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Robust Optimal Sizing of a Stand-Alone Hybrid Renewable Energy System Using Machine Learning-Based Uncertainty Sets

Department of Industrial Engineering, Dalhousie University, 5269 Morris Street, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2, Canada
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Energies 2025, 18(5), 1130;
Submission received: 21 January 2025 / Revised: 24 February 2025 / Accepted: 24 February 2025 / Published: 25 February 2025


This study introduces an adaptive robust approach for optimally sizing hybrid renewable energy systems (HRESs) comprising solar panels, wind turbines, batteries, and a diesel generator. It integrates vector auto-regressive models (VAR) and neural networks (NN) into dynamic uncertainty sets (DUSs) to address temporal auto-correlations and cross-correlations among uncertain parameters like energy demand and solar and wind energy supply. These DUSs are compared to static and independent dynamic uncertainty sets based on time series (TS) from the literature. An exact iterative algorithm is developed to solve the problem effectively. A case study of a northern Ontario community evaluates the proposed framework and the solution method using real test data. Simulation reveals a 10.7% increase in capital cost on average but a 36.2% decrease in operational cost, resulting in a 16.4% total cost reduction and an 8.1% improvement in system reliability compared to the nominal model employing point estimates. Furthermore, the proposed VAR- and NN-based DUSs significantly outperform classical static and TS-based dynamic sets, underscoring the necessity of considering cross-correlations in uncertainty quantification.

1. Introduction

Among the key factors driving any country’s industrialization, urbanization, and economic growth is the availability of reliable energy supply, especially in the form of electricity [1]. Conventionally, most electricity is generated from fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. However, in the last few decades, fossil fuel resources have been depleted at a fast pace while the global demand for electricity is relentlessly growing [2]. Moreover, the global warming phenomenon, primarily caused by greenhouse gas emissions, has reached a critical level that necessitates a dramatic reduction in the reliance on fossil fuels in power generation [3]. Hence, it is essential to increase the penetration of abundantly available and environmentally friendly renewable energy sources (RES) like solar and wind in power systems to simultaneously fulfill the growing electricity demand and reduce the environmental impacts of electricity generation [4].
To this end, whereas most endeavors have been focused on de-carbonizing centralized power systems, it is also important to pay attention to remote and isolated communities for which grid connection is not technically or economically feasible [5]. Stand-alone hybrid renewable energy systems (HRESs) that combine conventional and renewable energy sources with or without energy storage represent a viable alternative to grid connection for serving remote and isolated communities. Moreover, with their improving performance and declining cost, they are rapidly becoming an attractive option for individual houses and communities in urban areas as well. As a result, the problem of optimally sizing an HRES has received considerable interest in the last decade and many models and solution methods have been developed to address it [6]. Whereas most early models ignored the intermittent and probabilistic nature of RES supply and consumers’ demand for the sake of simplicity and tractability, these issues have become central in HRES design, especially with the recent advances in optimization under uncertainty methods. For more information in this context, the reader is referred to recent reviews such as [7,8].
A key limitation of stochastic HRES design models proposed so far is that they often overlook the statistical auto- and cross-correlations in wind and solar data, and instead treat them as independent random variables. Auto-correlation measures the extent of resemblance between a specific time series and a delayed version of itself across consecutive time intervals, whereas cross-correlation measures the similarity between two data series (TS) in terms of the displacement of one with respect to the other. Numerous studies in the literature have established the presence of strong auto- and cross-correlations in RES TS data. For instance, Anjos et al. [9] have concluded that wind data exhibit correlations with both prior wind speed and preceding solar radiation values. Similarly, solar radiation data show correlations with earlier wind speed and past solar radiation data. Incorporating correlations in TS data significantly enhances the statistical modeling accuracy [10], potentially leading to better HRES designs, which is the motivation for this work.
Adaptive robust optimization (ARO) [11], an extension of single-stage robust optimization (RO) [12], is a relatively new paradigm for decision-making under uncertainty. In RO, the uncertain parameters are assumed to belong to a multidimensional uncertainty set and optimization is carried out for the worst realization within it, thus providing a performance guarantee. To reduce conservatism, ARO postpones some decisions until after the uncertainty of parameters is revealed. Whereas ARO has been proposed to solve several problems in conventional energy systems, few references reported using it to size stand-alone HRESs. Billionet et al. [13] utilized an ARO framework with static uncertainty sets (SUSs) for optimal sizing of an HRES. A major issue with applying SUSs to capture the uncertain nature of RES supply is that it leads to large uncertainty sets, consequently resulting in poor, or even infeasible, solutions. This is related to the inability of SUSs to capture the temporal correlations in RES supply profiles. A possible remedy, proposed by Keyvandarian and Saif [14], is to use dynamic uncertainty sets (DUSs) that incorporate TS models. This way, tighter uncertainty sets are constructed and less conservative solutions are obtained. However, the TS-based model proposed in [14] ignores the cross-correlations of uncertain parameters, which, if considered, can improve the modeling of the complex supply variability patterns of RES generators. Incorporating cross-correlations can be done by using prediction tools such as vector auto-regressive (VAR) and neural network (NN) models, which are superior in forecasting RES supply than classical TS-based models [15].
The issue of supply and demand uncertainty is more crucial in stand-alone systems than in grid-connected ones. On one hand, the limited availability of controllable generators in stand-alone systems and high reliance on intermittent sources like photovoltaic panels (PVs) and wind turbines (WTs) amplify the impact of supply uncertainty, unlike grid-connected systems which usually have a much lower reliance on renewables (since they can always get electricity from the grid), meaning that uncertainty is not usually a major concern. On the other hand, stand-alone systems usually serve smaller communities with much higher demand variability and unpredictability compared to large-scale connected communities where risk-pooling reduces variability and makes demand prediction easier. Furthermore, from a cost perspective, stand-alone systems often use large capacities of expensive battery storage, unlike grid-connected systems which rely on the grid to absorb the supply-demand mismatch. Thus, it is essential for cost feasibility to properly size the battery bank (BB), which requires accurate characterization of the uncertain parameters to reduce the conservatism of the design, as we propose in this work.
This paper proposes an ARO framework for optimally sizing a stand-alone HRES that consists of PVs, WTs, a BB, and a diesel generator (DG). It is assumed that, in addition to the uncertainty of demand, the energy output of WTs and PVs is uncertain due to the intermittent nature of wind and solar energies. To deal with these uncertainties, several structures for the uncertainty sets of parameters are applied within the ARO framework. The work of Keyvandarian and Saif [14] is extended by developing two novel DUS structures based on VAR and NN prediction models, by which not only the auto-correlations of the uncertain parameters but also the cross-correlations among them are captured. It is argued and demonstrated numerically that considering the cross-correlations among uncertain parameters leads to tighter DUSs, which further alleviates the over-conservatism of RO. Furthermore, an exact column-and-constraint generation (C&CG) algorithm is developed to solve the problem to a proven optimality. Finally, the proposed approach is tested through a case study of an isolated northern community in the Canadian province of Ontario, and the results are thoroughly analyzed.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: The literature on the optimal sizing of HRESs with a focus on RO extensions is presented in Section 2. The description and mathematical formulation of the problem are provided in Section 3, whereas Section 4 presents the ARO formulation of the problem, along with several DUS structures utilized within it. A solution algorithm based on C&CG is provided in Section 5. The results obtained by applying the proposed framework to a realistic case study are presented in Section 6. Finally, conclusions are drawn in Section 7.

2. Literature Review

A large number of methods have been proposed in the literature for optimally sizing HRESs. Some of these methods, e.g., linear programming [16] and iterative techniques [17], are based on the certainty assumption, which treats stochastic model parameters such as demand and RES supply as being deterministic, i.e., their point estimates based on historical data are used in the model. This simplifying assumption usually leads to solutions that are far from optimal, as unpredictability and stochasticity are inherent features of the parameters. While these features are accounted for in other popular approaches such as simulation-optimization [18,19] and meta-heuristic algorithms [20,21], these approaches cannot guarantee global optimality and can easily fall in locally optimal solutions. Hence, exact optimization approaches that can handle uncertainty, such as stochastic programming (SP) [22], fuzzy programming (FP) [23], robust optimization (RO) [12], and distributionally robust optimization (DRO) [24], have been investigated in the HRES design literature. SP and RO are two popular methods that are widely used in the HRES optimal sizing under uncertainty literature. SP, known for its good asymptotic convergence properties, has been extensively applied to solve this problem. For example, Li et al. [25] developed a two-stage SP model for optimally sizing an HRES consisting of WTs, a concentrated solar plant, and an electric heater. However, SP requires knowledge of the probability distribution associated with uncertain parameters, and solving the SP model becomes computationally expensive as the number of scenarios becomes large. These drawbacks have led to a surge of interest in RO as an alternative approach, owing to its favorable properties such as tractability, risk-aversion, and for being distribution-free. For a comprehensive review of the methods utilized for optimal sizing of HRESs, interested readers are referred to [26,27,28].
On the other hand, advanced prediction techniques like Machine Learning (ML) are being extensively used to make accurate predictions of demand and RES supply [29]. A new promising trend in prescriptive analytics is to combine such prediction techniques with classical mathematical programming (MP) frameworks like RO to make decisions under uncertainty. In this context, one way is to apply prediction techniques as an independent step performed before the optimization begins. For instance, Tulabandhula and Rudin [30] proposed a two-step approach, in which four ML techniques are used independently to construct uncertainty sets in the first step and then approximated with more tractable uncertainty sets that can be handily used within the RO framework in the second step. An alternative (and more sophisticated) approach is to incorporate a prediction model within the optimization framework to do both tasks simultaneously. For instance, Wang et al. [15] embedded support vector machines within the structure of an uncertainty set, as part of a data-driven RO model for refinery planning under uncertainty. Another work in this context was conducted by Ning and You [31], in which they integrated RO with principal component analysis and kernel smoothing methods. Recently, Bichescu and Plak [32] proposed an innovative approach to TS modeling and forecasting in which the selection of appropriately lagged terms and estimation of their coefficients is achieved via MP simultaneously. Ning and You [33] provided a comprehensive review of the recent advances in data-driven optimization under uncertainty in terms of systematic uncertainty modeling and organic integration of ML and MP. Our paper can be classified under the latter group of MP/ML integration approaches.
The HRES robust optimal sizing problem has received considerable attention recently. Dragicevic et al. [34] described an RO approach to minimize the total design cost of an HRES. Later, to reduce the conservatism of classical RO, Billionet et al. [13] applied ARO with SUSs to optimally size an HRES that consists of PVs, WTs, a BB, and a DG. Recently, Keyvandarian and Saif [35] applied ARO with SUSs, among other methods, for optimally sizing a reliability-constrained, stand-alone HRES with the same components. A major shortcoming of SUSs is that they neglect the temporal correlations among the problem’s uncertain parameters, thus requiring unduly large uncertainty sets to capture their variability, leading to excessively conservative designs. To alleviate this issue, Keyvandarian and Saif [14] utilized DUSs within the ARO framework to design an HRES. Although their work contributed to the improvement of the ARO solution, it can be extended even further by utilizing more complex and accurate prediction models such as VAR models and NNs, instead of simple TS models to construct DUSs that capture the cross-correlations among uncertain parameters as well as their independent auto-correlations.
The concept of DUSs is introduced by Lorca and Sun [36] within an ARO formulation to capture spatiotemporal correlations of WT outputs in a multi-period economic dispatch (ED) problem. Later, Lorca and Sun [37] used the same framework in a multi-stage unit commitment (UC) and ED problem. While the framework proposed in [36,37] reduces the conservatism of classic ARO significantly, it is based on a rather simple auto-regressive (AR) TS model to construct the DUS. Keyvandarian and Saif [14] extend their work by developing a more generic DUS structure, constructed based on a statistical framework that uses the auto-correlation behavior of historical data to select the most appropriate TS model for data. DUSs are also used in other areas such as supply chain design [38] and power grid flexibility assessment [39]. To the best of our knowledge, cross-correlations among uncertain parameters were ignored in all DUSs defined in the literature. It is hypothesized that if these cross-correlations are considered, this can lead to more accurate and tighter DUSs, resulting in lower conservatism of the ARO framework.
In light of the literature review presented above, the contributions of this paper are twofold:
Two novel DUS structures based on VAR and NN are developed and applied within the ARO framework for the problem of optimal sizing of an HRES. Compared to the TS-based DUS proposed by Keyvandarian and Saif [14] to capture only the temporal auto-correlations of individual uncertain parameters, the novel VAR- and NN-based DUSs presented in this work capture both the auto-correlations and cross-correlations in the data, thus enabling more information to be extracted from the TS data, leading to more accurate predictions. The ability of the new DUSs to learn and utilize the inherent cross-correlative nature of the demand and RES supply data results in tighter uncertainty sets that reach less conservative and better-performing HRES designs than those obtained in [14].
The proposed DUSs, along with a classical SUS and TS-based DUSs, are utilized within the ARO framework in a realistic case study to optimally size an HRES in a small Canadian community, and their results are compared to quantify the value of using the proposed VAR- and NN-based DUSs within the ARO framework to design HRESs.

3. Nominal Problem

This section begins by describing the optimal sizing problem for a stand-alone HRES. Then, we present the notations utilized and the nominal problem formulation.

3.1. Problem Description

As depicted in Figure 1, the HRES comprises WTs, PVs, a DG, and a BB. While our proposed method is adaptable and can integrate additional or alternative energy generation and storage technologies, we focus on these specific components for simplicity. Depending on the location and technological availability, the types of PV, WT, and BB are pre-selected, with a predefined upper limit for the installed capacity of each technology. Additionally, we assume a fixed and sufficient DG capacity, not subject to alteration. Initial assumptions include knowledge of the hourly energy demand to be entirely fulfilled. The problem’s timeframe spans 24 h, accommodating the significant fluctuations in wind and solar energy throughout the day while managing computational costs. This temporal scale assumption aligns with common practices in the HRES planning literature; see, e.g., [40,41,42]. The objective is to specify the number of PVs, WTs, and BB modules necessary to meet the demand while minimizing capital and operating costs.
The operational rules of the HRES are as follows: Solar and wind serve as the primary energy sources, with the DG being utilized as a supplementary provider. Should the combined energy supplied by PVs and WTs exceeds demand, surplus energy is used to charge the BB. If it reaches full storage capacity or its charging limit, excess energy is dumped at no cost, e.g., using a thermal energy dissipator. Conversely, when demand is higher than the energy supplied by PVs and WTs, the controller initially attempts to compensate by utilizing stored energy from the BB. The DG is utilized only if the BB cannot completely bridge the deficit, either due to the stored energy being insufficient or by reaching its discharge limit.
The BB comprises multiple interconnected components that can collectively be either charging, discharging, or inactive at any given time. Billionet et al. [13] showed this operational protocol for the BB to be optimal. Furthermore, to enhance its longevity and reduce maintenance expenses, the BB is not allowed to switch between charging and discharging states within a single hour. This constraint is widely acknowledged in academic literature; see, e.g., [43,44]. Moreover, in alignment with prior studies and to simplify the problem, some practical considerations such as battery degradation, depth-of-discharge effects on the BB lifespan, and its replacement cost have been deliberately ignored. Instead, the focus is on the novel DUSs proposed to handle uncertainty. Since the overlooked considerations uniformly affect all models, they should have no or little effect on the study findings.

3.2. Mathematical Formulation

When energy demand and PV and WT supply are assumed deterministic, the HRES sizing problem is termed the Nominal Problem (NP), and is formulated as follows [13]:
[ NP ] : min x , e C p x p + C w x w + C b x b + C g t T e t g
s . t . E t p x p + E t w x w e t i n + γ e t o u t + e t g D t t T
e t i n E i n x b t T
e t o u t E o u t x b t T
e t b K x b t T
e t b = e t 1 b + e t i n e t o u t t = 2 , , | T |
e 1 b = e | T | b + e 1 i n e 1 o u t
x p N m a x p
x w N m a x w
x b N m a x b
x w , x p , x b N +
e t i n , e t o u t , e t b , e t g R + t T .
The vector x = ( x p , x w , x b ) denotes the design variables, whereas e = ( e i n , e o u t , e b , e g ) denotes the control (operation) variables. The first part of the objective function signifies the capital cost, where C p , C w , and C b represent the per-unit costs of PVs, WTs, and BB modules, respectively, encompassing procurement, installation, and maintenance expenses adjusted to a daily rate based on the component’s lifespan. The integer variables x p , x w , and x b indicate the numbers of PVs, WTs, and BB modules within the system, respectively. It is worth noting that the mathematical formulation can accommodate other component types by introducing additional design variables and computing their daily unit costs accordingly. The NP formulation resembles that introduced by Billionet et al. [13]. Given that the DG type and capacity are predetermined, its capital and maintenance costs remain constant and have no effect on the optimal system design. The last objective function term represents the DG fuel cost, where C g signifies the cost per kWh of energy generated and e t g denotes its energy output in period t.
The model constraints ensure that demand is satisfied in every period and enforce the technical limitations of the system components. In particular, constraint (1b) states that, in a given period t, the energy supplied by the PVs, WTs and the DG, and the net energy supplied by the BB (i.e., the difference between discharged and charged energy) must be at least equal to the demand ( D t ). Respectively, each PV and WT delivers E t p and E t w kWh in period t, so the total energy supplied by them is E t p x p + E t w x w . If the BB is charging (i.e., acting as an energy sink), the energy charged ( e t i n ) must be subtracted, whereas the energy discharged from the BB ( e t o u t ) is considered an additional source and added to the mix after accounting for losses through the efficiency factor γ . Hence, the net effect of the BB is e t i n + γ e t o u t . The constraint e t i n e t o u t = 0 is implicitly applied in the problem, as demonstrated in [13], as there exists an optimal solution that satisfies this condition.
Each BB module has per-period energy charge and discharge limits of E i n and E o u t kWh, respectively. Thus, with x b modules installed, the total energy amounts charged to ( e t i n ) or discharged from ( e t o u t ) the BB cannot exceed E i n x b and E o u t x b , respectively. These limits are imposed through constraints (1c) and (1d). Likewise, each BB module can store up to K kWh of recoverable energy, so the total amount stored in the BB cannot exceed K x b , as stated in constraint (1e). Constraints (1f) and (1g) ensure BB energy conservation, by which the energy stored at the end of period t ( e t t ) equals that stored at the beginning of the period (i.e., the end of period t 1 ) in addition to the amount of energy charged ( e t i n ) during the period and with the energy discharged ( e t o u t ) subtracted. Note that constraint (1g), which links periods | T | and 1, is necessary to enforce a cyclical pattern, thus ensuring operational sustainability. Constraints (1h), (1i), and (1j) specify the maximum numbers of PVs, WTs, and BB modules, respectively, that can be installed given the site limitations, whereas constraints (1k) and (1l) delineate the decision variables’ domains.
The proposed formulation inherently yields a generation and storage plan that satisfies the predefined operational rules. For instance, by assigning a positive cost to run the DG, the optimizer always prioritizes utilizing the energy stored in the battery, which is essentially “free”, before resorting to the DG.

4. Robust Problems

In the previous section, energy demand and RES energy supply are treated as deterministic problem parameters. However, in reality, these parameters are inherently uncertain. This section introduces an ARO model and explores various DUS structures to deal with this uncertainty.

4.1. Adaptive Robust Formulation

In RO, the uncertain parameters are contained in predefined uncertainty sets, and the objective is optimized for the worst-case realization in these sets. Single-stage RO models assume all decisions are taken before the parameters’ realized values become known. In many real-world situations, however, specific decisions can be delayed until full or partial knowledge of these values becomes available, resulting in a two-stage structure. The problem being considered is amenable to this paradigm since the HRES sizing decisions are made under uncertainty whereas operational decisions are determined in real time based on actual demand and RES supply. Due to the operational rules imposed by the constraints, operational decisions are predetermined for any realization; hence, the recourse (second-stage) problem is not explicitly solved. The ARO problem is stated as follows [14]:
[ AROP ] : min x C p x p + C w x w + C b x b + sup E p U p , E w U w , D U d h ( x , E p , E w , D )
s . t . x p N m a x p
x w N m a x w
x b N m a x b
x w , x p , x b N + .
In this formulation, U p , U w , and U d are the uncertainty sets for E p , E w , and D , respectively, and h ( x , E p , E w , D ) represents the optimal value of the following recourse problem:
h ( x , D , E p , E w ) = min e C g t T e t g
s . t . E t p x p + E t w x w e t i n + γ e t o u t + e t g D t t T
e t i n E i n x b t T
e t o u t E o u t x b t T
e t b K x b t T
e t b = e t 1 b + e t i n e t o u t t T / { 1 }
e 1 b = e 24 b + e 1 i n e 1 o u t
e t i n , e t o u t , e t b , e t g R + t T .
By virtue of having the DG as a supplementary resource, this problem remains feasible for any x since it admits the solution e t g = D t , e t i n = e t o u t = e t b = 0 , t T . In other words, it enjoys complete recourse. Indeed, its tractable reformulation depends on the uncertainty set structure.

4.2. Uncertainty Sets

A crucial component of the RO framework is the uncertainty set, as it controls the hedging level against parameter uncertainty, solution quality, and computational tractability. For instance, a basic hypercubic uncertainty set used to encapsulate the uncertainty of demand and RES supply would reduce the robust problem to a deterministic one with the highest demand and lowest supply. However, this set results in an exceedingly pessimistic and poor design, as it is highly improbable that all parameters would take their worst possible values simultaneously. In its place, the literature describes alternate uncertainty set topologies that give appropriate protection while avoiding pathological circumstances.

4.2.1. Static Uncertainty Sets

Before introducing the suggested DUSs designed to capture the temporal auto- and cross-correlation features of demand and RES supply, we present a class of SUS that is commonly used within the RO framework. In particular, we use an independent budget uncertainty set, a class first introduced by Sim and Bertsimas [45], for each kind of uncertain parameter (i.e., E p , E w and D ). The demand uncertainty set is defined as follows:
U d : = D R + | T | : D t = D ¯ t + δ t d Δ t d , t T δ t d δ ¯ d , 0 δ t d 1 , t T ,
where D ¯ t and Δ t d are the minimum demand value and the maximum deviation from it in period t, respectively, δ t d [ 0 , 1 ] is a primary uncertainty parameter that determines the actual deviation in period t, and δ ¯ d [ 0 , | T | ] is the uncertainty budget. By altering this budget according to their risk tolerance, decision-makers can regulate the amount of design conservatism. SUSs for PV and WT power outputs can be defined similarly, as follows [45]:
S p : = E p R + | T | : E t p = E ¯ t p δ t p Δ t p , t T δ t p δ ¯ p , 0 δ t p 1 , t T ;
S w : = E w R + | T | : E t w = E ¯ t w δ t w Δ t w , t T δ t w δ ¯ w , 0 δ t w 1 , t T .
These SUSs’ parameters have definitions identical to those in (4), with the exception that deviations are measured from the maximum supply values instead of their minimums. Either way, the optimal realizations (i.e., maximum supply or minimum demand) serve as the baseline, from which departures in the deteriorating direction are assessed.

4.2.2. Independent TS-Based Dynamic Uncertainty Sets

In this section, we describe the DUS structure originally introduced by Keyvandarian and Saif [14] as a benchmark to evaluate the newly proposed DUSs. In this uncertainty set, hourly PV and WT energy outputs are modeled as TS variables determined by their earlier observations and some white noise. In this manner, the temporal auto-correlations of these variables are estimated, and tighter uncertainty sets are constructed compared to SUSs, potentially leading to less pessimistic designs. The TS-based DUS for the WT output is defined as follows [14]:
U w : = { E 1 w , , E | T | w :
0 E t w E r a t e d , t T ,
E t w = g t + E ˜ t w , t T ,
E ˜ t w = G 1 l 1 , m 1 + u t , t T ,
t T | u t | Γ w } ,
where E 2 w , , E | T | w represents the unknown WT energy outputs in periods 1 , , | T | . Given that a WT’s power curve cannot exceed its rated power, constraint (7b) is included in the DUS definition to enforce this limit. E t w is decomposed in (7c) into a seasonal pattern coefficient g t , calculated from wind data as shown by Keyvandarian and Saif [14], and a residual component E ˜ t w , representing the the deviation from g t . The TS model for WT output is provided in (7d) as a linear dynamic relationship between residuals and moving averages, with lags l 1 and m 1 , respectively, and an error term u t . Depending on the function G 1 ( . ) , this formula can represent an AR, MA, or ARMA TS model. For instance, let an AR model with order 3 be selected as the TS model. Then, Equation (7d) is written as E ˜ t w = A R ( 3 ) + u t . Equation (7e) specifies the uncertainty budget for the error terms u t . A TS-based DUS for PV output is similarly defined as follows [14]:
U p : = { E 1 p , , E | T | p :
E t p 0 , t T ,
E t p = h t + E ˜ t p , t T
E ˜ t p = G 2 ( l 2 , m 2 ) + w t , t T ,
t T | w t | Γ p } ,
where E 1 p , , E | T | p represent the unknown PV energy outputs in periods 1 , , | T | . Definitions of the other parameters used in U p are analogous to those in U w .

4.2.3. VAR-Based Dynamic Uncertainty Set

While the independent DUSs described in the previous section can improve the performance of RO by creating tighter uncertainty sets compared to SUSs, they ignore the cross-correlations among different uncertain parameters, namely energy demand, PV supply, and WT supply. In this section, a new structure, based on VAR models, for DUSs is proposed, which does not only capture the auto-correlations of, but also the cross-correlations among, different uncertain parameters. The VAR-based DUS is defined as follows:
U V A R : = { D 1 , , D | T | , E 1 p , , E | T | p , E 1 w , , E | T | w :
D t 0 , E t p 0 , E t w 0 t T ,
D t = p t + A t τ 1 D t τ + B t τ 1 E t τ p + C t τ 1 E t τ w + v t , t T ,
E t p = h t + A t τ 2 D t τ + B t τ 2 E t τ p + C t τ 2 E t τ w + w t , t T ,
E t w = g t + A t τ 3 D t τ + B t τ 3 E t τ p + C t τ 3 E t τ w + u t , t T ,
| | Δ V A R | | 2 β , } ,
where p t , h t , and g t are the seasonal patterns corresponding to demand, wind power output, and solar power output for period t, respectively. Coefficients A t τ , B t τ , and C t τ are the vectors of the VAR model corresponding to demand, solar energy output, and wind energy output for periods t | T | , , t 1 . In the representation, a revolving index is used, i.e., t τ means t + | T | τ when t τ . Furthermore, D t τ , E t τ p , and E t τ w are the transposes of vectors of demand, solar energy output, and wind energy output in the periods t | T | , , t 1 , respectively. Δ V A R = v 1 , , v | T | , w 1 , , w | T | , u 1 , , u | T | is the vector of white noises, which has its Euclidean norm capped by β to control the uncertainty budget. Note that when AR models are used in the uncertainty sets U d , U p , and U w , they collectively become a special case of U V A R with all the cross-correlation coefficients set to zero and the uncertainty budget adjusted accordingly.

4.2.4. NN-Based Dynamic Uncertainty Set

An alternative approach to constructing DUSs that capture the cross-correlations among the uncertain parameters as well as their auto-correlations is using NNs within the DUS structure. A DUS constructed using a three-layer NN, composed of an input layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer, is proposed in this section. A single hidden layer is used in the NN to keep the model tractable, as using deeper NNs, while potentially leading to higher prediction accuracy, comes at the cost of making the model more complex. However, deep NNs with multiple hidden layers could be used to define the DUS, though this option is left for future research. Figure 2 illustrates a schematic of a simplified NN with a single-period lag. Let I be the set of nodes in the hidden layer of the NN; then, the NN-based DUS with | I | nodes in the hidden layer is defined as follows:
U N N : = { D 1 , , D | T | , E 1 p , , E | T | p , E 1 w , , E | T | w :
D t 0 , E t p 0 , E t w 0 t T ,
D t = p t + A c t i I w i , t d , o A c t W i , t τ d , h D t τ + W i , t τ p , h E t τ p + W i , t τ w , h E t τ w + v t , t T ,
E t p = h t + A c t i I w i , t p , o A c t W i , t τ d , h D t τ + W i , t τ p , h E t τ p + W i , t τ w , h E t τ w + w t , t T ,
E t w = g t + A c t i I w i , t w , o A c t W i , t τ d , h D t τ + W i , t τ p , h E t τ p + W i , t τ w , h E t τ w + u t , t T ,
| | Δ N N | | 2 ζ } ,
where w t d , o , w t p , o , and w t w , o are the weights corresponding to the nodes of demand, solar energy output, and wind energy output for period t on the output layer, respectively. W t τ d , h , W t τ p , h , and W t τ w , h are, respectively, the vectors of demand, solar energy output, and wind energy output weights corresponding to the hidden layer. D t τ , E t τ p , and E t τ w are, respectively, the transposes of vectors of demand, solar energy output, and wind energy output in periods t | T | , , t 1 i.e., | T | periods before the period t. Other variables have the same definition as in the VAR-based DUS. The function A c t ( . ) is the activation function, which should be selected by the decision-maker based on the purpose of the NN [46].
There is a wide range of linear and non-linear activation functions that have been utilized in the literature, with a complete list of these functions to be found in [46,47]. The simplest choice is to use a linear function, i.e., A c t ( y ) = a y + b . However, if all the layers’ activation functions are linear, then no matter how many layers the NN has, the output is just a linear function of the input; that is to say, the whole network is equivalent to a single layer with a linear activation function [47]. In this special case, the NN-based DUS reduces to the VAR-based DUS. To add non-linearity to the prediction model, a non-linear activation function must be used in the definition of the NN-based DUS. The problem with the majority of non-linear activation functions is that they lead to a non-linear formulation of the problem, causing tractability issues. Sharma et al. [46] noted that the rectified linear unit (ReLU) function, defined as A c t ( y ) = max ( 0 , y ) is among the most widely used activation functions and often outperforms other ones. In addition, the structure of this function can be linearized easily. Hence, a ReLU function is utilized in the hidden layer, whereas for the output layer, a simple linear function, A c t ( y ) = y , is used since all the demand and energy output data are positive. The extended form of the NN-based DUS is as follows:
U N N : = { D 1 , , D | T | , E 1 p , , E | T | p , E 1 w , , E | T | w :
D t 0 , E t p 0 , E t w 0 t T ,
D t = p t + i I w i , t d , o max W i , t τ d , h D t τ + W i , t τ p , h E t τ p + W i , t τ w , h E t τ w , 0 + v t , t T ,
E t p = h t + i I w i , t p , o max W i , t τ d , h D t τ + W i , t τ p , h E t τ p + W i , t τ w , h E t τ w , 0 + w t , t T ,
E t w = g t + i I w i , t w , o max W i , t τ d , h D t τ + W i , t τ p , h E t τ p + W i , t τ w , h E t τ w , 0 + u t , t T ,
| | Δ N N | | 2 ζ } .
Given that Equations (11c)–(11e) can be easily linearized, using this DUS does not introduce non-linearity in the recourse problem.

5. A C&CG Solution Algorithm

We present a C&CG algorithm similar to the one first introduced by Zheng and Zhao [48] and used later by Keyvandarian and Saif [14,49] to solve AROP . Let X be the feasible set for the first-stage problem (2b)–(2e). The technique indirectly enumerates the vertices of the polyhedral uncertainty set U, indexed by m M . This transformation enables AROP to be reformulated as a single-stage master problem, as follows:
[ MP ] : min x X , θ , e C p x p + C w x w + C b x b + θ
s . t .     θ C g t T e t g , m m M     E t p , m x p + E t w , m x w e t i n , m
+ γ e t o u t , m + e t g , m D t m t T , m M
E i n x b e t i n , m 0 t T , m M
E o u t x b e t o u t , m 0 t T , m M
K x b e t b , m 0 t T , m M
e t b , m e t 1 b , m e t i n , m + e t o u t , m = 0 t T / { 1 } , m M
e 1 b , m e | T | b , m e 1 i n , m + e 1 o u t , m = 0 m M
e t i n , m , e t o u t , m , e t b , m , e t g , m 0 t T , m M .
Due to the sheer size of the index set M, its elements cannot be enumerated at the outset. Instead, we begin with a (usually very small) subset M M and generate additional vertices incrementally as necessary. At every iteration, for the current solution ( x ¯ , θ ¯ , e ¯ ) of MP corresponding to the subset M , let ( E ˜ p , E ˜ w , D ˜ ) be the optimal solution (with index m ˜ ) of the sub-problem [ SP ]:
h ( x ¯ ) = max ( E p , E w , D ) U h ( x ¯ , E p , E w , D ) .
In case h ( x ¯ ) = θ ¯ , x ¯ is optimal to AROP and the algorithm terminates. If not, the new vertex ( E ˜ p , E ˜ w , D ˜ ) is included the master problem, i.e., M M { m ˜ } , which is then solved to obtain a new trial solution ( x ¯ , θ ¯ , e ¯ ) . The subproblem expands to:
max E p , E w , D U min e C g t T e t g s . t . E t p x ¯ p + E t w x ¯ w e t i n
+ γ e t o u t + e t g D t t T ( π t 1 )
e t i n E i n x ¯ b t T ( π t 2 )
e t o u t E o u t x ¯ b t T ( π t 3 )
e t b K x ¯ b t T ( π t 4 )
e t b = e t 1 b + e t i n e t o u t t T / { 1 } ( π t 5 )
e 1 b = e | T | b + e 1 i n e 1 o u t ( π 1 5 )
e t i n , e t o u t , e t b , e t g 0 t T ,
where Π = { π t 1 , π t 2 , π t 3 , π t 4 , π t 5 , t T } represent the dual variables corresponding to constraints (14b)–(14g).
The following is a description of the C&CG algorithm proposed to solve the problem to ϵ -optimality:
Initialize: Set L B = , U B = and M ={ m ¯ }
Solve the master problem (12) with the subset M to obtain the optimal solution ( x ¯ , θ ¯ , e ¯ ) and update L B = C p x ¯ p + C w x ¯ w + C b x ¯ b + θ ¯ .
Solve the subproblem (14) corresponding to x ¯ to obtain the partial optimal solution/vertex ( E ˜ p , E ˜ w , D ˜ ), indexed by m ˜ , and then update U B = min { U B , C p x ¯ p + C w x ¯ w + C b x ¯ b + h ( x ¯ ) } .
If ( U B L B ) / L B ϵ , return x ¯ as the ϵ -optimal solution to AROP and stop. Otherwise, update M M { m ˜ } and repeat step 2.
Note that SP is a max-min optimization problem that is not readily solvable. Since the inner minimization problem is always feasible and bounded, we can replace it with its Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions, before combining it with the outer maximization to obtain the following reformulation:
max E p , E w , D U , e , Π C g t T e t g s . t . D t E t p x ¯ p E t w x ¯ w + e t i n γ e t o u t
e t g 0 t T
e t i n E i n x ¯ b t T
e t o u t E o u t x ¯ b t T
e t b K x ¯ b t T
e t b = e t 1 b + e t i n e t o u t t T / { 1 }
e 1 b = e | T | b + e 1 i n e 1 o u t
π t 1 π t 2 π t 5 0 t T
γ π t 1 π t 3 + π t 5 0 t T
π t 4 + π t 5 π t + 1 5 0 t T / { | T | }
π 24 4 + π | T | 5 π 1 5 0
π t 1 C g t T ( E t p x ¯ p + E t w x ¯ w e t i n
+ γ e t o u t + e t g D t ) π t 1 = 0 t T
( E i n x ¯ b e t i n ) π t 2 = 0 t T
( E o u t x ¯ b e t o u t ) π t 3 = 0 t T
( K x ¯ b e t b ) π t 4 = 0 t T
( π t 1 + π t 2 + π t 5 ) e t i n = 0 t T
( γ π t 1 + π t 3 π t 5 ) e t o u t = 0 t T
( π t 4 π t 5 + π t + 1 5 ) e t b = 0 t T / { | T | }
( π | T | 4 π | T | 5 + π 1 5 ) e | T | b = 0
( C g π t 1 ) e t g = 0 t T
e t i n , e t o u t , e t b , e t g 0 t T
π t 1 , π t 2 , π t 3 , π t 4 0 t T .
The bilinear constraints (15m)–(15u) impose the complementary slackness conditions. They can be linearized using the big-M method by introducing binary variables. For instance, by using the binary variable v t 1 , constraint (15m) can be replaced with the following pair of linear constraints:
π t 1 M v t 1 t T
E t p x ¯ p + E t w x ¯ w e t i n + γ e t o u t + e t g D t M ( 1 v t 1 ) t T .
SP can be reformulated as the subsequent mixed-binary-integer program (MBIP) by applying analogous linearizations to the other bilinear constraints:
max E p , E w , D U , e , Π C g t T e t g
s . t . e t b = e t 1 b + e t i n e t o u t t T / { 1 }
e 1 b = e | T | b + e 1 i n e 1 o u t
0 π t 1 M v t 1 t T 0 D t + E t p x ¯ p + E t w x ¯ w e t i n
+ γ e t o u t + e t g M ( 1 v t 1 ) t T
0 π t 2 M v t 2 t T
0 E i n x ¯ b e t i n M ( 1 v t 2 ) t T
0 π t 3 M v t 3 t T
0 E o u t x ¯ b e t o u t M ( 1 v t 3 ) t T
0 π t 4 M v t 4 t T
0 K x ¯ b e t b M ( 1 v t 4 ) t T
0 e t i n M v t 5 t T
0 π t 1 + π t 2 + π t 5 M ( 1 v t 5 ) t T
0 e t o u t M v t 6 t T
0 γ π t 1 + π t 3 π t 5 M ( 1 v t 6 ) t T
0 e t b M v t 7 t T
0 π t 4 π t 5 + π t + 1 5 M ( 1 v t 7 ) t T / { | T | }
0 π | T | 4 π | T | 5 + π 1 5 M ( 1 v | T | 7 )
0 e t g M v t 8 t T
0 C g π t 1 M ( 1 v t 8 ) t T
v t 1 , v t 2 , v t 3 , v t 4 , v t 5 , v t 6 , v t 7 , v t 8 { 0 , 1 } t T .
The constraints of the uncertainty set U are added to this formulation as defined in (9) or (11). In case the constraints of the NN-based DUS (11) are added to SP , it becomes a nonlinear problem due to the max operators in (11c)–(11e). To linearize the final formulation of SP , the ReLU function f ( x ) = max ( 0 , x ) is linearized using the following optimization problem:
f ( x ) = min η   η
s . t . η x
η 0 .
Since minimizing f is equivalent to maximizing f , the maximization over the uncertainty set U in (17) is replaced with the following optimization problem:
max η   t i η i , t τ h
s . t . D t = p t + i I w i , t d , o η i , t τ h + v t , t T
E t p = h t + i I w i , t p , o η i , t τ h + w t , t T
E t w = g t + i I w i , t w , o η i , t τ h + u t , t T
η i , t τ h W i , t τ d , h D t τ + W i , t τ p , h E t τ p + W i , t τ w , h E t τ w t T , i I
η i , t τ h 0 t T i I
| | Δ N N | | 2 ζ
D t 0 , E t p 0 , E t w 0 t T
η t o , d 0 , η t o , p 0 , η t o , w 0 t T .
Then, (19) is combined with (17) to obtain the final reformulation of SP as follows:
max E p , E w , D , e , η , π C g t T e t g t i η i , t τ h
s . t . ( 17 b ) ( 17 u )
( 19 b ) ( 19 i )
There are 8 | T | binary variables, 11 | T | + | I | | T | continuous variables, and 17 | T | constraints in this mixed-integer program. It can be easily handled using modern off-the-shelf solvers.

6. Numerical Results

In this section, a hypothetical case study using real data from the HOMER Pro 3.15.3 software [50] and Ontario’s Independent Energy System Operator (IESO) [51] is used to evaluate the efficacy of the suggested approach for robust optimal sizing of HRESs. The aim is to compare the optimal HRES cost and configuration obtained from the nominal problem versus those obtained from the ARO problem with independent TS-based DUSs, VAR-based DUS, and NN-based DUS.

6.1. Case Study Data

The characteristics of the system components, extracted from the HOMER Pro 3.15.3 software [50], are presented in Table 1. The system is composed of WTs of type L-36, manufactured by XANT, Brussels, Belgium with a rated capacity of 300 kW, PVs of type All-Black 0.340 kW, manufactured by Canadian Solar Inc., Guelph, ON, Canada, and lead-acid battery elements of type PowerSafe OPzV 1200, manufactured by EnerSys, Reading, PA, USA with a nominal voltage of 2 V, maximum capacity of 1680 Ah and nominal capacity of 3.37 kWh. The parameters N m a x p , N m a x w , and N m a x b are selected based on the size of the hypothetical land plot on which the system is installed. The daily costs for individual components consist of the purchase cost and the cumulative expenses related to operation and regulations over the component’s lifespan, divided by the total number of days in that lifespan, based on the values presented in Table 2. To illustrate, for WTs, the computation is performed as follows:
C w = C a p i t a l C o s t + L i f e s p a n × A n n u a l O & M C o s t L i f e s p a n × 365 = 750,000 + 20 × 6000 20 × 365 = 119 $ / day .
Moreover, the output power of wind and solar is extracted from the HOMER Pro software by selecting the north of Ontario as the location of the system and the aforementioned system components in the software.

6.2. Uncertainty Sets Calibration

To calibrate the independent DUSs, defined in (7) and (8), the hourly demand data for 2018 in Ontario are collected from the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) [51] and divided by 1000 to account for a population of around 15,000 in the hypothetical isolated town. It should be noted that the indicated theoretical load demand overstates the real demand within a residential community, as it encompasses other kinds of load demands like those originating from industrial sources. This hypothetical load has a peak of 23,240 kW and an average of 15,689 kW. A seasonality pattern based on a one-hour time period is considered. Similar to Lorca and Sun [36], the equation g t = a + b · c o s ( 2 π t / 24 ) + c · s i n ( 2 π t / 24 ) is used to calculate the seasonal pattern coefficient g t , where the parameters a, b, and c are calculated using linear regression on historical data. The same method is utilized to compute seasonal pattern coefficients for all DUSs.
Next, the minimum hourly demands throughout the year, D t , t T , are used as nominal values for constructing the DUSs. In addition, the uncertainty score for each day is determined using the formula t T ( d t D t ) / Δ t d , and the 90th-percentile of these scores are used to determine the uncertainty budget δ ¯ d . Similar to the calibration of the demand uncertainty set, one year of hourly PV and WT supply data in northern Ontario is taken from the HOMER Pro software and used to calibrate the DUSs for wind and solar. The maximum hourly supplies are assumed as the nominal values and the 90 th -percentile of daily uncertainty scores is taken as the uncertainty budget for RES supply. In the nominal model, the average values of supply and demand parameters over the course of the whole year are utilized. Moreover, scaling and filtering of outliers is applied to the data. These steps were necessary to improve numerical stability and enhance training efficiency.
Regarding the TS model used within the independent DUSs (7) and (8), we follow the recommendation of Keyvandarian and Saif [14] and use an auto-regressive model with lag 8, i.e., A R ( 8 ) , to model solar energy output and an auto-regressive model with lag 12, i.e., A R ( 12 ) to model wind energy output, to be substituted in the right-hand side of Equations (7d) and (8d), respectively. Furthermore, the parameters of these models are calculated based on the Yule–Walker equations, which are widely applied to obtain the parameters of TS models.
Then, related to the VAR-based DUS, using statistical inference techniques established for TS, it is possible to estimate the parameters of the VAR component, particularly the cross-correlation matrix and the cross-covariance matrix. The V A R ( ) function within the R 4.2.2 software is used to estimate the parameters of the VAR model [52]. The sum of squared errors (SSE) is selected as the uncertainty budget for VAR-based DUS. Note that based on our results, by decreasing the uncertainty budget, the problem becomes infeasible and by increasing the uncertainty budget, the optimal solution to the problem does not change. Hence, a sensitivity analysis on the impact of the size of the uncertainty set on the optimal solution in our case is not helpful.
Finally, regarding the NN-based DUS, a multi-layer perceptron with one input layer, one hidden layer, and one output layer is considered. The model is trained by using the Keras library in Python 3.11. Keras acts as an interface for the TensorFlow library. The required inputs to train the model are the number and type of layers (input, hidden, and output), the number of nodes in each layer, and the activation function used in all nodes of a layer. The selection of the best possible nodes in the input layer, i.e., lag, is done through trial and error. In the Keras implementation, the weight matrices were initialized using the default initialization methods provided by Keras. This ensures that the model starts with weights that allow for effective learning and avoid issues like vanishing or exploding gradients. The weights were optimized using the Adam optimizer, a popular choice in Keras for training deep-learning models. This optimizer adapts the learning rate for each parameter, which helps the model converge faster and more effectively. During training, the model minimizes the loss function, and the weight matrices are updated iteratively to reduce the error between the predicted and actual values. The weight matrices determine the relationships between the input features (e.g., past values of D, E p , and E w ) and the outputs at each time step. These learned parameters capture how previous states influence current decisions in the NN model.
Table 3 presents the optimal cost of the ARO problem with an NN-based DUS for different numbers of nodes in the hidden layer and also different numbers of epochs used to train the NN. Note that the network was initialized using Keras’ default settings. To make a fair comparison between ARO with VAR-based DUS vis-à-vis ARO with NN-based DUS, the uncertainty budget in both is set equal to the SSE. It can be observed that as the number of nodes in the hidden layer increases, the optimal cost of the problem decreases. This is due to the better prediction of the NN within the DUSs. Based on our experiment, increasing the number of nodes beyond 10 does not improve the optimal cost significantly, i.e., the improvement in the optimal value does not justify the increased complexity. In other words, by increasing the number of nodes in the hidden layer by one node, we are adding 3 × | T | variables to the uncertainty set, which leads to higher complexity, while it results in less than 0.1 % reduction of the optimal cost. Hence, a hidden layer with 10 nodes is selected to be used within the NN-based DUS. A point that is worth noting is that the number of epochs used to train the model is also another factor affecting the quality of the prediction model. Based on trial and error, which is partially presented in Table 3, 1200 epochs is the best selection for training such an NN.

6.3. In-Sample Comparison

Table 4 compares the optimal cost of AROP with VAR-based DUS vis-à-vis AROP with NN-based DUS for different lags. It is apparent that as the lag increases, the optimal cost of the problem decreases for both structures of DUSs. This result is not surprising, since the more information is given to a prediction model, the better results are obtained. However, it is important to note that it may lead to overfitting. It seems that for lags of more than 11, the improvement of results is not significant. Hence, this value for lag can be a good option. The table also presents the relative cost difference for these two structures of DUSs, calculated as C o s t V A R C o s t N N C o s t V A R . Until lag 14, the NN-based DUS led to lower costs, except for lags 6 and 14, when the VAR-based DUS gave a slightly better result. The differences ranged between −0.6% and 1.8%, with an average of 0.3%. For lags of 15 and higher, the two DUS structures led to the same cost.
Table 5 depicts the in-sample optimal solution obtained from different approaches used in this work. In particular, the rows show the optimal configurations (in terms of both the number of units and rated capacity) and the optimal cost for five systems obtained from (1) the nominal problem NP , (2) the AROP with independent TS-based DUSs, referred to as DRP , (3) the AROP with a VAR-based DUS, referred to herein as VARP , (4) the AROP with an NN-based DUS, referred to herein as NNP , and (5) HOMER Pro, converted from net present cost (NPC) to daily cost by dividing over the system’s lifespan in days. For the DRP , VARP , and NNP models, we calibrated the uncertainty budget to provide the lowest cost. It is obvious that the optimal cost of NP is the lowest. This is because NP does not consider the uncertainty of demand and energy output of wind and solar and uses the nominal values of these parameters to find the optimal solution. This gives us an optimistic optimal solution for the problem. With the same logic, the optimal cost of risk-neutral HOMER Pro solution is lower than the optimal cost of the risk-averse ARO models used in this experiment.

6.4. Out-of-Sample Comparison

The next set of tests compares the out-of-sample performance of the proposed AROP with independent TS-based DUSs, VAR-based DUS, and NN-based DUS models to that of the NP model to quantify the impact of accounting for parameter uncertainty and their statistical correlations. The systems introduced in Table 5 are utilized for this test. For comparison, a random sample of 50 days is taken from the year 2019. These days’ wind and solar energy outputs are utilized to simulate the system’s operation. Figure 3 illustrates the results. For these 50 days, the total cost of the system is determined and split down into capital cost (the bar chart), which comprises the cost of PVs (dark shaded zone), the cost of WTs (middle shaded region), and the cost of BB (lightly shaded region), as well as operating cost (the box plot).
According to Figure 3, ARO models install more WTs, PVs, and BB modules compared to the nominal model, resulting in a higher total capital cost. On the other hand, ARO models result in reduced average operational expenses since less utilization of the backup DG is required. The reduced operating cost of the ARO models results in a lower average total cost when compared to the nominal problem. Likewise, it can be observed that VARP and NNP install fewer PVs and more WTs and BB modules compared to DRP . Overall, it is obvious that the costs of VARP and NNP are lower than that of DRP . It shows that considering the cross-correlations among the uncertain parameters as well as their auto-correlation leads to tighter uncertainty sets and, consequently, improves the optimal solution. To summarize the results, compared to NP and DRP , the VARP and NNP lead to an average of 10.7 % higher capital costs and an average of 36.2 % lower operational costs, resulting in an average of 16.4 % lower total cost of the system. Furthermore, VARP and NNP provided the same solution, which leads to the same cost of the system. Moreover, the variance of the total cost is lower for VARP and NNP systems.
To clarify the reason behind the same result from VARP and NNP , note that since ReLU activation functions are utilized for all nodes in the hidden layer, which are identical to a linear function in the positive part, and linear functions for the nodes of the output layer, it is not surprising that the two DUS structures lead to the same solution when the output signals of the hidden layer nodes are all positive (which is not guaranteed, but quite likely). With a careful inspection of the NN weights in the numerical example, it was noted that, since the demand and output power of wind and solar have large positive values, the output signals of the hidden layer are mostly positive, indicating that the inputs to the ReLU function are also positive. The few zero output signals coming out of the ReLU function (which indicate non-positive inputs) were not sufficient to change the worst-case scenario and hence the optimal solution to the ARO problem. Note that this is not a structural property of the NN-based DUS, but happened only in the specific case presented here. In other cases, the optimal solution might be different when the majority of signals coming out of the activation function of the hidden layer are not similar to a linear activation function. Hence, using different data sets or types of activation functions can lead to different results for the VAR- and NN-based DUSs.
To thoroughly validate the results, several statistical hypothesis tests are conducted on the differences between the mean costs of the four models. For instance, in one of the tests, we wish to compare the null hypothesis H 0 : μ NP μ DRP = 0 against the alternative hypothesis H 1 : μ NP μ DRP > 0 at a significance level of 5%. Given that the sample size is large enough (>30) and the population standard deviation is unknown, we use the Student’s t-distribution for hypothesis testing. The t-score obtained was −5.93, equivalent to a p-value of <0.0001. Thus, there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and infer that the mean total cost of NP exceeds that of DRP . This finding is due to the fact that the nominal model does not account for demand and RES supply variability, resulting in an improperly sized HRES that must frequently rely on the DG to cover the supply-demand gap. In contrast, the robust model reflects a worst-case strategy, resulting in an appropriately sized HRES that can consistently handle significant fluctuations in supply and demand without being too conservative. Comparing the mean total costs of VARP and NNP against DRP is accomplished using the same statistical technique and the tests confirm the improvement obtained from using the VAR- and NN-based DUSs. Consequently, there is sufficient evidence that the optimum solution derived from VARP and NNP results in a lower out-of-sample cost than the optimum solution derived from DRP .

6.5. Technical Feasibility (Homer Pro Simulation)

To validate the results in terms of the technical feasibility of the system, the optimal solutions obtained using various approaches in this section, namely NP , DRP , VARP , and NNP , are input into the HOMER Pro software. Subsequently, a one-year simulation of system operations is conducted. The outcomes of this simulation are detailed in Table 6. The table provides information regarding loss of load expected (LOLE) and surplus electricity within the system. Notably, it becomes evident that the VARP and NNP systems outperform the others concerning LOLE, albeit generating a greater excess of electricity. This outcome aligns with expectations due to their increased equipment installation.
According to the numerical results presented earlier, the proposed methods drive systems towards increased utilization of RESs and batteries, resulting in reduced dependence on the DG. This outcome can be interpreted as a favorable environmental consequence of the suggested approaches. The diminished reliance on DG translates to decreased emission rates from the system, thereby appealing to environmentally conscious decision-makers.
Finally, the computational performance of the proposed models is evaluated. It is worth noting that the solution algorithm for the proposed approaches is coded for Python 3.11 and solved using Gurobi 9.1.0. Table 7 illustrates the average computational times and the average number of iterations of the proposed C&CG algorithm. It is obvious that as the structure of DUSs becomes more complex, the computational time increases. However, all problems were solved in just a few seconds (between 5.2 and 11.4 s), which clearly demonstrates the computational efficiency of the proposed solution approach despite ARO problems being NP-hard, in general, ref. [11]. For larger instances of the problem (e.g., with more technologies, periods, or NN layers), one can resort to approximation methods such as affine decision rules. It is important to note that the number of iterations for the NN-based model depends on the NN structure.

7. Conclusions

In this paper, an HRES composed of WTs, PVs, a BB, and a DG is modeled and optimally sized using ARO with several DUS structures. These structures include independent TS-based DUSs, a VAR-based DUS, and an NN-based DUS. VAR- and NN-based DUSs are developed and used within the ARO framework to propose novel frameworks that capture cross-correlations as well as auto-correlations of uncertain parameters. A comparison in terms of the NN hyperparameters as well as lags is conducted to compare the performance of VAR- and NN-based DUSs. Finally, the proposed frameworks are implemented in a realistic case study. The results show that, in terms of out-of-sample performance, the proposed VAR- and NN-based DUSs within the ARO framework led to lower cost and higher reliability compared to the deterministic model or the ARO models with static or independent TS-based DUSs. Specifically, compared to the ARO model with independent DUSs, both the VAR- and NN-based DUSs reduced the daily optimal cost from $55,357 to $54,701, a 1.2% cost reduction, while also reducing the LOLE from 0.073% to 0.033%. This improvement is achieved through higher investment in renewable technologies and batteries and decreased reliance on the DG, leading to a 10.7% increase in capital cost but a 36.2% decrease in operational costs.
The proposed approach is quite generic and can be extended to other situations. For example, it can incorporate the spatial (in addition to the temporal) correlations in the data and thus can be used effectively for spatially dispersed energy systems. This extension is crucial for utilizing the proposed ML-based DUSs in large-scale, grid-connected power systems. In this case, the NN should have sets of nodes in the input and output layers for each bus in the power system that includes RESs. Considering long-term seasonality, such as annual seasonality, in the proposed model by making the energy supply and demand parameters, control variables, and uncertainty sets season-specific is another extension. Furthermore, the proposed NN-based DUS uses a simple three-layer NN with a linear activation function for all nodes of the network. Hence, more complicated structures of NNs can be applied to improve our results. Moreover, using other ML approaches such as support vector machines for constructing DUSs can be another extension of our work.
Apart from the specific HRES sizing application, the general approach developed to integrate ML with MP through NN-based DUSs within an ARO framework represents a significant departure from the classical predict-then-optimize approach to integrating the two methods. This novel ML/MP integration approach opens venues for successful implementation in a wide range of other domains such as finance and logistics, where data (e.g., stock returns, demand) exhibit strong cross- and auto-correlation behaviors. With more advanced ML techniques utilized to design DUSs, the prediction accuracy would improve and the uncertainty would decrease, leading to high-quality solutions that achieve an ideal trade-off between performance and robustness. However, it is also necessary to keep the DUS structure simple (e.g., linear or convex) to maintain traceability. Hence, exploring the right balance of performance, robustness, and traceability considerations is an interesting venue for future research.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, A.K. and A.S.; methodology, A.K. and A.S.; software, A.K.; validation, A.K., A.S. and R.P.; formal analysis, A.K. and A.S.; investigation, A.K. and A.S.; resources, A.S.; data curation, A.K.; writing—original draft preparation, A.K.; writing—review and editing, A.K., A.S. and R.P.; visualization, A.K.; supervision, A.S. and R.P.; project administration, A.S.; funding acquisition, A.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Discovery Grant # RGPIN 04745 held by A.S.

Data Availability Statement

The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available by the authors on request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Notations and Abbreviations

The following notations and abbreviations are used in this paper:
C p        Daily cost of a PV panel ($)
C w        Daily cost of a WT ($)
C b        Daily cost of a BB module ($)
C g        Operating cost of the DG ($/kWh)
E t p        Expected energy supplied by a PV panel during period t (kWh)
E t w Expected energy supplied by a WT during period t (kWh)
D t Expected energy demand during period t (kWh)
E i n Maximum energy charged to a BB module per period (kWh)
E o u t       Maximum energy discharged from a BB module per period (kWh)
KEnergy storage capacity of a BB module (kWh)
N m a x p Upper limit on the number of PV panels
N m a x w Upper limit on the number of WTs
N m a x b Upper limit on the number of BB modules
γ BB charge/discharge cycle efficiency
Control Variables
e t g Energy generated by the DG during period t (kWh)
e t i n Energy charged to the BB during period t (kWh)
e t o u t Energy discharged from the BB during period t (kWh)
e t b Recoverable energy stored in the BB at the end of period t (kWh)
Design Variables
x p Number of PVs
x w Number of WTs
x b Number of BB modules
AROAdaptive robust optimization
BBBattery bank
C&CGColumn-and-constraint generation
DGDiesel generator
DRPSystem designed based on independent dynamic uncertainty sets
DUSDynamic uncertainty set
HRESHybrid renewable energy system
MBIPMixed-binary-integer program
NNNeural network
NNPSystem designed based on neural network dynamic uncertainty sets
NPNominal problem
RESRenewable energy sources
RORobust optimization
TSTime series
VARVector auto-regressive
VARPSystem designed based on vector-autoregressive dynamic uncertainty sets
WTWind turbine


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Figure 1. The stand-alone HRES under examination.
Figure 1. The stand-alone HRES under examination.
Energies 18 01130 g001
Figure 2. The three-layer neural network with lag = 1 trained and used within the NN-based DUS.
Figure 2. The three-layer neural network with lag = 1 trained and used within the NN-based DUS.
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Figure 3. The out-of-sample cost breakdown for NP, DRP, VARP, and NNP systems for 50 random days.
Figure 3. The out-of-sample cost breakdown for NP, DRP, VARP, and NNP systems for 50 random days.
Energies 18 01130 g003
Table 1. Capital cost (Capex) and operation and maintenance cost (Opex) of the system components.
Table 1. Capital cost (Capex) and operation and maintenance cost (Opex) of the system components.
Capex ($)700,000350500300,000
Opex6000 $/year10 $/year0 $/year80 $/kWh
Table 2. Values of the case study parameters.
Table 2. Values of the case study parameters.
C p C w C b C g K γ
0.066 $/day119 $/day0.068 $/day80 $/kWh3.37 kWh0.85
E i n E o u t N m a x p N m a x w N m a x b | T |
0.11 kWh2.174 kWh200,000200200,00024
Table 3. In-sample cost ($/day) comparison for different hyperparameters of the neural network.
Table 3. In-sample cost ($/day) comparison for different hyperparameters of the neural network.
CaseNumber of Nodes
in the Hidden Layer
Number of
Table 4. In-sample cost comparison between ARO with VAR and NN-based DUSs for different numbers of lags.
Table 4. In-sample cost comparison between ARO with VAR and NN-based DUSs for different numbers of lags.
Number of
VAR Opt.
Cost ($/day)
NN Opt.
Cost ($/day)
Table 5. Optimal solutions of nominal problem (NP), ARO with independent TS-based DUSs (DRP), ARO with VAR-based DUS (VARP), and ARO with NN-based DUS (NNP).
Table 5. Optimal solutions of nominal problem (NP), ARO with independent TS-based DUSs (DRP), ARO with VAR-based DUS (VARP), and ARO with NN-based DUS (NNP).
SystemOptimal Solution
in Number of Units
Optimal Solution
in kW/kWh
x w = 154 WT: 46,200 kW
NP x p = 97,200PV: 33,048 kW47,356 $/day
x b = 165,340BB: 557,195.8 kWh
x w = 165 WT: 49,500 kW
DRP x p = 105,354PV: 35,820.4 kW55,367 $/day
x b = 168,347BB: 567,329.4 kWh
x w = 168 WT: 50,400 kW
VARP x p = 104,567PV: 35,552.8 kW54,701 $/day
x b = 169,678BB: 571,814.9 kWh
x w = 168 WT: 50,400 kW
NNP x p = 104,567PV: 35,552.8 kW54,701 $/day
x b = 169,678BB: 571,814.9 kWh
x w = 157 WT: 47,100 kW
HOMER Pro x p = 102,435PV: 34,827.9 kW52,768 $/day
x b = 163,495BB: 550,978.2 kWh
Table 6. Results of simulating the systems designed using the nominal problem (NP), ARO with independent TS-based DUS (DRP), ARO with a VAR-based DUS (VARP), and ARO with an NN-based DUS (NNP) in HOMER Pro software.
Table 6. Results of simulating the systems designed using the nominal problem (NP), ARO with independent TS-based DUS (DRP), ARO with a VAR-based DUS (VARP), and ARO with an NN-based DUS (NNP) in HOMER Pro software.
SystemLOLE (%)
(Loss of Load Expected)
NP0.110%47% (146,243,989 kW/year)
DRP0.073%49% (146,988,522 kW/year)
VARP0.033%52% (147,574,393 kWh/year)
NNP0.033%52% (147,574,393 kWh/year)
HOMER Pro0.049%51% (147,127,026 kWh/year)
Table 7. Comparison of the average computational time (seconds) and the average number of iterations of the different approaches.
Table 7. Comparison of the average computational time (seconds) and the average number of iterations of the different approaches.
ApproachAvg. CPU TimeAvg. Number of Iterations
ARO with SUSs5.28
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MDPI and ACS Style

Keyvandarian, A.; Saif, A.; Pelot, R. Robust Optimal Sizing of a Stand-Alone Hybrid Renewable Energy System Using Machine Learning-Based Uncertainty Sets. Energies 2025, 18, 1130.

AMA Style

Keyvandarian A, Saif A, Pelot R. Robust Optimal Sizing of a Stand-Alone Hybrid Renewable Energy System Using Machine Learning-Based Uncertainty Sets. Energies. 2025; 18(5):1130.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Keyvandarian, Ali, Ahmed Saif, and Ronald Pelot. 2025. "Robust Optimal Sizing of a Stand-Alone Hybrid Renewable Energy System Using Machine Learning-Based Uncertainty Sets" Energies 18, no. 5: 1130.

APA Style

Keyvandarian, A., Saif, A., & Pelot, R. (2025). Robust Optimal Sizing of a Stand-Alone Hybrid Renewable Energy System Using Machine Learning-Based Uncertainty Sets. Energies, 18(5), 1130.

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