Plants, Microorganisms and Their Metabolites in Supporting Asbestos Detoxification—A Biological Perspective in Asbestos Treatment
:1. Introduction
2. Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) and Asbestos Use in Industry
3. Asbestos’ Impact on Human Health
4. Conventional Methods of Asbestos Management
5. Living Organisms and Asbestos Disposal
5.1. Bacteria
5.2. Fungi
5.3. Lichens
5.4. Yeast
6. Metabolic Products of Microorganisms and Plants under Abiotic Stress Conditions
6.1. Melanins
6.2. Siderophores
6.3. Phytosiderophores
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Biological Treatment | Mechanical Treatment | Thermal Treatment | Chemical Treatment | Mechanochemical Treatment | |
Pre-treatment | Usually no | No | Usually yes—e.g., crushing | Usually yes—to obtain an appreciable conversion of the asbestos fibers | Usually no |
Process temperature (°C) | 20 | n.a. | 650–1600 | 25–600 | 80 |
Energy consumption (kWh/kg) | - | >1.5 | 0.5–1.5 | Nonsignificant | n.a. |
Chemicals consumption | No | No | No | Yes | No |
Gaseous output | No | Yes—with significant amounts of dust | Yes—with small amounts of dust | No | Yes—with small amounts of dust |
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Łuniewski, S.; Rogowska, W.; Łozowicka, B.; Iwaniuk, P. Plants, Microorganisms and Their Metabolites in Supporting Asbestos Detoxification—A Biological Perspective in Asbestos Treatment. Materials 2024, 17, 1644.
Łuniewski S, Rogowska W, Łozowicka B, Iwaniuk P. Plants, Microorganisms and Their Metabolites in Supporting Asbestos Detoxification—A Biological Perspective in Asbestos Treatment. Materials. 2024; 17(7):1644.
Chicago/Turabian StyleŁuniewski, Stanisław, Weronika Rogowska, Bożena Łozowicka, and Piotr Iwaniuk. 2024. "Plants, Microorganisms and Their Metabolites in Supporting Asbestos Detoxification—A Biological Perspective in Asbestos Treatment" Materials 17, no. 7: 1644.
APA StyleŁuniewski, S., Rogowska, W., Łozowicka, B., & Iwaniuk, P. (2024). Plants, Microorganisms and Their Metabolites in Supporting Asbestos Detoxification—A Biological Perspective in Asbestos Treatment. Materials, 17(7), 1644.