New Findings on Multilayer Silicene on Si(111)?3×?3R30°–Ag Template
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Samples | Peakxy | qxy (Å−1) | dxy (Å) q | Peakz | qz (Å−1) | dz (Å) |
Si(111) | (220) | 3.274 (5) | 1.919 (10) | (111) | 2.003 (5) | 3.136 (10) |
(220) | 4.006 (5) | 1.568 (10) | ||||
Si(111)√3–Ag | (dSi-Si Trimers) | 2.212 (5) | 2.840 (10) | |||
(dAg-AgTriangles) | 2.910 (5) | 2.159 (10) | ||||
dLattice parameter | 0.947 (5) | 6.640 (10) | ||||
10 MLs silicene | dLattice parameter | 0.969 (5) | 6.484 (15) | 2.032 (5) | 3.092 (5) | |
1.947 (5) 0.482 (5) | 3.240 (10) 13.030(15) 1 |
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De Padova, P.; Generosi, A.; Paci, B.; Ottaviani, C.; Quaresima, C.; Olivieri, B.; Kopciuszyński, M.; Żurawek, L.; Zdyb, R.; Krawiec, M. New Findings on Multilayer Silicene on Si(111)?3×?3R30°–Ag Template. Materials 2019, 12, 2258.
De Padova P, Generosi A, Paci B, Ottaviani C, Quaresima C, Olivieri B, Kopciuszyński M, Żurawek L, Zdyb R, Krawiec M. New Findings on Multilayer Silicene on Si(111)?3×?3R30°–Ag Template. Materials. 2019; 12(14):2258.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDe Padova, Paola, Amanda Generosi, Barbara Paci, Carlo Ottaviani, Claudio Quaresima, Bruno Olivieri, Marek Kopciuszyński, Lucyna Żurawek, Ryszard Zdyb, and Mariusz Krawiec. 2019. "New Findings on Multilayer Silicene on Si(111)?3×?3R30°–Ag Template" Materials 12, no. 14: 2258.
APA StyleDe Padova, P., Generosi, A., Paci, B., Ottaviani, C., Quaresima, C., Olivieri, B., Kopciuszyński, M., Żurawek, L., Zdyb, R., & Krawiec, M. (2019). New Findings on Multilayer Silicene on Si(111)?3×?3R30°–Ag Template. Materials, 12(14), 2258.