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Surface Tension of Cu-Ti Alloys and Wettability in a Liquid Alloy–Refractory Material-Gaseous Phase System

Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation in Industry, Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering and Industrial Automation, Silesian University of Technology, ul. Akademicka 2, 41-100 Gliwice, Poland
Department of Metallurgy and Recycling, Faculty of Materials Science, Silesian University of Technology, Krasinskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland
Department of Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering, School of Mines and Geosciences, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam P.O. Box 35131, Tanzania
Department of Production Engineering, Faculty of Materials Science, Silesian University of Technology, Krasinskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland
Department of Material Technologies, Faculty of Materials Science, Silesian University of Technology, Krasinskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Materials 2024, 17(19), 4786; (registering DOI)
Submission received: 26 August 2024 / Revised: 18 September 2024 / Accepted: 28 September 2024 / Published: 29 September 2024


The study involved measurements of surface tension of liquid binary copper-titanium alloys with respect to their chemical composition and temperature as well as investigations of the liquid alloy–refractory material-gaseous phase system wettability using usual refractory materials, i.e., graphite, aluminum oxide and magnesium oxide. The experiments were performed with the use of the sessile drop method and a high-temperature microscope coupled with a camera and a computer. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of titanium content in the Cu-Ti alloy on the surface tension and contact angle at the interface between the liquid alloy and the refractory material. The influence of temperature on these parameters was also examined. The tests were carried out for copper-titanium alloys with a maximum content of 1.5% wt. Ti, in the temperature range of 1373 to 1573 K. The test results indicate that as the titanium content in the alloy increases, its surface tension increases slightly. However, an increase in temperature causes a decrease in the surface tension of the alloys. In the case of an alloy containing 1.5% wt. Ti, surface tension at a temperature of 1373 K reaches 1351 mN∙m−1, and at a temperature of 1573 K, it decreases to 1315 mN∙m−1. As the temperature and titanium content in the alloy increase, a decrease in the contact angle is observed. The highest values of contact angles were recorded in the case of contact of the liquid alloy with graphite. For an alloy containing 0.1% wt. Ti at a temperature of 1373 K, the contact angle reaches 132°, while at a temperature of 1573 K, it decreases to 128°. For an alloy containing 1.5% wt. Ti, the values of contact angles are 100° and 96°, respectively. However, the contact angles have the lowest values for magnesium oxide. In the case of a temperature of 1573 K and an alloy containing 1.5% wt. Ti, the contact angle reaches 49°. Such a significant impact of titanium content on the contact angles may be due to its high affinity for oxygen (contact with a substrate made of Al2O3 and MgO and its reactivity with carbon (contact with graphite).

1. Introduction

The surface tension of liquid metals and alloys and the wettability at the contact surface of the liquid phase and the solid phase (the size of the contact angle) have a significant impact on the phenomena occurring on interfacial surfaces during metallurgical processes for the production and refining of metals. Surface tension and wettability also play an important role, among others, during the processes of casting, welding, soldering, applying metallic coatings and obtaining composite materials. Those properties also play an important role in the phenomena related to the corrosion of refractory materials used in pyrometallurgical processes.
The knowledge of the surface tension of liquid metals and alloys, as well as the contact angles at the interface between the liquid and solid phases, in addition to the knowledge of, among others, the density or viscosity of the liquids, is now gaining new importance, especially in modeling metallurgical and foundry processes as well as modeling material properties [1,2,3].
Despite the continuous development of research methods in the case of high-temperature measurements of the surface tension of liquid metals and alloys as well as measurements of contact angles, a number of difficulties are still encountered and, among others, the appropriate selection of materials for making certain parts of the apparatus or substrate intended for placing samples and ensuring appropriate protective atmospheres and tightness. It is necessary to eliminate all chemical reactions among the components of the atmosphere, the tested liquid and the materials from which the parts of the measuring equipment are made. This leads to disturbances in the measurement of surface tension and contact angles.
This study involved measurements of surface tension of liquid binary copper-titanium alloys with respect to their chemical composition and temperature as well as investigations into the liquid alloy–refractory material-gaseous phase system wettability using usual refractory materials, i.e., graphite, aluminum oxide and magnesium oxide. The tests were carried out for copper-titanium alloys with a maximum content of 1.5% wt. Ti, in the temperature range of 1373 to 1573 K (most commonly used in industrial processes of manufacturing, refining and casting copper alloys). The research results obtained in this paper can be helpful, among other things, in the selection of refractory materials in the mentioned processes. It should be mentioned that high values of surface tension and contact angles are advantageous in pyrometallurgical manufacturing and refining processes because they reduce the possibility of corrosion of refractory materials and, thus, the possibility of contamination of the liquid metal with their components. On the other hand, for better shape mapping in casting processes, lower surface tension values and good wettability are advantageous.
The properties of Cu-Ti alloys have been of interest to researchers for years due to their potential use as an alternative to beryllium bronzes, which are characterized by high abrasion and corrosion resistance and are non-sparking materials [4,5,6,7,8,9,10]. Few publications on the surface tension of liquid copper-titanium alloys indicate that as the titanium content in the alloys increases, their surface tension increases [11,12,13]. However, the published data were based on alloys with a higher titanium content than in the presented work.

2. Materials and Methods

Pure copper (vacuum refined with a 99.9999% purity) and copper-titanium alloys with a content of 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5% wt. Ti was used in the surface tension and wettability tests carried out in this work. Titanium, with a purity of 99.995%, was used to produce the alloys. Cylindrical samples with a diameter and height of approximately 4 mm were prepared from the above-mentioned alloys and pure copper. Graphite substrate was used for surface tension measurements. In wettability tests, in addition to graphite, substrates made of Al2O3 and MgO were also used.
The tests were carried out at temperatures of 1373, 1423, 1473, 1523 and 1573 K, and Argon, with a purity of 99.9999%, was used as a protective atmosphere during the tests.
The experiments were performed with the use of the sessile drop method. A high-temperature microscope coupled with a camera and a computer equipped with a program enabled the control of the device’s operating parameters, image recording and analysis. During the tests, the image of the sample was observed on the monitor and recorded on the computer’s hard drive, which allowed subsequent measurements of the appropriate geometric parameters of the liquid metal or alloy drop and, thus, the determination of the liquid drop volume (which, with the knowledge of the mass of the sample, allowed the determination of its density), surface tension and contact angle. A schematic of the measurement apparatus is shown in Figure 1.
The sample to be tested, after being cleaned with ethyl alcohol and dried, was placed on a pad prepared in the same way. The pad, together with the sample, was then placed on the table of the loading unit, with the help of which it was introduced into the working chamber of the high-temperature microscope. After closing the measuring system, the reaction space of the furnace was purged with argon (flow rate of about 2.5∙10−2 m3/h) for about 2 h. Then, the sample was heated to the appropriate temperature. At the same time, the flow rate of argon was reduced to about 0.3∙10−2 m3/h. An example shape of the initial sample and a drop of liquid copper-titanium alloy recorded during the tests is shown in Figure 2.
To determine the surface tension of liquid copper and liquid Cu-Ti alloys, a computational procedure was used, which involved the estimation of the parameters of the differential equations describing the shape of a lying liquid drop using the least sum of squares method, based on the measured coordinates of points lying along the curve forming the outer outline of the drop’s cross-section. A detailed description of the research equipment and calculation procedure can be found in previous publications [3,14]. For each type of material for surface tension and wettability tests, measurements were repeated six times with identical experimental conditions.

3. Results and Discussion

The average results of measurements of the surface tension of liquid copper and liquid copper-titanium alloys are presented in Table 1. The results of measurements of the contact angle in the system: liquid alloy–refractory material-gas phase are presented in Table 2.
The aim of the presented study was to determine the influence of titanium content in the Cu-Ti alloy on the surface tension and contact angle at the interface between the liquid alloy and the refractory material. The influence of temperature on these parameters was also examined. Example results of surface tension and wettability tests are shown in Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8.
The results obtained showed that in the range of titanium content analyzed in the paper, its addition to copper causes a slight increase in surface tension. For example, in the case of pure copper, the surface tension at 1373 K was 1340 mN∙m−1 and reached a value of 1351 mN∙m−1 for an alloy with 1.5% wt. Ti. On the other hand, at 1573 K, these values were 1301 mN∙m−1 and 1315 mN∙m−1, respectively. The increase in the surface tension of the alloy, along with an increase in Ti content, is presumably due to the higher surface tension of liquid titanium relative to copper, which reaches 1640 mN∙m−1 near the melting point [15]. The effect of an increase in surface tension with an increasing titanium content has also been observed in other publications on the surface tension of Cu-Ti liquid alloys [11,12,13]. This study further showed that for both pure copper and Cu-Ti alloys, an increase in temperature caused, in all cases, a decrease in surface tension. In the range of titanium content analyzed, increasing the temperature from 1373 K to 1573 K resulted in a decrease in the surface tension of 36–39 mN∙m−1.
As the temperature and titanium content in the alloy increased, a decrease in the contact angle was observed. The highest values of contact angles were recorded in the case of the contact of the liquid alloy with graphite (Figure 5). For an alloy containing 0.1% wt. Ti at a temperature of 1373 K, the contact angle reached a value of 132°, while at a temperature of 1573 K, it decreased to 128°. For an alloy with a content of 1.5% wt. Ti, these values were 100 and 96°, respectively. However, the contact angles have the lowest values for magnesium oxide (Figure 7). In the case of a temperature of 1573 K and an alloy containing 1.5% wt. Ti, the contact angle reaches 49°.
Pure titanium wets oxide surfaces very well [16]. As a component of alloys, it improves wettability [16,17]. Such a significant effect of titanium on the size of the wetting angles may be due to its high chemical affinity in the liquid state for oxygen (contact with the substrate made of Al2O3 and MgO). At the interfacial surface of the liquid alloy/solid metal oxide, a chemical reaction can occur between the titanium component of the alloy and the oxygen contained in the metal oxide of the substrate [16]. The authors of the paper [17], who studied the wettability of alumina with Cu-Pd-Ti alloys, found the appearance of a Ti2O3 layer at the copper/Al2O3 alloy interfacial interface. Oxygen, thus entering the liquid copper alloy, which is generally considered to be a surfactant [18], may have reduced the wetting angles. A similar mechanism may occur when liquid titanium-containing alloys come into contact with a magnesium oxide substrate. This is also confirmed by studies [19,20] on the melting process of titanium and titanium alloys in a vacuum induction furnace in crucibles made of alumina and magnesium oxide, among other materials. As a result of conducting these studies, crucibles were found to degrade during melting and the oxygen content of the titanium and its alloys increased after the processes.
In turn, the wettability improvement associated with the presence of titanium in alloys of a substrate made of graphite can be justified by the high reactivity of titanium in the liquid state with carbon. In the works [21,22], whose authors studied the wettability of graphite substrates with copper alloys with different titanium contents and found a decrease in the values of the contact angles with an increase in the titanium content in the alloys, they demonstrated the formation on the interfacial surface of liquid alloy-graphite of a layer made of titanium carbide. This is formed by a chemical reaction between the titanium in the liquid alloys and the carbon from the substrate. An analogous process was observed in studies of the melting process of titanium and titanium alloys in a vacuum induction furnace in crucibles made of graphite [23,24]. The experiments showed the degradation of graphite crucibles during melting and an increase in the carbon content of titanium and its alloys after the processes.

4. Conclusions

The measurements of surface tension of liquid copper and liquid copper-titanium alloys were investigated. The results indicated that the titanium contained in copper for the analyzed concentration range (up to 1.5% by mass) only slightly affected the surface tension value (minimum increase occurs). Temperature reduced the surface tension of Cu-Ti alloys, similar to pure copper.
Titanium content in the alloy was an element that had a significant impact on the wettability of the refractory materials used in the tests. The second factor influencing the size of the contact angles at the interface between the liquid alloy and the refractory material was temperature. Its increase always caused a decrease in the values of the measured contact angles.
The introduction of titanium into the alloy in the amount of 1.5% wt. reduced the contact angle on the Al2O3 surface to 90–91°. In the case of contact with MgO, the same titanium content caused a reduction in contact angles to even lower values, i.e., 53° at a temperature of 1373 K and 49° at a temperature of 1573 K. The contact angles in the system liquid copper alloy with titanium-graphite-gas phase also decreased with an increase in the Ti content in the alloy, reaching values in the range of 96 to 100° with the content of this element at the level of 1.5% by mass.
Such a significant impact of titanium content on the contact angles may be due to its high affinity with oxygen (contact with a substrate made of Al2O3 and MgO) and its reactivity with carbon (contact with graphite).

Author Contributions

Methodology, G.S. and B.O.; validation, K.N., A.W. and T.M. (Tomasz Matula); formal analysis, G.S. and B.O.; investigation, T.M. (Tomasz Matula), M.S., J.P. and T.M. (Tomasz Merder); resources, K.N.; data curation, M.S., J.P. and T.M. (Tomasz Merder); writing—original draft preparation, G.S.; writing—review and editing, T.M. (Tomasz Matula) A.W., K.N. and B.O.; visualization, T.M. (Tomasz Matula) and A.W.; supervision, K.N. and B.O. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by research project No. N N508 583639, financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education—Poland and Silesian University of Technology, grant number 11/020/BK_24/0129.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Schematic view of the apparatus.
Figure 1. Schematic view of the apparatus.
Materials 17 04786 g001
Figure 2. Sample shapes for surface tension and wettability testing: (a) example input specimen, (b) droplet shape of 0.25% wt. copper-titanium alloy. Ti at 1373 K on a graphite pad.
Figure 2. Sample shapes for surface tension and wettability testing: (a) example input specimen, (b) droplet shape of 0.25% wt. copper-titanium alloy. Ti at 1373 K on a graphite pad.
Materials 17 04786 g002
Figure 3. Surface tension isotherms of Cu-Ti alloys.
Figure 3. Surface tension isotherms of Cu-Ti alloys.
Materials 17 04786 g003
Figure 4. Changes in contact angles as a function of temperature for pure copper.
Figure 4. Changes in contact angles as a function of temperature for pure copper.
Materials 17 04786 g004
Figure 5. Changes in contact angles as a function of temperature for Cu-Ti alloys (graphite substrate).
Figure 5. Changes in contact angles as a function of temperature for Cu-Ti alloys (graphite substrate).
Materials 17 04786 g005
Figure 6. Changes in contact angles as a function of temperature for Cu-Ti alloys (Al2O3 substrate).
Figure 6. Changes in contact angles as a function of temperature for Cu-Ti alloys (Al2O3 substrate).
Materials 17 04786 g006
Figure 7. Changes in contact angles as a function of temperature for Cu-Ti alloys (MgO substrate).
Figure 7. Changes in contact angles as a function of temperature for Cu-Ti alloys (MgO substrate).
Materials 17 04786 g007
Figure 8. Changes in contact angles as a function of temperature for the Cu-Ti alloy (0.75% wt. titanium) depending on the type of substrate.
Figure 8. Changes in contact angles as a function of temperature for the Cu-Ti alloy (0.75% wt. titanium) depending on the type of substrate.
Materials 17 04786 g008
Table 1. Results of surface tension measurements of liquid Cu-Ti alloys.
Table 1. Results of surface tension measurements of liquid Cu-Ti alloys.
Ti Concentration, % wt.Temperature,
Average Surface Tension,
Table 2. Contact angle measurements in the system liquid Cu-Ti alloy–refractory material-gas phase.
Table 2. Contact angle measurements in the system liquid Cu-Ti alloy–refractory material-gas phase.
Ti Con., % wt.Temp., KGraphite, °Aluminum Oxide, °Magnesium Oxide, °
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MDPI and ACS Style

Nowinska, K.; Siwiec, G.; Matula, T.; Wikedzi, A.; Oleksiak, B.; Piatkowski, J.; Merder, T.; Saternus, M. Surface Tension of Cu-Ti Alloys and Wettability in a Liquid Alloy–Refractory Material-Gaseous Phase System. Materials 2024, 17, 4786.

AMA Style

Nowinska K, Siwiec G, Matula T, Wikedzi A, Oleksiak B, Piatkowski J, Merder T, Saternus M. Surface Tension of Cu-Ti Alloys and Wettability in a Liquid Alloy–Refractory Material-Gaseous Phase System. Materials. 2024; 17(19):4786.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Nowinska, Katarzyna, Grzegorz Siwiec, Tomasz Matula, Alphonce Wikedzi, Beata Oleksiak, Jaroslaw Piatkowski, Tomasz Merder, and Mariola Saternus. 2024. "Surface Tension of Cu-Ti Alloys and Wettability in a Liquid Alloy–Refractory Material-Gaseous Phase System" Materials 17, no. 19: 4786.

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