Guiding Principles for Geochemical/Thermodynamic Model Development and Validation in Nuclear Waste Disposal: A Close Examination of Recent Thermodynamic Models for H+—Nd3+—NO3−(—Oxalate) Systems
:1. Introduction
2. Key Guiding Principles for the Development of a Defensible STM
3. Determination of Thermodynamic Properties of Trace Components in Concentrated Electrolyte Solutions
- Coskrenite-(Ce) [(Ce,Nd,La)2(SO4)2(C2O4)·8H2O];
- Deveroite-(Ce) [(Ce1.01Nd0.33La0.32Pr0.11Y0.11Sm0.01Pb0.04U0.03Th0.01Ca0.04)2.01(C2O4)2.99·9.99H2O];
- Gasparite-(La)[(La0.65Ce0.17Nd0.07Ca0.06Mn0.05Pr0.02)1.02(As0.70V0.28P0.02)1.00O4];
- Gasparite-(Ce) [(Ce0.43La0.24Nd0.15Ca0.11Pr0.04Sm0.02Gd0.01)1.00(As0.99Si0.03)1.02O4];
- Levinsonite-(Y)[(Y,Nd,Ce)Al(SO4)2(C2O4)·12H2O];
- Zugshunstite-(Ce) [(Ce,Nd,La)Al(SO4)2(C2O4)·12H2O].
4. Model Validation Against Independent Data Sets
x(Nd(NO3)3) | x(HNO3) | x(H2O) | m(Nd(NO3)3) | m(HNO3) | Total ionic strength, mol·kg−1 | P, kPa, exp. | P, kPa, XW Model | Error, |%| |
0.0026 | 0.0454 | 0.9520 | 0.15 | 2.65 | 3.56 | 2.825 | 2.779 | 1.63 |
0.0057 | 0.0323 | 0.9620 | 0.33 | 1.86 | 3.84 | 2.847 | 2.824 | 0.808 |
x(Nd(NO3)3) | x(HNO3) | x(H2O) | m(Nd(NO3)3) | m(HNO3) | Total ionic strength, mol·kg−1 | aw, exp. | aw, XW Model | Error, |%| |
0.0085 | 0.0141 | 0.9775 | 0.48 | 0.80 | 3.68 | 0.929 ± 0.005 | 0.927 | 0.215 |
0.0098 | 0.0160 | 0.9740 | 0.56 | 0.92 | 4.28 | 0.921 ± 0.005 | 0.910 | 1.17 |
x(Ce(NO3)3) | x(HNO3) | x(H2O) | m(Ce(NO3)3) | m(HNO3) | Total ionic strength, mol·kg−1 | aw, exp. | aw, XW Model | Error, |%| |
0.0018 | 0.0018 | 0.9964 | 0.10 | 0.10 | 0.70 | 0.9873 | 0.9907 | 0.342 |
0.0089 | 0.0018 | 0.9893 | 0.50 | 0.10 | 3.1 | 0.9657 | 0.9587 | 0.722 |
0.0018 | 0.0089 | 0.9893 | 0.10 | 0.50 | 1.1 | 0.9763 | 0.9763 | 0.000 |
0.00885 | 0.00885 | 0.9823 | 0.50 | 0.50 | 3.5 | 0.9497 | 0.9394 | 1.08 |
0.0018 | 0.0177 | 0.9806 | 0.10 | 1.0 | 1.6 | 0.9610 | 0.9572 | 0.395 |
5. Intended Use and Validity Range
6. pH as a Performance Indicator for Model Testing
7. Physical Constraints on Nd3+ Association with NO3−
8. Minimizing the Number of Fitted Model Parameters
9. Summary
- Materials and Methods
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
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Exp # | m (Nd(III)) | m (HNO3) | m (H2C2O4) | Total Stoichiometric Ionic Strength, m |
Nd-0.1 | 2.65 × 10−4 | 0.100 | 0 | 0.102 |
Nd-0.5 | 2.01 × 10−3 | 0.500 | 0 | 0.515 |
Nd-1.0 | 5.02 × 10−3 | 1.00 | 0 | 1.04 |
Nd-2.0 | 7.73 × 10−3 | 1.94 | 0.017 | 2.05 |
Nd-3.0 | 1.31 × 10−2 | 2.72 | 0.033 | 2.92 |
Nd-4.0 | 1.37 × 10−2 | 3.22 | 0.057 | 3.49 |
Electrolyte | Concentration, mol·kg−1 | pH Reading (pHob) ± 2σ | Molar Scale Correction Factor, AM A | Conversion Factor from Molarity to Molality, Θ B | Molal Scale Correction Factor, Am | pHm ± 2σ |
Nd(NO3)3 | 0.50 | 6.20 ± 0.08 | 0.395 | 1.117 | 0.345 | 6.55 ± 0.08 |
0.75 | 6.05 ± 0.10 | 0.608 | 1.174 | 0.538 | 6.59 ± 0.10 | |
1.30 | 5.92 ± 0.15 | 1.01 | 1.300 | 0.897 | 6.82 ± 0.15 |
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Xiong, Y.; Wang, Y. Guiding Principles for Geochemical/Thermodynamic Model Development and Validation in Nuclear Waste Disposal: A Close Examination of Recent Thermodynamic Models for H+—Nd3+—NO3−(—Oxalate) Systems. Energies 2025, 18, 1650.
Xiong Y, Wang Y. Guiding Principles for Geochemical/Thermodynamic Model Development and Validation in Nuclear Waste Disposal: A Close Examination of Recent Thermodynamic Models for H+—Nd3+—NO3−(—Oxalate) Systems. Energies. 2025; 18(7):1650.
Chicago/Turabian StyleXiong, Yongliang, and Yifeng Wang. 2025. "Guiding Principles for Geochemical/Thermodynamic Model Development and Validation in Nuclear Waste Disposal: A Close Examination of Recent Thermodynamic Models for H+—Nd3+—NO3−(—Oxalate) Systems" Energies 18, no. 7: 1650.
APA StyleXiong, Y., & Wang, Y. (2025). Guiding Principles for Geochemical/Thermodynamic Model Development and Validation in Nuclear Waste Disposal: A Close Examination of Recent Thermodynamic Models for H+—Nd3+—NO3−(—Oxalate) Systems. Energies, 18(7), 1650.