Impact of Locality on Location Aware Unit Disk Graphs
:1. Introduction
1.1. Related Work
1.2. Results of this paper
1.3. Organization of the paper
1.4. Preliminaries
2. Dominating Set
2.1. Tiling of the Plane
- Each vertex is contained in exactly one hexagon.
- All vertices in a hexagon are connected by an edge.
2.2. Algorithm for Unit Disk Graphs
- 1.
- The computed set D is a dominating set for G.
- 2.
- Let DOPT be an optimal dominating set. It holds that |D| ≤ 12 · |DOPT|.
- 3.
- Whether or not a vertex v is in D depends only on the vertices at most one hop away from v, i.e. Algorithm 1 is local.
- 4.
- The processing time for a vertex v is linear in the number of vertices adjacent to v.
Algorithm 1: Local algorithm for finding a dominating set in a unit disk graph |
1 // Algorithm is executed independently by each node v; |
2 // Denote by Vh all vertices in h; |
3 Find all vertices in N(v) and compute Vh; |
4 if v is the vertex closest to the center of h among all v′ ∈ Vh then become part of D else Do not become part of D |
2.3. Tightness of Approximation Factor
2.4. Lower Bound
- k ≡ 0 mod 3. Then there must be at least one vertex u ∈ VM such that u ∈ D (otherwise D would not be a dominating set). Consider the graph G0 consisting of u and k vertices on the left and k + 2 vertices on the right of u (see Figure 6). Let D0 be the dominating set which is computed by 𝒜 for G0. An optimal dominating set for G0 has vertices. However, as u ∈ D and the locality of 𝒜 is k it follows that u ∈ D0. Therefore it follows that |D0| ≥ + 1 + = . So the approximation ratio of 𝒜 is a least .
- k ≡ 1 mod 3. We distinguish whether or not there are vertices in VM which are not in D. If all vertices in VM are in D then it holds that |D| ≥ + 4 + = . However, an optimal dominating set for G has at most vertices. So then the approximation ratio of 𝒜 is at least .If there is a vertex v ∈ VM with v ∉ D then we consider the graph G1 which consists of v and k vertices on the left and on the right of v (see Figure 6). Let D1 be the dominating set which is computed by 𝒜 for G1. An optimal dominating set for G1 has vertices. However, as v ∉ D and the locality of 𝒜 is k it follows that v ∉ D1. This implies that |D1| ≥ + 2 + = . So the approximation ratio of 𝒜 is a least . As 1 + ≤ 1 + it follows that if k ≡ 1 mod 3 then the approximation ratio of 𝒜 is a least 1 + .
- k ≡ 2 mod 3. Then there must be at least one vertex u ∈ VM such that u ∈ D (otherwise D would not be a dominating set). Consider the graph G2 consisting of u and k vertices on the left and k + 1 vertices on the right of u (see Figure 6). Let D2 be the dominating set which is computed by 𝒜 for G2. An optimal dominating set for G2 has vertices. However, as u ∈ D and the locality of 𝒜 is k it follows that u ∈ D0. Therefore it follows that |D0| ≥ + 1 + = . So the approximation ratio of 𝒜 is a least .
2.5. Algorithm for Unit Line Graphs
Algorithm 2: Local algorithm for finding a dominating set in a unit line graph |
1 // Algorithm is executed independently by each node v; |
2 // let i be the integer such that v ∈ Vi; |
3 // let v[i] be vertex with the smallest x-coordinate in Vi; |
4 Find all vertices in N(v) and determine Vi; |
5 if v = v[i] then become part of the dominating set D else Do not become part of D |
- 1.
- The computed set D is a dominating set for G.
- 2.
- Let DOPT be an optimal dominating set. It holds that |D| ≤ 3 · |DOPT|.
- 3.
- Whether or not a vertex v is in D depends only on the vertices at most one hop away from v, i.e. Algorithm 2 is local.
- 4.
- The processing time for a vertex v is linear in the number of vertices adjacent to v.
3. Connected Dominating Set
3.1. Algorithm for Unit Disk Graphs
- 1.
- The computed set CD is a connected dominating set for G.
- 2.
- Let CDOPT be an optimal connected dominating set. It holds that |CD| ≤ 216 · |CDOPT|.
- 3.
- Whether or not a vertex v is in CD depends only on the vertices, i.e. Algorithm 3 is local.
- 4.
- The processing time for a vertex v is quadratic in the number of vertices adjacent to v.
Algorithm 3: Local algorithm for finding a connected dominating set in a unit disk graph |
3.2. No Constant Ratio Approximation Algorithm with Locality One
3.3. Lower Bound
3.4. Algorithm for Unit Line Graphs
Algorithm 4: Local algorithm for finding a connected dominating set in a unit line graph |
1 // Algorithm is executed independently by each node v; |
2 // let i be the integer such that v ∈ Vi; |
3 Find all vertices in N (v) and determine Vi; |
4 if v = v[i] or v = v′[i] then become part of the dominating set CD else Do not become part of CD |
- 1.
- The computed set CD is a connected dominating set for G.
- 2.
- Let CDOPT be an optimal connected dominating set. It holds that |D| ≤ 6 · |DOPT|.
- 3.
- Whether or not a vertex v is in CD depends only on the vertices at most one hop away from v, i.e. Algorithm 4 is local.
- 4.
- The processing time for a vertex v is linear in the number of vertices adjacent to v.
4. Independent Set
4.1. Tiling of the Plane
4.2. lgorithm for Unit Disk Graphs
Algorithm 5: Local algorithm for finding an independent set in a unit disk graph |
- 1.
- The computed set I is an independent set for G.
- 2.
- Let IOPT be an optimal independent set. It holds that|I| ≥ |IOPT|.
- 3.
- Whether or not a vertex v is in I depends only on the vertices at most one hop away from v, i.e. Algorithm 5 is local.
- 4.
- The processing time for a vertex v is linear in the number of vertices adjacent to v.
4.3. Lower Bound
4.4. Algorithm for Unit Line Graphs
Algorithm 6: Local algorithm for finding an independent set in a unit line graph |
- 1.
- The computed set I is an independent set for G.
- 2.
- Let IOPT be an optimal independent set. It holds that|I| ≥ ⌊ · |IOPT|⌋ and|I| ≥ 1.
- 3.
- Whether or not a vertex v is in I depends only on the vertices which are at most k hops away from v, i.e. Algorithm 6 is local.
- 4.
- The processing time for a vertex v is linear in the number of vertices adjacent to v.
5. Vertex Cover
5.1. Factor 6 Upper Bound
5.2. Algorithm for Unit Disk Graphs
Algorithm 7: Local algorithm for computing a vertex cover for a unit disk graph G = (V, E) |
1 // Algorithm is executed independently by each node v; |
2 if |V| ≥ 2 then assign v to V C; |
3 else Do not assign v to V C; |
- 1.
- The computed set V C is a vertex cover for G.
- 2.
- Let V COPT be an optimal vertex cover. It holds that|V C| ≤ 6 · |V COPT|.
- 3.
- Whether or not a vertex v is in V C depends only on the vertices at most one hop away from v, i.e. Algorithm 1 is local.
- 4.
- The processing time for a vertex v is constant.
5.3. Lower Bound
5.4. Algorithm for Unit Line Graphs
Algorithm 8: Local algorithm for computing a vertex cover in a unit line graph |
1 // Algorithm is executed independently by each node v; |
2 // let vL be the leftmost vertex of G; |
3 Explore the vertices in N (v); |
4 if v = vL then become part of the vertex cover V C else do not become part of V C |
- 1.
- The computed set V C is a vertex cover for G.
- 2.
- Let V COPT be an optimal dominating set. It holds that |V C| ≤ 2 · |V COPT|.
- 3.
- Whether or not a vertex v is in V C depends only on the vertices which are at most one hop away from v, i.e. Algorithm 8 is local.
- 4.
- The processing time for a vertex v is linear in the number of vertices adjacent to v.
6. Conclusion
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Problem | UDG one hop | ULG one hop | Lower bound for locality k |
Dominating Set | 12 · OPT | 3 · OPT | 1 + 3/(2k + 3) |
Independent Set | 1/1801 · OPT | ⌊1/2 · OPT⌋ | 1 + 1/k |
Vertex Cover | 6 · OPT | 2 · OPT | 1 + 1/k |
Connected Dominating Set | |
UDG one hop | no local constant ratio algorithm |
UDG two hops | 216 · OPT |
ULG one hop | 6 · OPT |
Lower bound for locality k | 1 + 1/k |
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Wiese, A.; Kranakis, E. Impact of Locality on Location Aware Unit Disk Graphs. Algorithms 2008, 1, 2-29.
Wiese A, Kranakis E. Impact of Locality on Location Aware Unit Disk Graphs. Algorithms. 2008; 1(1):2-29.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWiese, Andreas, and Evangelos Kranakis. 2008. "Impact of Locality on Location Aware Unit Disk Graphs" Algorithms 1, no. 1: 2-29.
APA StyleWiese, A., & Kranakis, E. (2008). Impact of Locality on Location Aware Unit Disk Graphs. Algorithms, 1(1), 2-29.