1. Introduction
While oak (
Quercus sp.) forests tend to predominate in subtropical to temperate lowlands of the northern hemisphere, the natural occurrence of these oak-dominated forests is currently being negatively affected through droughts brought about by global climate change. Furthermore, changing weather patterns are restricting oak stand growth, leading to their gradual conversion into open forest–steppe ecosystems [
1]. Historically, forest managers have responded to the increased vulnerability of oak stands through controlled canopy reduction to stimulate soil-forming processes and increase soil organic matter [
2]. In the same way, management-induced stimulation of soil properties has the potential to act as a means of sustaining forest growth in the face of ongoing climate change impacts.
Oaks are dicotyledonous long-living deciduous trees of the order
Fagales, which includes approximately 1900 species of anemophilous trees or shrubs in 55 genera and eight families [
Quercus, with 438 species and 180 hybrids, is the most abundant genus in the
Fagaceae family, which comprises seven genera and 670 species [
4]. Asia supports most oak species at 209 sp., followed by North and Central America at 202 sp., of which 55 are used economically. Europe supports just 27 sp., of which only 8 form continuous stands. The lower diversity of European oaks is balanced, however, by the occurrence of several species within the same habitat; hence, oaks differ from other stand-forming tree species that tend to form homogeneous populations [
European oak forests acted as refugia for Tertiary biodiversity during the Quaternary cool and warm transitions when many other tree species became extinct or significantly reduced their ranges [
7]. Current European oak forests can be divided into northern temperate-zone forests, concentrated in the continental subzone, and southern subtropical forests in the dry subzone [
8]. The temperate zone comprises habitats for acidophilic oak to oak–birch forests and meso- to thermophilic deciduous forests, while the subtropical subzone is mainly covered with evergreen oak forest [
9]. The most fragmented mesophilic oak forests consist of floodplain forests, oak–hornbeam forests and thermophilic oak forests approaching forest–steppe conditions [
During the Quaternary, oak forest cover was altered significantly by human land management. Natural regeneration of oak forests relies on occasional disturbances that remove shade-tolerant woody plants, which otherwise suppress the growth of light-demanding species such as oak [
11]. However, human activity, such as the wide-spread clear-cut removal of shade-tolerant species, river diversion and harvesting of acorns have led to the expansion of secondary oak growth [
12]. As a consequence, mesophilic oak forests have gradually been transformed into mixed oak–hornbeam (
Carpinus sp.) forests, while the percentage of oak in floodplain forests has dropped due to regular flooding, freeing up habitat for willow (
Salix sp.), ash (
Fraxinus sp.) and alder (
Alnus sp.). The greatest impact on forest structure and species composition, however, has been exerted through timber harvesting and/or animal grazing, which has divided floodplain forests into softwood forests comprising pioneer woody species overgrowing periodically flooded riverbed sediments and hardwood forests beyond the reach of regular floods, generally on shallower soils [
13]. Overall, traditional forest management models in the European temperate zone have shifted oak distribution away from sites where oak–hornbeam forests were naturally dominant [
11] to sites previously covered by other stand-forming species less tolerant to coppicing [
14]. As a consequence, oak forests, and oak coppice in particular, are now rare in Central Europe.
Coppicing is a management model that has been used for the longest time in oak stand cultivation. Coppicing, entailing the cutting of trees to encourage regrowth from the stump (stool), being useful for firewood, charcoal making, tool production, building material, etc., has been applied to several unrelated tree groups, including floodplain–forest species of birch (
Betulaceae), hornbeam, willow and alder, as well as species of
Malvales and
Sapindales. Nevertheless, oaks have tended to be preferred in Central Europe due to their longevity, their durable wood and their production of acorns, which can be used as fodder for ungulates [
14]. In turn, coppicing maintains oak populations via the production of trees of generative origin [
2]. The admixture of non-coppice trees (standards) in coppice stands, known as coppice-with-standard (CWS), represents a structured transition between coppice and high-stem forests of generatively propagated trees. In this case, while coppice stools provide firewood over short rotation periods, standards provide higher-quality construction wood over regular longer-term rotations. Historically, the transformation of virgin forest to CWS appears to have taken place for the longest period in floodplain areas [
15]. Though these two-storey CWS forests generally increase aboveground biodiversity, the intensive removal of organic matter during rotational harvests can result in ecosystem nutrient loss, thereby limiting metabolic opportunities to the point where forest communities become noticeably degraded [
The primary route for preventing forest ecosystem degradation is through the improvement of soil properties, and more specifically through increasing soil carbon content [
17], which enhances the soil’s ability to retain water and nutrients. The effectiveness of such measures, however, depends on maintaining a positive balance between the duration of carbon storage and that of carbon loss [
18]. Soil carbon content is increased most efficiently through promoting exchange between fine plant roots and soil microorganisms, whereby soil biota reliably separate labile and stable carbon compounds [
19]. In this case, the ability of forests to stimulate soil carbon storage depends on their species composition and stand structure, with most deciduous trees having a high proportion of fine roots, crucial for soil carbon storage, as well as having the ability to regrow from stumps. Consequently, CWS forests are likely to facilitate soil carbon storage more than coppice alone or other structurally simple high-stem stands [
20]. On the other hand, stimulation of soil carbon sequestration by woody species may also be accompanied by an increase in losses due to more rapid nutrient turnover and total respiration, the most important ecosystem carbon outputs. Soil respiration could be balanced, however, by maintaining water availability and adequate phosphorus pentoxide (P
5) levels and carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratios [
As a species, oaks are not restricted by local subsoil type/chemical composition; however, the rest of the forest community (understory and soil) will usually be adapted to the local soil’s pH, with varying nutrient availability at acid and alkaline sites [
22]. When accessing nutrients, the interaction of soil organisms with roots modifies the soil ecosystem in relation to the external environment for the next generation of plants [
23]. The product of such biological interactions, i.e., active soil organic matter (including enzymes), accelerates rock weathering, subsoil movement and topsoil development. The effect of trees on soil is most pronounced up to a depth of 5 cm, with impacts at greater depths only being observed at pH > 4.5 [
24]. Under acidic conditions, therefore, the effect of trees on soil development is mitigated, whist the effect of subsoil increases [
22]. Present-day oak forest soils are increasingly threatened by degradation, with increasing drought periods and acidification leading to the formation of forest–steppe and acidophilic forest conditions [
10]. This degradation is exacerbated by seasonal changes in soil water availability and shifts in physicochemical and biochemical properties and biological activity [
25]. Soil acidity fluctuations and soil organic matter content feedback alter the conditions for biological activity [
26], and thus also alter both the ecosystem’s input–output balance and the availability of nutrients in it. Using suitable forest management models focused on long-term storage of soil organic matter has the potential to minimise such ecosystem losses [
2]. The present ecosystem study compares the effects of the forest management model on the variability in soil properties between sites of differing degradation susceptibility, based on the assumptions that (1) forest models affect soil development by altering organic matter content and (2) subsoil moderates forest effects based on soil reaction. We hypothesise that (a) the CWS forest model will have a mitigating effect on drought by increasing organic matter content and that (b) optimally fertile sedimentary subsoil will moderate the effect of the different forest models due its overall high buffering capacity.
3. Results
Soils at the igneous site comprised coarse sandy-loam Haplic Cambisols, while those at the sedimentary site were typically finer silty-loam Eutric Cambisols. The pH (average < 5.8), BS, C
org and N
tot were all lower at the igneous site, with BS as low as 21%. In comparison, the sedimentary soil had an average pH of >6, almost complete BS, and nearly double the content of organic matter (
Table 1).
Differences in the variability in soil properties were indicated by the differences in the distribution of values across different soil layers at both sites. At both the igneous and sedimentary sites, soil properties differed greatly between horizons, with site having a greater effect than forest model. On the other hand, there was little difference between C
org, N
tot or S
tot content and soil density characteristics at either site. APMEA and CA, C
mic and porosity were all higher in the topsoil horizon at both sites, while UA, respiration and WHC were higher in the igneous topsoil horizon only. In contrast, aeration was lower in the topsoil at both sites, while pH, UA, respiration and WHC were all higher in sedimentary subsurface horizons (
Table 2). As soil values were similar between sites, assumptions of data normality could only be confirmed for D
d and WHC at both sites, and for pH, CA and all organically bound elements at the sedimentary site.
Despite the diverse effects of site on soil horizon properties, the forest model aligned several soil property values along the coppice, CWS and reference forest gradient in descending or ascending order. The igneous site, for example, showed descending pH, UA, C
mic, S
tot and N
tot values overall, and descending APMEA, respiration, C
org, C
rec and WHC values in subsurface horizons (
Figure 2,
Figure 3 and
Figure 4). Only pH and soil respiration showed the same gradient at both sites. Igneous CWS forest had higher C
inorg and porosity values, though APMEA, C
org and WHC values were high in topsoil only and aeration was high in the subsurface horizon only. The topsoil at the igneous CWS site had the lowest CA, C
rec and D
d values. In comparison, the sedimentary site displayed an increasing trend for APMEA in topsoil, and an increasing trend in SIR, C
rec and WHC in subsoil at the CWS site. In contrast, CA, D
d and D
s showed decreasing trends in sedimentary subsoil, as did pH and SIR on the surface horizon. Only C
inorg, N
tot, S
tot, porosity and aeration remained the same in both horizons. The sedimentary CWS forest site generally displayed significantly higher soil property values than the igneous CWS forest site, with the highest values detected for C
mic in both horizons, for C
rec and WHC in the surface horizon and for pH in the subsurface horizon. In contrast, values for UA and C
org were significantly lower at the sedimentary site (
Table 3).
Relative deviations (
Table 4) confirmed the development of soil properties (
Figure 2,
Figure 3,
Figure 4 and
Figure 5) via six main trends described below. Full co-occurrence of development trends was not observed between horizon or sites. Soil properties decreased and increased simultaneously in all forest models, despite the decreases or increases observed in CWS forest relative to the other models. Surface horizon trends tended to be similar, with the subsurface usually only at the same site, while the trends in the subsurface horizons were more similar between sites than between horizons (i.e., C
org). C
mic and specific density tended to decrease in topsoil and subsoil horizons at the igneous site, regardless of forest model, while C
org, S
tot and porosity decreased at both sites in the topsoil only. N
tot and CA decreased in the topsoil at the igneous site, while soil pH, respiration, UA and WHC increased. C
mic decreased in the subsoil at the igneous site, whereas pH, APMEA, UA, C
rec and porosity all increased. Similar decreasing trends in B
d and S
d, and increasing trends in SIR, WHC and aeration, were observed in the subsoil at both sites (
Figure 5).
At the igneous site, CWS forest differed from coppice by its lower APMEA and higher SA in the topsoil, and higher N
tot and S
tot on the subsurface horizons. At the sedimentary site, WHC was lower on the surface horizon and C
inorg and S
tot were lower on both the topsoil and subsurface horizons. Aside from an increase in H
tot, none of the development trends clearly separated coppice and CWS forest management models at either depth (
Table 4).
At the sedimentary site, forest model had the most significant effect on soil properties, while season was the most significant influence at the igneous site. Season had a significant effect on pH, CA, respiration, WHC and aeration at both sites, but it only had a significant effect on APMEA, C
mic and C
inorg at the igneous site. The forest model at the sedimentary site mainly influenced pH, C
org, C
inorg, N
tot and D
d in the topsoil, and APMEA, C
org, C
inorg, N
tot, D
d and porosity in the subsurface horizons (
Figure 2,
Figure 3,
Figure 4 and
Figure 5). At the igneous site, the forest model significantly affected C
org, D
d and WHC in the topsoil and C
rec and WHC on the subsurface horizons (
Table 5).
The predominant influence of external conditions on development trends in the topsoil horizon, and of subsoil on subsurface horizons, corresponded with the higher soil property separability on subsurface horizons. Overall, the highest data separability was detected at the sedimentary site. The highest separability occurred on the surface horizons at the reference forest sedimentary site. Though low soil separability was observed generally for igneous topsoil, the lowest overall separability was observed in subsurface soil at the igneous coppice site. Low separability was usually accompanied by a predominantly positive discriminant function, while high separability was usually accompanied by negative function parameters (
Table 6). The reference forest stands were distinguished by negative soil hydrophysical parameters, pH and APMEA, while at the sedimentary site, coppice and CWS forest soils tended to be more prominent than those at the reference site. Nevertheless, reduced separability at the igneous site meant that such relationships were not always clear (
Figure 3). High separability meant that the greatest differences between soil properties were observed between coppice and reference forests at the sedimentary site (
Figure 6). In comparison, coppice and reference forest soils at the igneous site were more complementary than those from the CWS forest. Overall, CWS forest soils differed from other management models in having more uniform soil horizons (
Table 7).
4. Discussion
The effect of forest model and seasonality on soil properties varied between sites, with the effect of forest model being more pronounced at the sedimentary site and that of seasonality being more pronounced at the igneous site. These differences can be attributed to the geological bedrock at each site and its distinctive role in soil processes, governing both mineral composition and the texture of the soils. Soil particle distribution greatly affects drainage and porosity, and thus is a key factor affecting the storage capacity and availability of soil organic matter [
44]. In this way, particle distribution also regulates soil thermal properties [
45], and thus the responsiveness of soil to temperature variations during different seasons. In our study, the genetically younger, coarse-textured Haplic Cambisols found at the igneous site provided better drainage but lower organic matter storage capacity, and hence were more prone to seasonal variations in moisture and temperature, significantly impacting microbial biomass and activity and, consequently, nutrient availability. In contrast, the genetically older (relic), fine-textured Eutric Cambisols found on the calcareous sedimentary subsoils at the sedimentary site displayed higher organic matter stabilisation potential, but poorer drainage. In this case, the calcareous subsoil and higher organic matter content added to the soil’s capacity to buffer seasonal effects, providing, on the one hand, a more rapid organic matter turnover rate, and on the other, greater responsiveness to the different forest management models (coppice, CWS, stocked coppice [reference]).
Application of the different forest models resulted in the separation of soil property development trends. Significantly dissimilar trends under generally similar climatic conditions were observed in surface and subsurface soil horizons, confirming that the model effect weakened with depth. Also, soil development trends were more aligned between subsurface horizons at the coppice and CWS sites than between topsoil and subsoil at the same site, while Bd, respiration, WHC and aeration developed similarly at both sites (setting a general development trend). At the igneous site, season significantly influenced pH, APMEA and CA, respiration, microbial biomass, Cinorg content, WHC and aeration at both 0–5 and 5–10 cm, while the forest model significantly influenced Corg content, Dd and WHC only. There was also a difference in the impact of season on soil horizons, with seasonal changes significantly influencing pH, CA, respiration, WHC and aeration in the topsoil, but only CA and aeration in the subsurface horizons. At the sedimentary site, the effect of forest model vastly different between soil horizons, significantly influencing bulk density, pH, carbon fractions, Ntot and APMEA value progression.
Seasonality was best reflected through soil respiration and soil pH, CA and aeration. Interestingly, season also conditioned the variability in residual C
inorg at the igneous site, while C
inorg was differentiated by forest model at the sedimentary site, despite the underlying limestone acting as a permanent source of excess carbonates. The differentiation in C
inorg is most likely related to loessic loam thickness, which codetermines the nutritional status for forest communities [
2]. On the other hand, carbon losses through respiration are significantly correlated with soil microbial biomass, as well as predictors of aerobic processes in general [
21]. Correlations between CO
2 released through soil respiration and C
mic, CA and soil aeration indicate that the sites are in a climatic zone where temperature is the most important predictor [
46]. However, this will be conditioned by soil water availability throughout the year, especially on dry sites, which will, in turn, be affected significantly by forest model, as seen with WHC at the igneous site. Generally speaking, the forest environment only has a significant impact on soil respiration partitioning in areas large enough to show natural transitions between biomes, depending on the annual course of temperature [
47]. Nevertheless, the activity of soil microbial communities suggests a strong affinity to external environmental variations, despite the small-scale natural fragmentation or medium-scale land use fragmentation [
48], with C
mic, for example, being capable of adapting to differences in the growth of individual tree populations [
This study only partially confirmed the popular assumption that intensive biomass removal through coppicing is associated with substantial soil organic matter and nutrient loss [
49]. In this way, it offers potential explanations as to why previous studies have produced conflicting results on the effect of coppicing on soil development (e.g., reference [
50] vs. reference [
51]). While cautious biomass harvesting is recommended at sites with low nutrient reserves [
52], our own study, surprisingly, showed that soil development at the less fertile site (thought to be more susceptible to soil degradation) was restricted by its coarser soil texture. In this case, the generally lower WHC and organic matter storage capacity of the coarser soil reduced the soil-forming effect of trees and, subsequently, soil biological activity became more susceptible to outside environment effects [
53]. Moreover, CWS topsoil at the igneous site had a higher C
org and C
mic content, though their values decreased in both coppice and reference forest over the monitoring period. This could be caused by the more differentiated and developed root structure of the CWS compared to single-storey forest stands. On the other hand, CWS soils at the sedimentary site had the lowest C
org content, though values increased significantly over time, while pH, C
inorg and C
mic generally decreased. Forest management intensity and biomass removal have been shown to have a wide range of effects on the soil microbial community, associated with changes in soil pH, mineralisation rate and energy source availability [
34]. Specifically, loss of soil organic matter is often reflected in a decrease in C
mic, with retrospective effects on variable soil sorption complex and soil pH [
22]. In such cases, substantial changes in physicochemical soil properties, rather than forest stand structure, can drive more significant changes in microbial communities [
54]. To counter this, close-to-natural forest management practises have been employed to improve soil moisture conditions and increase carbon content, nitrogen availability and basal respiration [
The effects of forest models on soil are highly contextual, being conditioned mainly by the model selected and the local ecosystem. Consequently, measures applied to compensate for the depletion of organic matter and ecosystem nutrient reserves will need to be site-specific. Organic matter losses at low-fertility sites can be prevented by harvesting only large-diameter tree components [
52] as the associated oak bark and twigs comprise an important source of nutrients for future soil development [
56]. Furthermore, the longer rotation periods require help to reduce nutritional system losses since older trees contain fewer nutrients per unit of biomass relative to younger tree. Degraded stands can be restored by planting conifers, which lead to more rapid surface humus cumulation [
20] and/or with the use of fertilisers, though the economic and ecological consequences of their use should be evaluated carefully [
57]. In this study, application of the CWS model at dry sites with coarse-textured soil had a favourable influence on soil carbon content and WHC, thereby providing more effective protection against drought. It follows, therefore, that at sites with finer textured soils, soil protection, in the form of increased C
org content and decreased pH, could potentially be achieved by admixing coniferous species [
21] and/or by more prudent biomass removal [
52]. To conclude, given that soil carbon content and granularity are limiting factors for effective intensive oak forest management, CWS appears to offer a more viable management option for soil development than intensive coppicing.