3. Results and Discussion
In the chessboard structure, the L1
0 tiles with high magnetic hardness are interconnected by the magnetically soft L1
2 tiles in between. These L1
0 tiles alternate between in-plane easy directions of
, as illustrated in
Figure 1. The strength of the exchange coupling is highly dependent on the tile size. To systematically investigate the exchange coupling effect in nonstandard nanochessboards, we considered the same aspect ratio but different cell sizes.
Figure 2 displays the phase morphologies and phase-field simulated initial magnetization distributions for nonstandard nanochessboards with the same aspect ratio of b/a = 4 but varying cell sizes from D = 20 nm to 100 nm. Generally, as the cell size increases, the exchange coupling effect weakens. For relatively small unit cells, the strong exchange coupling causes significant deviations of magnetizations from the easy axis of the hard L1
0 phase, resulting in the emergence of a new easy axis, as depicted in
Figure 2a,b. On the other hand, for relatively large unit cells, the weakened exchange coupling only induces slight rotations of magnetizations around the easy axis of the hard L1
0 phase, as shown in
Figure 2c–e. To provide a clearer illustration of the magnetization behaviors, we simulated the magnetization distributions for
-poled nonstandard nanochessboards with two representative unit cell sizes of D = 20 nm and D = 100 nm, as presented in
Figure 3.
According to
Figure 3a with D = 20 nm, when the tile size is small enough for the exchange coupling effect to extend over them, the L1
2 bridging tiles facilitate the exchange coupling of neighboring L1
0 tiles. This type of coupling is referred to as hard–hard exchange coupling between neighboring L1
0 tiles, in contrast to the hard–soft coupling observed between adjacent L1
2 tiles. The hard–hard exchange coupling leads to a rotation of the local magnetization vectors away from the original
magnetic easy directions within individual L1
0 tiles, towards the intermediate
direction. Consequently, the original individual [001] and [010] easy directions are weakened, while the new effective
easy direction in the nanocomposite system is strengthened. On the other hand, as shown in
Figure 3b, when the cell size increases to D = 100 nm, the exchange coupling between hard magnetic regions notably decreases. As a result, the magnetizations within the L1
0 hard magnetic tiles tend to align along their intrinsic easy axes. However, since the hard–soft exchange coupling between adjacent L1
2 tiles still exists and is not negligible, the magnetizations in L1
2 soft magnetic tiles remain almost collinear with the magnetizations in L1
0 hard magnetic tiles. For a more detailed theoretical analysis of the hard–hard or hard–soft exchange coupling, one can refer to our prior work [
Assuming a uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy in both the L1
0 and L1
2 phases, the critical exchange length can be approximated as
nm [
15]. However, due to the unequal edge lengths of nonstandard nanochessboard tiles (a ≠ b), the exchange coupling becomes anisotropic. In cases where the unit cell size D remains the same but with b > a, the vertical (
) exchange coupling is more pronounced than the horizontal (
). Specifically, for nonstandard nanochessboard tiles with b = 4a, the critical cell size is approximately D
cr~35 nm for the horizontal exchange coupling and D
cr~141 nm for the vertical exchange coupling. It is worth noting that for standard nanochessboard tiles with a = b, the critical cell size is approximately D
cr~35 nm for both horizontal and vertical exchange couplings, indicating a nearly isotropic exchange coupling effect.
Based on the analysis provided, the exchange coupling in nonstandard nanochessboards is influenced by both the tile size and shape, leading to different magnetic domain structures depending on the cell size. Let us revisit the magnetization distributions in
Figure 2. For D = 20 nm, the cell size is below both the vertical and horizontal critical cell sizes, resulting in a strong hard–hard exchange coupling between neighboring L1
0 tiles in both vertical and horizontal orientations. As a result, the magnetization vectors predominantly point towards vertical and horizontal directions, as the hard–hard exchange coupling promotes the effective
easy axes. The magnetizations tend to align along the effective easy axes rather than the original intrinsic easy axes.
Figure 2a shows stripe “domains”, with the blue domain having magnetizations pointing in the
direction and the green domain having magnetizations pointing in the
direction. These stripe domains are vertical because the vertical exchange coupling is too strong to allow the appearance of 180° domain walls within these stripe domains. For D = 35 nm, although the cell size is increased, the exchange coupling is still strong enough to promote the effective easy axes, resulting in a similar domain structure (
Figure 2b) as the case of D = 20 nm. As the cell size increases beyond the critical cell size for the horizontal exchange coupling, the nanocomposite enters the relatively weak hard-soft coupled regime and eventually the decoupled regime along the horizontal orientation. Consequently, the magnetizations tend to align along the original easy axes of the hard L1
0 phase, and the domain walls are allowed to exist, as shown in
Figure 2c–e. It is important to note that, since the critical cell size for the vertical exchange coupling is much larger than the horizontal, the vertical hard–hard exchange coupling still exists, unlike the negligible horizontal hard–hard exchange coupling. As a result, the magnetizations are almost collinear vertically but non-collinear horizontally, as depicted in
Figure 2c–e.
Commencing with the initial magnetic domain structures depicted in
Figure 2 for the five cases, applying a magnetic field in different directions yields varying magnetic hysteresis loops and domain structure evolutions.
Figure 4 shows simulated M-H hysteresis loops and domain structure transitions for the Co-Pt nonstandard nanochessboard system with a unit cell size of D = 20 nm under an external magnetic field in the
, or [100] directions. Given that the cell size is considerably below the critical value, the strong hard–hard exchange coupling that extends over the neighboring hard–soft exchange coupling results in four effective easy directions:
, and
Figure 4A displays the stripe “domain” pattern, where the magnetizations align along
. Under the application of a magnetic field in the
direction, the magnetizations undergo stepwise rotations and switching.
Figure 4B indicates partial switching of
magnetizations to
, while
Figure 4C shows complete switching of
magnetizations to
Figure 4D exhibits the saturated domain structure with magnetizations uniformly pointing in
. Upon unloading the magnetic field, all magnetizations revert to their easy axis,
, forming the remanent domain structure, as depicted in
Figure 4E. Throughout this domain evolution process, the magnetization rotation mechanism takes precedence over the domain wall motion mechanism.
Figure 4F,G show the remanent domain structures following magnetic polarization in the
directions, respectively. As expected, magnetizations align homogeneously vertically and horizontally after polarization in the promoted effective easy directions.
Figure 4H illustrates magnetization distribution under a substantial magnetic field in the
direction. The magnitude of the in-plane magnetizations is notably small, indicating that the magnetization is predominantly achieved by the out-of-plane field
. This outcome is attributed to the reduction in anisotropy due to the hard–hard exchange coupling in the plane, facilitating easier magnetization rotation. Upon field release, magnetizations eventually homogeneously align in the effective easy direction
. Unlike the hard L1
0 phase, which only features in-plane easy axes, the soft L1
2 phase also possesses an out-of-plane easy axis
. Due to the weaker anisotropy of the L1
2 phase and the strong hard–soft exchange coupling, the out-of-plane component of L1
2 phase magnetizations cannot be maintained upon field unloading. In other words, domain evolution is reversible in the loading–unloading process. As a result, the hysteresis phenomenon is nearly absent.
Figure 5 illustrates simulated M-H hysteresis loops and domain structure evolutions for the Co-Pt nonstandard nanochessboard system with a unit cell size of D = 35 nm under external magnetic fields in the
, or [100] directions, with the initial domain structure as shown in
Figure 2b. The hysteresis loops and domain evolution are similar to the case of D = 20 nm, as shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 5A–D show the domain structure evolution under vertical and horizontal magnetic fields. Since the applied magnetic fields are parallel to the effective easy directions, these two hysteresis loops are wider than the others. As the cell size increases from 20 nm to 35 nm, the magnetization homogeneity of the remanent domain structures is reduced due to the weakened exchange coupling, as shown in
Figure 5A,D.
Figure 5E,F illustrate the domain structure evolution under magnetic field in the
direction, while
Figure 5G,H illustrate the domain structure evolution under magnetic field in the
direction. Due to the strong hard–soft exchange coupling, the out-of-plane component of L1
2 phase magnetizations still cannot be maintained if the field is unloaded. This is also indicated by the lack of hysteresis feature in the M-H loop with the field along the
direction. Additionally, the curve is not as linear as in the case of D = 20 nm, indicating a reduction in exchange coupling as the cell size is increased. It is worth noting that almost all the hysteresis loops become wider as the cell size increases, which is caused by the weakening of the hard–hard exchange coupling. In comparison with the intrinsic easy axis and magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy of the hard L1
0 phase, the effective easy axis is associated with a lower anisotropy energy and hence a smaller coercivity. Thus, the weakening of exchange coupling results in an enhanced anisotropy energy and, consequently, an increased coercivity.
Figure 6 illustrates simulated M-H hysteresis loops and domain structure evolutions for the Co-Pt nonstandard nanochessboard system with a unit cell size of D = 50 nm under external magnetic fields in the
or [100] direction, with the initial domain structure as shown in
Figure 2c. As the cell size is beyond the critical value, the horizontal hard-soft exchange coupling is decoupled, resulting in magnetizations in the hard L1
0 phase tending to align with their original easy axes.
Figure 6A–F depict the domain structure evolution under in-plane magnetic fields. Unlike the previous two cases, where only the magnetization rotation mechanism dominated, in this case, the domain wall motion mechanism also plays a crucial role in the domain evolution process.
Figure 6G,H show the domain structure under out-of-plane magnetic fields. Due to the reduced exchange coupling, nonzero out-of-plane components are allowed to exist. In this situation, the out-of-plane magnetizations appear in the form of vortex or antivortex, which are domain walls separating vertical domains.
As the cell size further increases, the exchange coupling becomes weaker, allowing more domains or domain walls to appear in the initial domain structure, as shown in
Figure 2d.
Figure 7 shows simulated M-H hysteresis loops and domain structure evolutions for the Co-Pt nonstandard nanochessboard system with a unit cell size of D = 70 nm under external magnetic fields in four different directions. In this hard–soft coupling regime, the effect of exchange coupling weakens with increasing cell size, leading to a reduction in the width of hysteresis loops under in-plane fields, indicating a diminished coercivity.
Figure 7A–F illustrate the domain structure evolution under in-plane magnetic fields. Although the horizontal exchange coupling is weakened, the vertical coupling remains strong enough. Consequently, the magnetizations tend to stay collinear vertically while remaining non-collinear horizontally.
Figure 7G,H show the domain structures under out-of-plane magnetic fields. Due to the strong in-plane anisotropy of the hard L1
0 phase, magnetizations prefer to stay in-plane to accommodate the underlying magnetic easy directions. The soft L1
2 phase possesses a lower anisotropy, and the magnetizations are more prone to stay in the out-of-plane easy axis. However, only the magnetizations within domain walls can maintain the out-of-plane state with an unloaded field, since the exchange coupling effect from vertical neighboring L1
0 phases encourages most magnetizations to stay in-plane. Under the out-of-plane magnetic field, these out-of-plane magnetizations can be oriented either along the [100] or
direction, which eventually results in the hysteresis characteristic.
As the unit cell size D increases from 70 nm to 100 nm, the exchange coupling effect becomes weaker. Consequently, the width of hysteresis loops under in-plane fields and hence the coercivity are further reduced, as depicted in
Figure 8.
Figure 8A–F illustrate the domain structure evolution under in-plane magnetic fields. The vertical exchange coupling is weakened compared to previous cases, resulting in reduced magnetization collinearity between L1
0 and L1
2 phases and making the difference between the two phases more apparent. Moreover, the reduced exchange coupling also allows more out-of-plane magnetizations to be maintained, as shown in
Figure 8G,H. As a result, the M-H hysteresis characteristic with an out-of-plane field is further enhanced, leading to a higher coercivity.
The simulated hysteresis loops in
Figure 4,
Figure 5,
Figure 6,
Figure 7 and
Figure 8 demonstrate that the magnetic coercive field has a strong dependency on the cell size D. To further examine the exchange coupling effect on magnetic coercivity, we plotted the simulated magnetic coercive field as a function of unit cell size D for both standard (b = a) and nonstandard (b = 4a) Co-Pt nanochessboards under external magnetic fields in different directions, as shown in
Figure 9. Firstly, both standard and nonstandard nanochessboards exhibit similar behaviors of coercivity under in-plane magnetic fields. As the cell size D increases, the coercivity initially increases and then decreases. This universal behavior can be explained by considering the magnetization rotation path under the magnetic field, which depends on the tile size. For relatively small tile sizes, the magnetization rotation follows Path I, where the hard–hard exchange coupling is so strong that the magnetizations of neighboring hard L1
0 phases are bonded together. This bonding enables easy rigid-body rotation against the original magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy. The smaller the tile size, the stronger the binding effect. Consequently, as the tile size decreases, the effective anisotropy is reduced, leading to a smaller coercivity. For relatively large tile sizes, the magnetization rotation follows Path II, where the hard–hard exchange coupling is weak enough to allow the magnetizations of neighboring hard L1
0 phases to rotate separately. The larger the tile size, the easier the separate rotation. Therefore, as the tile size increases, the splitting energy is reduced, resulting in a smaller coercivity. The magnetic coercivity behavior observed in Co-Pt nanochessboards with varying tile sizes is consistent with the corresponding experimental measurements [
Secondly, compared to the standard nanochessboards, the coercivity peaks of nonstandard nanochessboards were found to shift to the right (toward a higher D). This can be explained by the anisotropic exchange coupling effect. For the same cell size D, the horizontal exchange coupling is generally the same for both standard and nonstandard nanochessboards. However, the nonstandard case exhibits a stronger vertical exchange coupling than the standard case, meaning a larger cell size D is required to diminish the stronger exchange coupling of nonstandard nanochessboards. This results in a generally enhanced coercivity magnitude for nonstandard nanochessboards. Alternatively, this shift in coercivity peak can also be explained by considering the surface-area-to-volume ratio of nanochessboard phases. For this nanorod structure, the surface-area-to-volume ratio is directly related to the aspect ratio of the tiles. Since nonstandard nanochessboards have a larger aspect ratio (b/a = 4), their corresponding surface-area-to-volume ratio is also larger than the standard case. A larger surface-area-to-volume ratio is usually associated with a stronger exchange coupling effect, thus leading to a rightward shift of the coercivity peak.