Atomistic Modeling of the Negative Thermal Expansion in ?- Plutonium Based on the Two-State Description
:1. Introduction
2. Simulation Methods
2.1. Two-State Model Description of Many-Body Interacting Systems
2.2. Computational Details
3. Simulation Results
4. Conclusions
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Lee, T.; Baskes, M.I.; Lawson, A.C.; Chen, S.P.; Valone, S.M. Atomistic Modeling of the Negative Thermal Expansion in ?- Plutonium Based on the Two-State Description. Materials 2012, 5, 1040-1054.
Lee T, Baskes MI, Lawson AC, Chen SP, Valone SM. Atomistic Modeling of the Negative Thermal Expansion in ?- Plutonium Based on the Two-State Description. Materials. 2012; 5(6):1040-1054.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLee, Tongsik, Michael I. Baskes, A. C. Lawson, Shao Ping Chen, and Steven M. Valone. 2012. "Atomistic Modeling of the Negative Thermal Expansion in ?- Plutonium Based on the Two-State Description" Materials 5, no. 6: 1040-1054.
APA StyleLee, T., Baskes, M. I., Lawson, A. C., Chen, S. P., & Valone, S. M. (2012). Atomistic Modeling of the Negative Thermal Expansion in ?- Plutonium Based on the Two-State Description. Materials, 5(6), 1040-1054.