Grating Theory Approach to Optics of Nanocomposites
:1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Numerical Experiments
3.1. Porous Silicon
3.2. Silver (Ag) Nanospheres Arranged on a Glass Substrate
3.3. Ag Nanorods Embedded in a Kerr Nonlinear Host Matrix
4. Summary
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Convergence Tests
Appendix A.1. Near Field Intensity vs. Number of Fourier Coefficients: Por-Si
Appendix A.2. Diffraction Efficiencies vs. Number of Fourier Coefficients in FMM: Por-Si
Appendix A.3. Diffraction Efficiencies vs. Number of Layers: Ag Spheres on Glass
Appendix B. Computing Time and Resources
- With along x and y, , and transverse sampling , the field calculation across the mid-plane of Ag nanospheres at each wavelength took about 792 s without implementing symmetry conditions and about 169.8 s if -type symmetry conditions are used as implemented in ref. [42].
- With and other parameters same as above, the calculation took about 24,787 s per wavelength without symmetry conditions and about 1195 s with the symmetry conditions.
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Bej, S.; Saastamoinen, T.; Svirko, Y.P.; Turunen, J. Grating Theory Approach to Optics of Nanocomposites. Materials 2021, 14, 6359.
Bej S, Saastamoinen T, Svirko YP, Turunen J. Grating Theory Approach to Optics of Nanocomposites. Materials. 2021; 14(21):6359.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBej, Subhajit, Toni Saastamoinen, Yuri P. Svirko, and Jari Turunen. 2021. "Grating Theory Approach to Optics of Nanocomposites" Materials 14, no. 21: 6359.
APA StyleBej, S., Saastamoinen, T., Svirko, Y. P., & Turunen, J. (2021). Grating Theory Approach to Optics of Nanocomposites. Materials, 14(21), 6359.