3.1. Ordering Sequences
Figure 2a shows the DSC curves obtained for a Cu5 sample water quenched from 1020 K. The exothermic and endothermic peaks observed at low temperatures correspond to the forward (on cooling; peak temperature M
P) and reverse (on heating; peak temperature A
P) MT, respectively, whereas the anomaly around 300 K is associated with the magnetic transition taking place in the austenitic phase (
); during post-quench heating, two broad exothermic peaks are observed, labelled as P
L and P
Figure 2a displays the curves obtained during cooling down to 210 K and subsequent heating up to 500 K of the just-quenched sample (blue curve), cooling after overcoming P
L and heating up to 670 K (red curve), and cooling after passing P
H followed by heating up to 670 K (black line). Comparison of the blue and red curves with the black one in the heating range 400 K–670 K shows that the exothermic peaks P
L and P
H are irreversible, as they do not appear in subsequent heating runs. Both the martensitic and magnetic transition temperatures are found to drop by quench and to increase during post-quench aging, but while there is a significant change in M
P and A
P after heating above P
L (compare blue and red curves),
does not change until the sample is heated to above P
L, as shown in the inset (red and black curves). In order to discern the effects of the processes underlying P
L and P
H, we will name the different aging states as quenched (WQS; before blue curve), intermediate-aged (IAS; before red curve), and full-aged (FAS; before black curve).
On its turn,
Figure 2b shows the DSC curves obtained for the same Cu5 alloy after quench from 770 K. As explained in the introduction, after quench from temperatures well below the B2↔L21 transition, the P
H peak is supressed and only P
L remains. Consistent with the changes in transition temperatures observed in
Figure 2a, it can be seen in
Figure 2b that quench from 770 K affects the MT temperatures but not the Curie temperature.
Sticking to the hypothesis that the P
H peak is associated with the L2
1 ordering (that is, with the switch of Mn and Ga atoms from the improper to their proper sublattices), while P
L accounts for the emplacement in the Mn sublattice of Cu atoms, misplaced in the Ni sublattice after quench, it results from
Figure 2 that these two ordering processes take place in a different sequence depending on the starting state. This is summarized in
Figure 3, which illustrates the crystal structure of the austenite with the proposed site occupation in each state and the different ordering sequences.
Figure 3a shows the atomic occupancies in the states of order B2′ and L2
1‘ for the present Ni
xGa alloys. In the B2’ ordered state we expect to find Cu atoms in the Mn and Ga sublattices, but also in the Ni sublattice, according to the formulated hypothesis. Likewise, the most ordered structure L2
1’ corresponds to the Cu atoms in the sites of the Mn that it replaces. In
Figure 3b, states A and C correspond to B2′ and L2
1′ respectively, and A’ is obtained by quenching from the temperature domain of B2’; although it certainly holds a substantial L2
1‘ order, it retains a certain degree of B2’ order, which is shown in the figure. If from state A’ heating proceeds continuously, during the P
L process ordering of the Cu atoms located in Ni sites, towards the Mn sublattice, occurs, leading to a state called B’ in which the disorder between Mn and Ga atoms remains. On further heating, during the P
H process, the Mn-Ga ordering takes place, resulting in the ordered structure L2
1’ (state C). Instead, below the ordering temperature B2↔L2
1, the stable state is called B in
Figure 3c, in which the Mn and Ga atoms occupy their own sublattices, but some Cu atoms remain misplaced in the Ni sites. Quenching from that state retains the disorder of the Cu atoms (C’ state), and subsequent heating leads, through the P
L process, to the ordered C state.
3.2. Magnetic Behavior
Figure 4 shows the magnetization measured at a constant magnetic field of 5 mT, as a function of temperature, for samples of alloy Cu5 quenched from 1020 K in three different post-quench ageing states as defined above: just quenched (WQS), intermediate-aged (IAS), and full-aged (FAS). In line with the previously established relationship between the processes underlying P
L and P
H and the variation of transition temperatures, the IAS sample shows MT temperatures higher than WQS but with no T
C changes, while between IAS and FAS samples, an increase in T
C was also observed.
To better understand the magnetization changes associated with these states of order, magnetization vs. magnetic field curves for the above specimens were also recorded at 10 K (ferromagnetic martensite,
Figure 5a) and 280 K (ferromagnetic austenite,
Figure 5b). The saturation magnetization increases from WQS to FAS—i.e., with atomic order degree—but it is worth paying attention to the fact that the increase in magnetization is very small between WQS and IAS (overcoming P
L), with the true increase being produced when passing from IAS to FAS (that is, after overcoming P
H). With the behavior being the same in
Figure 5a,b, the M(μ
oH) values for ferromagnetic austenite at 280 K are clearly lower than those observed for ferromagnetic martensite at 10 K. This can easily be attributed to the fact that 280 K is not far enough below the Curie temperature to have complete magnetic order; in fact, the gap (T
C −280 K) is different for WQS, IAS, and FAS samples. Trying to approach more realistic values of the saturation magnetization in austenite, the Kuz’min [
20] formula can be applied
is the reduced temperature difference, M(T) is the spontaneous magnetization at temperature T, M(0) is the saturation magnetization at 0 K, and s is a parameter related to the shape of the magnetization versus temperature curves; in [
21], s = 0.1 was successfully used for austenite. The Curie temperatures for WQS, IAS, and FAS were taken as 300 K, 301 K, and 316 K, as depicted in
Figure 4. The saturation magnetization of ferromagnetic martensite and austenite was determined from the Arrott plots, based on the mean field theory applied to magnetism which predicts that
should be linear below the Curie temperature. High field data have been fitted to a linear function that is extrapolated to
to obtain the saturation magnetization. The obtained values, together with the calculated austenite 0 K values as indicated above, are given in
Table 1, where it can be seen that the magnetic moment experiences a slight rise after overcoming the process associated with P
L and a significantly greater rise when overcoming the process P
The saturation magnetization per formula unit that would correspond at 0 K to the full-ordered Ni
xGa can be computed from
The values for
(magnetic moment of X atoms in the Y sublattice) can be found in [
22] to be
. Particularizing in the Cu5 alloy (x = 0.2) to which the previous results refer,
a value somewhat higher than those listed in
Table 1 for sample FAS, meaning that not even FAS corresponds to an optimal degree of atomic order. To explain the measured magnetic moments for states WQS, IAS, and FAS, we will refer to the atomic occupation of the sublattices in case it is different from the perfectly ordered one. Clearly, the greatest changes in magnetization are associated with the position of the Mn atoms, due to antiferromagnetic coupling of the Mn-Mn pairs when Mn atoms are not located at the proper sites in the Heusler structure [
22]. Since
22], a fraction α of Mn-Ga atoms exchange would lead to
accounting for a decrease of
. In this sense, the lower the L2
1 order degree, the more Mn-Mn pairs are coupled antiferromagnetically, and therefore, the resulting saturation magnetization is lower. In addition to the Mn-Ga (L2
1) disorder, the placement of the Cu atoms will be considered to explain the measured values of
. Following [
22], for the Ni
0.2Ga alloys, the configurations listed below can be considered, ranked from the most (
i) to the least favorable energetically (
- i.
Ni2 (Mn0.8Cu0.2) Ga
- ii.
Ni2 (Mn0.8Ga0.2) (Ga0.8Cu0.2)
- iii.
(Ni1.8Cu0.2) (Mn0.8Ni0.2) Ga
- iv.
(Ni1.8Cu0.2) (Mn0.8Ga0.2) (Ga0.8Ni0.2)
- v.
(Ni1.8Ga0.2) (Mn0.8Ni0.2) (Ga0.8Cu0.2)
v configuration is discarded as being highly unfavorable, and for the remaining ones, we can evaluate the saturation magnetic moment using
22]. Configuration
ii, that is, Cu atoms misplaced in the Ga sublattice, yield an increase of the saturation magnetization, thus it does not seem to be a likely configuration after quench (WQS); instead,
iii and
iv produce comparable decrease of of
with respect to
i. In this way, the slight increase in
experienced between WQS and IAS states is compatible with the relocation of Cu atoms, misplaced by quench in the Ni sublattice, towards the Mn sublattice, in agreement with the hypotheses which was formulated in [
18]. Among
iii and
iv, the configuration
iii is more stable according to the first principles calculations in [
22], so the following atom allocation is proposed to explain the measured
Evidently, from a quantitative point of view, it is a mere approximation, since it is obvious that the Mn-Ga exchanges take place throughout the entire aging process, although their rate be maximum in the temperature domain where P
H occurs; in the same way, other atomic movements cannot be ruled out, which in any case would be less relevant. For this reason, it would be very daring trying to deduce, from the values in
Table 1, the fractions α and β of misplaced atoms. At most, from the comparison between the values for WQS, IAS, and FAS, we can estimate α = 0.07–0.08 after quench, and remaining α = 0.01–0.02 in FAS.
3.3. Evaluation of Order Degree for Different TWQ
A relevant characteristic of the studied processes is their behavior for different quenching temperatures (T
WQ). In this sense, the most outstanding observation, as already mentioned, is the suppression of P
H for T
WQ below 770 K. However, T
WQ has other interesting effects, both on the structural and magnetic transitions as well as on the exothermic processes P
L and P
Figure 6 shows the DSC curves obtained for alloy Cu5 during the first (solid lines) and second (dashed lines) heating runs after quench from different T
WQ. As we know, both the Curie and MT temperatures recorded in the first heating run (quenched state) fall relative to the second heating (ordered, stable state); it can be observed in
Figure 6 that the value of the drops ∆T
C, ∆M
P and ΔA
P depends on T
WQ; all temperature drops are larger the higher T
WQ, but ∆T
C becomes stable for T
WQ above 970 K (that is, coincident with the B2↔L2
1 temperature) and is null for quenches from 670 K and below, while ∆M
P and ∆A
P stabilize for quenching above 870 K, and even for quenching temperatures below 570 K, non-zero ∆M
P and ΔA
P are observed (see also Figure 8 in [
18]). The behavior of ∆T
C, ∆M
P, and ∆A
P supports that while the process responsible for the variation of Curie temperature is closely related to L2
1 ordering, the changes in the MT temperatures are generated in a process that takes place during quench from temperatures well below the B2↔L2
1 ordering reaction.
The evolution of the exothermic peaks P
L and P
H as a function of T
WQ can also be seen in
Figure 6. Along with the suppression of P
H for T
WQ below 770 K, both peaks P
L and P
H are observed to shift towards higher temperatures as T
WQ is lowered, as depicted in
Figure 7a. This would indicate that the related processes require less energy to start after quenching from higher temperatures, which, as discussed in [
19], can be related to the crucial role of vacancies in assisting the reordering processes. On its turn,
Figure 7b shows the evolution with T
WQ of the heat released during the processes underlying P
L and P
H, computed from the area under the DSC curves as explained in
Section 2. Q(P
L) and Q(P
H) increase as T
WQ increases, meaning that these processes involve more energy after quenching from higher temperatures.
To understand the meaning of the heat released in the exothermic peaks, let us take as an example the case of PH, related to the improvement of the L21 order. The heat released would be proportional to the enhancement of the order degree achieved during the process giving rise to PH, and ultimately to the degree of quenched disorder, which is clearly dependent on TWQ.
Figure 8 shows that the Curie temperature drop ∆T
C due to quench from T
WQ and the heat released in the P
H peak are proportional, suggesting their common origin: the higher T
WQ, the lower the degree of atomic order after quench, giving rise to a greater drop in T
C and to a reordering process that involves more energy. The reasoning is the same for P
L, as it can be seen in
Figure 8 relating the heat released at peak P
L, with the MT temperatures droping due to quench from T
WQ. In this case, the invoked reordering process is the relocation of Cu atoms, misplaced in the Ni sublattice, towards their most favorable sites in the Mn sublattice.
In either case, the heat released in the exothermic processes P
L and P
H would account for the degree of quenched-disorder according to:
being the degree of order after quench from T
the heat released in the corresponding exothermic reordering peak, and
the maximum heat for the ordering process; that is, the energy required to go from complete disordered to full ordered states. For the ordering B2↔L2
1, to which we relate P
H, it is possible to find in the literature values obtained through ab-initio calculations; Ref. [
23] provides a value of 50 meV/atom (4.82 kJ/mol) for the stoichiometric Ni
2MnGa alloy. Instead, for the ordering of the Cu atoms in the corresponding sublattice, we do not have reference values, but we can get an approximation from [
22], where the site preference of Cu-doped Ni
2MnGa alloys is analyzed from the first principles. In this work, a relative free energy difference of 0.24 mRy/atom (3.26 meV/atom) between the configuration Ni
0.05) Ga and (Ni
0.05) Ga is calculated, thus a difference of 13.06 meV/at (1.26 kJ/mol) can be inferred between the most stable Ni
2 (Mn
0.2) Ga configuration and the disordered (Ni
0.2) (Mn
0.2) Ga one. Using these values as Q
max in Equation (9) we can calculate the degree of order after quenching from different temperatures, with the results shown in
Figure 9.
It is interesting to note that the values obtained for the degree of order L2
1 (P
H) after quench are similar to those evaluated in the literature (see, for example, [
10]), with a minimum of s(L2
1)~0.9 after quench from temperatures around the B2↔L2
1 temperature. It can be also observed, and it is quite a common feature, that the degree of order improves for higher temperatures above the order–disorder one, which is attributable to the role of quenched-in vacancies in facilitating diffusion.
On its turn, the degree of order associated with the site occupancy of Cu atoms takes minimum values around 0.85 due to quench from temperatures above 770 K. This would imply that around 15% of the Cu atoms are displaced from their most favorable sites after quench. In addition, as it was already clear from the evolution of the temperature shifts, a perfect order is not achieved, even when quenching from temperatures as low as 370 K.
Comparing the evolution of this degree of order and the L21 one, an order–disorder transition would be expected to occur at temperatures around 770 K. However, unlike the B2↔L21 transition, this eventual order–disorder transition is not accompanied by latent heat, nor has it been possible to detect its presence by other experimental techniques, so it must be attributed to a continuous transition.
3.4. Effect of Cu Content
Given that the mechanism proposed for P
L is based on the diffusion of Cu atoms towards their most energetically favorable sites, it is natural to assume that the characteristics of this process will be enhanced in alloys with more Cu.
Figure 10 shows the DSC curves obtained for alloys with different Cu content (3–11 at% Cu) quenched from 1020 K during the first (solid lines) and second (dashed lines) heating runs. In
Figure 10, along with the variation of the MT and Curie temperatures owing to Cu content [
5], the exothermic peaks P
L and P
H are also observed to change.
The influence of the amount of Cu is evidenced through different magnitudes. First, the temperatures at which P
L and P
H occur decrease as the amount of Cu increases; this is depicted in
Figure 11a, together with the temperature of the B2↔L2
1 transition. The reason as to why this happens is not straightforward. On the one hand, since the processes are thermally activated, the peak temperature evolution could be related to composition-dependent changes in the kinetic parameters. On the other hand, since the B2↔L2
1 temperatures also decrease with increasing Cu, quenching from the same temperature (1020 K) will lead to different degrees of quenched-disorder for the different compositions, modifying the characteristics of the reordering processes.
Second, in
Figure 10, a phenomenon never reported to date in the literature can be observed; for the alloy with the highest Cu content (Cu11), displaying the highest MT temperatures of the set, one exothermic, transient, peak appears in martensite. This is an unprecedented observation, since it has always been assumed that diffusion-related post-quench atomic reordering only takes place in austenite (being usual to observe a related exothermic peak [
8]). On the other hand, atomic diffusion in martensite, and the atomic rearrangement that it entails, have always been related to the phenomenon of martensite stabilization [
24] (no thermal effect associated with having been reported to date). However, as can be seen in
Figure 10, there is no stabilization of martensite, since the MT transformation temperatures are the same in the first and second heating runs. Incidentally, no stabilization of martensite was detected after keeping a sample for 3 h at 470 K, so this alloy, with high MT temperature, remains very stable at high temperatures. Although it could be doubted whether the detected exothermic peak is P
L or P
H, the fact that it remains after quench from 770 K, well below its L2
1 ordering temperature, suggests that it is P
L, and so is quoted in
Figure 11a. This is a very interesting experimental fact that should be studied in detail independently, but in the meantime, it gives rise to the idea that, unlike the L2
1 ordering (Mn-Ga pairs), the reordering process involving the Cu atoms can take place in martensite.
Lastly, as might be expected, the heat released during the processes P
L and P
H changes with Cu content, increasing with Cu in the case of Q(P
L) and increasing with Mn content for Q(P
H). This is shown in
Figure 11b and can be interpreted as an indication that increasing the Cu (Mn) content increases the probability of finding misplaced atoms after quenching, and therefore the overall energy required for relocation increases. Nevertheless, as already mentioned, for the different Cu-content, the degree of disorder retained by quench from 1020 K will be different, as will the reference energy values, which prevents estimating the fraction of atoms that are relocated in the corresponding processes.
Detection of the disorder caused by the exchange between Ni and Cu atoms requires special measurement setups like neutron diffraction. Thus, a detailed neutron powder diffraction study is on the way, with the goal of elucidating the atomic site occupancies during post-quench aging of the Ni2Mn1−xCuxGa alloys. It will also be interesting to explore whether other families of quaternary alloys present similar ordering sequences in order to establish if it is a more general phenomenon and, if so, what would be the characteristics that give rise to it.