Multi-Layer Simulation of the Powder Bed Selective Laser Processing of Alumina for Residual Stress and Distortion Evaluation
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Numerical Procedure
2.1.1. Numerical Model Development
2.1.2. Numerical Model Geometry
2.1.3. Alumina PBSLP Using the CO2 Laser
2.2. Experimental Procedure
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Numerical Model Validation
3.2. Process Window for the PBSLP of Alumina Using the CO2 Laser
3.3. Temperature History during Part Printing
3.4. Residual Stress and Distortion
3.5. Effect of Preheating
4. Conclusions
- The model can be used to select the appropriate values of laser power, scanning speed, and hatching distance.
- The CO2 laser can be effectively used for the PBSLP of alumina with a low power value and high scanning speed leading to a high manufacturing rate and energy conservation.
- The model can obtain the printed part’s temperature history, temperature distribution, residual stress, and distortion.
- The developed residual stress for the printed part exceeds the yield limit for all the studied build orientations. When preheating by 800 K is applied, the developed residual stress is reduced by 23% and the distortion by 54%. The linear-short and linear-short-long build orientations both gave low distortion and residual stress compared to other build orientations.
- Commercially available printers cannot be used effectively for the PBSLP of ceramic materials, and a special printer equipped with a preheating system for the powder and temperature controller is needed.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Item | Symbol | Expression/Value | Unit | Ref. |
Density | 3920 | kg/m3 | ||
Specific heat 1 | 3 × 10−13 T5 − 3 × 10−9 T4 + 5 × 10−6 T3 − 0.0073 T2 + 5.0097 T − 190.71, (T ≤ 2450) 1360, (T > 2450) | J/kg-K | [42] | |
Thermal conductivity 1 | −3 × 10−15 T5 − 3 × 10−11 T4 − 10−7 T3 + 0.0002 T2 − 0.203 T + 79.673, (T ≤ 2450) 5.5, (T > 2450) | W/kg-K | ||
Melting point, | 2327 | K | ||
Latent heat of melting, | 1,137,900 | J/kg | ||
Emissivity | 0.7 | |||
Stefan Boltzmann constant, | 5.6704 × 10−8 | W/m2 K4 | ||
Thermal convection coefficient, | 200 | W/m2 K4 | ||
Absorptivity/CO2 laser | 0.96 | [39] | ||
Absorptivity/Fiber laser | 0.03 |
Dimension | Base Plate (mm) | Printed Part (mm) |
Length | 2 | 1.5 |
Width | 1.5 | 1 |
Thickness | 0.5 | 0.5 1 |
Mesh | Mesh Edge Size (µm) | Elapsed Time to Solve One Time Step (s) | Temperature (K) |
A | 10 | 3.6 | 3365.95 |
B | 5 | 4.6 | 3388.48 |
C | 2.5 | 5.7 | 3395.23 |
D | 2 | 5.8 | 3396.35 |
Item | Value |
Laser power range, W | 15–50 |
Scanning speed range, mm/s | 500–1200 |
Layer thickness, µm | 50 |
Power, W | Temperature Distribution | Top Melting Contour | Vertical Melting Contour |
95 | | | |
100 | | | |
105 | | | |
Power, W | Scanning Speed, mm/s | Temperature Distribution | Top Melting Contour | Vertical Melting Contour |
30 | 600 | | | |
40 | 900 | | | |
50 | 1200 | | | |
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Abdelmoula, M.; Küçüktürk, G. Multi-Layer Simulation of the Powder Bed Selective Laser Processing of Alumina for Residual Stress and Distortion Evaluation. Materials 2022, 15, 3498.
Abdelmoula M, Küçüktürk G. Multi-Layer Simulation of the Powder Bed Selective Laser Processing of Alumina for Residual Stress and Distortion Evaluation. Materials. 2022; 15(10):3498.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAbdelmoula, Mohamed, and Gökhan Küçüktürk. 2022. "Multi-Layer Simulation of the Powder Bed Selective Laser Processing of Alumina for Residual Stress and Distortion Evaluation" Materials 15, no. 10: 3498.
APA StyleAbdelmoula, M., & Küçüktürk, G. (2022). Multi-Layer Simulation of the Powder Bed Selective Laser Processing of Alumina for Residual Stress and Distortion Evaluation. Materials, 15(10), 3498.