Robust Optimal Sizing of a Stand-Alone Hybrid Renewable Energy System Using Machine Learning-Based Uncertainty Sets
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
- 1.
- Two novel DUS structures based on VAR and NN are developed and applied within the ARO framework for the problem of optimal sizing of an HRES. Compared to the TS-based DUS proposed by Keyvandarian and Saif [14] to capture only the temporal auto-correlations of individual uncertain parameters, the novel VAR- and NN-based DUSs presented in this work capture both the auto-correlations and cross-correlations in the data, thus enabling more information to be extracted from the TS data, leading to more accurate predictions. The ability of the new DUSs to learn and utilize the inherent cross-correlative nature of the demand and RES supply data results in tighter uncertainty sets that reach less conservative and better-performing HRES designs than those obtained in [14].
- 2.
- The proposed DUSs, along with a classical SUS and TS-based DUSs, are utilized within the ARO framework in a realistic case study to optimally size an HRES in a small Canadian community, and their results are compared to quantify the value of using the proposed VAR- and NN-based DUSs within the ARO framework to design HRESs.
3. Nominal Problem
3.1. Problem Description
3.2. Mathematical Formulation
4. Robust Problems
4.1. Adaptive Robust Formulation
4.2. Uncertainty Sets
4.2.1. Static Uncertainty Sets
4.2.2. Independent TS-Based Dynamic Uncertainty Sets
4.2.3. VAR-Based Dynamic Uncertainty Set
4.2.4. NN-Based Dynamic Uncertainty Set
5. A C&CG Solution Algorithm
- 1.
- Initialize: Set , and ={}
- 2.
- Iterate:
- (a)
- Solve the master problem (12) with the subset to obtain the optimal solution and update .
- (b)
- Solve the subproblem (14) corresponding to to obtain the partial optimal solution/vertex (), indexed by , and then update .
- (c)
- If , return as the -optimal solution to and stop. Otherwise, update and repeat step 2.
6. Numerical Results
6.1. Case Study Data
6.2. Uncertainty Sets Calibration
6.3. In-Sample Comparison
6.4. Out-of-Sample Comparison
6.5. Technical Feasibility (Homer Pro Simulation)
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Notations and Abbreviations
Parameters | |
Daily cost of a PV panel ($) | |
Daily cost of a WT ($) | |
Daily cost of a BB module ($) | |
Operating cost of the DG ($/kWh) | |
Expected energy supplied by a PV panel during period t (kWh) |
Expected energy supplied by a WT during period t (kWh) | |
Expected energy demand during period t (kWh) | |
Maximum energy charged to a BB module per period (kWh) | |
Maximum energy discharged from a BB module per period (kWh) | |
K | Energy storage capacity of a BB module (kWh) |
Upper limit on the number of PV panels | |
Upper limit on the number of WTs | |
Upper limit on the number of BB modules | |
BB charge/discharge cycle efficiency | |
Control Variables | |
Energy generated by the DG during period t (kWh) | |
Energy charged to the BB during period t (kWh) | |
Energy discharged from the BB during period t (kWh) | |
Recoverable energy stored in the BB at the end of period t (kWh) | |
Design Variables | |
Number of PVs | |
Number of WTs | |
Number of BB modules | |
Abbreviations | |
AR | Auto-regressive |
ARO | Adaptive robust optimization |
BB | Battery bank |
C&CG | Column-and-constraint generation |
DG | Diesel generator |
DRP | System designed based on independent dynamic uncertainty sets |
DUS | Dynamic uncertainty set |
HRES | Hybrid renewable energy system |
MBIP | Mixed-binary-integer program |
NN | Neural network |
NNP | System designed based on neural network dynamic uncertainty sets |
NP | Nominal problem |
PV | Photovoltaic |
RES | Renewable energy sources |
RO | Robust optimization |
TS | Time series |
VAR | Vector auto-regressive |
VARP | System designed based on vector-autoregressive dynamic uncertainty sets |
WT | Wind turbine |
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Component | WT | PV | BB | DG |
Capex ($) | 700,000 | 350 | 500 | 300,000 |
Opex | 6000 $/year | 10 $/year | 0 $/year | 80 $/kWh |
K | |||||
0.066 $/day | 119 $/day | 0.068 $/day | 80 $/kWh | 3.37 kWh | 0.85 |
0.11 kWh | 2.174 kWh | 200,000 | 200 | 200,000 | 24 |
Case | Number of Nodes in the Hidden Layer | Number of Epochs | Optimal Cost |
1 | 1 | 500 | 56,824 |
2 | 1 | 750 | 56,801 |
3 | 1 | 1000 | 56,763 |
4 | 1 | 1500 | 56,706 |
5 | 2 | 500 | 56,696 |
6 | 2 | 750 | 56,635 |
7 | 2 | 1000 | 56,546 |
8 | 2 | 1500 | 56,382 |
9 | 4 | 500 | 56,227 |
10 | 4 | 750 | 56,196 |
11 | 4 | 1000 | 56,153 |
12 | 4 | 1500 | 56,164 |
13 | 8 | 500 | 55,939 |
14 | 8 | 750 | 55,825 |
15 | 8 | 1000 | 55,711 |
16 | 8 | 1500 | 55,718 |
17 | 16 | 500 | 55,700 |
18 | 16 | 750 | 55,699 |
19 | 16 | 1000 | 55,698 |
20 | 16 | 1500 | 55,699 |
Selected | 10 | 1200 | 54,701 |
Number of Lags | VAR Opt. Cost ($/day) | NN Opt. Cost ($/day) | Difference Percentage |
1 | 56,342 | 55,701 | 1.1% |
2 | 55,689 | 55,687 | 0.0% |
3 | 55,657 | 55,591 | 0.8% |
4 | 55,623 | 55,562 | 0.6% |
5 | 55,615 | 55,558 | 0.8% |
6 | 55,545 | 55,550 | −0.1% |
7 | 55,490 | 55,491 | 0.0% |
8 | 55,344 | 55,340 | 0.1% |
9 | 55,255 | 55,216 | 1.1% |
10 | 55,131 | 55,099 | 0.1% |
11 | 54,701 | 54,985 | 1.8% |
12 | 54,684 | 54,890 | 0.2% |
13 | 54,677 | 54,760 | 0.1% |
14 | 54,629 | 54,745 | −0.6% |
15 | 54,604 | 54,694 | 0.0% |
16 | 54,603 | 54,603 | 0.0% |
17 | 54,540 | 54,540 | 0.0% |
18 | 54,469 | 54,469 | 0.0% |
19 | 54,378 | 54,378 | 0.0% |
20 | 54,328 | 54,328 | 0.0% |
21 | 54,321 | 54,321 | 0.0% |
22 | 54,317 | 54,317 | 0.0% |
23 | 54,307 | 54,307 | 0.0% |
24 | 54,278 | 54,278 | 0.0% |
System | Optimal Solution in Number of Units | Optimal Solution in kW/kWh | Optimal Cost |
WT: 46,200 kW | |||
NP | 97,200 | PV: 33,048 kW | 47,356 $/day |
165,340 | BB: 557,195.8 kWh | ||
WT: 49,500 kW | |||
DRP | 105,354 | PV: 35,820.4 kW | 55,367 $/day |
168,347 | BB: 567,329.4 kWh | ||
WT: 50,400 kW | |||
VARP | 104,567 | PV: 35,552.8 kW | 54,701 $/day |
169,678 | BB: 571,814.9 kWh | ||
WT: 50,400 kW | |||
NNP | 104,567 | PV: 35,552.8 kW | 54,701 $/day |
169,678 | BB: 571,814.9 kWh | ||
WT: 47,100 kW | |||
HOMER Pro | 102,435 | PV: 34,827.9 kW | 52,768 $/day |
163,495 | BB: 550,978.2 kWh |
System | LOLE (%) (Loss of Load Expected) | Excess Electricity |
NP | 0.110% | 47% (146,243,989 kW/year) |
DRP | 0.073% | 49% (146,988,522 kW/year) |
VARP | 0.033% | 52% (147,574,393 kWh/year) |
NNP | 0.033% | 52% (147,574,393 kWh/year) |
HOMER Pro | 0.049% | 51% (147,127,026 kWh/year) |
Approach | Avg. CPU Time | Avg. Number of Iterations |
ARO with SUSs | 5.2 | 8 |
DRP | 7.4 | 10 |
VARP | 9.7 | 9 |
NNP | 11.4 | 9 |
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Share and Cite
Keyvandarian, A.; Saif, A.; Pelot, R. Robust Optimal Sizing of a Stand-Alone Hybrid Renewable Energy System Using Machine Learning-Based Uncertainty Sets. Energies 2025, 18, 1130.
Keyvandarian A, Saif A, Pelot R. Robust Optimal Sizing of a Stand-Alone Hybrid Renewable Energy System Using Machine Learning-Based Uncertainty Sets. Energies. 2025; 18(5):1130.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKeyvandarian, Ali, Ahmed Saif, and Ronald Pelot. 2025. "Robust Optimal Sizing of a Stand-Alone Hybrid Renewable Energy System Using Machine Learning-Based Uncertainty Sets" Energies 18, no. 5: 1130.
APA StyleKeyvandarian, A., Saif, A., & Pelot, R. (2025). Robust Optimal Sizing of a Stand-Alone Hybrid Renewable Energy System Using Machine Learning-Based Uncertainty Sets. Energies, 18(5), 1130.