Net Carbon Balance between Priming and Replenishment of Soil Organic Carbon with Biochar Addition Regulated by N Addition Differing in Contrasting Forest Ecosystems
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Soil Sampling and 13C-Labelled Biochar Production
2.2. Experiment Design and Soil Incubation
2.3. Calculation of CO2 and Priming Effect
2.4. Measurement of Soil Properties
2.5. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Biochar Decomposition
3.2. Priming of Native SOC Decomposition
3.3. Carbon Balance
4. Discussion
4.1. Soil Priming Effect following Biochar and N Addition
4.2. Carbon Balance between Primed C Loss and Replenishment of Biochar
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Variables | DBF | EBF | ECF |
Dominant tree species | Castanopsis Fargesii Franch., Machilus pauhoi Kanehira | Quercus acutissima Carruth., Pinus massoniana Lamb. | Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook. |
MAT (°C) | 15.2 | 16.5 | 16.5 |
Soil type | Haplic Calcisols | Alumic Acrisol | Alumic Acrisol |
Soil texture | Silt clay loam | Clay loam | Clay loam |
MAP (mm) | 1063 | 1200 | 1200 |
Sand (%) | 29.5 a | 14.7 b | 11.1 c |
Silt (%) | 37.1 b | 40.5 a | 37.7 b |
Clay (%) | 33.4 c | 44.8 b | 51.2 a |
Soil pH | 4.45 a | 3.73 c | 4.22 b |
SOC (g kg−1) | 26.84 b | 39.53 a | 21.80 c |
Total N (g kg−1) | 1.97 b | 3.45 a | 1.91 b |
C/N ratio | 13.6 a | 11.5 b | 11.4 b |
Total P (g kg−1) | 0.27 b | 0.65 a | 0.21 c |
Mineral N (mg kg−1) | 7.17 c | 13.37 b | 14.93 a |
Available P (mg kg−1) | 4.04 a | 1.89 b | 0.84 c |
DOC (mg kg−1) | 188.2 a | 97.6 b | 61.4 c |
MBC (mg kg−1) | 331.7 a | 358.6 a | 334.8 a |
MBN (mg kg−1) | 48.62 b | 81.64 a | 80.20 a |
C:N imbalance | 3.91 a | 1.78 b | 1.00 c |
Treatments | BN0 | BN1 | BN2 | BN3 | BN4 |
DBF | |||||
Replenishment | 49.42 (0.03) a | 49.41 (0.03) a | 49.40 (0.03) ab | 49.34 (0.03) ab | 49.30 (0.03) b |
Cumulative PE | −2.77 (0.27) a | −5.02 (0.75) a | −7.96 (1.25) b | −9.30 (1.09) bc | −11.25 (0.85) c |
Net C balance | 52.19 (0.26) c | 54.42 (0.73) c | 57.35 (1.26) b | 58.64 (1.10) ab | 60.55 (0.88) a |
EBF | |||||
Replenishment | 49.38 (0.02) ab | 49.40 (0.03) a | 49.38 (0.02) ab | 49.33 (0.02) b | 49.24 (0.03) c |
Cumulative PE | 0.14 (0.59) a | −0.64 (0.18) ab | −1.49 (0.23) b | −3.37 (0.62) c | −5.30 (0.26) d |
Net C balance | 49.25 (0.59) d | 50.04 (0.18) cd | 50.87 (0.24) c | 52.70 (0.63) b | 54.54 (0.26) a |
ECF | |||||
Replenishment | 49.45 (0.02) a | 49.43 (0.02) a | 49.40 (0.03) ab | 49.34 (0.02) b | 49.33 (0.01) b |
Cumulative PE | 0.14 (0.70) a | 0.28 (0.84) a | 0.25 (1.09) a | 0.35 (1.33) a | 0.32 (1.11) a |
Net C balance | 49.31 (0.71) a | 49.15 (0.86) a | 49.14 (1.11) a | 48.99 (1.34) a | 49.01 (1.11) a |
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Sun, Z.; Wang, Q.; Zhu, Y. Net Carbon Balance between Priming and Replenishment of Soil Organic Carbon with Biochar Addition Regulated by N Addition Differing in Contrasting Forest Ecosystems. Forests 2022, 13, 1710.
Sun Z, Wang Q, Zhu Y. Net Carbon Balance between Priming and Replenishment of Soil Organic Carbon with Biochar Addition Regulated by N Addition Differing in Contrasting Forest Ecosystems. Forests. 2022; 13(10):1710.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSun, Zhaolin, Qingkui Wang, and Yifan Zhu. 2022. "Net Carbon Balance between Priming and Replenishment of Soil Organic Carbon with Biochar Addition Regulated by N Addition Differing in Contrasting Forest Ecosystems" Forests 13, no. 10: 1710.
APA StyleSun, Z., Wang, Q., & Zhu, Y. (2022). Net Carbon Balance between Priming and Replenishment of Soil Organic Carbon with Biochar Addition Regulated by N Addition Differing in Contrasting Forest Ecosystems. Forests, 13(10), 1710.