction. However, shallow learning requires manual extraction of input features based on professional knowledge, and the prediction accuracy may be greatly affected when the data present strong nonlinear coupling characteristics. Owing to the advantages of deep learning (DL) technology in automatically extracting complex dynamic features [28], deep neural networks such as convolutional neural networks (CNN) [29] have been applied to TOV prediction to fully explore the relationships among response data. Data-driven TOV prediction methods have improved in terms of calculation speed and accuracy, but such methods lack rigorous mechanism analysis. When the sample size is insufficient, improper feature selection may lead to overfitting problems. In addition, there is currently scarce research that combines TOV mechanisms and DNN to predict TOV at RES under DCB fault scenarios. Compared with traditional DNN, which do not account for the physical background of power systems when predicting TOV, if the TOV mechanism of RES can be introduced into a DNN, theoretically more accurate prediction results can be obtained.
To reveal the correlation between the MRSCR and TOV at the point of common coupling (PCC) of RES under a DCB fault scenario, and to fully explore the potential of DNN in TOV prediction, this paper proposes a TOV prediction method for RES based on a knowledge-embedded enhanced deep neural network (KEDNN). The main contributions of this paper are as follows:
An approximate calculation method for the TOV at the PCC of RES under DCB fault scenarios considering the MRSCR is derived, based on a simplified equivalent circuit of the sending-end system containing multiple DC transmission lines and multiple RES.
The correlation between the MRSCR and TOV at the PCC of RES is further analyzed, providing a theoretical basis for input feature construction of data-driven TOV prediction models.
By incorporating theoretical calculation values of the TOV into the input features, a novel TOV prediction method for RES based on a knowledge-embedded enhanced deep neural network (KEDNN) is proposed. This proposed method shifts the DNN’s task from mining relationships within large datasets to revealing the correlation patterns between theoretical calculations and real values, thereby effectively improving the accuracy of TOV prediction.
The proposed method enhances the robustness against insufficient training samples and can also balance the calculation speed and accuracy when applied online. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 analyzes the mechanism of TOV in RES under DCB scenarios and proposes a TOV approximate calculation method for RES that considers the MRSCR; additionally, the correlation between the MRSCR and TOV is examined. Section 3 proposes a TOV prediction method for RES based on a KEDNN, and the case study in Section 4 verifies the effectiveness of the proposed method. Section 5 discusses the scalability of the method proposed in this paper. Section 6 summarizes the entire paper and discusses future research directions.

2. Analysis of Transient Overvoltage at Renewable Energy Stations Under DCB Scenarios

This section investigates a sending-end system that integrates multiple LCC-HVDC transmission lines and RES and proposes an approximate calculation method for the TOV at the PCC of RES under a DCB fault scenario considering the MRSCR. The proposed method can estimate the TOV of RES without modeling complex multiple DC sending systems and lays an electrical theoretical foundation for the input feature construction of a TOV prediction model for RES in Section 3.

2.1. Mechanism Analysis of Transient Overvoltage Caused by DCB Fault

The sending-end system, which includes multiple LCC-HVDC transmission lines and RES, is represented by a multi-port Thevenin equivalent circuit, as illustrated in Figure 1. In Figure 1, the AC subsystems that are connected to the converter bus and those interfacing with the RES are represented by their Thevenin impedance and voltage sources. System parameters and operating variables are expressed in per-unit values, with intuitive and easily comprehensible symbols. For the subsequent analysis, the rated DC active power of line-commutated converter (LCC) 1 is chosen as the base power, while the rated AC voltage of the sending-end network is taken as the base voltage.
When the sending-end system is operating normally, the active and reactive power of the system should be balanced. For the converter station i ( i { 1 , 2 , , k 1 } ) in Figure 1, the following condition must hold:
P d i = P a c i i j P i j Q d i = Q a c i + Q C i i j Q i j j { 1 , 2 , , n }
where P a c i and Q a c i represent the active and reactive power that are exchanged between the sending-end AC and the DC system, respectively. P d i and Q d i denote the active power that is transmitted by the DC system and the reactive power that is consumed by the converter station, respectively. Q C i refers to the reactive power that is supplied by the reactive power compensation devices within the converter station, while i j Q i j represents the reactive power that is exchanged between converter bus i and other bus j.
Under steady-state operation, the active and reactive power within the converter station should satisfy the following relationship:
P d i = U d i I d i Q d i = P d i tan φ r cos φ r = U d i U d i 0
where I d i represents the DC current of the converter, U d i is the DC voltage of the converter, U d i 0 denotes the no-load DC voltage of the converter, and φ r is the power factor angle of the converter station.
When LCC i ( i { 1 , 2 , , k 1 } ) occurs a blocking fault due to external disturbances such as AC or DC faults, the reactive power Q d i that is consumed by converter station i will sharply decrease as the active power that is transmitted by the DC system declines. However, the parallel filters and capacitor bank compensators that are connected to the AC converter bus i remain in operation. As a result, the excessive reactive power that is supplied by the compensators will flow into the AC network, leading to the occurrence of TOV at various buses in the sending-end system.
If the impact of the surplus active power on the transient voltage rise (TVR) is ignored, the per-unit value of the TVR at the AC converter bus i can be approximately expressed by Equation (3) [30]:
Δ U i = Δ Q i S a c i
where Δ Q i and S a c i represent the surplus reactive power and the short-circuit capacity of converter station i, respectively.
Existing methods for calculating the TVR at converter bus i generally treat Δ Q i in Equation (3) as the reactive power compensation capacity Q C i of the converter station, while neglecting the reactive power that is exchanged between the AC and DC systems. However, as shown in Figure 1, when a DCB fault occurs, the effects of both Q a c i and i j Q i j on Δ Q i must also be considered. Ignoring the influence of these two factors ( Q a c i and i j Q i j ) on the TVR at converter bus i will lead to a considerable deviation in the calculation results.
After the DCB fault, the active power that is transmitted via DC drops instantaneously to zero. As indicated by Equation (2), the reactive power Q d i that is consumed by the converter station also decreases to zero. Since the reactive power Q C i that is supplied by the converter station’s compensation devices, such as the AC filters and capacitor banks, is proportional to the square of the bus voltage, the surplus reactive power Δ Q i after the DCB fault—taking into account the reactive power that is exchanged between the AC and DC systems—is given by the following:
Q i n t e r a c t = Q a c i i j Q i j Δ Q i = 1 + Δ U i 2 Q C i + Q i n t e r a c t
Substituting Equation (4) into Equation (3) results in the following:
Δ U i = 1 + Δ U i 2 Q C i + Q i n t e r a c t S a c i
Based on Equation (5), the per-unit value of the TVR at converter bus i after a DCB fault is given by the following:
Δ U i = S a c i 2 Q C i 2 S a c i Q C i Q i n t e r a c t Q C i + S a c i 2 Q C i 1
Therefore, the per-unit value of the TOV at converter bus i after a DCB fault is
U TOV , i = S a c i 2 Q Ci 2 S a c i Q Ci Q interact Q Ci + S a c i 2 Q Ci
Based on Equation (7), the main factors influencing the TOV at the converter bus i after a DCB fault are the short-circuit capacity S a c i of converter station i, the reactive power Q interact that is exchanged between the AC and DC systems, and the capacity Q C i of the reactive power compensation devices within the converter station.
Figure 2 shows that after a DCB fault occurs at LCC i, the TOV at the converter bus i decreases with an increase in the S a c i of the converter station. However, higher Q interact and Q C i lead to an increase in the TOV at converter bus i.
After a DCB fault, TOV will occur at varying degrees across the converter bus and other nodes in the sending-end system. To approximate the TOV at key nodes, particularly at the PCC of the RES, the converter stations can be represented by symmetrical three-phase capacitors: Z C = 1 / j ω C . Based on the substitution theorem, after the DCB fault occurs at converter station i, the sending-end system is represented as shown in Figure 3. The network N corresponds to the equivalent network seen from node i in Figure 1, while k represents any PCC of the RES in the sending-end system. Z e q k i denotes the equivalent impedance between the PCC of RES k and the converter bus i.
For the sending-end system shown in Figure 1, if I is the current injection vector at the nodes and Z is the node impedance matrix of the network, the system satisfies Equation (8):
U ˙ 1 U ˙ i U ˙ j U ˙ n = Z 11 Z 1 i Z 1 j Z 1 n       Z i 1 Z i i Z i j Z i n       Z j 1 Z j i Z j j Z j n       Z n 1 Z n i Z n j Z n n I ˙ 1 I ˙ i I ˙ j I ˙ n
From Equation (8), the node voltage at PCC of RES k in the system under normal operation modes is given by the following:
U ˙ k = m = 1 n Z k m I ˙ m
where I ˙ m represents the injected current at node m, and Z k m is the (k,m)th element of node impedance matrix Z , representing the mutual impedance between nodes k and m.
As shown in Figure 3, after the blocking fault occurs at LCC i, it is equivalent to adding an injected current I ˙ C at bus i. To calculate the TOV at the PCC of RES k, according to the superposition theorem, the network is decomposed into two parts: normal operating conditions and fault conditions. Combining with Equation (9), we can obtain the TOV at the PCC of RES k:
U TOV , k = m = 1 n Z k m I ˙ m + Z k i I ˙ C
where m = 1 n Z k m I ˙ m represents the voltage at the PCC of RES k under normal operating conditions. The Z k i I ˙ C corresponds to the voltage at the PCC of RES k that is generated solely by the injected current I ˙ C , which represents the TVR at RES k after the DCB fault.
Similarly, the TOV at converter bus i after a DCB fault can be formulated as follows:
U TOV , i = m = 1 n Z i m I ˙ m + Z i i I ˙ C
where Z i i I ˙ C represents the TVR at converter bus i after a DCB fault.
Therefore, after the DCB fault occurs at converter station i, the relationship between the TVR Δ U ˙ k at the PCC of RES k and the TVR Δ U ˙ i at converter bus i in the sending-end system can be expressed as follows:
Δ U k Δ U i = Z k i Z i i
Based on Equation (6), the per-unit value of the TVR at the PCC of RES k in the sending-end system can be expressed as follows:
Δ U k = Z k i Z i i S a c i 2 Q Ci S a c i 2 Q Ci 2 S a c i Q Ci Q interact Q Ci 1
Therefore, when the DCB fault occurs at converter station i, the per-unit value of the TOV at the PCC of RES k can be expressed as follows:
U TOV , k = Z k i Z i i S a c i 2 Q Ci S a c i 2 Q Ci 2 S a c i Q Ci Q interact Q Ci 1 + U n o r m a l , k
where U n o r m a l , k represents the voltage at the PCC of RES k under normal operating conditions.
According to Equation (14), the U TOV , k exhibits a positive correlation with the ratio Z k i / Z i i of the magnitudes of the elements Z k i and Z i i in the node impedance matrix Z . Specifically, as Z k i / Z i i increases, the TOV at node k also increases. Hence, the ratio Z k i / Z i i serves as a critical indicator for assessing the TOV at the PCC of RES k after the DCB fault occurs at converter station i.

2.2. Approximate Calculation Method for TOV of RES Considering MRSCR

Although the SCR is traditionally viewed as a static metric, existing studies have demonstrated a strong correlation between the SCR and TOV [21,22]. However, there is limited research on utilizing the SCR as an indicator to assess the severity of TOV in RES under DCB fault conditions. This section introduces an approximate calculation method for the TOV in RES after a DCB fault considering the MRSCR.
The MRSCR is employed to assess the system strength at the PCC of the RES, taking into account the interactions among multiple RES. Based on the MRSCR calculation method presented in [23], the M R S C R k at the PCC of RES k is as follows:
M R S C R k = S ack S k + j k n Δ U j Δ U k S j ,   j { k , k + 1 , , n }
where S ack represents the short-circuit capacity of RES k, S k and S j denote the capacities of RES k and j, respectively, and Δ U j / Δ U k refers to the ratio of the voltage variation between the PCC of the RES j and k.
In Figure 1, the short-circuit capacities of LCC i and RES k, denoted as S aci and S ack , respectively, are given by the following Equation (16):
S a c i = U i N 2 Z i i S a c k = U k N 2 Z k k
where U i N and U k N represent the rated voltages of buses i and k, respectively; Z ii and Z kk refer to the corresponding elements in the network’s node impedance matrix Z . Given that buses i and k in Figure 1 are at the same voltage level, it follows that U i N 2 = U k N 2 . Furthermore, the short-circuit capacities S aci and S ack satisfy the following equation:
S a c i = S a c k Z k k Z i i
Substituting Equation (15) into Equation (17) gives the following:
S a c i = M R S C R k × ( S k + j k n Δ U j Δ U k S j ) × Z k k Z i i
By substituting Equation (18) into Equations (13) and (14), it can be deduced that, after the blocking of LCC i, the TOV at the PCC of RES k is governed by the following relationship:
S c p l ( S k + j k n Δ U j Δ U k S j ) × Z k k Z i i Δ U k = Z k i Z i i ( M R S C R k S c p l 2 Q Ci M R S C R k S c p l 2 Q Ci 2 M R S C R k S c p l Q Ci Q interact Q Ci 1 ) U TOV , k = Δ U k + U n o r m a l , k
where S c p l is defined as the coupling capacity, which quantifies the combined influence of all RES on the converter bus i.

2.3. Analysis of Correlation Between MRSCR and TOV of RES

This section presents a detailed quantitative analysis of the correlation between the MRSCR and TOV based on Equation (19), providing theoretical support for the construction of input features in a data-driven TOV prediction model.
Given Equation (19), the derivative of Δ U k with respect to M R S C R k is
Δ U k M R S C R k = Z k i Z i i × ( S c p l 2 Q C i 1 2 Q C i × M R S C R k S c p l 2 2 S c p l Q C i ( M R S C R k S c p l ) 2 4 M R S C R k S c p l Q C i 4 Q C i Q interact )
4 Q C i Q interact < 4 Q C i 2
Therefore, by adding ( M R S C R k S c p l ) 2 4 M R S C R k S c p l Q C i to both sides of Equation (21), we can obtain the following Equation (22):
( M R S C R k S c p l ) 2 4 M R S C R k S c p l Q C i 4 Q C i Q interact < ( M R S C R k S c p l ) 2 4 M R S C R k S c p l Q C i + 4 Q C i 2
In Equation (22), the right-hand side of the inequality is ( M R S C R k S c p l 2 Q C i ) 2 , so Equation (22) can be simplified as follows:
( M R S C R k S c p l ) 2 4 M R S C R k S c p l Q C i 4 Q C i Q interact < ( M R S C R k S c p l 2 Q C i ) 2
This leads to the following result:
M R S C R k S c p l 2 Q C i ( M R S C R k S c p l ) 2 4 M R S C R k S c p l Q C i 4 Q C i Q interact > M R S C R k S c p l 2 Q C i ( M R S C R k S c p l 2 Q C i ) 2 = 1
Multiplying both sides of Equation (24) by S c p l 2 Q C i yields the following:
M R S C R k S c p l 2 2 S c p l Q C i 2 Q C i ( M R S C R k S c p l ) 2 4 M R S C R k S c p l Q C i 4 Q C i Q interact > S c p l 2 Q C i
Substituting Equation (25) into Equation (20), it can be derived that Δ U k / M R S C R k < 0 . Hence, there is a negative correlation between the TVR Δ U k and M R S C R k . Specifically, as M R S C R k increases, the TVR at the PCC of RES k decreases when LCC i occurs a DCB fault.
Given that the voltage at the PCC of RES k typically remains stable around the rated value when the sending-end system is in normal operation, it can be further deduced that as M R S C R k increases, the TOV at the PCC of RES k under the DCB fault scenario decreases.

3. A Transient Overvoltage Prediction Method for RES Based on a Knowledge-Embedded Enhanced Deep Neural Network

In the model-driven TOV prediction method, it is challenging to meet the power system’s requirements for timely TOV prediction during time-domain simulation. While the data-driven TOV prediction method can satisfy the timeliness requirement, the data-driven TOV prediction method needs to address issues such as overfitting caused by insufficient training samples and improper input feature selection. Additionally, data-driven methods lack a rigorous theoretical analysis of the power system’s evolution mechanisms. To further address these problems, this paper proposes a TOV prediction method for RES based on a knowledge-embedded enhanced deep neural network (KEDNN).
Based on the equivalent parameters of the sending-end system and the operational parameters of the DC system, the TOV of the RES following a DCB fault can be approximately calculated by Equation (19). To balance computational speed and accuracy in practical applications, this paper introduces the theoretically calculated TOV values into the input features of the training samples. This approach shifts the DNN’s task from discovering relationships within large datasets to revealing the correlation patterns between the theoretical and actual values. This enhances the robustness of the prediction model, particularly when faced with limited training samples or irrationally constructed input features.
The specific framework of TOV prediction for RES based on a KEDNN is illustrated in Figure 4. It consists of two main parts: offline training and online application. The offline training phase is further divided into two steps: generating the sample set for TOV prediction and training the DNN model.
In the process of offline sample generation, power system simulation software is used to model a DCB fault, taking into account factors such as the renewable energy penetration and DC transmission power. Electrical quantities related to the TOV of RES are extracted from the simulation results. These quantities, along with the theoretical TOV values of the RES calculated by Equation (19), are used together as input features. The output label is the actual TOV value of the RES, obtained from the simulation. More specifically, the input feature X and the output label Y for the samples in this study can be expressed as follows:
X = [ X stable X transient M R S C R U ˜ TOV ] X stable = [ P a r a G , V t 0 , θ t 0 , P G t 0 , P L t 0 , Q L t 0 , I L i n e t 0 , P L i n e t 0 , Q L i n e t 0 ] X transient = [ P G t , Q G t , P M t , Δ ω G t , V t , θ t , P L t , Q L t , P L i n e t , Q L i n e t , I L i n e t , I D C t , V D C t , P D C t , α t , γ t ] M R S C R = [ M R S C R 1 , , M R S C R i , , M R S C R n ] U ˜ TOV = [ U ˜ TOV , 1 , , U ˜ TOV , i , , U ˜ TOV , n ] Y = [ U TOV , 1 , , U TOV , i , , U TOV , n ]
In Equation (26), X stable represents the characteristics of the power system under steady-state operation, including generator parameters ( P a r a G ), the voltages and phase angles at each node in the system ( V t 0 , θ t 0 ), generator power ( P G t 0 ), node load power ( P L t 0 , Q L t 0 ), and branch currents and line power flows ( I L i n e t 0 , P L i n e t 0 , Q L i n e t 0 ). X transient represents the time-varying characteristics of the power system during the transient process within 300 milliseconds after the occurrence of the DCB fault, including the active power, reactive power, mechanical power, and speed deviation of all generators ( P G t , Q G t , P M t , Δ ω G t ); the voltage, phase angle, active load, and reactive load of all buses ( V t , θ t , P L t , Q L t ); the active power, reactive power, and current flowing through all branches ( P L i n e t , Q L i n e t , I L i n e t ); and the DC current, DC voltage, DC power, triggering angle, and extinction angle of all converter stations ( I D C t , V D C t , P D C t , α t , γ t ). U ˜ TOV represents the theoretical TOV at the RES, calculated by Equation (19), while Y represents the actual TOV value that was obtained through simulation, with M R S C R denoting the multiple renewable station short-circuit ratio of the RES.
In the offline DNN model training phase, the feedforward neural network consists of an input layer, fully connected hidden layers with nonlinear activation functions at each neuron, and an output layer. The values of the neurons in each layer are determined by the weights W and biases b that connect the layers. The loss function is given by Equation (27):
L o s s = 1 N i = 1 N U ^ T O V Y 2
where N denotes the number of samples in the training set, · 2 represents the L2 norm of the vector, and U ^ T O V denotes the predicted TOV in the RES. During the model training process, the weights and bias parameters are iteratively updated through the error backpropagation algorithm, with the objective of minimizing the loss function.
During the online application phase, when a DCB fault occurs in the actual power system, electrical measurement data are obtained in real time via WAMS. These data are then used to construct the input feature vector X according to Equation (26). The vector X is subsequently fed into the trained DNN model to predict the TOV at the RES under the DCB fault, thereby offering valuable insights and guidance for ensuring the safe and stable operation of the power system.

4. Case Study

This section selects a test case based on a simplified regional power system in China [31], as illustrated in Figure 5, to validate the effectiveness of the method proposed in this paper. The power system simulation software used was PSD-BPA (4.6.0 version), developed by the China Electric Power Research Institute (Beijing, China). All calculations and data processing were performed on a Windows server equipped with a 52-core Intel CPU, 128 GB RAM (Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA, USA), and an RTX-5000 GPU (NVIDIA Corporation, Santa Clara, CA, USA).

4.1. Validation of the Effectiveness of the Approximate Calculation Method for Transient Overvoltage at Renewable Energy Stations

The test system selected for this study is based on a 500 kV grid structure, consisting of 197 nodes, 15 thermal generators, 24 renewable energy stations, 85 AC buses at 500 kV, 122 branches, and 4 LCC-HVDC transmission lines. The total installed capacity of the system is 21 GW. The rated voltage of the four DC lines is 500 kV, with a rated power of 5000 MW for each. In typical operation modes, the renewable energy penetration rate ranges from 0% to 50%, demonstrating significant characteristics of high renewable energy integration and DC power delivery.
In a certain operation mode, when a DCB fault occurs at LCC 3 in Figure 5, the TOV U TOV , k ( k { 1 , 2 , , 24 } ) at the 24 RES in the test system is simulated and compared with the results obtained by Equation (19), as shown in Table 1.
The comparison between the simulation results and the values calculated by Equation (19) reveals that the calculated results closely match the simulated ones, with the error remaining within 5%. The main source of this discrepancy is the omission of the effect of surplus active power in the system on the TOV at RES when a DCB fault occurs at LCC 3. Overall, the simulation results validate the effectiveness and accuracy of the TOV approximation method that was proposed in Section 2.2.

4.2. Performance Evaluation Metrics of the Prediction Method

To effectively quantify the performance of the model’s TOV prediction, this paper employs three evaluation metrics: Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The formulas for calculating these metrics are as follows:
R M S E = 1 n i = 1 n ( y pre , i y true , i ) 2
M A E = 1 n i = 1 n y pre , i y true , i
M A P E = 1 n i = 1 n y pre , i y true , i y true , i 100 %
where n represents the total number of samples in the test set, while y pre , i and y true , i denote the predicted value and the actual value of the i-th sample, respectively. The smaller the values of the above indicators are, the higher the TOV prediction accuracy of the model is, indicating better model performance.

4.3. The Prediction Performance of the Proposed Method

For the test system shown in Figure 5, considering the operation modes and fault types of the power system, this paper uses the PSD-BPA simulation software to generate a sample set for TOV prediction at RES. Specifically, for the operation modes, the outputs of conventional power plants and RES are adjusted within a load range of 90% to 110%, with the renewable energy penetration varying between 35% and 50%. Additionally, the DC transmission power varies within the range of 70% to 100% of its rated power, with a 10% incremental adjustment. Regarding fault types, DCB faults are simulated at the rectifier stations of the four DC transmission systems. The simulation time is 8 s, with the DCB fault occurring at the 2 s point.
Based on offline simulations, a total of 12,000 samples were generated. Of these, 80% (9600 samples) were randomly selected as the training set, while the remaining 20% (2400 samples) were used for testing. The proposed KEDNN model consists of an input layer, three fully connected hidden layers, and an output layer, with ReLU as the nonlinear activation function. Adam was chosen as the optimizer. The model was trained for 100 epochs using the PyTorch (2.2 version) DL framework. The evolution of the loss function during the training process is shown in Figure 6.
Based on the offline-generated sample set, the performance evaluation metrics of the proposed KEDNN model for predicting TOV at RES are presented in Table 2. For comparison, the performance metrics of the CNN [29], traditional DNN [32], and backpropagation neural network (BPNN) [33] for the same task are also included in Table 2. To mitigate the effect of randomness in the prediction results, the evaluation metrics represent the average values obtained from multiple test experiments. Table 3 presents the 95% confidence intervals (CI) for each evaluation metric. It is important to note that, in the comparative experiments, the input features that were fed into the CNN, traditional DNN, and BPNN models consist of [ X stable , X transient , M R S C R ] , excluding the theoretical calculation values of the TOV ( U ˜ TOV ) at the RES.
The proposed KEDNN model incorporates the theoretical calculation values of the TOV ( U ˜ TOV ) into the input features [ X stable , X transient , M R S C R , U ˜ TOV ] , thereby shifting the task of the DNN from mining relationships within large datasets to revealing the correlation patterns between theoretical calculations and real values.
The data in Table 2 indicate that, compared to the CNN and the traditional DNN and BPNN models, the proposed KEDNN model shows improvements across all evaluation metrics, demonstrating enhanced predictive accuracy for the TOV at RES under DCB fault scenarios.
Additionally, as demonstrated by the data in Table 2, compared to the traditional DNN model, which utilizes input features without U ˜ TOV , the relevant evaluation metrics (RMSE, MAE, and MAPE) were reduced by 13.5%, 17.2%, and 12.4%, respectively.
The mean deviation between the real TOV values at RES and the predicted values from different neural network models under DCB fault conditions of the selected test system is shown in Figure 7. Figure 7 illustrates that the KEDNN model has smaller mean prediction deviations compared to the CNN and the traditional DNN and BPNN models. This indicates that the proposed KEDNN model provides better prediction performance for the test dataset, with predicted values that are closer to the real values.
The KEDNN model proposed in this paper is also effective in scenarios with high renewable energy penetration. Under a certain operation mode with a 50% renewable energy penetration rate, after a DCB fault occurs at LCC2, the prediction performance for the TOV at RES using the proposed KEDNN model is shown in Table 4. As seen in Table 4, the proposed KEDNN model can effectively predict the TOV at RES after a DCB fault.
Based on the analysis in Section 2.3 of this paper, it can be concluded that increasing M R S C R k at the renewable energy stations can effectively suppress the TOV under DCB fault scenarios.

4.4. Test on an Actual Large-Scale Power System

To further validate the effectiveness of the proposed method for large-scale power systems, another case based on an actual regional power system in North China is introduced. This system features a 500 kV grid structure, with over 12,800 nodes, 16,000 branches, and 6 DC transmission lines. It includes 295 synchronous generators, 392 renewable energy stations, and a total installed capacity of 15,498 MW. Of this, 8728 MW is from conventional units, while 6770 MW is from renewable energy, accounting for 43.68% of the total installed capacity.
Using the sample generation method described in Section 4.3, a total of 5000 samples were generated for the experiment. Then, 80% (4000 samples) of these were randomly selected as the training set, and the remaining 1000 samples were used as the test set.
For the large-scale power system, the evaluation metrics for predicting the TOV at RES under a DCB fault using different models are presented in Table 5.
The data in Table 5 indicate that even when applied to large-scale power systems, the proposed KEDNN model still yields better prediction results compared to the CNN, DNN, and BPNN models.

5. Discussion

The KEDNN model proposed in this paper incorporates theoretical calculation values of the TOV into the input features, shifting the task of the DNN from mining relationships within large datasets to revealing the correlation patterns between theoretical calculations and real values. This approach improves the robustness of the prediction model in cases of insufficient training data and irrational feature construction. The results of the case study in Section 4 demonstrate that the KEDNN model is still effective for predicting the TOV at RES in large-scale power systems. Although this paper uses the KEDNN model to predict TOV under DCB fault scenarios, the proposed KEDNN model has good scalability and can be used to address TOV prediction problems for RES under other fault types. However, when applying the KEDNN model to predict the TOV under other fault types, it is first necessary to derive the approximate analytical expression for the TOV at RES under those fault conditions through theoretical analysis.

6. Conclusions

This paper proposes a novel TOV prediction method for RES based on a KEDNN. Firstly, the mechanism of TOV at RES caused by DCB faults is analyzed within a simplified equivalent circuit of the sending-end system, which incorporates multiple LCC-HVDC transmission lines and RES. Secondly, an approximate calculation method for the TOV at RES under DCB fault scenarios considering the MRSCR is derived, and the strict negative correlation between the TOV and MRSCR is demonstrated. Finally, a novel prediction method for the TOV at RES is proposed, which integrates physical knowledge into the input features and utilizes a DNN for enhancing the prediction accuracy. The case study results demonstrate that, compared to traditional neural network-based methods (like CNN, DNN, and BPNN), the proposed KEDNN model exhibits superior performance. By incorporating the theoretical calculation values of the TOV into the input features, the KEDNN model shifts its task from discovering patterns within large datasets to revealing the correlation between theoretical values and real-world observations, leading to significantly improved predictive accuracy.
The KEDNN model proposed in this paper is currently applied only for predicting the TOV at RES after DCB faults. How to derive analytical expressions for the TOV at RES under other types of DC faults and expand the applicability of the KEDNN model will be one of the directions of future research. Additionally, future research will focus on how to leverage the method proposed in this study to optimize the parameters of controllable devices during overvoltage suppression, aiming to provide valuable insights for enhancing the safe and stable operation of power systems.

Author Contributions

Methodology, G.W. and J.L. (Jun Liu); Formal analysis, J.L. (Jiacheng Liu) and T.M.; Investigation, Y.L.; Resources, S.J. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 52177111.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article; further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.


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Figure 1. Multi-port Thevenin equivalent circuit of sending-end system containing multiple LCC-HVDCs and RES.
Figure 1. Multi-port Thevenin equivalent circuit of sending-end system containing multiple LCC-HVDCs and RES.
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Figure 2. The impact of S a c i , Q interact , and Q C i on the TOV of the converter bus after a DCB fault.
Figure 2. The impact of S a c i , Q interact , and Q C i on the TOV of the converter bus after a DCB fault.
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Figure 3. The equivalent model of the sending-end system after a DCB fault based on the substitution theorem.
Figure 3. The equivalent model of the sending-end system after a DCB fault based on the substitution theorem.
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Figure 4. Specific framework for TOV prediction for RES based on KEDNN.
Figure 4. Specific framework for TOV prediction for RES based on KEDNN.
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Figure 5. Schematic diagram of a regional power system in China.
Figure 5. Schematic diagram of a regional power system in China.
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Figure 6. The evolution of the loss function during the training process of the proposed KEDNN.
Figure 6. The evolution of the loss function during the training process of the proposed KEDNN.
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Figure 7. Mean deviation between real and predicted TOV values for RES from different models.
Figure 7. Mean deviation between real and predicted TOV values for RES from different models.
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Table 1. Theoretical calculation values and simulation results for TOV at RES.
Table 1. Theoretical calculation values and simulation results for TOV at RES.
RESSimulation ResultsCalculation ValuesRESSimulation ResultsCalculation Values
Table 2. Performance evaluation metrics of different models for predicting TOV at RES.
Table 2. Performance evaluation metrics of different models for predicting TOV at RES.
CNN [29]0.03550.02471.5002
DNN [32]0.03420.02381.4532
BPNN [33]0.06520.04691.7218
Table 3. The 95% confidence intervals of the evaluation metrics.
Table 3. The 95% confidence intervals of the evaluation metrics.
MethodRMSE 95% CI/p.u.MAE 95% CI/p.u.MAPE 95% CI/%
KEDNN[0.0270, 0.0322][0.0180, 0.0214][1.1600, 1.3870]
CNN [29][0.0325, 0.0376][0.0230, 0.0264][1.4100, 1.5140]
DNN [32][0.0320, 0.0364][0.0220, 0.0256][1.4000, 1.5060]
BPNN [33][0.0620, 0.0684][0.0440, 0.0498][1.6900, 1.7530]
Table 4. Predicted values and simulation results for TOV at RES when LCC2 is blocked under certain operation mode with 50% renewable energy penetration.
Table 4. Predicted values and simulation results for TOV at RES when LCC2 is blocked under certain operation mode with 50% renewable energy penetration.
RESSimulation ResultsPredicted
RESSimulation ResultsPredicted
Table 5. Evaluation metrics of different models for TOV prediction in large-scale power systems.
Table 5. Evaluation metrics of different models for TOV prediction in large-scale power systems.
CNN [29]0.04160.03101.8002
DNN [32]0.04100.02961.7438
BPNN [33]0.07820.05632.0662
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MDPI and ACS Style

Wang, G.; Liu, J.; Liu, J.; Li, Y.; Mo, T.; Ju, S. Transient Overvoltage Prediction Method for Renewable Energy Stations via Knowledge-Embedded Enhanced Deep Neural Network. Energies 2025, 18, 1090.

AMA Style

Wang G, Liu J, Liu J, Li Y, Mo T, Ju S. Transient Overvoltage Prediction Method for Renewable Energy Stations via Knowledge-Embedded Enhanced Deep Neural Network. Energies. 2025; 18(5):1090.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Wang, Guangyao, Jun Liu, Jiacheng Liu, Yuting Li, Tianxiao Mo, and Sheng Ju. 2025. "Transient Overvoltage Prediction Method for Renewable Energy Stations via Knowledge-Embedded Enhanced Deep Neural Network" Energies 18, no. 5: 1090.

APA Style

Wang, G., Liu, J., Liu, J., Li, Y., Mo, T., & Ju, S. (2025). Transient Overvoltage Prediction Method for Renewable Energy Stations via Knowledge-Embedded Enhanced Deep Neural Network. Energies, 18(5), 1090.

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