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Probabilistic Small-Signal Modeling and Stability Analysis of the DC Distribution System

State Grid Shanghai Energy Interconnection Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201210, China
College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Energies 2025, 18(5), 1196;
Submission received: 13 January 2025 / Revised: 13 February 2025 / Accepted: 18 February 2025 / Published: 28 February 2025
(This article belongs to the Section F1: Electrical Power System)


With the advent of large-scale electronic transportation, the construction of electric vehicle charging stations (EVCSs) has increased. The stochastic characteristic of the charging power of EVCSs leads to a risk of destabilization of the DC distribution network when there is a high degree of power electronification. Current deterministic stability analysis methods are too complicated to allow for brief descriptions of the effect of probabilistic characteristics of EVCSs on stability. This paper develops a probabilistic small-signal stability analysis method. Firstly, the probabilistic information of the system is obtained by combining the s-domain nodal impedance matrix based on the point estimation method. Then, the probability function of stability is fitted using the Cornish–Fisher expansion method. Finally, a comparison experiment using Monte Carlo simulation demonstrates that this method performs well in balancing accuracy and computational efficiency. The effects of line parameters and system control parameters on stability are investigated in the framework of probabilistic stability. This will provide a probabilistic perspective on the design of more complex power systems in the future.

1. Introduction

In recent years, the increasing market share of electric vehicles (EVs) has led to the widespread installation of electric vehicle charging stations (EVCSs) [1,2]. EVCSs containing a large number of power electronic devices pose a great challenge to the stable operation of distribution systems. In a distribution network, multiple AC and DC regions carry out mutual power balance and fast voltage support through multi-terminal interconnection structures. The medium-voltage multi-terminal DC network of Aachen University of Technology, Germany [3], and the pilot project of Shuangshi Village in Ningbo, China [4], were constructed and put into operation. When the power flow changes, the impedance mismatch between the ports within the system may lead to an insufficient system stability margin, triggering instability. The stochastic change in charging power increases the uncertainty of load fluctuation in the distribution network [5].
The impact of EVCSs on stability, including their stochastic characteristics, has been attracting increasing attention with the rapid growth of EVs. In [6], a small-signal stability model for EVCSs is proposed to analyze the effect of the interconnection of EVCSs on the stability of a DC network. It points out that the dynamic interactions between EVCSs and the DC network have a large impact on its stability. The authors of [7] further investigated the effect of series-parallel interconnection in EVCSs on the stability of the distribution network. The paper also analyzed the small-signal stability of the DC system using the network-damping stability criterion. According to this work, the number of EVCSs should be limited in order to ensure the stability of the system. The authors of [8] considered the dynamics of all control loops and analyzed the typical power factor correction (PFC) control of EV chargers to ensure small-signal stability under weak grid conditions. However, none of the literature mentioned above considered the effect of EVCS power stochasticity on system stability in modeling and analysis. The authors of [9] used an efficient optimization model for site and scale planning of EVCSs using stochastic power flow to maximize the capital gain on EVCS investment costs and minimize time and money cost to users while the system is stable. The model can only perform static analysis, and it is difficult to describe the dynamic process of the system when it is subjected to perturbation [10,11].
Although these efforts have helped in understanding the impact of EVCSs on the distribution system, most of them are analyzed based on deterministic analysis methods. Due to uncertainty in charging power variations in EVCSs and the correlation between EVCSs at different station intervals, the deterministic analysis approach considering time-varying operating conditions requires multiple iterations of calculations. Such repetitive studies of the possible charging capacities of each EVCS are extremely time-consuming and impractical. If only the maximum charging capacity is considered for each charging post, it will result in a large amount of redundancy in system stability, which will result in economic underperformance. Therefore, the stochastic stability analysis approach is used as a viable alternative to analyzing the EVCS distribution network.
The paper aims to present a probabilistic approach for analyzing the small-signal stability of a DC distribution system containing EVCSs. The DC distribution system containing EVCSs is connected to the AC grid via voltage source converters (VSC). Based on the characteristics of each power electronic device within the system, impedance models of EVCSs and VSCs are determined, and an s-domain node impedance matrix with expandability is established. EVCS charging powers are approximated using a truncated normal distribution, considering their correlations. Based on moments obtained by the point estimation method, the probability density function (PDF) of the eigen root of the system oscillation mode is approximated using Cornish–Fisher expansion. In addition, to improve the stochastic stability of the distribution network, the effects of various network parameters, and control parameters on the stochastic stability of the system are also investigated. These parameters include VSC voltage control gain, VSC current control gain, and grid-line impedance. Monte Carlo simulations and time-domain simulations of the distribution network system are carried out to verify the correctness of the analytical results.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, the s-domain nodal impedance model of the entire distribution system is derived. Section 3 presents a probabilistic small-signal stability analysis of the system. In Section 4, a case study of the distribution system with EVCS is presented. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper.

2. S-Domain Node Impedance Matrix Model of the VSC-Based DC Distribution System

2.1. DC Distribution System

The topology of the DC distribution system containing the EVCSs is shown in Figure 1. A total of three distribution station areas are connected to the DC bus bar through VSC1, VSC2, and VSC3.
A specific station area interconnected DC distribution system is shown in Figure 2. There is a long transmission line between the VSC connecting to the AC grid [12], so there is a resistive-inductive grid impedance Zg between the grid and the point of common coupling (PCC) [13]. The AC line impedance between the AC port of the VSC to the PCC is ZL; the DC port of the VSC is shunt-filtered by Cdc; Zline is the DC line impedance between the DC port of the VSC and the DC bus; the DC port of the EVCS is shunt-filtered by CL; Zline is the DC line impedance between the distribution station area. Zdcline is the DC line impedance between the distribution station area. In the modeling process of this paper, s is used to denote the Laplace operator, and capital letters are used to denote the corresponding state variable’s steady-state values.
VSC1 is the master providing voltage support with a constant DC voltage control strategy, and VSC2 and VSC3 are the slaves with a constant power control strategy, presenting constant power load characteristics. The derivation of the output impedance of each VSC is shown in Appendix A. The impedance model ZVSCi on the VSC side of the distribution network for each station is shown below:
Z VSCi = 1 Y VSCi + s C dc , i + Z line , i
The charging voltage of the EVs is obtained from the DC bus by the DC/DC converter. According to [6,7], the topology can be equivalent to a Buck-type DC/DC converter circuit where the power flow is transferred from the low-voltage DC port to the high-voltage DC port. The derivation of the impedance for each EVCS is shown in Appendix A. The impedance model Yloadi for the EVCS side of each station is shown below:
Y loadi = Y EVCSi + s C L , i

2.2. S-Domain Node Impedance Matrix Model

The s-domain nodal impedance matrix method can solve the stability problem of multi-node and multi-machine system, reflecting the impedance information of the internal parts of the system with the overall topology and portraying the physical meaning of the system [14,15].
The node impedance matrix of the DC distribution system containing the EVCS is given as follows:
Y ( s ) = 1 / Z VSC 1 + Y load 1 + 1 / Z dcline 1 / Z dcline 0 1 / Z dcline 1 / Z VSC 2 + Y load 2 + 2 / Z dcline 1 / Z dcline 0 1 / Z dcline 1 / Z VSC 3 + Y load 3 + 1 / Z dcline
The oscillation mode of the system is obtained by solving the determinant zeros of the node impedance matrix as follows:
det [ Y ( s k ) ] = 0 s k = σ k + j 2 π f k
where sk is the kth pair of oscillation modes, fk is the frequency of the pair of oscillation modes, and σk is the damping for that pair of oscillation modes.
The inverse matrix of the nodal impedance matrix describes the relationship between nodal injection current vector and nodal voltage vector, then the inverse matrix of the nodal impedance matrix of the system is the equivalent transfer function matrix of the export system [16]. Therefore, the oscillation mode of the system can be obtained by solving the zeros of the nodal impedance matrix. The system is considered stable when the zeros obtained from the solution have a negative real part. This is because the negative real part indicates that the oscillatory mode of the system is decaying, i.e., the system recovers from a small perturbation to an equilibrium state. When every σk is negative, the system is stable. The nodal impedance matrix updates the admittance equations inside the matrix if system topology and control mode change, which is more versatile [17].

3. Probabilistic Small-Signal Analysis of the VSC Based DC Distribution System

3.1. EV Charging Power Stochastic Model

The probability of EV charging power is mainly influenced by random factors such as the travel behavior of EV owners and traffic conditions. In the previous section, the nodal impedance matrix is probabilistically modelled to describe the relationship between the physical quantities. The power of EVCSs in the nodal impedance matrix should be modelled probabilistically considering the uncertainty. This randomness of the EVCS load can generally be described by a normal distribution [18]. Each EVCS has a maximum charging capacity, and the daily operation of the charging station also consumes a certain amount of electricity. Ordinary DC chargers have a charging power of around 50 kW to 150 kW and are commonly found in public charging stations. Ultra-fast chargers are available in the range of 150 kW to 350 kW and higher, and are mainly used in motorway service areas or busy urban charging stations. The share of fast and ultra-fast chargers on the grid is currently increasing rapidly, but the level of development of the EV industry is not uniform across regions. Normal distribution can reflect the concentrated trend around the mean of the data. It has a simple mathematical form and is easy to perform the calculation of probability density function and cumulative distribution function, which is suitable for engineering applications. The truncated normal distribution on this basis is usually a more reasonable choice due to its clear physical meaning, easy calculation, and good adaptability to bounded data. Therefore, the power of EVCSs can be described as a truncated normal distribution [19].
f ( P ) = ϕ ( P , μ , σ ) Φ ( P max , μ , σ ) Φ ( P min , μ , σ ) , P min P P max
where Φ(P,μ,σ) is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of a normal distribution, ϕ(P,μ,σ) is the PDF of a normal distribution, with Pmax and Pmin being the upper and lower truncation bounds, respectively.
There is a correlation between the charging powers of any two EVCSs, and their covariance is given as follows:
C o v ( P EVi , P EVj ) = E [ ( P EVi E [ P EVi ] ) ( P EVj E [ P EVj ] ) ]         i , j = 1 , 2 , 3
where PEVi denotes the charging power of EVCS in the ith station area, Cov(PEVi, PEVj) is the correlation between PEVi and PEVj.
If the charging powers of EVCSs are correlated, the sign of the covariance reflects their linear relationship: a positive covariance indicates a positive correlation, while a negative covariance indicates a negative correlation. Generally, the number of EVs in each area is constant. EVCSs located in non-residential areas are in commercial competition with each other, so they are typically negatively correlated. In contrast, fast-charging stations in residential areas do not compete and have temporal associations, so they are generally positively correlated. The covariance matrix for three EVCSs is shown as follows:
= C o v ( P EV 1 , P EV 1 ) C o v ( P EV 1 , P EV 2 ) C o v ( P EV 1 , P EV 3 ) C o v ( P EV 2 , P EV 1 ) C o v ( P EV 2 , P EV 2 ) C o v ( P EV 2 , P EV 3 ) C o v ( P EV 3 , P EV 1 ) C o v ( P EV 3 , P EV 2 ) C o v ( P EV 3 , P EV 3 )

3.2. Moments Based on Point Estimation Method

Point estimation is a statistical method for estimating the distribution of an output variable from an input variable, using sample data to compute a single value (i.e., a point estimate) that serves as an estimate of the overall parameter [20,21].
From the first 2m−1 orders of the central moments of the n input variables, the m discrete states of each input random variable are derived independently. Discrete states of m-n input random variables are constructed. Additionally, the discrete states of the corresponding output random variables are derived accordingly. The first 2m−1 order central moments of the input random variables are thus approximated.
The input sample points are P1, P2PN, and the corresponding output samples are σ1, σ2, …, σ3. The expectation of the output random variable E(σ) is obtained using sample approximation. The expectation and the central moments of each order for each input random variable are μi and mik.
E ( σ ) = σ 1 + σ 2 + σ N N
μ i = P i 1 + P i 2 + + P iN N
m ik = ( P i 1 μ i ) k + ( P i 2 μ i ) k + + ( P i n μ i ) k N
E(σ) can be estimated by calculating 2n + 1 times, and the solution procedure can be found in the literature [22].
E ( σ ) = i = 1 n j = 1 m 1 p ij σ μ j + ( i = 1 n p im ) σ μ
j = 1 m p ij = 1 n j = 1 m 1 p ij ( x ij μ i ) k = m ik
where σμj is the output of the system in the jth state; σμ is the output of the system at μ; xij is the m discrete state values taken for each input random variable; pij is the weight of the concentration point. It should be noted that as the order of the cumulants increases, its accuracy decreases; thus, m = 3 is generally taken [23].

3.3. Cornish–Fisher Expansion Approximating Cumulative Distribution Properties

The point estimation method obtains the finite order moments of the output random variables. Cumulants are closely related to central moments; they are mainly used to describe properties such as skewness and kurtosis of distributions, and are useful when dealing with joint distributions of multiple random variables. After determining the moments of the system output, according to the semi-invariant theory, the kth order moment mik has the following relationship with its cumulants γk:
γ 1 = m i 1 γ k = m ik j = 1 k 1 ( k 1 ) ! j ! ( k j 1 ) ! m ik - 1 γ k - j
For practical engineering problems, it is often also desirable to obtain the characteristics of the distribution function of the random variable output. Cornish–Fisher is the inverse function of the cumulative probability distribution function [24]. In practice, the approximation is usually achieved by selectively taking the third- to ninth-order Cornish–Fisher expansion [25].
The series expansion methods for solving probabilistic information mainly include Gram–Charlier series and Edgeworth series, etc. [26]. Gram–Charlier is simple to compute, but applicable to a limited number of cases [27]. When the range of higher-order moment intervals exceeds a certain range, the PDF approximated by the series expansion will be non-positive. In contrast, the Cornish–Fisher series does not have a negative density function, and the fit is better in non-standard normality [28].
The Cornish–Fisher expansion formula can be used to find the random variable distribution ycdf:
σ ( θ ) = Φ 1 + ( Φ 1 ) 2 1 6 γ 3 + ( Φ 1 ) 3 3 ( Φ 1 ) 24 γ 4 2 ( Φ 1 ) 3 5 ( Φ 1 ) 36 γ 3 2 + ( Φ 1 ) 4 6 ( Φ 1 ) 2 + 3 120 γ 5
σ ( θ ) = y c d f 1 ( θ )
where the quantile of σ is θ; Φ is the CDF of the normal distribution.
After all, Cornish–Fisher unfolds a finite term cumulants, and there is still some computational error when comparing with the Monte Carlo method. Meanwhile, Cornish–Fisher is not as direct as Gram–Charlier in the form of unfolding, considering the extra conversion process from rank to cumulants. Additionally, although the Cornish–Fisher expansion can handle non-normality of an average degree in the distribution, it may not perform well in extreme non-normality. For example, the approximation of the Cornish–Fisher expansion may be much less effective against distributions with multiple peaks or significant asymmetries.
Using the CDF and PDF of the distribution system oscillation damping values, the probability of the power system remaining stable is calculated as follows:
P s t a b l e = P ( σ < 0 ) = y c d f ( σ σ = 0 ) = 0 y p d f d σ
Additionally, the probability of instability of the distribution system is as follows:
P u n s t a b l e = P ( σ > 0 ) = 1 y c d f ( σ σ = 0 ) = 0 y p d f d σ
The stability probability obtained using the two equations above is the distribution system random small disturbance stability margin, which can reflect the probability of long-term stable operation of the distribution system containing EVCSs.
This paper describes the stability probability of the distribution network containing EVCSs based on the point estimation method and Cornish–Fisher level expansion system stability probability. It mainly includes the following:
  • Calculating the moments of each order of charging power of EVCS;
  • Calculating the oscillation damping of the distribution system using the point estimation method;
  • Solving the damping semi-indeterminate quantities of each order;
  • Fitting the probability information of the oscillation damping by Cornish–Fisher series to obtain the probability of system stability or instability.

4. Case Study

This section firstly verifies the effectiveness of s-domain nodal impedance matrix model. Then, the randomness of the charging power of EVCSs is considered by using the small-signal probabilistic stability model. This section uses the Cornish–Fisher method as a reference to measure the accuracy of small-signal probabilistic model. Finally, it analyses the change in the stability probability under different charging scenarios. The effects of distribution network parameters and control parameters on the system stability probability are also analyzed. The small-signal probabilistic model presented in this paper provides more system stability characteristics than deterministic stability analysis methods.

4.1. Effectiveness of S-Domain Nodal Impedance Matrix Model

The network structure is based on the three-node distribution station system topology shown in Figure 1; the equipment parameters and power ratings of the power electronics, along with the AC network parameters, are shown in Appendix B.
The EVCSs on nodes 2 and 3 are kept at rated power and the output power of the EVCS on node 1 is varied. The trend of the system oscillation modes can be seen in Figure 3 as the power output varies. The conjugate zero root that is closest to the imaginary axis and changes significantly as the power of node 1 increases is selected in Figure 3. This zero root represents the oscillatory mode of the system. By zooming in on one side of the conjugate zero root, its trajectory and the values of the real and imaginary parts can be clearly observed. When the output power of the EVCS at node 1 is increased from 200 kW to 300 kW, the damping of the oscillatory modes changes from negative to positive, which represents the change in the system from stable state to unstable state. When the output power of EVCS at node 1 is 300 kW, the oscillation frequency is 202 Hz.
In the time domain simulation, the output power of EVCS at node 1 increases from 200 kW to 300 kW and the system is destabilized.
In Figure 4, the oscillation waveform of the system after destabilization is analyzed using the Fourier decomposition method, and it is found that the oscillation frequency in the time domain simulation is 202 Hz, which is consistent with the oscillation frequency calculated by the s-domain nodal impedance matrix model. This proves the accuracy of the s-domain nodal impedance matrix model.

4.2. Effectiveness of Small-Signal Probabilistic Stability Model

To verify the validity of the method proposed in this paper for the small-signal probabilistic stability model, the Monte Carlo method with thousands of ultra-large samples is used as a reference base; using the validation method with the Monte Carlo method as a reference base proved its feasibility in [29].
Based on the EV charging characteristics, the pdf of EV charging power is approximated by a truncated normal distribution. The expectation of charging power of EVCS at node 1 is 150 kW and the standard deviation is 30 kW. The expectation of charging power of EVCS at node 2 is 250 kW and the standard deviation is 60 kW. The expectation of charging power of EVCS at node 3 is 200 kW and the standard deviation is 50 kW. According to Equations (10)–(13), the probability information concerning EVSC charging power can be calculated using the point estimation method to obtain information on the real part of the oscillatory modes of the cumulants. The first four orders of cumulants of EVCS charging power and real parts of the oscillation modes are shown in Table 1.
The pdfs of real part of oscillation modes σ are shown in Figure 5, with the Cornish–Fisher expansion approximations from orders two to four.
As can be seen from the figure, the accuracy of the 5000-citation Monte Carlo simulation histogram with the Cornish–Fisher unfolding approximation is less affected by the number of terms retained in the Cornish–Fisher series. Figure A5 shows the mean and standard deviation converge after a sample size of 5000, which can be considered sufficient for accurate validation. The root mean square error for Cornish–Fisher versus Monte Carlo is presented in Table A2. The accuracy of the Cornish–Fisher unfolding approximation is less affected by the number of terms retained in the Cornish–Fisher series.

4.3. Stability Probability Under Different Charging Scenarios

The covariance shows the charging in different scenarios. When the covariance is positive, it means that all are positively correlated, and a negative covariance means that all are negatively correlated. The probability of instability of the distribution system is calculated from the PDF as (17). Integrate the red part of the function with the PDF of the positive real parts in Figure 6 to obtain the probability of instability in Table 2.
From the results, it is found that the greater the positive correlation, the greater the probability of system instability. The reason for this is that the larger the positive correlation, the greater the probability of large simultaneous charging on the distribution network; moreover, the probability of large load operation at each EVCS is high, and the risk of destabilization increases. On the other hand, positive correlation causes multiple random variables to fluctuate in the same direction, resulting in amplified fluctuations in power at each node of the system. This amplification effect will make the system more likely to deviate from the stable operating point, thus increasing the probability of instability. The charging power of multiple charging stations has a positive correlation, i.e., when multiple charging stations increase their charging power at the same time, the load demand on the local grid rises rapidly, leading to possible voltage oscillations.

4.4. The Impact of Network Parameters on System Stability and Performance

By adjusting these parameters, the PDFs and CDFs of the real part of the critical eigenvalues are varied. PDFs and CDFs are obtained by the proposed Cornish–Fisher expansion approximation method. Then, the probability of system instability P is calculated according to Equations (14)–(16).
The results of the system instability probability when the AC grid-line impedance varies are shown in Figure 7. In Table 3, the system instability probability increases with the increase in grid-line impedance. The reason for this is that the increase in the AC grid-line impedance makes the coupling between the VSC and the AC main grid looser, leading to a decrease in the stability of the system.
PDFs of the stability probability of the system are shown in Figure 8 as a result of increases in DC line impedance. Table 4 shows that the system instability probability increases with the increase in DC line impedance. It indicates that the probability of system destabilization will increase as the distance between distribution stations in the distribution network increases.

4.5. The Impact of Control Parameter on System Stability and Performance

The effect of the joint variation in the current controller gain pair (Kii, Kpi) on the probabilistic stability of the system. The results of the system instability probability with respect to the current controller gain pair (Kii, Kpi) are shown in Figure 9 and Figure 10.
It can be observed from Table 5 that the larger Kii and smaller Kpi make the probability of the instability of the system larger.
The voltage controller gain pair (Kiv, Kpv) affects the probabilistic stability of the system. The results of system instability probability with respect to the current controller gain pair (Kiv, Kpv) are shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12. From the results in Table 6, it can be seen that the larger the Kiv, Kpv, the higher the probability that the system is unstable.

5. Conclusions

In this paper, a probabilistic stability analysis method considering the DC distribution network of EVCSs based on combining point estimation and Cornish–Fisher development is proposed. Expandability of the s-domain node impedance matrix makes it easier to study probabilistic stability after future system topology changes. The probability density of stability of the system can be estimated accurately, while preserving the nonlinear characteristics of the small-signal model. The correlation of random variables among EV charging stations has been considered to present influences of different charging scenarios on probabilistic stability. High prediction accuracy is obtained with less computational efficiency compared with conventional Monte Carlo simulation. From the analysis, the variation in network parameters can change the system probabilistic stability margin, and the distribution system control parameters also affect the system probability stability. The study of the influence of control parameters on probabilistic stability can provide a reference for the pre-planning of the station. The analysis of the impact of line parameters on probabilistic stability can guarantee the stability of the system during operation.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, W.L. and B.Z.; methodology, W.L.; software, B.Z.; validation, W.L., B.Z. and Z.L.; formal analysis, B.Z.; investigation, Y.L.; resources, H.N.; data curation, Y.L.; writing—original draft preparation, W.L.; writing—review and editing, B.Z.; visualization, Z.L.; supervision, Y.L.; project administration, W.L.; funding acquisition, W.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by Technology Project of State Grid Corporation of China (5100-202355738A-3-3-JC).

Data Availability Statement

The original study’s contributions are included in the article, and any further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding authors.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors Wenlong Liu and Bo Zhang are employed by State Grid Shanghai Energy Interconnection Research Institute Co., Ltd. The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Appendix A

Figure A1. Circuit diagram of VSC.
Figure A1. Circuit diagram of VSC.
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The subscript abc denotes the variable in the three-phase stationary coordinate system, and the subscript dq denotes the variable in the two-phase rotating coordinate system. Δ indicates the small perturbation corresponding to the variable, and the capitalized form denotes the steady-state value corresponding to the variable. The symbol s denotes the Laplace operator.
The typical VSC master-slave control strategy is shown in Figure A2. HPLL is the phase-locked loop (PLL) control transfer function; Hv is the voltage control transfer function; Hi is the current control transfer function.
H PLL = K pPLL + K iPLL s
H v = K pv + K i v s
H i = K p i + K ii s
G PLL = H PLL s + V d H PLL
where KpPLL is the PLL proportionality coefficient, KiPLL is the phase-locked loop integral coefficient, Kpv is the voltage control proportionality coefficient, Kiv is the voltage control integral coefficient, Kpi is the current control proportionality coefficient and Kii is the current control integral coefficient.
Figure A2. Control diagram of VSC.
Figure A2. Control diagram of VSC.
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The VSC AC side power is equal to the DC side power as shown below:
p dc = 3 2 e dq i dq T
The relationship between the output voltage and output current of the AC side of the VSC and the AC line impedance and the grid impedance is shown as follows:
e dq = ( Z g + Z L ) i dq + v gdq
Z g = s L g + R g ω 1 L g ω 1 L g s L g + R g
Z L = s L + R ω 1 L ω 1 L s L + R
idref and iqref are the reference values of id and iq, respectively; ω is the voltage angular frequency on the AC side; and PWM denotes the pulse width modulation. Since iqref is usually set to 0 in the DC network, the integral output of the reactive power controller is generally regarded as 0.
Δ i dqref = H v Δ v dc
H v = H v 0
Inserting a small perturbation as follows:
Δ e d q = ( Z g + Z L ) Δ i d q
The relationship between the output voltage of the AC side of the VSC and the DC bus voltage and duty cycle is shown as follows:
E dq T = V dc 2 D dq T
Current and PLL control link:
G 1 = H i 1 ω L G P L L ( H i I q ω L I d + D d V d c / 2 V q ) ω L H i 1 + G P L L ( H i I d ω L I q D q V d c / 2 + V d )
Relationship between VSC power small disturbances and AC current small disturbances:
Δ p dc = [ 3 2 I dq T ( Z g + Z L ) + 3 V dc 4 D dq T ] ( Z g + Z L + G 1 Z g ) 1 ( H i + D dq 2 ) Δ v dc
Plus voltage control link:
Δ p dc = [ 3 2 I dq T ( Z g + Z L ) + 3 V dc 4 D dq T ] ( Z g + Z L + G 1 Z g ) 1 ( H i H v + D dq 2 ) Δ v dc
Organizing the above equations, the master VSC small-signal model is described by the following equation:
Y vsc 1 = [ 3 2 V dc I dq T ( Z g + Z L ) + 3 4 D dq T ] ( H i H v + D dq 2 ) Z g + Z L + G 1 Z g I dc V dc
When the constant current charging control mode is used, the fully controlled switching device of the bi-directional DC/DC converter remains fully closed and can be equated to a unidirectional diode, while the fully controlled switching device Sp follows the output duty cycle and opens and closes. EVCSs are equated to a Buck-type DC/DC converter circuit where the power flow is transferred from the high-voltage dc port to the low-voltage dc port, as shown below.
As seen above, Rd is the low-voltage DC circuit damping resistor, Ld is the energy storage inductor of the converter, Cd is the regulator capacitor of the converter, Vo is the voltage at both ends of the capacitor, Vlow is the ideal low-voltage DC voltage source, Vi is the input voltage of the converter, VEVCS is the DC bus voltage, IEVCS is the DC bus current, IL is the inductor current of the bi-directional DC/DC converter, Io is the low-voltage DC output current, Ic is the capacitor branch current, ILref is the reference value of inductor current, Hidc is the constant current control transfer function, and Ddc is the constant current control output duty cycle.
According to Figure A3, after linearization of the small signal of the Buck-type DC/DC converter, the small signal expression of the main circuit of the Buck-type DC/DC converter can be obtained as shown below:
D dc 0 Δ V EVCS 0 + Δ D dc V EVCS 0 Δ V o = s L d Δ I L
s C d Δ V o = Δ I L Δ I o
D dc 0 Δ I L + Δ D dc I L 0 = Δ I EVCS
Δ V o = R d Δ I o
Figure A3. Circuit diagram of EVCS.
Figure A3. Circuit diagram of EVCS.
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Based on the control block diagram in Figure A4, the following small-signal expression for the output duty cycle of the constant current charging control of the Buck-type DC/DC converter can also be obtained as follows:
Δ D dc = H idc Δ I L
Figure A4. Control diagram of EVCS.
Figure A4. Control diagram of EVCS.
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Eliminating the storage inductor current, the DC impedance of the bidirectional DC/DC converter in constant current charging mode is obtained as follows:
Y EVCS = D dc 0 D dc 0 I L 0 H idc s L d + V EVCS 0 H idc + R d 1 + s C d R d

Appendix B

Figure A5. Sensitivity analysis on different sample sizes in Monte Carlo simulations.
Figure A5. Sensitivity analysis on different sample sizes in Monte Carlo simulations.
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Table A1. Parameter of distribution system.
Table A1. Parameter of distribution system.
DC Bus Voltage Vdc0/V750
AC Frequency f0/Hz50
AC Grid-Line Voltage Vgabc0/V380
AC Line Inductors L/mH0.5
AC line resistance R/mΩ1.5
AC Grid Inductance Lg/mH0.24
AC Grid Resistance Rg/mΩ20
VSC DC Port Filter Capacitor Cdc/mF6
EVCS DC Port Filter Capacitors CL/mF5
EVCS DC Energy Storage Inductors Ld/mH2
EVCS DC Voltage Regulator Capacitor Cd/mF8
EVCS DC Damping Resistors Rd/mΩ1
DC Line Inductors Lline/mH0.12
DC Line Resistance Rline/mΩ43
Table A2. Root mean square error (RMSE) of Cornish–Fisher expansion compared with Monte Carlo.
Table A2. Root mean square error (RMSE) of Cornish–Fisher expansion compared with Monte Carlo.
Second-Order Cornish–FisherThird-Order Cornish–FisherFourth-Order Cornish–Fisher


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Figure 1. The typical structure of DC distribution system containing EVCSs.
Figure 1. The typical structure of DC distribution system containing EVCSs.
Energies 18 01196 g001
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the DC distribution system containing EVCSs.
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the DC distribution system containing EVCSs.
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Figure 3. Trend of oscillatory mode in the complex coordinate system.
Figure 3. Trend of oscillatory mode in the complex coordinate system.
Energies 18 01196 g003
Figure 4. Verification of s-domain nodal impedance matrix model.
Figure 4. Verification of s-domain nodal impedance matrix model.
Energies 18 01196 g004
Figure 5. Comparison of the PDF of the real part of oscillation modes obtained by the proposed analytical method and Monte Carlo simulation.
Figure 5. Comparison of the PDF of the real part of oscillation modes obtained by the proposed analytical method and Monte Carlo simulation.
Energies 18 01196 g005
Figure 6. PDFs of real part of oscillation modes for different correlations.
Figure 6. PDFs of real part of oscillation modes for different correlations.
Energies 18 01196 g006
Figure 7. PDFs of the real part of the oscillation modes for different AC grid-line impedances.
Figure 7. PDFs of the real part of the oscillation modes for different AC grid-line impedances.
Energies 18 01196 g007
Figure 8. PDFs of real part of oscillation modes for different DC line impedance.
Figure 8. PDFs of real part of oscillation modes for different DC line impedance.
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Figure 9. PDFs of real part of oscillation modes for different Kii.
Figure 9. PDFs of real part of oscillation modes for different Kii.
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Figure 10. PDFs of real part of oscillation modes for different Kpi.
Figure 10. PDFs of real part of oscillation modes for different Kpi.
Energies 18 01196 g010
Figure 11. PDFs of real part of oscillation modes for different Kiv.
Figure 11. PDFs of real part of oscillation modes for different Kiv.
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Figure 12. PDFs of real part of oscillation modes for different Kpv.
Figure 12. PDFs of real part of oscillation modes for different Kpv.
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Table 1. Cumulants of EVCS charging power and real part of oscillation modes.
Table 1. Cumulants of EVCS charging power and real part of oscillation modes.
EVCS1146.0342128.2593−1.965 × 104−2.076 × 106
EVCS2243.734843.245−3.284 × 103−1.406 × 105
EVCS3200.2232210.8673907.046−1.628 × 106
σ −6.00118.699−5.025−11.741
Table 2. Probability of instability of Punstable for different correlations.
Table 2. Probability of instability of Punstable for different correlations.
Table 3. Probability of instability of Punstable for different AC grid-line impedances.
Table 3. Probability of instability of Punstable for different AC grid-line impedances.
Lg (mH)
Table 4. Probability of instability of Punstable for different DC line impedances.
Table 4. Probability of instability of Punstable for different DC line impedances.
Zdcline (mΩ)4043454750
Table 5. Probability of instability Punstable for different current control parameters.
Table 5. Probability of instability Punstable for different current control parameters.
Table 6. Probability of instability Punstable for different voltage control parameters.
Table 6. Probability of instability Punstable for different voltage control parameters.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Liu, W.; Zhang, B.; Lu, Z.; Liao, Y.; Nian, H. Probabilistic Small-Signal Modeling and Stability Analysis of the DC Distribution System. Energies 2025, 18, 1196.

AMA Style

Liu W, Zhang B, Lu Z, Liao Y, Nian H. Probabilistic Small-Signal Modeling and Stability Analysis of the DC Distribution System. Energies. 2025; 18(5):1196.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Liu, Wenlong, Bo Zhang, Zimeng Lu, Yuming Liao, and Heng Nian. 2025. "Probabilistic Small-Signal Modeling and Stability Analysis of the DC Distribution System" Energies 18, no. 5: 1196.

APA Style

Liu, W., Zhang, B., Lu, Z., Liao, Y., & Nian, H. (2025). Probabilistic Small-Signal Modeling and Stability Analysis of the DC Distribution System. Energies, 18(5), 1196.

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